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Tuneskit Audio Capture 2.0.2 was available as a giveaway on August 17, 2019!
As a powerful sound recorder, TunesKit Audio Capture for Windows is able to grab just about any sound that your computer's soundcard outputs, including streaming music, live broadcasts, in-game sound, movie soundtracks, etc. through browsers or web players, like Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc. It can also record sounds reproduced by media players and other programs, such as RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, iTunes, QuickTime, VLC, and so forth. Whenever you hear an appealing song, a great radio stream, or any other sounds you'd like to record, TunesKit will help you capture them by sparing no effort. It's your best assistance to capture iTunes, Apple Music, Pandora, etc. as well as extract any audio tracks from videos.
- Capture and extract audio tracks from videos.
- Multi-track audio grabber to capture several tracks at once
- Fix and edit ID3 tags for recorded audios
- Customize and edit output audio quality more flexibly
- Convert and save audio records to MP3, AAC, WAV, FLAC, M4A, M4B
- Split, cut and mix recorded audio tracks
NB: 3-year license.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
19.6 MB
15% OFF Coupon Code M4VWIN15OFF
It is the most advanced iTunes M4V video converter. If you have purchased movies/TV shows from iTunes store, you may know all iTunes videos are DRM protected, it can be played on Apple devices only. Now this tool can help you remove DRM protection and convert M4V to MP4, MPG, MOV, FLV, AVI, MP3, M4V, etc with all audio tracks, subtitles at 30x faster speed with lossless quality.
20% OFF Coupon Code SPCW20OFF
Тuneskit Spotify Music Converter is an easy-to-use Spotify Music Converter. It can help you remove DRM protection and convert music to MP3, AAC, WAV, FLAC, M4A, M4B losslessly, offering you are great experience to enjoy Spotify music offline on any player and devices with free account, no need to upgrade to premium.
It is the most advanced iTunes M4V video converter. If you have purchased movies/TV shows from iTunes store, you may know all iTunes videos are DRM protected, it can be played on Apple devices only. Now this tool can help you remove DRM protection and convert M4V to MP4, MPG, MOV, FLV, AVI, MP3, M4V, etc with all audio tracks, subtitles at 30x faster speed with lossless quality.
Tuneskit Spotify Music Converter is an easy-to-use Spotify Music Converter. It can help you remove DRM protection and convert music to MP3, AAC, WAV, FLAC, M4A, M4B losslessly, offering you are great experience to enjoy Spotify music offline on any player and devices with free account, no need to upgrade to premium.
Amazon prime music says it won't support IE, would need to install chrome to use today's offering with amazon stream.
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TK, Thank you for the reply. I normally listened to amazon streaming using FF. I hadn't originally discovered how to add FF to this program, and tried the IE icon they already had. After adding FF I tried again, after reopening FF (why does the program first close the browser). Must have made the wrong choice when presented with the choice of: Do you want to close browser when started ? Cancel or OK. Clear as mud. But it's fatal flaws are, can't tell if it is recording, neither it nor I can find any recordings after songs are played. I think there are enough good alternative choices that I don't have to feel bad about removing this one.
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"NB: 3-year license"
Top notch offer from the developers. *thumbs up*
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OK, good comments so I will try on the basis of a 3 year license.
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Unlike some other audio recording software, TunesKit Audio Capture does not grab the audio headed for your speakers or headphones. That means that it can work when the audio drivers are crippled for DRM – when speaker input isn’t available as a Windows recording device. In that case recording whatever’s playing often means installing a generic fake driver. It also means less flexibility – you tell the app which software you want to use to play the audio, it launches that app, then waits for the audio to play so that it can start recording. When you record speaker input OTOH [using other software], you might get more creative, using filters, equalizers & such that change the audio you hear.
As noted in the comments, TunesKit Audio Capture doesn’t record hardware audio inputs either, which of course means you can’t record directly from a mic. You *might* be able to use any app that plays the mic [or line-in] input however, and use TunesKit Audio Capture to record that.
To its credit TunesKit Audio Capture does let you set higher quality sampling & bit depth for your recordings than many other recording apps, and can save a fair number of audio formats, though they might have included wave 64 [.w64]. It includes some GraceNote & minor editing capabilities. The app’s Help says this about multiple tracks: “Note: This smart audio capture supports recording several tracks at the same time, meaning you can operate other programs to play different music and it will record all sounds while saving the tracks independently.”
When it comes to audio recording, the software you use isn’t really going to do much to influence quality. Some software lets you add filters &/or FX, but the actual quality depends more on the hardware used, & with PCs, the amount of electrical noise. IOW software can matter when it comes to working with the audio files you’ve already got, but the basic quality of the recorded audio, not much.
Installing TunesKit Audio Capture adds the program’s folder, with 167 files, 4 folders, taking up ~66 MB. An empty folder is added to the user Documents folder, and you get a folder in C:\ Useres\ [UserName\ AppData\ Local\. I recorded just over 100 new registry entries – one key for uninstall, HKCU keys for Tidal & TunesKit, and a HKCR Tidal key.
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mike, Thanks for all that info; very informative. Made up my mind, for me.
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mike, thanks from me, too! Good information. I still have lots of questions but will give this a try. This looks like a good "last resort" tool and might work well enough to use whenever I want to record audio.
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No install problems. Works as written. I've tried others, but this one has a few more features, the merge all is pretty neat. I most likely will purchase a license.
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Tuneskit AC works fantastically, it records the audio streams with great sound clarity. Tuneskit AC combined with quite possibly the finest media player ever created, Zoom Player, which unfortunately does not include a record function, but has every other function one will ever need, will provide endless musical recordings one can enjoy forever.
Thanks GAOTD.
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Chip, Obviously you have never tried Pot player/recorder and VLC player/recorder, they outshine even the professional quality studio software in many cases.
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So, why is it any different to the other audio recording software that I already have? Audacity, Audition, Cool Edit Record ,Wavepad etc. All free!
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Jeep Jockey,
A big part of apps like Audacity is their editing capabilities, which you'll not find in Tuneskit Audio Capture. The main focus with Audacity, & many [most?] other audio apps is recording the signal at the hardware input(s) & output(s), which today's GOTD does not do. Though Audacity does offer the rare capability of WASAPI recording [possibly the same as the TunesKit app].
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"TunesKit Audio Capture for Windows is able to grab just about any sound that your computer's soundcard outputs"
Just don't expect it to capture your microphone. Uninstalled.
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