Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.

uRex Videomark Platinum Giveaway
39.95 USD

Giveaway of the day — uRex Videomark Platinum

Mark videos your own style and keep unique with uRex Videomark Platinum.
User rating: 383 53 comments

uRex Videomark Platinum was available as a giveaway on January 18, 2013!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Create professional-looking videos in a few minutes!

uRex Videomark Platinum is a great solution to easily add video watermark. Users are allowed to insert text, image and shape watermark into a video effortlessly. uRex Videomark Platinum provides simple operation, friendly interface, high speed process and batch mode to users. That means you can fast add video watermark with a few clicks.

24 Hours Special Offer for GOTD Users: 19.95 Only to Get Free Lifetime Upgrade for 3 PCs

Please note: You are more than welcome if you have any suggestion and idea. Free and Lifetime upgrades will be rewarded to the top 10 suggestions or ideas. Use Idea Informer widget to submit your feedback. Please do not forget to fill in your name and e-mail address. :)

System Requirements:

Windows 8/ 7/ Vista/ XP/ 2000; 1GHz or higher Intel or AMD processor; 256 MB RAM or higher; DirectX 8 compatible graphic card or higher; XGA (800x600) or higher resolution monitor


uRexsoft Inc.



File Size:

20.1 MB


39.95 USD

GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by MPCSTAR
Transform media files for playback on various devices.
Developed by VSO Software
View the feedback from multiple IP cameras.

Comments on uRex Videomark Platinum

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@ ovl, post #47: I readily identified myself as Florence Nightingale (big clue, ovl) which means that yes, I was on duty in Sebastopol (which is what everyone called it then) nursing British soldiers and also shooting YouTube video on my 1854 model year Canon HD camcorder. Hope that clarifies things?

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

All I can say is ''WOW, my new favorite person for ''Comments'' is MikeR.

Reply   |   Comment by JWS  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Followed the instructions on how to get this to work, to the letter and still nothing. I even get the stupid beep saying that it is complete but no video is made in the selected folder. Almost ready to trash this one. There must be something better out there. Even thought it states it can convert to a dozen or so formats only 6 show up. Sometimes free ain't worth it.

Reply   |   Comment by LancasterPA  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

to #17 MikeR
thanks so much. although this might not be the place for funny sidesteps. this was one I really appreciate.
your comment made my day, in a way :-))
Kurt from Germany

Reply   |   Comment by kurt  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@Don #43: Sorry Don, but IME Giovanni has sometimes (not every day) posted links to crippleware, paid-for versions, or 30-day trial versions. I'm not saying he does this deliberately, it just seems he doesn't always check the links he posts. 'King of "usually" freebies' would be a better title for him IMHO. :D

@MikeR, #44: Sounds like either your computer or the developer's computer has Arial Cyrillic as the first font in alphabetical order, or it was the first one that was installed on the PC: because in the past, I've seen other software 'choose' some Very Strange fonts as defaults for that reason. Another reason may be that the default font chosen by the developer isn't installed on the PC where you're using the software. But as you say: maybe Arial Cyrillic IS the default font in Australia? Whatever the cause, I'm sure it won't be because the developer is using Cyrillic fonts and forgot to change the default font in his software to 'standard' Arial, because developers never ever make silly mistakes like that when writing software. ;) >cough<

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS CITP  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

A Crimean War reference?
Thank God, I was starting to think that my year 12 history teacher and I were the only ones who knew it existed!

Reply   |   Comment by AUS_Doug  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Won't be trying this one just because of the obvious phoney comments.
Thanks #36 idunno / #41 Cad Delworth and #44 MikeR. You've said it all.
By the way - my real name is James T. Kirk

Reply   |   Comment by Mothman  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

@ Steve, post #46: U Rock. And uRrex will notice. Trust me, I'm a real person. Best wishes: Florence. PS: I do wish Emily Bronte would stop down-voting our posts, it's not at all in the GAOTD spirit.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

@ Miker (#44)

Thanks for your wordy review of uRex Videomark Platinum. You ridiculed some of the postings here, but what about your own writing mr. migratory songbird?

What does it mean “I worked through a variety of processes to attempt the simple water-marking / copyright stamping of a short holiday video of Mine taken at Sebastopol in October 1854.” (?).

First, you misspelled the name of the famous Crimean port - it should be “Sevastopol”. Also, did you take a video of you 160 years ago, or you really meant that your video was taken at the Gallery devoted to the Siege of Sevastopol (1854–1855)?

Further, you noticed that “Videomark Platinum was unable to accommodate all the text at bottom right, this resulted in My video… what’s it doesn’t remotely resemble that illustrious Italian city”.

Sevastopol is not Italian city - it’s Ukrainian city. Big lecturing “songbird” like you should know that.

Reply   |   Comment by ovl  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

@a##orted MikeR

I think you will have cracked wossisname's face completely this time. And with a review too.

Thank you for words of wit and wisdom on this day of giveaway.

I'm not sure if my not so cunning plot to be awarded a free copy of a piece of software I don't actually want with a suggestion that has nothing to do with the software will succeed but its looking dangerously feasible.

Reply   |   Comment by Steve  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Ah well. No more giggling at the back of the class (young Steve @ #31 particularly: EM Forster? ROFL.) Here's a quick test result:

Downloaded and installed without a fuss and readily activated from GAOTD. This is a one-time install, like all 24-hour giveaways here, so it's a mystery why uRex has asked the good folks who run GAOTD to devote time and server space to VideoMark Platinum when uRex knows it is offering the exact same product free from its website but with a license code allowing repeated installs.

Despite the endorsement babble from today's new posters Marilyn Monroe, Jane Eyre, and Richard the Lionheart, this isn't the software everyone's been waiting for (and especially not if they've been waiting for it come from Australia, where it most definitely isn't: sorry, Elliott Gould at #9, your credit card may now have been cloned or, at the very least, water-marked.)

Nor is VideoMark Platinum intuitive -- unless you're psychic, which all the opening posters on this comment thread evidently are seeing as how they don't know each other but have all said the same thing.

Aside from its entirely absent 'Help' section, non-resizable windows in video editing programs such as this are as big a joke as all the fake posts that have landed here today. This idiocy is sublime when it comes to actually assessing work done in VideoMark Platinum: the preview screen is so small that it begins to seem that if you copyright in anything other than 48pt caps you're going to have a real hard job viewing anything prior to finished output.

Using my real name -- Florence Nightingale -- I worked through a variety of processes to attempt the simple water-marking / copyright stamping of a short holiday video of mine taken at Sebastopol in October 1854. It's been a time-consuming trial-and-error effort to discover that using the bottom central segment of the positioning matrix *may* be quicker than any segment to the left or right.

The reason is because the software seems particularly font-sensitive and when I changed from its default Arial Cyrillic -- which, as everyone here knows, is standard in all Australian software -- to Copperplate Gothic Light, Videomark Platinum was unable to accommodate all the text at bottom right.

This resulted in my video saying 'Florence' all the way through even though what's on screen doesn't remotely resemble that illustrious Italian city. Of 'Nightingale' there was no sign. But perhaps it's gone to Berkeley Square.

Centering the text in the mid-frame segment resulted in Florence Night appearing, which is some kind of improvement even though it doesn't look remotely like an evening in Tuscany. Finally, finally. . . I switched to Calibri 28pt u/lc color: red tried the bottom righthand placement segment again and yay: success.

Developers who churn out products like this without regard to end user help and with seemingly little idea of why video editing needs to be done full-screen rather than on a postage stamp don't actually merit much in the way of recommendation.

This may not bother uRex too much seeing as either an entire tribe of rabid supporters or someone with an identity problem descended on here today -- but it should, because, ironically, VideoMark Platinum seems to, er, work. Or, well, work in pursuit of a prime objective: the over-printing of a user's video material with copyright frame-by-frame marking.

I don't know what else it may do and have no interest in finding out because copyright protection is fine with me. I also don't know -- because time ran out here -- how it will fare with videos of a duration greater than 2 mins 30 seconds, which was the maximum time of the test material it handled today. It certainly catered for all popular / most likely input and output formats, and though the text imprint processing necessarily took awhile (almost 6 minutes on the largest 2 mins 30 seconds HD video file) that's not a deal-breaker for freeware -- which this currently is.

Verdict: bearing in mind the caveat about how this may or may not work with long videos of high file sizes, I'd certainly recommend it to anyone who places her / his own video material on the Net because unless you're using the outstanding PhototoExe commercial software (which makes a downloadable executable of your work) then plagiarism can be a problem.

Many thanks, then, GAOTD, both for all the fun so many of us here have had today with the phony posters and also for bringing uRex Videomark Platinum to everyone's attention.

That said though, I'm still baffled as to why GAOTD has been kind enough to facilitate this one-time one-install offer when uRex itself is simultaneously hawking the same software free of charge on a multi-install from its own website. But I guess, they do these things differently in Australia.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+25)

#25 Giovanni (if that's who you really are).

Flash OwnerGuard Personal, your "free" recommendation, is crippleware (1 meg limit). I have never seen the real Giovanni recommending crippleware before.

Reply   |   Comment by Don  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)


Before I post a free alternative, I normally check to see if you have made a comment. If my favored alternative is in your post, I don't bother. For this offering, I only have used Format Factory for video stuff, and have never used their "watermark" function, so I don't even know how well it works.

You have a great knack of finding the best, and getting the word out! For that, I thank you.

This said, I will be downloading and installing this program although the number of videos I've kept myself can be counted on one hand. Perhaps it will be useful in the future.

Reply   |   Comment by AFPhys  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

@idunno #36:

Amusingly, Giovanni is one of the worst for saying GAOTD instead of the correct GOTD (MikeR please note!), but I wouldn't say he has in all cases tried every freebie he suggests — unless he has a team of helpers?

That said, I'm sure he has at least some awareness of the freebies he suggests, and to be fair, he never says he HAS tried all of them; he does however often claim that some freebie product or another is in his opinion 'the best' of that type of software. If both of those guesses of mine are true, then it does seem a little unfair to recommend something over something else that you haven't actually tried. I'm not saying Giovanni is being dishonest in any way by doing that, just that you do need to a) have a brain yourself, and b) take his advice with a grain of salt and a lot of common sense.

Some of the freebies brought to my attention by Giovanni are indeed worthwhile, and I do appreciate him taking the half-hour or so to 'have a rummage' on the Web and find some potential alternatives: I suspect this is what he does if it's a type of software he doesn't use much (or at all).

Setting yourself up as 'king of freebies' is invariably going to cause you problems if the giveaway is (say) a teleprompter application, since as far as I know, the only truly freeware teleprompter is the one I wrote myself (Manual Works Prompter if you're looking for it). So, there will be times when there really are no, or very few, freeware alternatives to that day's GOTD. And I've noticed that Giovanni's links do sometime go to trial versions rather than genuine freeware: perhaps for that reason.

To sum up then, I do feel on some days that Giovanni is 'struggling' to provide his usual three or more links to 'equivalent' freeware, hence you find they point to crippled or trial versions, expired offers, not-quite-the-same-function applications, etc., etc. If I were you, I'd do what I do with Giovanni's posts: if I'm really interested in the type of software being offered, I'll take a look at his links and then make my own mind up.

What I DON'T do is take Giovanni's recommendations as anything more than his own opinions; nor do I assume that his links invariably point to freeware, or to an application which is better than the GOTD on offer that day; and while Giovanni provides a useful service, I don't treat him (nor Ashraf) as a 'guru' whose opinion is always valuable and always correct. I take the advice offered, but then I make MY OWN mind up about whether the advice was any use or not!

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS CITP  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+33)

this software is changing video frame rate or bitrate or both (it keeps the audio specs); therefore, it's not a keeper. a video watermarker should only add watermark without changing AV specs.

Reply   |   Comment by mukhi  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+16)

Ironic that the DRM haters are praising today's watermarking tool ostensibly to protect their personal works. goose/gander

Reply   |   Comment by Manick Mondei  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I am looking for something that will black out a portion of the video for a period of time. So that would not be a watermark per se. Anyone know if this software can do that?

Reply   |   Comment by ziggy  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Nice catch. MikeR @17 right now. A lot of the early comments seemed strangely similar. Especially Elizabeth and Catherine with good old English names but the same foreign speech. "I didn’t use this program with a long time"
I get a little uncomfortable with a software company that resorts to this type of marketing.

Reply   |   Comment by Garpy  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

@ #25 Giovanni says - Question: Why am I nearly always the only one who takes the trouble to mention FREE ALTERNATIVES to any GAOTD offered here?


I have been around forums long enough to recognize troll bait looking to start a senseless flame war, but I have a couple of questions to ask that I hope are considered constructive and respectful.

First link to videohelp is to a forum post from 2004 for a rudimentary front end GUI for link 4 that hasn't been updated since 2007.

Second link to gaizy hubpages starts out admitting "Unfortunately Windows Movie Maker (WMM) is unable to do this, and so it is technically not possible to use Windows Movie Maker to watermark your videos.", then explains how to add text based subtitles as a workaround.

Third link to makeuseof is the exact same text subtitle workaround as link 2. For image it links to an old xp or vista custom XML generator that works great for cutting edge 320X240 screen size videos and requires you to create a layered image in a separate program.

Fourth link to Softpedia/sourceforge is for a powerful frameserver text based scripting tool with no GUI. The newest release does support pixel types "AYUV" as YV24, "Y41P" and "Y411" as YV411 and has thankfully fixed the SincResize misuse of "int abs(int)", but appears beyond my abilities as an average user.

Armjisoft DRM utility has a 1000 KB (yes - Kilobyte, not MB or GB) free to try limit, money to buy.

So, my questions are:

Can you please type a brief description of individual links when posted and a reason you feel they are better so I can make an informed decision as to whether to take the time to look at them?

I do respect the fact that we all offer different valid opinions based on our own experiences, but do you truly feel these are the best available freeware/independent alternatives to today's offering?

Do any of the links actually offer an alternative that is comparable to the functionality of today's offering?

Thank you in advance for replying if you get a chance. I am always grateful for an opportunity to learn from others.

Reply   |   Comment by idunno  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+51)

Comment on the software: Looks like a keeper! Thanks GOTD.

Comment on the comments: What is GAOTD? Good way to weed out the fakes? Giveaway is one word. C-o-m-e-o-n people . . . stop calling this site GAOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by apete  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-15)

#30 Rick D, use a better translator next time and how much commission are you being paid for such drivel? ;-) I think that you have had too many CONES....see above re your own statement ;-)

Reply   |   Comment by cableuserau  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

#9. Seriously doubt they are located in Australia. We do speak English natively and their web site reads like it is a 2nd language.

Reply   |   Comment by Ben  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

In use there are lots of little changes that could make the program a whole lot better.

Actually providing help files rather than linking you to the developer's website, where you're left to find the fairly minimal support info is an obvious example. Being able to save favourite folders that you're likely to re-use or having a setting to save with the file type are others.

Potentially, there's a lot more that could be done with the existing functionality than just watermarking, although adding comments to highlight features etc might be better accomplished with other software. Batch watermarking of stills would be useful.

The ability to create, edit and re-use templates of compound watermarks would be a definite plus for achieving better results more quickly for the regular user.

I've tried various simple options with several files of different types. The results have been mixed. I've had error messages when trying to add image watermarks and problems with the program ceasing to respond whilst processing a file, as well as successes.

Overall - more work to be done.

Reply   |   Comment by Steve  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

@#26 MikeR

A walking holiday perhaps? You the laddie with the limp, she cool, corseted and collected (not to mention frocked, bewigged and oh, so very strait-laced) but tipping the
wink with her offers of freebies....

"Oh Agatha! Queen of Mysteries and East End promise".

From A Very Foreign Field, EM Forster

Reply   |   Comment by Steve  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-9)

Hi Everyone,
Well, Today's GAOTD, uRex Videomark Platinum Ver. 3.0, Is a keeper! (o;
I read all the info. and revues and it seems most users liked this watermark utility so I figured I would have to check it out. I had one about 2 years ago from GAOTD but lost it as well as several other good Apps from GAOTD, When my application HDD decided to go on permanent vacation! SO, It was good to see another utility that would do this and it looks like it is much better then the other one I had.
DOWNLOAD & INSTALL: I set up a holding folder for uRex Videomark Platinum, and hit the download button and in a few seconds it was done, Everything my system downloads is checked by Avast and as with everything I have ever downloaded from GAOTD, It tested and Avast gave it a clean bill of health.
I read the readme.txt file and saw this was a very easy one, With the registration code right in the text file! Ran the Setup.exe and the program install very quickly and launched when done, It opened with the registration window and I entered my name, and copy and past the serial number, and that was it! I'm running an AMD Bulldozer 6 Core CPU @3.4GHz Unlocked but NOT overclocked, On a Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 MB, With 16GBs of RAM, The usual HDDs and CD-DVD-RW-WR-ROMS etc. With Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.
REVUE: uRex Videomark Platinum is a very nice Application, Its clean and simple, But has a lot of options to use different fonts, It picked up ALL my existing fonts and that was nice, and it has very nice options to manipulate the text that your going to use. The options to use Images or Shapes is very nice also with a lot to select from. Its easy to add to the available selections or draw your own. I even imported a logo from a logo maker and it worked just fine. The other feature I liked is that it uses a backup of the movie you select to add a water mark or icon too, That is, The original movie is Not changed! It makes a new movie in its save folder but leaves the original in the original folder untouched! That's nice! (o; Over all I think its a Very versatile and endless options application. I do a lot of movies and Photos so uRex Videomark Platinum being for Movies is a great addition for me as I have "uMark Professional 1.3" That I downloaded from GAOTD back in 2010, and it works great for Photos.
CONES: Well, The only thing I would add or change would be to make uRex Videomark Platinum able to do Photos as well as movies? Would be nice to have just one application to do what I need but that's just something I would like to see. Other then that, I really don't see anything unfriendly or something that makes the program a problem to use or work with, It's simple and right to the point it does everything that it says it will do and with many options it does it very Well, and is fun to use.
RATING: All, & All, I think uRex Videomark Platinum 3.0 gets two Thumbs UP! If you could use something like this don't pass it up today while its FREE! The retail Price of $39.95 Is in the good range, and As a Bones Urexsoft, Is making a lifetime upgrade for 3 PC's for $19.95! To GAOTD users! That's a real good deal if you have a home office with your PC and a Lap-Top and do a lot of movies etc. and would just like to put a little logo in the bottom corner of your work?, It would be well worth getting. I would say Urexsoft really put there best foot out there today by making this app FREE to all users of GAOTD! and very good discounts on there other software, I'll put them in my favorites and check there site out later today! (o;
I would like to Thank GAOTD and Urexsoft, For making uRex Videomark Platinum 3.0 FREE for us users to test, try, and play with for as long as we want! Thank You all for your hard work in all you do! Take Care, and Always have Fun! Rick D.

Reply   |   Comment by Rick D.  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-12)

Anyone else can't get this to work? I hit the plus and add a video, Hit Add Text, and put in my name, click Add and hit the center button, then hit OK, then start. It then does the output process to folder and nothing. It goes through some process that takes a minute or so but nothing populates to the folder that it is assigned to. Not very intuitive in my book. Any help would be great. I just want to put some words on my videos, nothing special.

Reply   |   Comment by LancasterPA  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Easy to install and register. Thanks Urex and GOTD team.

I am surprised to find this Video Watermarker so easy to use.
There is a good selection of text fonts, which are easy to place anywhere on the video.
Adding images including my own GIF files was very easy also, although had to play about a bit to see which ones were suitable (ones without a background).
The shape tool I found difficult to use though. Maybe I need to spend a bit of time on it, but what type of shape tool is it. There are no samples to see.
I haven't tried using the timeline tool for adding/removing text etc.

Overall I found it very easy to use
Plenty of Fonts and font colours
Ability so move images and texts around anywhere on the screen
Abilty to add image files including animated GIFS
Screen size fixed
Make it a sizable screen
Add option for output format same as input making it as lossless as possible
Add ability to add see-thru embossed watermarks

Its a keeper for me.

Reply   |   Comment by Denis Morrow  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+17)

I keep getting an error when I try to register it. I've tried putting in the regisgtration code every way possible and it keeps telling me it's not valid -- I've done copy/paste, typed it in myself without any luck. any suggestions?

Reply   |   Comment by Evie  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@ #19, Steve: Well spotted! Though I should perhaps re-word that. Anyway. You're right, uRex is an excellent treatment for skin conditions. In fact -- as all the aliens on here today can testify -- uRex is often used on Uranus.

Speaking in my professional capacity, I'm hoping that its water marking capabilities are equally impressive, seeing as how I wish to protect my Crimean holiday video by stamping Florence Nightingale on every frame before it goes on YouTube.

@ #24, John: Agreed. I don't know what it is about today's luvvly GAOTD but I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

@ #25, Giovanni: Nah, can't fool us. You're actually called Agatha.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

Excellent software today with an impressive array of options designed to add extremely professional watermarks to any video.
Very handy if you are a webmarketer and/or a webmaster and need to add your copyright & signature to a video.
Other than that can't see how an average Joe home user can find this software useful: so it's definitely not for noobs!


Hard task today...but hey, nothing is impossible for Giovanni...

http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Video/Video-Editors/AviSynth-Final.shtml + http://sourceforge.net/projects/watermarkplugin

But if your main goal is to protect your videos from illegal and/or unauthorized usage, why not protect your digital ownership rights for FREE using a brand new DRM technology instead? Too good to be true, right? Wrong!!!!!


Question: Why am I nearly always the only one who takes the trouble to mention FREE ALTERNATIVES to any GAOTD offered here?


Reply   |   Comment by Giovanni  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+109)

#11 Steve, LOL, Why u tink sum des comments not fo wheel?

Come here often, thanks for the real comments and votes. Need something like this so going to give it a try. Thanks GOTD

Reply   |   Comment by GrinderGuy  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Constant 'open file error' ???????
What is the point?
Test before posting software

Reply   |   Comment by Terence A Bryan  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-13)

@17 MikeR Your comment has made my day. Thank you for the many smiles!!! My face still hurts.

Reply   |   Comment by krisrobbry  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+22)

The satisfied poster's grammar is uncanningly similar on the website.

I'd like to try this, but I can not find a reputable download site with this software, and so we are lacking any kind of comprehensive review. Holding off on the install until we can get an appropriate evaluation.

Thanks GAOTD and uRex

Reply   |   Comment by Rob  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

@ #17 MikeR - And with one bound he was free....

The developer does need all the help they can get. Urex being the product name of a cream for treating bacterial skin infections, uRex possibly wasn't the best choice.

I wonder if they also have a product (uRex that is) for removing video watermarks.

Reply   |   Comment by Steve  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

@11 Thanks, Steve, for a moment I too thought I was losing my grip on reality...
Back in real life, does anyone know whether Videomark is better than the free Windows Movie Maker in any way? Shame uRex don't seem to have any demo videos to show off what the software can do. Not even screenshots as far as I can see.

Reply   |   Comment by James Woodfield  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

@ #11 Steve: Yup. Definitely a parallel universe, the sudden simultaneous arrival of video watermarking obsessed new posters all of whom have, quite uncannily, adopted the same lay-out for their "user comments" yet several of whom don't even seem to realise they're posting on GAOTD about a GAOTD offer.

Big round of applause, then, for William @ post #3 who isn't actually talking about this software -- which doesn't do video conversions -- and thinks he's on Facebook anyway, Elliott @ #9 who says his, uh, credit card purchase didn't register, and the dear sweet though completely unrelated duo of Elizabeth @ #2 and Catherine @ #4 who "didn't use it with a long time".

As to what one can possibly say about the lovely Sarah atpost #6 and again four minutes later at post #7, it's either a huge vote of thanks to her for repeating everything she originally said on October 21 last year on an entirely different forum:


when "she" was at that time calling herself Antsaoo. . . or it's sorry, "Sarah": nice try, but definitely, no cigar.

Today's attempted manipulation of the comment thread is the clumsiest and funniest I can ever remember at GAOTD though fair's fair, the translation of some fake posts from their original Chinese into something accidentally approximating to English is impressive.

If today's developer is in any way responsible for this idiocy, more fool them. If innocent, then they should decide who amongst their competitors is the most likely to have come here to wreck today's giveaway.

As for actually downloading, installing and testing, I think I'll hold off a little longer in hope of posts from Cheryl, Donna, Helen, Alison, Doris and Ethel as well as Arthur Camelot, Fred Karno & Wyatt Earp. There may be more cons than pros amongst that lot but what they have to say will surely make for informative unbiased reading and definitely worth upvoting several hundred times.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+136)

Format Factory will do this for free.
And more.
(And where is Ashraf's take on todays giveaway; I hope he wasn't offended by some of the accusations posted last time)

Reply   |   Comment by AUS_Doug  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Christmas Newyear Promotion


Mark your holiday videos at your own style with amazing experience ever.

uRex Videomark Platinum

Add text, image and sign to video, supported 300+ video formats

Mark videos before uploading it to YouTube and sharing with your friends.
Keep your own video from being pirated and stolen.


Notes: No Free Upgrades But Free Tech Support
List Price: $39.95 Now 00.00 USD


Reply   |   Comment by Mammy Suzy  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

it does not tell whether you can add a watermark keeping the entire file untouched otherwise. i want to keep video/audio bitrate, container/format, video frame rate, resolution and everything else intact. is it possible? please someone tell me if you know!

Reply   |   Comment by mukhi  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Looks like an Aoao Video Watermark Pro derivative which also uses similar images. All the same it works well enough and the deal offered here today looks tempting. Thanks GOTD and uRexsoft Inc.

@ #3 Nice add shape feature which other watermark video program don’t have
Refer to Aoao Video Watermark Pro. They also have a deal on though this deal is far better, just for the day though.

Reply   |   Comment by Glen  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-7)

im trying to add a watermark on my youtube videos like some people have, and this seems to be my finally way out.

Reply   |   Comment by Winzer  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-29)

I have the feeling that I've wandered into a strange parallel dimension where not all the comments on the GOTD pages come from real users and where watermarking videos is the most important thing in the world.

At least Ashraf, Mike, Greylox and Giovanni escaped. And White-Rabbit must be working to bring the oppressors from the inside, with endless demands for a more up to date GUI, skins, portability and
50% off, the brave fool.

Too late for me though, I've lingered too long. Must download software and beginning watermarking now.....

Reply   |   Comment by Steve  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+87)

This program is easy to use and surprisingly powerful. It uses a graphical interface for easy cutting and sequencing of audio & video tracks, but you can also adjust timings, volume levels, etc. with exact numerical entries (to 1/100th of a second time, or one dB volume). after using it for a short time, I'm very impressed. It was quick to learn (though it helps to have some experience), easy to use, and gives you a lot of options.

Reply   |   Comment by Ambrogino  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Simplest out-of-the-box editor yet. Works great for what it does.. It's intuitive and has well written help files.
I had a problem registering the product and had to cancel my credit card purchase. They have email help only and are in Australia so it takes to exchange a couple emails.
Editor is top notch. HOWEVER, you'd better not make a mistake when you register the product or it will never work again. It may need your reinstall.

Reply   |   Comment by Elliott  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-9)

I share videos a lot on YouTube, this is exactly what I am looking for. I am not going to worry any more about my video being unauthorized using and sharing everywhere. Besides, I’d like to add my logo to my YouTube video and when people watching, they will the source!!! Great!

Reply   |   Comment by Rice  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-35)

34. Im need of good video waterarking software for some FLV videos. I have tried the following ones so far: Moyea flv conver/flv edit, xilisoft video watermark pro watermark master, watermark factory. I need watermark + 100 videos at time and thousands in total so i don't want set te watermark 1 by 1 but rather in batch. im using server 08 x64. I have downloaded k-lite codec pack , movie maker and some other codecs. The moyea soft are good but for some reason they don't support h.264 and i can only use about 20% of videos i Downloaded which not good. Ofcource i tried converting them with another software first but the quality of final watermarked video just goes too bad. Same with watermark master video watermark pro was good but its coded like sit since it takes all the memory and doesn't release any so i can do about 8 videos till it stops and need to restart and put in watermark again. xilisoft's watermarking system sucks and it leaves the watermark outside of the video if they are different dimensions.

Reply   |   Comment by Sarah  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-25)

I used windows movie maker (included in vista and xp I think) but you will always have to install a script, do a google search for windows movie maker + watermark and I found this. Trying now, it makes good videos!

Reply   |   Comment by Sarah  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-16)

This MUST be 1 of the best video watermark programs on the market. Very user-friendly B-also provides advanced users with various customization options. Ease interface even novice can use it without any instructive guide paper. Amazing and really shock me with great impressions.

Reply   |   Comment by Bill  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-35)


- powerful functions. I am able to add different kinds of watermark on my videos and even convert video to all popular video formats.
- easy-to-use. i believe any one you who want to add watermark on their videos can use this tool.
- fast(on conversion). i just did some video conversion work. It finished with just a few minutes. Amazing with high quality.
- I like it.

I didn't use it with a long time. i am not sure whether it will always work like this way.

Reply   |   Comment by Catherine  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-34)
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