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200 Awesome Photoshop Brushes Bundle was available as a giveaway on May 26, 2020!
Please note: program archive includes only text file with the download instructions!
Use these brushes to fulfill your wildest ideas in design. Apply brushes for creativity and professional purposes. The product is suitable for cool clothes prints, wedding invitations, and cards, cosmetic branding and packaging, fashion and advertising.
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Elements, Corel PaintShopPro or free programs like Gimp, Pixlr, Paint.net, Seashore, SumoPaint, Krita, CinePaint, Serif PhotoPlus, PaintShop Pro, and Pixelmator
61.1 MB (the final bundle size)
Apparently Photoshop brushes also work with Procreate on the iPad. Maybe late to post this but have a look at https://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-use-photoshop-brushes-in-procreate--cms-34540
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I have Corel PaintShop Pro 2020 and have tried to install your Giveaway of the day — 200 Awesome Photoshop Brushes Bundle. I have downloaded the file. I can import three of the brush sets directly into Corel PaintShop Pro 2020. However I can't import the 10 Atmospheric Brushes. It doesn't show up at all as a file in the import brush import box. The others do and I am able to import them. When I try to look at them in abrViewer a dialog box comes up in Italian saying "Versione di uno o piu set non riconosciuta" or "Version of one or more sets not recognized". I really like your other brush sets and thank you for them, but I would like to at least know why the 10 Atmospheric Brushes don't show up when the other ones do. And apparently no one else is having this problem.
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When I go to the supplier`s website, there is no sign of these free brushes. How do I access them?
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Can these be imported and used in Jasc Software, Paint Shop™ Pro© v9.00 ?
Is Corel PaintShop Pro the same as Jasc Software?
Thank you
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After all the hoop-jumping to get the file, this was a great offer. I haven't had the chance to look through all of them but installed into Photoshop CC on the Mac just fine. Plan to use on the PC as well with PS CS6. Thanks, guys!
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Anyone know how to install theses brushes in a separated folder. Thank you for your help.
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I was able to use these awesome brushes with GIMP. Great giveaway - thank!
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Installed into Photoshop with no problem, 4 subsets of brushes. A decent selection of quite large brushes and definitely worth having if you're into digital art/design. I used one of the "frame" brushes and then used level styles to add bevel and emboss effects, the result was very impressive. Other brushes are useful, too, some nice texture ones that'll come in handy. Definitely a welcome giveaway.
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Nice set of brushes works with Affinity Photo. Note, checking on their website they have many freebies for you to check out. A nice Giveaway!!
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Stefos, Great to know!
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Stefos, thanks for the tip on Affinity Photo. After playing with the trial, I purchased this very nice software (AP, that is).
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In my Photoshop you unzip the .abr files and put them in with the brushes, in my case:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop\Presets\Brushes
Then in the Menus do:
Edit->Presets->Preset Manager
Then select brushes from the drop down then repeat clicking Load and selecting the brush files.
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rww, Strange, I can't suggest anything other than restarting Photoshop and trying again though, I'm afraid...
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For those using graphics software that doesn't support .abr - there are 2 free programs - AbrMate and AbrViewer that will convert them to .png
This set that is given away is:
10 Grunge brushes
20 Atmosphere - many of these are duplicates of the grunge brushes
40 frames
130+ Premium brushes - which are just ink splats that you could recreate with any ink brush - I wouldn't personally have a use for these - but maybe others will.
In their readme they're allowing commercial use - which is nice.
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Yes, the brushes will work in PSE but also in Paintshop Pro. "PaintShop Pro can import .abr brushes." In the Home page for the giveaway there is a FREE brush list, so besure to check it out.
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Donald Pullum,
I am seeing Presets, Overlays, Backgrounds, Fonts but no free brushes. When I click their brush list, none show as free there either.
Where exactly is this free brush list and what is it called?
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I think these like most brush bundles would benefit from including a "contact sheet" .jpg Would make selecting a brush much easier.
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Imported successfully and work fine with Affinity Photo
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I try it with Photoshop and Gimp. It works without problems for me. Some had trouble with it. The brushes are excellent!
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Will these work with Photoshop Elements?
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Tom Bedwell, Sure
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I use PaintShop Pro rather than Photoshop, and was able to import 3 of the 4 brush packs into Corel PaintShop Pro 2020 (x64) with no problems. Thankfully it was only the first pack of 10 brushes it had an issue with.
File/ Import / Custom Brush /
browse to the unzipped .abr files from the download and proceed with the import process.
Have fun with them.
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Bigteapot, I have 19 and was able to batch import them all.
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no working for old version Corel PaintShop Pro x4
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Instructions: import to photoshop via Brush window's menu
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