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Inpaint 6.0 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Inpaint 6.0

Inpaint reconstructs the selected image area from the pixel near the area boundary.
$19.99 EXPIRED
User rating: 685 80 comments

Inpaint 6.0 was available as a giveaway on January 15, 2015!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Inpaint reconstructs the selected image area from the pixel near the area boundary. Inpaint may be used to delete unwanted objects from your photos. Delete any unwanted object from your photo, such as extra power-line, people, and text.

The programs will automatically Inpaint the selected area to erase it. If some unexpected object spoils an otherwise good photograph, Inpaint may be used to remove it. Simply select the object. No need for fiddly messing about with the clone tool. It is alarmingly simple to use. Draw a selection around the object you wish to remove from the picture, and run smart remove selection.

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8; 1000 MHz processor; 256 MB RAM





File Size:

15.5 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Corel Corporation
Developed by The GIMP Team
Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated
Import 3D objects and decide where to place them in the 3D model.

Comments on Inpaint 6.0

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Inpaint seems pretty cool, but looked at karl's pic where he used clone stamp - seems fair but paint strips on road didn't seem accurate to fact..but tools like these are fun...

Reply   |   Comment by Dido  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I do not use this kind of software very much, but I believe I have tried an earlier version. I have to say that although I have not done any kind of big test on it, I think Inpaint is pretty remarkable. I'll keep it. Again, I am not a power user in this area, but for a boob like me, it worked quite well on the one small test I made. Thank you.

Reply   |   Comment by Larry Sessions  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you Teorex and GOTD. Going to work with it a few more days - Great useful program!!

Reply   |   Comment by Thomas Roberts  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

just downloaded with no problems and tried on a couple of photos and I Love it!!!! works great very easy to use esp for those
of us that are not very computer strong as many of you are. Your feedback helped in me deciding to even try Thank you very much!
and Thank you Giveaway of the Day !!

Reply   |   Comment by Hope  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


We need Giovanni's comments on this GAOTD today.
Its still a very useful programme. I have the earlier version that I'm sticking with.


Reply   |   Comment by Feasach  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well, I've finally gotten Inpaint to work in the user account in which I want it to work. Others have commented on what needs to be done to install the program and get it working. With Inpaint, one can very quickly and easily remove unwanted objects from images. Removed parts of a picture are replaced with - stuff - taken from other parts of the picture. It seems that one has very little control over what is used to cover the area of an image from which an object has been removed by Inpaint. I could not find a way to erase part of a picture and have the erased area left blank. The selection tools are quite crude and clumsy. The setup program puts icons on the desktops of all users, and my system seems to think that the program has been installed for all users, but the program only works in the account in which it is first installed. I've had the same problem with other GAOTD software, so I'm inclined to think that the GAOTD setup.exe is at fault. Installation of the program is very quick and simple (except that you can only make it work in one user account)and the program uninstalls cleanly (I know this for sure; I've had to uninstall this program several times), with no unwanted folders or registry entries left behind. The program doesn't produce fine art, but does quickly remove unwanted stuff from photos. You'll probably be able to see that something was removed from the photo, but your ex or that politician you hate or the dog that bombed your photo will be well and truly gone.

Reply   |   Comment by Walter Snodgrass  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

People really need to look up the Host name against a WHOIS database and KNOW where the site is located and/or hosted by.
I will never do business with a foreign company.

Reply   |   Comment by Software Babe  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

I downloaded this the last time it was available. I tested it on a cloudy sky with some power lines going across it, to remove the power lines. It worked pretty well on a JPG file, but absolutely horribly on a Camera Raw (NEF) file.

Reply   |   Comment by Null  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Thanks to all who took the time to answer my "Unistall by Reboot" query they were all very helpful. I'm sorry to have to put this response in todays comments but i was out all day yesterday and therefore not able to read you replys. Thanks again Mike7P

Reply   |   Comment by Mike7P  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I miss Giovanni! Does anyone know how to contact him and ask that he come back?

Reply   |   Comment by tedwilliams  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I found this page Giovanni's free software posts from giveawayoftheday.com on this link:
The reviews are long and thorough. Thought it might help where you are missing him.

Reply   |   Comment by Grateful  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Works for me. Downloaded fine. Unzipped into a separate folder. Four entries: Setup.exe, Readme.txt, Activate.gdc and Activate.exe.
Ran Setup. Did NOT start program. Ran Activate.exe.
Started program. I was prompted for my email to join a newsletter. No thanks. I worked on a pic for a few minutes. Saved result. Save worked.

I can't see what all the "yelling" is about today. It's the same procedure as any program with an Activate.exe vs a Reg code.

Thanks for the program! I lost my last copy in a motherboard death which corrupted the hard disk!

Reply   |   Comment by Lazarus Long  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Inpaint works great on photos where there's a smooth background like sky or clouds or any other broad smooth texture. That makes it easy to fill in/cover over unwanted objects with some of that smooth background. Obviously, the more "busy" the background is then the more challenging it may be to fill in over an unwanted object and have the fill-in blend well. But that is your challenge, not a flaw in the Inpaint software!

Reply   |   Comment by starvinmarvin  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Its a shame that the MultiView feature was removed in version 5.5 (wondered where it went) and was not included in the purchased version of 5.6 (disappointed when told at the time it was discontinued). Now MultiView is a separate program? Humm... The two parts together would make this really great program now that the inpainting part has improved so much.
I sure miss the MultiView feature, so its back to Photo Shop to do what MultiView did.

Reply   |   Comment by Ray  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I do like this program, but have found that the more recent versions have become less easy to use and less controllable. However, I wouldn't be without it as it is so much quicker to load than some other programs and I don't need to search through multiple menus for the task I use this program for.
With reference to the registration of this program and whether it is possible to have more than one version registered at a time, I have found two things on my machine:

1) The registration data always goes into the same registry entries, so even if the programs are installed in separate directories the latest registration data overwrites the previous data (this is with Windows 7 home premium). For those with more than one registered version, congratulations and long may it continue!
2) If I copy the registration registry data from the administrator account and write it into my normal user account then the program is fully registered for me. I do not recommend this as an option for anyone not confident about delving into the registry. It had not occurred to me to use the properties tab as suggested above. I might try that on another occasion.

Reply   |   Comment by emperor  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

How can you tell if the software has been activated?

Unzip the files into a folder, run from there, after the install, right click on the activate.exe and choose run as administrator, if that option is there, do a another user has posted, go into control panel and elevate yourself to administrator, then run the activate.exe, remembering to go back to the type of user you were before the elevation.

If the activate.exe does not end in a message that activation was successful, then you probably do not have an activated copy, another way to tell is to launch the app, click on help, if you have an option that says something like enter serial key then you do not have an activated copy.

Reply   |   Comment by Raj  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Per your comment "If the activate.exe does not end in a message that activation was successful, then you probably do not have an activated copy..." I DID get the popup window saying the program was activated successfully, and then a new browser tab opens up saying Congratulations you've activated...now what next?... but IT'S STILL NOT REGISTERED, because under the 'Help' drop-down menu still says to enter the serial key.

Reply   |   Comment by Sheila  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Great little program, been using for years. If anyone is looking for a changelog as I was to see if your version needs to be replaced, it can be found here:

Thanks GOATD and Teorex!

Reply   |   Comment by mahaal  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

I have been using Inpaint now for more than 6 years, on hundreds of photos, and by enlarging the photo and working on it have had excellent results. Works great to remove lines and creases in the old black and white photos as well. Would definitely recommend this program, even at full price.

Reply   |   Comment by Dennis Landry  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Guess I didn't register my 5.6 version properly because I cannot save my image either. What I do when finished "inpainting" something is to take a "print screen" of it and paste that into another photo-editting program and crop it. Chances are that it needs a little more touch-up anyway, so the extra step is not a big deal. Then save it in that program.

Reply   |   Comment by la  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

That's exactly what I have done. It's not difficult to do, and it was the only way I could think to work around not being able to save a finished pic.

Reply   |   Comment by Gabi  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Same here. I also do that (use PrtScn and paste into another program) with other image editing programs, such as trial versions.

Reply   |   Comment by Ken  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Is there a simple program that does the exact opposite of inpaint. I want to remove all the background ... in other words to extract an object from a picture

Reply   |   Comment by catnip  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I use Printshop23, which can easily do what you want.

Reply   |   Comment by Dennis Landry  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

What you're talking about is selecting an area & copying it to another layer, object, or image, depending on the software you're using. Most all image editing software will do it -- what varies is the tools you have at your disposal to make it easier/faster/better. Many pros recommend the Topaz ReMask plugin.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Look up at the top of the page! The publishers of Inpaint sell a program called Photoscissors.

Reply   |   Comment by Walter Snodgrass  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

InPaint is a gem. I have used it off and on for several years with very acceptable results. It obviously takes learning how to best apply its editing capabilities. As someone mentioned, it doesn't magically replace items with exactly what you might have in mind. I haven't found a similar app that does that either. But some are better than others and InPaint has improved over the time I've used it. Combining InPaint's result with another graphics package's cloning or stamping, can do the trick. Something like Cloning/Stamping, can be achieved by selecting a donor area (see next paragraph), but it would be a welcome addition to have true cloning and stamping capabilities in Inpaint itself.
By default, Inpaint uses the area surrounding the Red selection (the area you want to replace) as the 'donor' area. This donor area can be changed - see the tutorial at: http://www.theinpaint.com/inpaint-how-to-change-donor-area.html. Admittedly the tutorial lacks some detail. You have to have the Marker icon selected to use either the Red (area to be inpainted) or Green (donor area). If you use the Eraser, it will only erase the colour selected (the Red or Green marker area(s)). You will see the donor area rectangle appear once you select a Red area. To erase the Green area, select the green marker and then the Eraser. You can then erase the Green while leaving the Red. Then select the Marker icon and the Green marker. You can now select another area of the photo to use as the donor area. Pretty slick.
The terminology is a bit confusing also. Calling the Eraser, the Eraser, is not confusing. But labeling the Arrow Button above 'Erase' rather than, say, 'InPaint', is confusing IMHO.
Other changes such as remembering folder paths and marker size as already mentioned, would be a great update.
This may help those who are having difficulty registering GOTD products using the Activate.exe.
I typically install the software, but do not launch it once it's installed. when the Launch screen appears, I leave it open and run the Activate.exe at that point. Once Activate has done its thing, I then launch the application. I can't think of a time I've had an issue with Activate using this method.
Thanks to GOTD and Teorex for today's offering...
Hope that helps... Enjoy your day!!

Reply   |   Comment by Ed  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

For those who have had trouble saving edited files: I have version 5.6, and I have found that I can only save my edited photo if I open the original with Inpaint's Open File dialogue. If I instead open the original by right-clicking and choosing Open with Inpaint, the photo opens in an older version of the program and I cannot save my changes, apparently because the older version is not registered.

Reply   |   Comment by Ken  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

To all the people with activation problems:

After you install Inpaint, if you want to register this for a standard account, you have to jump through some hoops. In Control Panel -> User Accounts, change the Standard Account to an Administrator Account.
Then run Activate.exe.

When Windows asks for administrator approval to run, make sure to select the name of the (formerly) standard account. Once you've run Activate.exe, change that account back to a Standard Account. Should be registered to the standard account.

Reply   |   Comment by alordofchaos  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I tried that, Your Chaotic Lordship, and couldn't get your procedure to work. Inpaint will still only run in the account in which it is first installed. I'm going to try again after I've upgraded the User account in which I actually want to use the program. Inpaint will then be useful to me, even if it works only in the account in which it is installed. I hope Inpaint will still work after I've switched my account back to User.

Reply   |   Comment by Walter Snodgrass  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)


I have used Inpaint for years and love it. I upgraded when the last one was offered to the 6.0 with free license. If we redownload this one and install WILL it over ride the current one with a new license to last longer than the last one offered or should we just keep the 6.0 offered just a few months ago?

Reply   |   Comment by G  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Inpaint is a single file app, so it's no big deal to have the old & new versions in different places [folders]. Haven't installed this version yet, but in the past the new key seemed to work with the old versions too. If you want to preserve your old key just in case, use Regedit & export/save the teorex keys.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

G, there is no time limit on this, or any past, license of Inpaint. If you already have version 6.0 installed, do nothing.

Reply   |   Comment by Suze  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Whoa, whoa, whoa: I don't know how Karl managed his review today but it could only have been of an unsaved project because this software can't be registered and therefore can't save and therefore is. . . useless.

Download went OK here but after that, signs of failure: an installation routine entirely in German (unexpected, for Russian software landing on my desk here in England) and then an activation process. . . which simply hasn't occurred.

I do wish developers would eschew the potential pitfalls of "blind activations" in which the user is precluded from seeing what's going on and instead stick to simple licensing practice,where the user can physically insert the code into the license field instead of hoping that some arcane software "activation" process has undertaken the registration on her / his behalf.

There is no system or user failure here at my end, with all files being unzipped to the same folder and both the application executable and the activation exe neighbouring GOTD's standard verification GCD file. Nor have repeated attempts to get the software to "register" been successful: the standard method of opening, closing, activating, re-opening, closing and even re-booting has achieved precisely nothing.

Incidents of this kind are few and far between on GOTD so I hope it can be sorted out. I am, incidentally, trusting that today's giveaway is not -- absolutely not -- of a kind which has manifested itself with some developers, whereby if you already own an earlier version of the software, then the installation of a new version will either fail to complete or will over-write that earlier version and render it unusable.

Practices of that nature are highly unethical, the moral equivalent of black-mailing a computer user into only using the latest version of a product when that latest version may well be inferior to its predecessors. As in my case with InPaint: I have a registered copy of Inpaint 4.7 on this computer, the last of the 'classic' versions before the product was unfortunately over-developed to the point that "donor area" management is now nothing like as easy as it used to be. New ain't necessarily better.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

Thanks for the warning. There are two older versions of InPaint on my system, one of which I paid for. I was thinking of installing today's giveaway, but don't want to screw up the other two apps which have worked side-by-side quite happily for a few years now.

Reply   |   Comment by kalmly  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

The last GAOTD version of Inpaint was Inpaint 6.0-just like today version of Inpaint 6.0. Hold on... "if you already own an earlier version of the software, then the installation of a new version will either fail to complete or will over-write that earlier version and render it unusable"...That make it too Risky for us to try today offer of Inpaint.The already version of Inpaint 6.0 that we already have work like a CHAMPION. We'll stay put with what already had given us... today.ThKs MikeR. And Many Thks!!!thou...for today offer TeoreX/GAOTD/Team.

Reply   |   Comment by Studiopro  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

Activation of TeroreX apps normally just adds a key & values to the registry. Unfortunately stuff like some security software or insufficient permissions etc. can prevent that.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I too have spent over an hour trying to get this program to register/activate! This is at least the 2nd time I have tried to get this program from GOTD, possible the third. It is so infuriating when you do everything you are supposed to do, and you still can't get it to work right. As has been mentioned by numerous users here, it's a problem that needs to be fixed before re-offering the software again. Makes you not want to try any of their programs, let alone buy them! I agree that the self-activation should be replaced by the ability to enter a license key manually. After much wasted time uninstalling and reinstalling numerous times...) and frustration, I STILL won't be able to save any projects. Very disappointing!

Reply   |   Comment by Sheila  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Wonderful software. Only problem is when I make the changes needed to my photos. Than save them it will not save until registered,To register It goes to the purchase page.Anything I'm doing wrong?

Reply   |   Comment by Ivan  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

if for some reason you can't get it saved and you have the 'snipping' tool in your windows version...use it

Reply   |   Comment by walt  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Did you run the Activate.exe file before using the program?

Reply   |   Comment by Lazarus Long  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Run the second executable, "activate.exe".

Reply   |   Comment by Gary  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I've had this for years and love it. I would just like to point out to people that they aren't claiming that it can do a great number of things. For $19.99 that's very good value for the results.

Reply   |   Comment by Dale  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Why will this program not install for all users like a normal program? I installed Inpaint in an Admin account and ran Activate.exe, as instructed by the readme.txt file, and the program now works fine in the Admin account, but not in any other account. In my Admin account, I can alter pictures and use Save As so that the edited image file doesn't overwrite the original. In my user account, when I try to use "Save" or "Save As," I get a small window that says, "This feature is available only in the registered version." I've run Activate.exe in all user accounts, but Inpaint still works only in the Admin account in which I installed the program. Inpaint setup has put icons on the desktops of all 3 user accounts on this computer, but the program can be used only in the Admin account in which it was installed. Inpaint had the same problem the last time it was offered on Giveawayoftheday, and the Inpaint people just haven't bothered to fix it. In the one account in which it works, Inpaint 6.0 does a very quick job of removing unwanted objects from images. I'll remove the program now; I've got other software that can remove objects from images, and will do the job in all accounts on this machine.

Reply   |   Comment by Walter Snodgrass  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

It works fine for me in a regular account. No issues. It installed like any other program. It could be how you have your User Account Controls (?) set, or any number of things.
Best of luck.

Reply   |   Comment by Lazarus Long  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Activation normally adds a registry key & value. The downside of registry keys stored in the User section of the registry is that they apply to the current user only. One way around it is to export the key & enter it when logged in as another user. Another way might be to run Activate.exe using admin credentials while logged in as a regular user. Google for directions on just how to do that if you're unsure.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Thanks for the suggestions, Lazarus and Mike. I've got Inpaint working in the account in which I wish to use it, and that's good enough. I think use of the Giveawayoftheday setup.exe file messes up the Inpaint installation. The "normal" way of installing Inpaint is quite different from what's done by Giveawayoftheday users. Inpaint is great for removing photo bombers.

Reply   |   Comment by Walter Snodgrass  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

After installation and activation, the help tab asks for a serial key. Am I doing something wrong? Have used this program for years and like it. I would hate to lose it for lack of a serial key. BTW, the GOTD installer says the program is activated.

Reply   |   Comment by drneuro  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

You may be having the same problem with Inpaint that I've had. Please see my comment, #11.

Reply   |   Comment by Walter Snodgrass  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

@ krypteller: you're missing the point, sadly: the issue isn't about folders but about the actual downloadable files. There'll be plenty here who've downloaded to a single folder and unzipped all files to that exact same folder and so have in alphanumeric order activate.exe, activate.gdi and setup.exe-- exactly as they're supposed to do. Except: the activation won't work because the download package is flawed and the activation process a failure. As another GOTDer has discovered and posted further down this thread,k what's actually happening is a recurrence of a reportedly previous example of this developer messing up the software's install routine. That routine certainly hasn't been helped today by being entirely in German.

Thanks, GOTD, but I've no more time to mess about with this giveaway. As I said in my own comment further down, the sooner this silly process of "blind activation" is abandoned, the better: everyone here is perfectly capable of (a) reading the GOTD Read Me text file and (b) copying the license code there and pasting it into a software's registration field. Blind activation, which is what is going on here simply waastes everyone's time and actually discourages them from even bothering with the software.

PS: just a little note to the haunted soul who is systematically down-voting every post on this GOTD comment thread today . . . though you can't see yourself when you look in the mirror (because you're too insubstantial to count) your computer's footprint is certainly visible regardless of however many VPN cloaks you try to use. Must be lonely out there for you. And so sad, too.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+21)

I've too used Inpaint for years (on and off of course). Lost the program when old Betsy (my last PC) died on me but a few months ago, Inpaint 6.0 was offered here and I installed it and was happy once again. Worth it folks so take advantage of this offering while you can. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Lyle  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

My last freebee of Inpaint, from October, I lost in a crash and immediately regretted it.
It's not a 'do it all' program but with a little practice it can work some incredible changes, very useful for removing damage when restoring elderly posters (and photos), it's quick, and it does the job.

Many thanks to GAOTD and TeoreX

Reply   |   Comment by David Bee  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+21)

This a great program! But I have problem with color of editor window. Too dark for me, need a theme changer or anything, for light theme. Thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by Mykee  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

This was offered not too long ago. It's a nice program that can handle your needs as long as the image is not too busy. You will get better results taking it slow and erasing the unwanted portions little by little. More time consuming but worth the effort. My only complaint is the program will not remember your default folder. Each and every time you start the program you must start in it's default folder and navigate your way to the folder of your choice. It does not remember your marker size or your picture quality setting either. I know these are minor faults. I am no programmer but I think it should be no trouble for the publisher to have the program write to some ini type file to save user preferences. Those small details aside, this is certainly a worthy program to have and I am thankful for the offer.

Reply   |   Comment by dadams  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+48)

dadams: For a nonprogrammer you talk a lot of sense, programmers today do not use Ini files anywhere near enough, easy-to-use, local rather than global (registry), easily editable.
As you say minor faults but very irritating, surely they could at least remember the folder you are working from.
When using this program today felt that the developer had totally ignored the user experience, a poor piece of programming.

Reply   |   Comment by XP-Man  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

Last time I downloaded this software it wouldn't let me save any edited images among some other options.

Reply   |   Comment by Peter  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-10)

You must not have registered it. Trial version won't allow save.

Reply   |   Comment by Bill  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

Did you install the program in an Admin account and then try to use the program in a user account (as Microsoft recommends) ? I've found that if I follow the instructions in the Readme file, the program will work in the Admin account in which I install it, but not in any other account. Only in the account in which it is installed will Inpaint 6.0 "Save" or "Save As." Inpaint 6.0 had exactly the same problem the last time it was offered, and the publishers have just not bothered to fix it.

Reply   |   Comment by Walter Snodgrass  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

You need to go to Properties on the program and click the Security tab, then the Advanced Tab at the bottom, then click the Owner Tab, then click the edit tab and highlight for all users or the current user then click Apply tab.
Then exit for it to change the ownership. You should have No problems now as it has worked for me and i am able to save or save as. Hope this helps.

Reply   |   Comment by Dave  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

Dave--Where is 'properties'? I have clicked every where in the program and only preferences comes up!

Reply   |   Comment by Howard Berman  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

This latest download works fine. I can now save any edited photos. BTW, last time I did register the program properly and as I run WinXP there couldn't have been any admin problems. Thx all for your input!

Reply   |   Comment by Peter  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Peter says: 'I run WinXP there couldn’t have been any admin problems'.
XP had the same permission set as has Vista, 7, 8 and 10. The same safety structure.
As I always say, we're NOT all administrators. Developers please note.

Reply   |   Comment by Phaedron  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Howard you need to right click on the desktop icon then you can see the properties tab. Let me know my friend and i will help you out.

Reply   |   Comment by Dave  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great software. Though you have to try several times at certain pictures.
Question: Is this the same version 6.0 we got here last August? Any changes?
Thanks for letting us know.

Reply   |   Comment by olafthailand  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

Installs and runs fine on windows 8.1. Auto replaces previous installations.
Simple to use software that works.
My example from a previous give away is here:


Like in photoshop, care and a bit of work is needed to achieve acceptable results - but - as long as you do not go flying in with big "marker" for edits and take a little at a time, the software does do a good job.

Reply   |   Comment by Genealogy101  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+53)

Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system.

We had the same version on October 13, 2014. The .exe is still from July 2014.
Here are the old reviews:

My old review is still valid.
It is alarmingly simple to use. Draw a selection around the object you wish to remove from the picture, and run smart remove selection

Alarmingly simple, but also simply insufficient. There is no magic, all depends from the original photo, the objects, the background.

A new example today:
Before: http://www0.xup.to/exec/ximg.php?fid=46338858
After: http://www0.xup.to/exec/ximg.php?fid=66739951

If you can live with that: good, than install it.

Uninstalled via reboot, I'll work with my old clone stamp.

Reply   |   Comment by Karl  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+51)

3q for the review
BTW do you have samples of your old clone stamp, for the same photo?

Reply   |   Comment by infinity  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

Danke Karl, da hast du recht, es ist keine wunder programm. But I've been using inpaint, given away here for years and It works wonders when you spend a little time on the picture you want to fix. You need to zoom in on the more complicated pieces and work with them with a picture editor, like PAINTNET.
I've never seen Giovanni recommend a better alternative to inpaint. What is the difference between this version and the last one? I don't see a difference.

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

Hello Karl, I usually enjoy reading your comments, however the image you chose today, to show the abilities of Inpaint was a 'non-starter', as I am sure you knew when you elected to use this example. Did you really think a crowd of people, (in France), was a fair image to use. It's obvious you wanted the program to fail. I have used the program a few times over the years and it does a darn good job in many instances—saving a huge amount of time versus using the clone stamp alone. Even when the results are less than perfect, it can be 'fine tuned' afterwards with a photo editing program.
Is it infallible in every instance? No, you did prove that with your example Karl.

Reply   |   Comment by Mister Lee  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+65)

I downloaded todays giveaway and the file in the zip file, matches the hash number of the file that is provided from there homepage. So its same.
I would keep this tool because it does the work not on any image with many background objects placed together but rather on a singular object that is particularly distinct and not placed together. I think i said that right.
Only for that purpose it does its work nicely, but for more complicated work, PS (Clone Stamp Tool) does it rather easily along with other feature.

Just wanted to let u to know that.
Thank you Giveaway for this offer.

Reply   |   Comment by Maccuaman  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+17)

No problems installing and registering in XP, opened up to a pretty average interface.

Granddaughter's birthday in a few days so I wanted to alter an image for her, needed to remove an area.

Marked the area to remove in red but it insisted on creating a donor area where I didn't want it, spend more time removing the donor area than anything else.

I have used much better programs than this for removal of objects very disappointed.

Reply   |   Comment by XP-Man  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

Here is a real example of what this program is good for. It works on way more complex stuff but it excels in simple removal. You can see this in the upper left and bottom right corners.



Reply   |   Comment by LancasterPA  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

I have looked forward to comments from Giovanni for a very long time. I have very much enjoyed his alternative program suggestions. However, I have not seen any comments by Giovanni lately and I wonder if anyone knows if he is still a participating member?

Reply   |   Comment by John P. Cummins  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

XP-Man, you can remove the donor area also and recreate it anywhere you want it.

Reply   |   Comment by Gary  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

This Program IS EXCELLENT There no way to push it down, The given example with the scene in France is cheat; This App do very good things

Reply   |   Comment by jub wajub  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I read your comments every time you publish them with attention and a neutral approach. However, I can't avoid to picture you as a prima donna of GOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Exynika  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

This is the absolute BEST program in it's genre. I've used it for many years with great results. Thank you Teorex ans GOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Gary  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+26)

No, it's not the absolute best in its genre. But it's the best you can get for free today.
(Check "Alien Skin Image Doctor 2", Smart Fill feature.)

Reply   |   Comment by H. Michael  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-24)

Some removals require several passes to get them right.

Reply   |   Comment by Gary  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

You have to select the 'comparison area' carefully ... if you do that, it works great ...

Reply   |   Comment by JimC  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)
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