Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
WinUtilities 9.3 Pro was available as a giveaway on January 21, 2010!
WinUtilities is an award winning collection of tools to optimize and speedup your system performance. This suite contains utilities to clean registry, temporary files on your disks, erase your application and internet browser history, cache and cookies.
You can control startup programs that load automatically with Windows, find duplicate files, fix broken shortcuts and uninstall unneeded software. Other features include secure file deletion, recycle bin shredding, cleaning tasks scheduling and undelete deleted files.
Windows 7/Vista/XP/2003 Server/2000/NT/98
7.04 MB
WinUtilities All In One System Optimization Suite. All-in-One system cleaning and optimization suite. More than 20 award winning system utilities in one bundle. 100% Freeware!
Hey Asschraff - good to have U back - did school start up again?
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Uninstalled previous version (7) but new one wouldn't install. Guess I'm out of luck but I did like V7.
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Don't know why this didn't get posted yesterday.
#1 Just wanted to thank you, Ashraf, for your usual great reviews. I really appreciate you taking the time to separate the pros and cons in easy to read listings, rather than unorganized and long paragraphs that take too much precious time to bother with.
Is there something wrong with the 'useful' voting system today? Seems like small people have plenty of time to waste on proving they are small. That's my opinion based on the useful comments vote results. Someone looks like a farce, and it isn't you Ashraf.
Keep up the great work that you do for us.
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Sorry forgot to mention Vista 64bit. Thanks
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Hey, I have the same problem... it tells me I have to register... but I did exactly as the readme txt says before the deadline (midnight PST). I even got the software has been activated message and now it's asking for a registration code. I've downloaded other GAOTD before with No problems. Any advise? I had 5.1.1 before. Thanks
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why it says i have to register??
does anyone know the registration code?? pls help.. :(
Reply from Moderator: The instructions are always in the README.TXT file from the downloaded file.
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Craig @ #54, your comment on No. 18 on the spelling mistakes.
“Why do these little things bug me”.Its so annoying that I offer to do the spell checks at no cost to any programmer.
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I had the last two versions and am getting a .dll error as well. I wouldn't have uninstalled the previous versions if I knew this wouldn't work, I'm really upset. I relied on this software and don't have 39.95. Any workarounds on the .dll errors yet?
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While I agree that TuneUp Utilities is excellent I don't see how it can be your favorite after you fault Advanced SystemCare for "the extras, shortcuts etc it drops all over your PC"
TuneUp Utilities installs 3 SERVICES that are always running. Go to "Start" then "Run" type in "services.msc". Note the following entries:
TuneUp Drive Defrag Service
TuneUp Program Statistics Service
TuneUp Theme Extension
I would suggest changing the "Startup type" to "Manual" or "Disabled".
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I think I'll stick with GlaryPro that was offered a while back.
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Has a nice interface, pretty simple and to the point.
A note to the developers, sometimes when another window is over this progs window and I terminate it, I get the after image on WinUtil, even if I minimize and maximize again.
Other than that, thanx :)
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OOPS, it messed up things so it is gone for good.
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I've had WinUtlities and lost it. Downloaded Glary's and I will GLADLY take back WinUtilites ANYDAY!! It really is the complete package
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Not too motivated to DL & install from the comments but
noticed the Duplicate File Finder app and decided to give it a try.
Installed on Win XP w/o any problem.
Dup File Finder has a lot of potential for being a very useful app:
Easy to use, fairly good selection criteria (size, date, CRC, folders, etc) and reporting (display table and HTML reports). It works as advertised for simple deletes and for moves to recycle bin but has an ambiguous additional option that does not seem to work. Also, there is no help or entry in the help file for this app.
Worth installing for just the dup file function even as is but it could use some more work.
Didn't try any of the other functions as too much overlap with Glary and other utility suites.
One anomaly I noticed, a help button only appears on the individual apps and does NOT include an "about" choice so you cannot check any info such as version number or registration key.
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I've used versions 6 & 7, thanks to GOTD. Useful app, so I tried to upgrade. However, I can't get the install to finish. I used Revo Pro to uninstall my old version, and pointed the installer to a new, different directory (WinUtilities9), and I get:
Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x5.
Click Retry, Ignore to proceed anyway (not recommended), or Abort
Same happens even if I install to the default folder. Any clues? I've now lost the older versions in order to do a clean install!
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Just got this email from the company's help department:
Dear User:
Please uninstall the previous versions before you install the new version.
If you need further help, please feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
Support Center
YL Computing, Inc
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The first advice that I have ever seen in regards to the Registry is if you don't know what you are doing then don't play with it. If you play with it then first make a back up. That being said, I would say that CCleaner is relatively conservative in it's registry fixes. So for the most part CCleaner's advice usually wont cause any problems for non geek users. Some registry cleaners that I have used in the past have provided a method of knowing if they felt the entry was relatively safe, cautious, or potentially dangerous in removing. Since CCleaner is conservative I would say that they suggest relatively safe items to remove while this program seems to cover a wider gamut, and thus more entries are listed.
Thanks Do Re for the link to the ASC offer! I was not aware of that.
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#35 Thanks, 'AnnieAppleSeed' for the site advice---just what I needed! I shall find it very helpful and I'll be talking like the rest of you before you know it!
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Unable to install, it keeps saying unable to connect to Giveawayofhteday website.
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like the program, this is the reason to cheack gotd evry day!!!
maybe the programer could look in to make a better startup program cleaner. one that indicates the danger or usefullness of a program.
thanks a lot.
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This program is sub-par and it's claims are bull.
There are really only three or four of these "suite" style/Swiss army knife type downloads worth your time, imho.
In order of awesomeness:
1. TuneUp Utilities (everything but the defrag is perfect [for this I use PerfectDisk] - all ver. before 2010 can be got for free - I've used it since '06)
2. Glary Utilities (the pro version is still available for free if you're willing to search)
3. Ashampoo PowerUp3/WinOptimizer 2010 (try for a while - buy dirt-cheap if you like)
4. Advanced System Care (my least favorite - due to the extras, shortcuts, etc it drops all over your pc. It gets a "meh" for an overall cleaning score too. But it is free and it is everywhere)
Today's DL ought to be skipped based solely on their false promises.
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Amazed - works without any problems at all on Windows 7 x64 !
A rarity indeded !
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BuBBy once again gives an informative post, and I agree with him.
I have used WinUtilities in the past and it really did not impress me.
However I just downloaded the new version and it certainly has improved.
The registry cleaner should be used with care as scans deeply for invlalid file references - and on occasion these references are actually needed.
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hi ,
what ever you do , BACKUP first , not just your files but your registry also , ... !!!
it deletes to much (!) two downloads , one crash that will need a full reinstall , ... so not so great program
have a nice day
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#50 Powder Skier--I agree with you about Ashraf; must be a rough crowd with us today or someone with an ax to grind who has figured out how to hack GAOTD, maybe. I have noticed a certain site sometimes seen as a competitor of his has fewer free offer claimants than would be expected - not that I'm accusing anybody, mind you, just making an observation. Regarding today's software, glad the suggestions seem to be working; makes me look even more "klever" than I really am, LOL. Now that we have all that worked out, I'm going to go ahead and install the new version and trust it works at least as well as the old one, which was pretty good, I must say, having used it to clear up some problems.
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Endorse the advice of above posters -- un-install 9.1, re-install 9.37 (actually identifies itself as 9.38).
I used the program's own un-install, which seemed to work fine.
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Thanks for this great utility! It can help me to prevent scanning the Windows registry and hidden temporary folders by hand.
I think it's better than Glary Utilities.
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Re registry cleaners and Paul Grenfeld question above: I almost never delete everything a program (like Glary, CCleaner, WinUtilitiesPro) recommends for deletion in the registry, at once. I go through the list presented for consideration, and uncheck anything I'm not sure about for the first run. I run the program again over the next several days, and delete a few of what's left at a time, if that. If Windows is running fine, I may not delete them at all. BACKUP registry first, always. Unless you're complete sure of what you are deleting, it makes no sense to unilaterally agree with a program's assessment & just click OK, go at it.
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First of all, "Welcome Back Ashraf" !!!
I really missed you.
Downloaded and activated everything properly Windows XP (SP3), except, that is, for the annoying bug with my Comodo firewall, where I have to exit it for GOTD downloads and activations (still the greatest firewall out there though).
Most of the highs & lows have been covered, but I'd like to mention how I particularly like the "Task Scheduler". A breakdown of all the modules with individual timer settings is something all publishers should offer. Are you reading this, TuneUp Utilities?
#18 David - "Why do these little things bug me", because WE'RE perfectionists and know that they're supposedly "Professionals". It really bugs me too, but I hear that it's not cool to point out errors like those. We're supposed to be "too concerned" with the program to notice the errors. Seems that most programs have at least some misspellings or incorrect grammar. Doesn't anyone proof these things before they publish them?
Well, I'm for hire to every publisher who wants a proofreader.
#22 Sue "oldie" - I'm with you. A Dictionary, AND an Encyclopedia. I need an encyclopedia that shows all the functions and processes of a computer in a block diagram so that I can associate everything properly. And then, keep breaking it down further.
#24 klever - No Expiration Date.
Thanks GOTD, YL Computing, and all the Comments today.
Does it seem like everyone's giving a more critical look at the utility programs lately, since Glary was offered? Or is it just me?
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OK.. update.. used Revo to uninstall both versions, (free version and this new one), then did a fresh install of today's giveaway and now it works fine!! And no more L's with numbers!
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I'm using a new PC, and just learning the new OS (coming from XP Pro 32-bit). Will this WinUtilities 9.3 Pro work on Windows 7 Pro / 64-bit?
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If you have a previous version of WinUtilities, DO NOT try to install this version over the old version. I did just that and when the program opened, I was not able to do a thing because the skin was all screwed up. There were numbers where letters should be etc. I did a system restore (and lost yesterday's giveaway) to get back to my winutilities ver 9.1. Then I installed this new version on a different drive. I kinda like the old version. Haven't had much time to check it all over but I don't think the old skins work on this newer version.
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Thanks, Ashraf, for your review. And thanks also for your reference to jv16 power tools (which I had paid for several years ago). BTW, I don't understand why all the negatives on your review - if people click on any of your links they can see how much work you do finding great products, mostly free. THANK YOU!
Concerning WinUtilities 9.3 Pro, after reading Bubbys post I think I'll keep it, but use it only on occasion. I think the best advice has already been given - if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it.
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Just used Glary on another computer and it wipe the Cyrix folder without problems.
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The problem concerning having numbers as skins I solved by completely and I mean completely uninstalling all versions of the program. When I say completely there was a folder in the skin file C:/Programs/WinUtilities/skin called Cyrix. Inside this folder was a file called dungeon which would not delete. I tried renaming etc and finally got rid of it running East-Tec Eraser 2009. I reinstalled the WinUtilities 9.3 Pro version...change fonts from windows classic to Classic and it worked. I am not a "computer tech" and admire those that do this stuff all the time. But I guess I was lucky this time because this worked for me.
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Had same problem as 36, so tried complete uninstall with Revo and then reinstalled - result OK
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I took the suggestion to install in a new folder, by appending the default folder with "...9.3 pro", tested out the new installation, then uninstalled version 7. Worked like a charm. Vista prem 32 bit.
Thanks GAOTD
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After attempting to cure the "numbers & pictogramme but no text" problem by re-skining I used Revo to remove the program. reinstalled & Bobs your uncle
Thanks Gotd
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@36 Simple happy man, Did you have an old version? If so, uninstall the old one. I had same problem as you.
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What does this program do that the free versions of CCleaner and Adaware can't?
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I am having the same problem. If someone would reply it would be appreciated. I installed over the older version. I tried changing the skin and itisn't working.
Thanks for any help.
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Okay..for those of us having problems with all the numbers instead of names, here is what I did. I uninstalled the new Pro version & re-installed it but I created a new directory/folder I called WinUtilities 2 instead of installing it into the existing directory/folder from previous versions. After doing that, the program came up working just fine.
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#27 & 36--looks like your installation is in the toilet (LOO, get it?). Anyway, first I'd uninstall and reboot, then reinstall as Administrator
If for some reason that does not work, try turning off your antivirus, uninstalling, rebooting and then reinstalling as Administrator. Just a guess since you did not give a whole lot to go on, but an educated one. If none of that works it's time to ask are you running 64 bit etc. etc.
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@ post 2:
Way to go, BuBBy!!
Pretty amazing that after a run of GOTD offers from responsible software publishers, this one today has followed hard on yesterday's similar excursion into Never Never Land.
Back-link scam sites shouldn't be countenanced by any software developer and entirely fake awards should never be used as promotional material to con the unwary.
You'd have thought any self-respectintg software developer would've woken up to that by now. But apparently not.
As with yesterday's multi award-winning offer then, so today: many thanks, GOTD, but no thanks.
PS: a total of 318 5 Star Awards to BuBBy for that review which quadrupled my usual rate of comprehension and has also cured premature hair loss at the same time .
All awards are genuine and if you'd like to follow these links to the following websites. . . Etc etc etc.
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You can uninstall the previous versions before you install this new one to resolve this issue.
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It seems that I can't install this properly as it keeps installing with numbers like L0080, Loo81, L0082 etc instead of the names of the utilities and tools!
Any good advice from anyone about this would be appreciated.
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I used the previous version offered without a problem. Thanks much for people here directing me to use Cleanmem and MemoryFox (only for firefox users). Also I use Glary without any problems and enjoy that one.
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#22, Sue, there are several online technical term dictionaries, one is http://www.techterms.com/technical.php You may need to copy and paste the link into your browser.
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Free alternative for 1 year.
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@Rayven I think Ashraff meant Tune-up utilities which has a portable version in Windows gadgets.
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