Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
YAC VPN 1.2.7 was available as a giveaway on May 24, 2015!
YAC VPN provides faster, more smooth and easier encrypted VPN connection. It is the best tool for Sites Unblock, Wi-Fi Security and Privacy Protection. No USER Name, No PASSWORD, No REGISTRATION!
Please don't download BitTorrent, any P2P will get account blocked!
Please note: the program includes a 6-months license.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (x32/x64); CPU: Intel Pentium or compatible; 500 MHz or faster processor; RAM: 256 MB or greater
10.6 MB
Detect and remove malware/ hidden adware to avoid potential danger. All-In-One PC Protection Service with Malware Removal, Outdated Registry & Cookies Cleaner, Privacy Protection and System Cleaning Capabilities.
Make sure whatever the VPN you are looking for does not keep logs. These logs can be used for tracking purpose.
I already have PureVPN, here in the UK. It does not keep logs.
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ALSO: PIA allows torrents and P2P without any problems. But, if you are doing this, then be sure to get PeerBlock 2.1 which can be found on freewarefiles.com or anywhere you can get virus-free software downloads. IT IS FREE and block any trackers from your P2P activities. PEERBLOCK IS A MUST HAVE for all torrents.
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FYI: always, always always be sure the VPN you are looking at does not keep ANY LOGS WHATSOEVER. These logs can be used by the NSA to track you, etc.
I use PIA, here in the USA that I pay for, but it is well worth it. It keeps NO LOGS.
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With Many companies that post here, the 6mnth or 1yr code they give will work with the Downloadable version of the program from your website. Is this the case here?
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Finally got it to work. Great, now I screwed around with this so long dont have time to install on my Laptop. grrr
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i use it to vpn my weiner.
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comment from Terry -
"Speed is good but limited in countries"
So, speed is good but, limited if your using it in a country¿
Besides confusing me this has the potential to confuse my therapist as well.
I would ask for clarification but ...
༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽
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Speed is good but limited in countries. Only country in Asia is Singapore. That is a BIG drawback!
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Hi Terry
It is fact that we could only support three lines in our SERVER LIST.
We will add more in the future not far, we hope you will enjoy the service YACVPN provides.
Besides,if you have other suggestions, you could kindly leave it here or send email to usersupport@yac.mx
We are here waiting for your voice!
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Uninstalling a badly-made VPN product may cause harm to your computer.
In my case, I once lost all Internet connectivity after uninstalling such a product and so had to reinstall Windows.
My advice is to not install such a product, and especially if it risks being uninstalled after 6 months, as at that time you probably will no longer be able to rollback Windows to its state of 6 months ago.
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Best free altalternative: usurf. Alot more easy to use and free
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Well this is a first for me, in all the years i have been visiting the GOTD website, for which i am thankful. The GOTD team have put together some really great giveaways. I am also very grateful for a handful of people on here who provide there experiences, reviews, opinions (good or bad) and highlight alternatives, for that Thank You.
I do believe that Malwarebytes is a well established software developer, so all i can really say is, please use your own discretion today, but i will have to graciously pass on today's GOTD.
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• There is a warning that this may damage your internet connection settings. Are you prepared to take the risk? If it does, are you tech savvy enough to recover from it?
• It is a 6 month license. After 6 months, if you like it, you have to pay for it. If you agree to pay, it is likely a pay-per-period model. say, X$ per year. Hmm....is that what you tolerate for software?
• If you already decided that you don't want to pay, then you have to try another similar software and go through the learning curve of the new alternative software all over again. Why do you set yourself up to get into so much trouble?
• Other GOTD users have recommended several freeware alternatives. This YAC-VPN may or may not be much better than the freeware. If it is not much better then freeware, then its continued existence is at risk.
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As i know, all of the VPN tools have two versions, free and paid version. actually VPN is different from other system tools in my opinion, most of the other free tools may or may not use server resources, so it is easy to understand that they are free(indeed, some of them are spyware), but as to VPN, it is highly relied on the server resources, so it is reasonable that we have to pay to use it.
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There are lots of free VPN's that allow P2P downloads.
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Hi Andreas
YACVPN could allow P2P downloads, but is it recommended not to do so in case of the danger of account blocking by P2P.
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For watching TV from other countries, I use a portable version of Firefox with TOR installed, I also use "Hola" VPN as previously mentioned for watching Hulu TV from America, again in it's own portable firefox.
Stuff $60 for 6 months, and no Torrents or P2P. As Giovani used to say .... Just my 2 cents worth.
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@ JpotatO ==> Your information is very helpful. Too many people hitting the thumbs down probably because of the language/translation difficulties you exhibit. Thank you for your posting.
@ XPman ==> Programs like net magic can be very helpful in setting up your network again...there are many of these proggy's out there now to help you set up a network. Nirsoft has something called "adapterwatch" which has been helpful on many occasions :)
@ everyone reading the comments section ==> There are many, many ways to make yourself appear to be from somewhere else for the purposes of accessing restricted websites/content. It is way too easy to screw things up for yourself when you start playing with your connections. Don't just dismiss #15 noname's post. For most people TunneBear will be all you need.
https://www.bestvpn.com/blog/18736/5-best-free-vpns-2/?nabe=4886355945455616%3A0%2C6611769785057280%3A1&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F Reviews of some other ways.
Todays Gaotd will be good for some and a disaster for others based on needs and abilities. please be careful. Thank you Gaotd and YAC
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Thanks BigJoe.
Appreciate your suggestions found a program called Network Magic at MajorGeeks that looks good.
Adapterwatch also looks useful, now all I need is a bit of luck.:-)
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The purpose of a VPN is to encrypt traffic from your PC/laptop [or whatever device] & the Internets. This in theory prevents anyone from seeing what you're doing if they were to capture all the to/from traffic. VPNs are more popular when you use open WiFi connections or hotspots, since exploits are so common in that situation. They're used by some businesses when employees access company data remotely, & they're also used when/where ISPs monitor traffic to enforce whatever rules or laws.
VPN services also often also provide a proxy service -- you log onto a proxy server, which then relays all your requests [sites. downloads etc.], passing the results on to you. A pure proxy service will hide your IP address, providing a degree of anonymity, but the connection between you & the proxy remains clear, so it can be intercepted.
There is evidence that agencies like the NSA have broken the encryption many VPN's use.
“Our calculations suggest that it is plausibly within NSA’s resources to have performed number field sieve precomputa- tions for at least a small number of 1024-bit Diffie-Hellman groups. This would allow them to break any key exchanges made with those groups in close to real time. If true, this would answer one of the major cryptographic questions raised by the Edward Snowden leaks: How is NSA defeating the encryption for widely used VPN protocols?,” the researchers say in their paper."
"Please explain more about “Please don’t download BitTorrent, any P2P will get account blocked!” ! … Does yac-vpn do blocking of P2P account? Or does BitTorrent do blocking of yac-vpn?"
BitTorrent &/or P2P cause extra traffic, compared to just your regular, everyday surfing the web. If/when the infrastructure may not be able to handle that extra traffic, &/or when for example an ISP simply doesn't want to pay for it, BitTorrent/P2P are often blocked. While obviously mileage will vary, Google/Bing on blocked bittorent [& similar phrases] for more info, & potential work-a-rounds.
"A company without name and address, a Mexican email, a Brazilian name in the setup file."
A Proxy or VPN server may keep logs of your activity, & those logs are often handed over to government agencies -- requirements for handing over those logs vary. A proxy/VPN service located in a country that's less friendly to your country *may* thus be a good thing.
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The times I need a VPN is when I want to watch a country blocked video from a UK or USA site. I use tunnelbear for that and that is sufficient for me. No need for VPN services that restrict what I want to download (like another poster I use torrents for hosting larger and completely legal (because my own work) files.
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@XPMAN--and everyone:
I resently had a support session with Hotspot Shield. One thing they told me to do to fix my problem was to uninstall Hotspot Shield USING REVO UNINSTALLER AND CHECKING THE "ADVANCED" BUTTON. This insures COMPLETE REMOVAL OF HOTSPOT SHIELD AND "ALL OF IT'S SETTINGS." They prefaced this by saying if "regular uninstall" causes problems then use Revo Uninstaller. They also cautioned to use create a restore point before doing this. If it's not too late possible you can reinstall Hotspot Shield then remove THAT installations with Revo Uninstaller. When I did what the support people at Hotspot Shield suggested everything worked fine. Hope this helps.
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Thanks Anym.
I uninstalled using Full Uninstall and after I had problems I then restored my registry using ERUNT which did not fix my problem.
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XP-Man, I thought you are one of the expert as it shows in your name. Also, you mentioned one of your drive instead of PC or CPU that became connectionless, I thought you were talking about portable USB drive. Anyway, you need to uninstall your network adapter and then add it back so it bind with a fresh internet protocol again. Try right click/repair on your Local Area Connection to see if that help first.
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Time limited and no Torent support - I suspect this is a tool aimed at business users. As others have said there are many other good VPN type softwares out there that don't have this kind of restriction and some of them are free (though the most reliable ones need a subscription). If you want to do no more than unblock restricted you tube videos then usually the browser plug in type are adequate. I have noticed recently however that many of the US based streaming services will no longer allow access through VPNs and if this starts to be picked up by other companies the long term use of a VPN might become less popular. Personally unless you have a reason to protect your IP for a specific purpose, I don't see the need for one since all VPN's no matter how good they are will yield some slow down of your internet speed.
A good free one I have tested is ChrisPC Anonymous Proxy - which as the name suggests is free for private use. It offers much the same as commmercial clients do, including being able to select a specific country. The only downside is that it is ad supported and you will get the occasional pop up window displaying an advert (though in my testing this only happened once in each session and was easy to close or minimise)
I would be happy to give this a trial if I needed it but like most people I would look to move on to another product at the end of the 6 months.
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HI Clive
We have support and you could send us your feedback via email:usersupport, maybe it is not clear enough and we will do some adjust right now!
YACVPN is a tool aiming at both business and private users, we have taken all your suggestions into consideration and will improve our product step by step.
Thanks! ^_^
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- Please explain more about “Please don’t download BitTorrent, any P2P will get account blocked!” ! ... Does yac-vpn do blocking of P2P account? Or does BitTorrent do blocking of yac-vpn?
- And if I buy the program, is the then also for a limied time, say 1 year?
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Hi Ingvar
The metioned “Please don’t download BitTorrent, any P2P will get account blocked!” is an advice to avoid account blocking.It does not mean that YACVPN will block P2P account or BitTorrent.And it is just an advice for your account safety indeed!^_^
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Why would someone want to install a VPN driver on their system that is only good for 6 months? I'm using a FREE VPN that always connects at 10Mbps, rarely cuts me off, and has very good throughput.
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If it's so good, which VPN is that please, Glen C?
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I'm using Spotflux.
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Spotflux does not seem to be free.
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Spotflux has a free limited version, like many VPNs.
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There is the free version and the paid version. I have the free version. I've used it for a few years and it works fine. They recently updated their servers too.
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A final word, many companies these days use VPN to enable staff to work at home, including Bit torrent to move large files!
I don't see why any company would use Bit torrent to "move" any file... big or small.
ANYBODY could download a copy of the same exact files, if they just had the hash-keys!
Why would a company like to get their files exposed in that way?
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8 Legal Uses For BitTorrent: You’d Be Surprised
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Please provide the names of some safe proxy servers, browser type and .exe type
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Here is the right answer for You: Dynaweb
You can simply use their web page to start exploring the web anonymously or download their provided free proxy.
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I already have VPN so will give this a miss, and will not repeat Karl's valid observations and warnings, but would add that here in the UK, (and maybe elsewhere), your router may not be able to handle openVPN, which is is much newer and far more robust than PPTP.
A good example is the Virgin Superhub combined modem and router, and the fix here would be to use the Superhub in modem mode, then plug into that another router that is verified as openVPN compatible and will work properly.
I spent many hours trying to get openVPN to work on my PC, and in the end, discovered it simply does not work properly, if at all, with some routers. PPTP encryption is a waste of time as it is very old, and can be cracked with ease.
Not enough servers with any VPN system will cripple traffic flow, especially at peak times.
A final word, many companies these days use VPN to enable staff to work at home, including Bit torrent to move large files!
Hope this helps
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Hi Brian
I have transferred your suggestion about "openVPN and PPTP" to our tech team and we will take it seriously into consideration.
Will let you know if there will be an update in the future!
Thanks in advance!
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Can you use this with ipad/iphone !!!
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No, ufortunately, you can't. Look here for system requirements :
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (x32/x64)
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Hi Anaz
Like Allan metioned, unfortunately, we could not support ipad/iphone currently.
We will take it into our plan in the future not far and hope you will expect this new update!
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Working perfect on windows 7 64 bit, available for a period of 6 months, simple on / off method
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Hi Sherief
Thanks for your support and we feel so confident and encouraged! We will take all our efforts to improve YACVPN a better product for you!
Whenever you meet anything not clear about YAC VPN, please donot be hesite to contact us via email:usersupport@yac.mx
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Hi Sherief
Thanks for your support.
We will become confident and encouraged to make YACVPN a better product.
Whenever you meet anything not clear about YACVPN. donot be hesitate to contact us via email:usersupport@yac.mx
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"Please don’t download BitTorrent, any P2P will get account blocked!"
Deal breaker.
There are many valid uses for torrent sourcing files. (Where else can you host 500meg+ files without either breaking them into smaller pieces or paying monthly fees?)
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exactly i use it to share large files to clients or videos that i cannot send via a regular client.
The rule is absurd Bit Torrent is not illegal so it should not be blacking you, however downloading pirated and hacked software is.
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We agree on "There are many valid uses for torrent sourcing files."
And for the metioned “Please don’t download BitTorrent, any P2P will get account blocked!”, it is just an advice for our users in case to avoid the risk of account blocking.
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Have been using 'Betternet', a really efficient but very simple to use VPN service provider application and totally free.
Get it from https://www.betternet.co/ or http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Servers/Proxy-Servers/Betternet.shtml
Chrome extension is available at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unlimited-free-vpn-better/gjknjjomckknofjidppipffbpoekiipm?hl=en
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Thanks a lot, Jahid. I was aware og Hola and ZenMate (both free vers. and Premium): https://zenmate.com/
However, for the time being, I'm using Hide My IP, but I would stick to extensions, if it wasn't a giveaway, I think. I would give today's offer a chance, if I didn't have another program for that task. Thanks to the developer and GAOTD for the offer.
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Hi Jahid, Feed back on Betternet: I already use ZENMATE but took your advise and had a look at BETTERNET. Thank god i used my TIMEFREEZE. After install it crashed chrome every 2-3 mins!! so gave it the flick! I think you and people should be aware of this, also i saw 2-3 comments re the same problem in the feedback area. .I'll give YAC a go and see the results. Cheers!
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Thanks Bill for the warning about the Chrome Extension of 'Betternet' . I mainly use the extension 'Hola better internet' in Chromium based browser . But I hadn't updated the 'betternet' chrome extension for a while, may be there are bugs in the updated version . But the desktop version of 'Betternet' ( latest one ) has been serving the purposes without any problems till date.
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Thanks for fair warnings, and what to consider, before using these extensions. However, ZenMate and Hola has never brought any troubles at all to any of my computers. I think, it's important to close such an extension, before you exit your browser. Can't really tell, but I would be grateful for more information. Thanks in advance.
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Thanks,Jahid.Welcome all kinds of useful tool!
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Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system.
A company without name and address, a Mexican email, a Brazilian name in the setup file.
"YAC VPN - Faster, More smooth, and easier to use. It is the best tool for Unblock sites, Wi-Fi Security and Privacy Protection. Non USERName,Non PASSWORD,Non REGISTER!Awesome!"
Remember that this is a six month activation. There are many VPN tools around, often offered with six or 12 month licensees or completely free. the more expensive ones have the bigger proxy (server) lists, the faster proxy and the better anonymity (elite proxy).
!Remember that all these programs interfere with your connection settings. They can mess things up in the way, that you cannot longer user your internet. Make a restore point or use some virtualization!
After installation and entering a key, a small window opens, you can select a country for your proxy, for few proxies, TOO few the connecting speed is shown.
The program resides in the system tray, you can only withright-click on thesymbol switch proxy connection on or off. Or exit the VPN service.
This program cannot change servers in an easy way:
Hmmm, the number of servers is absolutely insufficient, they are elite proxies (tested), the interface looks modern, the handling is also insufficient. I expect to change the proxies from with a right click on the symbol, with automatic switch to the new selected proxy. An advantage is, that it tests the proxy for speed and shows the speed.
If you have already your VPN service, don't install this, it gives no advantage over the existing programs. If you have never worked with such a system, you can install this - and test it! you have to look for a proxy test web page or one of the many "What is my IP address" pages.
Uninstalled via reboot. I work since long with another software.
Have a nice Sunday!
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Addition - the download speed with their at this moment fastest server:
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Karl makes a very valid point regarding messing with your Internet connection, this is my experience.
Hotspot Shield was on one of my drives and when I attempted to remove it I lost my Internet connection on that drive.
My Local Area Connection information all disappeared and I am still trying to recover from it and as I have experience this area, so take heed of his words.
Anyone got any ideas?
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Sorry, should read little experience.
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Have you tested the connection so long that you can say: Is it real thas was Karalho (comment 1) said: "...disconnected every 20 minutes..."?
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When i test proxycap and other similar problems, i had identical problems after deinstalation. I play with new programs over and over but this time i didn't find solution. Restore point can help and pray.
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I know you answered this years back. What program do you use to test programs and uninstall via reboot?
I appreciate your reviews.
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Karl- how do you test whether some proxy is elite, or not?
Thanks in advance!
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Had the same experience with Hot Shield as XP-man: after uninstalling my internet connection capacity was crippled.
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Thanks to Karl for his constant support of us.
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@ Kev2b I use DeepFreeze
@IVAN If a proxy does does not show a forwarded IP or that it is a proxy, than it is elite. You can test it here:
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Hi Karl
Thanks for your hard writing! We have noted your advice and will improve the insufficience including the metioned servers' number,handling...
Welcome to test again when we promote a new version!
We hope you will enjoy the service YACVPN provides!
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When I try installing yac-vpn I get the following error after about 30%: "Windows cannot access the specific device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item. I'm installing it in the default location and I'm using Windows 8.1.
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It surely install a thing like the TAP Adapter to help connecting to a VPN server, but don't use W8 (and know that this Os have a high software setup fail feedback).
Maybe some authorizations that are locked? Or a bug will downloading?
Anyway I have my Hotspot Shield Elite account, they have added more country recently, don't need anything else for now, but I am happy to see VPN coming on GOTD ! Hope to see more (like Frozenway or one alike that I don't know ^^)
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Try right clicking and installing as administrator.
lebrondo 57
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I did try running it as administrator and had the same issue.
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Hey Casey
In order to focus your issue, is it possible to provide your installation path? Besides,is your system 32 or 64 bit?
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From the publisher.... .."VIP users can use all lines (including global VIP line and free line) while free users can only use the free line.Free line is so busy that may automatically get disconnected every 20 minutes.Aftering upgrading to VIP you will be able to get better and more stable service.All plans are not limited to traffic or hours and will be valid immerdiately after purchase.They can support all PPTP, L2TP and OpenVPN along with a variety of terminals....
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I have used paid VPN secure services for the last few years 24/7, they cost a lot less now days than they used to.
You need servers in the county's you want to encrypt for security & speed.
But this is useless without a constant connection, there is nothing worse than getting cut off, then waiting while software reconnects.
There are a number of good paid for services that are unable to provide this, so it's worth paying for, but find the right one first...
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Most routers/switches have VPN capability so why not set that up instead of relying on software? I have a TPlink 16 port switch and a ASUS RT66u-AC router and both have the ability to setup VPN's.
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tc1uscg, they give you option to "Choose any server location in America, Europe or Asia – Auto Locations" so your communication with WWW can assume a new Identity with the new IP address of your chosen server for connections. Example, in the past, Europeans can connect to Netflix by vpn to America because Netflix contents was licensed to broadcast in America only (slow though). Your routers only good for point to point vpn.
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