Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
50 Deep Space Backgrounds was available as a giveaway on March 14, 2023!
Make awesome designs that will not only catch the eye of everyone but that will allow you to work with your imagination to build something playful and cool. Use them for brand work, print design and many more. Bring an authentic vibe to your graphics.
Compatible with: Adobe Photoshop; Adobe Illustrator; Luminar; Affinity Photo; GIMP; Affinity Designer; Other Software
2.67 GB
Lifetime; personal, commercial usage
Downloads speed does not seems to be an issue owing to the company but with servers in respective countries. I downloaded it yesterday and this 3 GB pack was complete in a few minutes. Still, a great gesture from Eldamar to extend a day as mosts don't do that.
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Thank you GotD and Eldamar
Glad you fixed the download speed issue.
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Thank you GotD and Eldamar
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Images are at 4k rez, 72 dpi [suitable for screen display]. The hdr images are 32-bit, rather than the usual 8-bit -- you can get an idea of what that means here: gavtrain.com/?p=3561 Photoshop & the GIMP will work with them as-is.
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I have liked all of Eldamar Studios offerings in the past, this looks like another good one.
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Therte are muliple files ...(Tilt Shuft, HDR as well as PNG) how do we use them ? ..... does it need a spefic app
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Dear GOTD users,
due to the download speed problems, the offer was prolonged
for 1 more day to give all the users enough time to download the pack.
GOTD team
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Awesome backgrounds! Thanks!
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Are these actual photos of space, or are these artificially generated ?
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Mark HoltzClaw, these are, as pointed out by dutch guy, CGI - but if you ever want real space photos for free NASA offers many hundreds for free (they only require credit somewhere in the finished product or it's presentation).
They even offer space "sounds" and 3D Models of many Historical and current space craft.
Great Art resource that isn't as widely known for art stuff as it should be!
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David Jaynes, Thx. I was in, now I'm out. They may look fantastic but cgi generated images of galaxies and other extra-terrestrial phenomena just doesn't square for me. Good luck to the creators though.
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It took about 2 hours to download (my internet is slow).
When unzipped, 153 files were created, and the filesize was 3.13 GB.
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You will have to be very patient for the download. A 2.7 G file and only 0.7G downloaded after 40 minutes. 2 hours to wait.
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