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PhotoStitcher 1.5 (for Win and Mac) Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — PhotoStitcher 1.5 (for Win and Mac)

PhotoStitcher will automatically combine overlapping photos to produce perfect panoramic image.
$19.99 EXPIRED
User rating: 354 24 comments

PhotoStitcher 1.5 (for Win and Mac) was available as a giveaway on January 21, 2014!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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With PhotoStitcher you can stitch multiple photos into a picturesque panoramic image. The program smoothly combines photos of different resolutions, different shooting angles and even different perspectives into one perfectly aligned panorama depicting breath-taking landscapes, monumental churches or skyscraping mountains that are so hard to fit into one frame.

Capable of stitching full view panoramas without any user input. This is a solution to stitch any panorama completely automatically, whether 1D (horizontal OR vertical) or 2D (horizontal AND vertical).

If you are Mac OS users, please download the installation package here (file size: 10.9 MB).

System Requirements:

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8; 1000 MHz processor; 256 MB RAM; Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, Mac OS X 10.9 Maverick





File Size:

15.1 MB (for Win)



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by CyberLink Corp.
Developed by PhotoInstrument
Create, manage, copy and edit custom images.
Developed by Mirillis Ltd.

Comments on PhotoStitcher 1.5 (for Win and Mac)

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I usually don't go back and review "Giveaway of the Day" utilities, but this one was a NICE one! I've used it several times now, to put together photos of the front and back yard during our recent snowfall this week, and can't get over what a nice job it does stringing them together. VERY impressed!

Reply   |   Comment by Karen  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


I downloaded the WiNDOWS version with approx 10 minutes to go until the offer EXPiRED.

WinRAR v5.1 (Licensed) extracted 3 of the 4 files: ReadMe.txt, Activate.exe, Activate.gcd ALL OK, BUT inexplicably the "Setup.exe" file was found to be CORRUPT and couldn't be EXTRACTED. When I changed settings so that it could be extracted the Setup.exe file was only about 128 kb (131,072 bytes) in size COMARPED to 8.45 MB

I retried to download the GoTD file before expiry and the same file was again corrupt.

QUESTiON: Can I download the SETUP.exe from your website and use it in conjunction with the ACTiVATE.exe file (which I made certain I ACTiVATED before the promotion expired)?

I'd appreciate your assistance if it is possible.

Reply   |   Comment by Peter C  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

The readme file says, "Unzip the package you`ve downloaded and install the software by running Setup.exe, then run the activation program Activate.exe which is included in the package to register your copy."

I did exactly that, but it didn't work.

I tried closing and reopening the programme, then running activate.exe again, but that didn't work, either. I tried it with the "Enter Serial Key" box open and with it closed. Neither worked.

Soooo, it's installed, but not registered. Any ideas?

Reply   |   Comment by Jeff  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

at david bookbinder, black areas do not occur with all panoram software, I don't crop and have never had black areas using the erif panorama plus 3 that cae with photo explosion deluxe.

No need to comment as i never rrevisit coment section once i post as my life is more iportant than to care what others think

Reply   |   Comment by stephan  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I am fan of Teorex, purchasing their InPaint v5, iReSizer, and FolderIco. But I CANNOT RECOMMEND PhotoStitcher over Microsoft's free Image Composite Editor (ICE).

ICE still works wonderfully well even if it has not been updated since 2011...and does a better job than PhotoStitcher. I think the developer of the excellent InPaint dropped the ball on their panorama software.

Reply   |   Comment by Preston Mitchell  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

#6: "Tried on several scans of big sheets scanned part by part. The stitched result looks very good, seamless in both senses, but for some reason there is no option for the resulting “panorama image” NOT to be warped and not downsized. "

You can copy/paste images or parts of images the same way you can copy/paste most anything else digital -- the big reason for panorama software I think is to correct for camera lens distortions, because that's the only thing keeping you from just pasting the individual images onto a larger canvas [i.e. an empty, new, bigger image] in an image editor. If you're using a scanner you shouldn't really have much if any lens distortion [a scan is actually a panorama already as the camera lens travels down the length of whatever you're scanning, taking many, many pictures]. Panorama software may make it easier if you've got a lot of scans to put together, but you really don't need it, & as you've seen, it can be a liability by trying to correct images that do not need correcting.

Some scanners come with stitching software, either as part of their driver set or as an added app, but image editors work just as well... I like to use editors that let you use layers, so I'll move the upper layer over a lower layer to position it close, then fine tune the positioning moving the layer transparency slider back & forth somewhat rapidly -- when you get an exact position match you won't see any difference whether the slider's at 100% transparency or fully opaque.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

I find the pan mode on iOS7 handles most pan shots. For more complex compositions, ICE does the job.

Reply   |   Comment by Keith Cowan  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Don't forget good old Irfanview which cannot blend the photos on edges (stich) but can attach 9 images next to each other making one photo from photos 3X3 say, II use it all the time to make a Photo of 12 or so (4X3) to use as my Desktop.

And everybody already has a copy of Irfanview, don't they?

Reply   |   Comment by David Roper  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Teorex Inpaint is all about the algorithms the dev uses to analyze & alter your image -- I don't think anyone would argue it's about the GUI or included toolset [though with the ability to import a selection mask I think it became easier to use with your other image editing software, where you'd presumably create that mask]. The same focus on specialized, perhaps unique functions in code with a somewhat barebones interface carries over to other Teorex software too. Sticking with that theme Photostitcher doesn't work like most panorama software, but I think is designed instead to work where they might not. Instead of worrying about correcting the individual images, it sort of analyzes the whole. It finds where overlapping images have the same objects, then adjusts, stretches the images so they match, the same way Inpaint stretches the background to get rid of stuff you don't want. Most panorama software needs you to match your pictures carefully when you shoot -- Photostitcher simply asks that they overlap.


I think for lots of people the best way to create panoramas is with their cell or tablet, where the processor & built-in sensors [e.g. gyroscope] can help align everything as you shoot. Google & Apple have their own apps or projects too -- Google's Photosphere ties into Google Maps.

https://play.google.com/store/search?q=panorama&c=apps [Note you'll see the familiar Wondershare name at the top]
Cameras often have a panorama mode too, where you see the 1st shot overlaid on the live view to match up your next shot & so on. Depending on the camera of course, a panorama mode *may* take the camera lens into account, saving you from lens corrections [if/as needed] in software before you get to the stitching part. All camera lens have some amount of distortion which you can try to fix manually, use software that "knows" about the lens you used [if it's popular enough to be included], or use the automatic functions in something like Hugin to analyze & fix things. But the manufacturer's engineers know more about your camera & lens than anybody, & they *might* have put that knowledge to good use with a panorama mode that adjusts the individual images accordingly. You don't normally hold a ruler or straight edge up to your pictures, so unless there's a lot of distortion they look fine, but trying to piece together the edges of 2 photos that tilt in opposite directions for example can be a challenge.

There seems no end to the software you can use to help out -- Google for panorama software -> 30 mil hits -- panorama software freeware -> 264,000, with Hugin at the top spot http://hugin.sourceforge.net/ . While I don't think it can be all-inclusive, Wikipedia has 1/2 doz comparison tables here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_photo_stitching_software . Microsoft's ICE was mentioned... I think most of their focus has been on Photosynth, with ICE helping to get there.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+31)

FYI #5, black areas on the edges of panoramas will usually occur with any panorama software. You can either crop the image to remove them or, as they suggest, fill them with a program like InPaint or the content-aware fill function of Photoshop. This is not a defect of this particular program.

Reply   |   Comment by David Bookbinder  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Thanks to TeoreX + GOTD.

For those pano power users, check out Hugin & Powerstitch.

Hugin (freeware) link

Powerstitch (software is not free) review

Reply   |   Comment by ric  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#4 - MS ICE hasn't been updated in about 3 years according to the web site. Not necessarily something I'd consider 'still in high development'. I'm not throwing that at you, I was just curious about your comment because I have that program and went to update it and found that it's a bit behind in the updates.

Reply   |   Comment by Kirk  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

I have been doing testing, and when I stitched together 6 photos of a panoramic skyline shot and chose the "fisheye" view, it rendered the photo inverted, as if I was holding it up to a mirror. Writing on buildings was backward.

Reply   |   Comment by Chris~  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

When shooting photos to be stitched into a pan you need to overlap the photos you take by 1/4 to 1/3.

Reply   |   Comment by Par Anoid  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)

I have been using this as well as Autostitch www.autostitch.net. Both of these have served quite well for my purposes. I take a lot of photos and, occasionally, a panorama or two.

Every once in a while I'll get an error message in Autostitch that say it could not find any matching images. So, I'll then load the same photos into this program. It has always been able to stitch them without any issues. This one is also a little faster that Autostitch as well. Putting together rather large images in a few seconds.

Interface is pretty basic but is VERY user friendly. I would agree that it can be a pain searching for the directory each and every time. It WOULD be nice if it didn't revert to the default directory every time.

If you shoot a lot of photos as I do then this would be a good addition to your list of programs. It's a great backup to Autostitch.

Reply   |   Comment by Harry  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

Microsoft ICE (mentioned above) can stitch images much larger than the amount of available RAM as is also free. Not worth paying for in my opinion.

Reply   |   Comment by Starbeamrainbowlabs  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+23)

My previous version was version 1.0 and I installed today's version which is 1.5.
I was disappointed the previous version had a nice clean interface, this has the fashionable mud coloured interface which is hard for old eyes.
Different programs of this type are worth keeping as they vary in the type of photograph they are best suited.
The comment by # 3 Karl brought up some interesting points regarding the program's memory of previous use. I couldn't agree more.
Why can't it remember the last directory I used, instead you have to go backwards and forwards to load your images. All it needs is an INI file which doesn't clutter up the system by putting it in the registry which is system wide.
Little details like this make a huge difference to the user experience, hopefully the developer will rectify these faults.

Reply   |   Comment by XP-Man  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+34)

My apartment building is on top of a hill and I live on the 4th floor. I tried to do a panorama of my view of Kiel harbour city, with a normal picture editor. 14 photos, is not a small picture. I gave up after the 8th or 9th photo, because of the join marks between photos and using inpaint to get rid of them was ok, but not the best. This, stitched them together in about 15 to 20 seconds. Helps to have a 3rd Generation intel i7 with 8G ram, but still, it's worth the download. I will be holding on to this software. I wonder if Giovanni will come up with something better. The Skin of the software could use a little improving to make it look a little more modern.

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+19)

Thanks to GaotD and to Teorex for today's interesting giveaway. Tried on several scans of big sheets scanned part by part. The stitched result looks very good, seamless in both senses, but for some reason there is no option for the resulting "panorama image" NOT to be warped and not downsized. The output stitched image is always either warped or resized. Too bad because the option for the output to be just the stitched combination of inputs "as they are" has to be the simplest to implement. No reason at all why this option is missing here. Please consider adding this option in future versions.

Also, couldn't find changes (versions) log on the program site. Not a good practice.

Reply   |   Comment by Dean Reed  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)

After looking at the photostitcher website and checking out the screenshots and tutorials I discover that black areas in the panarama can occur and that they suggest you use inpaint to fix this issue. The site is pretty barebones. The fact that the site itself feels that good results at least on enough occasions for them to mention it would require another software immediately made me want to look for a better option. And I am satisfied that I found something better and will not be downloading this offer. Perhaps it is not fair of me to post when I am unwilling to even try out the software but I think someone might benefit from what I found so here it is.
Click the link: Best Free Digital Image Stitcher? Review and rating from Gizmo's.
I have decided to go with Microsoft ice.
This link is a tutorial.
I am sure there will be plenty of other comments so I will leave it at that.

Reply   |   Comment by Shane Potter  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+54)

A nice handy program which works well.
Microsoft do a free program called 'Image Composite Editor' (or ICE) which has been going for several years, and is still in high development (rather than sitting at v1.0.0 for years, and then the download link dying).

The most 'exciting' thing about ICE is that if you have a video of a panorama (so easier and quicker to do than several photos) it will convert that to a single panorama image.

ICE works well and has a very good blending engine - well worth the download (2.17 MB)

Reply   |   Comment by Chris Locke  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+107)

Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1 64 Bit system.

This program has a serious flaw. Panorama means adding several pictures to a combined image. That said, the program should always open the last directory. But it does always return to the default picture directory. Absolute no-go! You have every time, you want to add something to search the directory structure to find your pictures again. In my case : D:>Photo>2008>10>13 ...

And then... you should be able to save the photo selection for further operations. No, you have to add all the photos every time again.

Okay, once added the photo, you choose the distortion - if you know what this means. Flat for example for scanned images. The rest is done automatically.

This works for simple tasks, but is not sufficient for a really good result. One should be able to define the control points by hand, define an average brightness and much more.

A simple photostitcher with an absolutely unsufficient interface...

Uninstalled via reboot

Reply   |   Comment by Karl  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+74)

I had version 1.2 from an earlier giveaway. I chose to install this one over the earlier version. The install and activation was easy and without any problem. As for the program itself, I have used it in the past with mixed results. Some of the outputs come out beautifully while others don't do as well. I'm sure there are alternatives both free and paid for this. But I can say that there is no harm to have this for your collection. Thank you GOTD team and TeoreX.

Reply   |   Comment by dadams  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+59)

just used works perfect good products from company

Reply   |   Comment by Al  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-71)
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