Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Windows Explorer Tracker 2.0 was available as a giveaway on May 15, 2018!
Windows Explorer Tracker is used to trace/monitor and record the operations in Windows Explorer automatically.
Please note: Single License (1 PC) (Lifetime License WITHOUT Upgrades) is included in this version. Click here to get a VERY BIG discount price for other licenses with Lifetime Upgrades on the promotion day!
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (x32/x64)
5.70 MB
A powerful utility kit for Windows. Find duplicate files and large resources, discover more information about recently accessed resources, monitor Windows activity, make batch operations on multiple resources and synchronize resources.
Converts PDF to DOC / RTF / HTML / TXT / JPG / GIF / PNG / BMP / TIF / PCX / TGA, supports command line interface.
Just a faster duplicate file finder with 100% accurate results you will love!
Provides proper reminders to reduce your RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) risk. It offers multi-type break reminders such as micro-break, stretch, eye exercises and walk, based on your PC usage model. All settings are configurable.
A full-featured date time calculator, get result date, days between dates and more.
I have this set up on one computer to start each time the PC is turned on. What I can't figure out, is how to get it to turn off automatically when the computer is shutting down?
Most programs which can be run in the background are able to turn themselves off when windows is shutting down without the need to manually do it for those programs.
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Thank you for this giveaway. Downloaded and install ok. This is a suggestion to the software company.
It would be good to have the software monitors only a specific folder instead of every folder.
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Our another product, WinExt can do this.
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QUESTiON to TriSun Developers: is there any way that this excellent program, could be modified to also track 3rd party file managers such as these PAiD FiLE MANAGERS:
Directory Opus, XYplorer, xplorer² by Zabkat, ZTreeWin, FileBoss 3 & 4 (by the UtilityFactory dot com) and the likes
& FREEWARE FiLE MANAGERs such as: Total Commander (?), etc
I think Total Commander is probably the most widely used Freeware file manager
I already own paid TriSun programs and find them excellent although I do have one other program suggestion that I email you about.
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Peter C1,
Yes, it will do this, for Windows, not only for Windows Explorer.
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The giveaways have been really bad in the last couple weeks! Hope that changes soon.
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Karma Jay, what are you talking about? This is one of the best giveaways so far and the 75%+ rating proves it.
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Saw this on their website
Download v2.0 for Windows®, 1.05 MB, Updated @ Nov 16, 2015
I wonder if 2015 was the last update, seems like a long time with no updates
So NO Lifetime Upgrades does not seem to be an issue
Trying out the software
Thanks to GOTD and TriSun Software Limited for the Windows Explorer Tracker 2.0
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How much resources does it consume (space & processing) ?
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When I first installed this program I could see the working log as it recorded each action. However, I somehow closed that log-recording screen and I cannot figure out a way to have it display again -- even after rebooting. How does one access the log record? How does one know if the log recorder is running in the background, or not? Is unins000.dat the file that will grow and that needs to be deleted every so often? What is the URL for instructions? Thanks.
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The unins000.dat file is a common file name that many programs have in their Program Files folder. It is used when the program is "uninstalled." If you delete it, the program will not uninstall properly, unless you go through the steps of installing it again to get the file back.
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Does this program also record which files on a shared drive (like OneDrive) have been opened?
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This utility looks like it may be useful for a business to be able to monitor workers' activity. I can't see the benefit for home users to know exactly which files or folders were opened and when. Can anyone shed light on this, please?
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starvinmarvin, I have several older friends that need help with their computer. What I finally ended up doing was doing a screen recording with a voice overlay that describes what is being done and why. This program may lend itself to this aspect of teaching someone how do accomplish simple tasks on their computer.
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Thanks. I can see how that might prove useful.
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does it have to be opened to be recording or does it just do it persistently?
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If GODT apps make any changes in my computer, would this app tell me which ones are affected?
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How does this differ to Process Explorer in the Sysinternals Suite By Mark Russinovich?
Does anyone know the pros and cons of each?
Looking forward to trying Windows Explorer Tracker 2.0 out
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TK, or you don't know how to use, filter and/or read data from Process Monitor
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Dl'd/installed/registered w/o issues.Nifty little program if one needs to track just where a foobar may have occurred. Two things I would seriously recommend though:
1) Block it from outgoing in your firewall! If you don't, there is all your data (passwords, etc) for anyone to find-easily! A hacker would have all their digging done for them!
2) Purge your history frequently, or your hard drive will fill pretty quickly with a massive history file!
Other than these two things, it is definitely a keeper. Tanx gotd. Good one for a change.
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"Please note: Single License (1 PC) (Lifetime License WITHOUT Upgrades) is included in this version"
THANK YOU, TriSun for including that specific information! I have asked GOTD to make that information mandatory to avoid people having to ask every time it is not stated.
That said, I had to make this post just to acknowledge the above but I won't be downloading this as I don't really see a need for it on my personal laptop. However, thanks for the offer to both TriSun and the GOTD team.
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jboy, We all want GAOTD to give us this information every time, and many have asked. Better if they put it with System Requirements, Publisher, Price, etc. under a heading `Licence' (or if you must go American, License).
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"Better if they put it with System Requirements, Publisher, Price, etc...."
That is exactly where I have suggested they put it quite a few times, as a standard required field in the 'blue box'.
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I was puzzled by what this actually DOES, so I checked on Softpedia (as suggested by #2) They say:
Windows Explorer Tracker is a utility designed to record the activity on all drives along with the dates and names of the completed actions.
It records everything neatly
Regardless of whether you create, rename, insert a new file or delete a certain folder accidentally, you can find all the information related to it within the program's history log. In addition to tracking the action, the app also records the date and time it was finished.
Consequentially, there would not be any shadow of a doubt regarding who made modifications and what operations were carried out. This applies to your local drives, LAN and other remote storage devices mapped.
A noteworthy feature is that the utility allows you to specify a certain time frame for recording.
Hope that makes it clearer for anyone else who couldn't understand the purpose of this.
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WelshHarp, For those who use Explorer for files/directories, this could be a handy program. For other users, who work mostly from the command-line, this program is of no use.
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Are actions completed without Explorer also recorded? An example would be completing an action using the command prompt.
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Hope, I have only recently discovered what Explorer is and how to use it, but rarely do. I use FAR, a windows variant of the Norton Commander used in DOS. I think 7-zip works similarly but have not been able (have not had the patience to persist) to get 7-zip to work anyway. FAR is excellent. So your question is very relevant.
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Well, I wasn't really sure what this is all about until reading the third party Softpedia review on their home page. Looks like a potentially useful little utility.
Easy download and register. Straightforward app. And....lifetime license!
Thanks GOTD
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givmeabrake, it does sound like a useful program for many people, but would it be useful for a single person non-network computer?
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Velvet, there is a time when your little mouse betray you when you try to drag some folder/files and then it accidentally release on somewhere you don`t know
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Ant_G, this is what happened to me a few times. All you need to do is click on Edit in the menu and click "undo move/copy". No extra software needed. Hope it is worth 2 cents to others that may have experienced the same.
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Isn't this part of what GAOTDs Themida wrapper is supposed to stop working? Along with programs that monitor registry changes. Does this mean that this program stops working when you install anything from GAOTD?
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I assume commercial use is allowed with today's giveaway as that is the ONLY situation that I can see that would make this program useful...
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