Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
SWF to Video Converter 2.4 was available as a giveaway on May 19, 2009!
Sothink SWF to Video Converter is a professional Flash converter for Flash SWF to video conversion. It converts Macromedia Flash SWF to AVI, MPEG, iPod/PSP (MP4), 3GP, animated GIF, image series and more other popular formats.
Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista/Server 2008
6.09 MB
This is a good tool. But it is too expensive and it does not support batch conversions. Fianlly I choose iWisoft SWF Converter.
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Seems that the only give aways you are finding lately are the same thing with a name change. Last one I got I had to do a restore because it froze everything up even after I deleted it. What gives? Don't you check these out even a little? How about something that is really free and usefull instead of being useless most of the time.
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It seems that the same programs are being recycled back an forth . I can give a comment on this as I have had this for a couple of months already it was a give away earlier . it does what it says it will do and that is about as good as rating anyone could give . when the programs do not do as stated then that is reason not to recommend , this is good soft ware and it works and it is worth the time to down load and install, all of Sothinks products have been excellent so far .
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I guess some of the GAOTD regulars may not be pleased with similar products being offered repeatedly, however, the repeat offers will be a boon for:
* newcomers to GAOTD.
* folks who had to format their systems, or uninstalled them accidentally or otherwise.
* people who have purchased new systems.
The usefulness and the quality of the product will vary, depending on newbies to professionals. But then, hey, it is GAOFTD !! But the feedback will surely be noted by the product teams and hopefully impact the price, features, and quality of future releases.
Keep up the good work GAOTD team, and thanks for many of the great giveaways!
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Installed fine on XP Pro sp3.
It was easy to use even without reading a tutorial or help file.
I tested it with two .swf files. One file worked fine, and one file did not turn out like the original, but instead had a wide yellow vertical band over the left half of the screen. The file in question was a tidyfavorites.swf file.
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#42, stop yelling, my eyes hurt! Sure, Sothink is an excellent company and we are lucky to get their products for free on GOTD, but one must always keep freeware in mind as useful alternatives and portable solutions. Plus, a lot of times, freeware just plain works better than the expensive pro enterprise edition or whatever paid stuff gets called these days to make it sound rich and powerful and successful and reek of perfumed high end money spent.
Anyway Sothink has given us yet another example of their great and easy to use software, this one has mostly minor but useful cosmetic changes from the last version along with a few bug fixes and compatibility updates. I had no problems converting any swf files I had ( mostly flash 4 though ) and was able to resize and add sound and prep the avis for conversion to screensavers in another program I love and hope to see here one day, 2D+3D Screensaver Maker. ( yes, I love them on GOTD, I create them at home, I don't personally use them but they are fun and they make great gifts, and I am getting too many ideas now and have to go to bed so download this or you will never know how much fun sprites can be.
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Sounds like good software, but my issue is that it won't even start. I have checked task manager while attempting to run it both regularly and as Administrator. Both yield no results and no process is created under Task Manager. I am using Vista Ultimate 32 bit, I easily surpass the minimum requirements, and I have tried uninstalling and re-installing from the original website.
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I THANK GOATD for the good work you guys are doing.$79+ is an enormous amount for us in the developing countries but for your kind gestures we are downloading this free. Thank you a million times.Kolawole
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@38: try downloading from the sothink website, the readme.txt keys seemed to work ok.
I was interested in the game-capture feature, but don't see how to resize the window - looks like around 640x480, half taken up by the frame and controls etc.. I can barely see the game - details and controls to click on, position etc. to play the game. Is there a way to resize the inner game space and also the whole window, ideally the game itself to full screen or at least the window to full screen? If not, I'd nominate that as an enhancement.
Thanx GOTD & sothink.
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Did not work for me. I tried to convert some NXT Programming Tutorials (http://www.ortop.org/NXT_Tutorial) to make a DVD for an FLL Team and this program would crop the image without allowing any adjustments.
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Downloaded and installed fine on my system.
#38, Yepper Deppper , did you copy and paste the user name and the key in the register box? This install didn't do that automatically for me, I had to copy and paste.
I don't know why everyone always seems to complain that it's "another converter" when there have been some very useful conversion programs that don't do the exact same things as each other. Oddly the other day I was looking for a way to convert a midi file to either a wav or mp3, and realized I didn't have a converter on my system. Just because you don't have a need/ desire for a particular program doesn't necessarily mean nobody does.
Personally, I've had some great programs. I love, love, LOVE Insofta 3D Text Commander, it is probably the quickest and easiest way I've found to get really decent looking 3D text, and I got it right here. I've already used it to make my websites look more slick.
I have also found some great freeware programs thanks to this community, so thanks to all of you who share your knowledge and expertise.
Remember, if you don't want or need something you always have the option of not downloading it. (Especially those pesky ones that change your browser homepage, HATE those!)
Thanks for letting me share my 2 cents worth.
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#38, I don't know what your experience was, but when I downloaded and installed it, it launched after install and the first window that came up was the window that prompts you to buy the program, enter registration key, and a couple of other choices. I chose the one for entering the key and it opened another window with the space to input the name and the second space to paste in the license key. Once the name and key were input, then the program opened a window confirming the program was registered and then the main window for the program opened.
(This was on xp.)
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Strange that in spite of a number of claims regarding freeware alternatives to today's GAOTD, every application mentioned as an alternative, with a link to the program....all led to PAID programs, not a single one was freeware!!!!
If there are so many freeware alternatives to today's giveaway, it seems that there would have been at least one link to freeware, not paid apps.
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Excellent! Works great for me!
I have a bunch of swf's that I made years ago in Swishmax, and now I can turn them into video files so that I can use them in slideshows I create with Proshow Gold.
This program will work great in conjunction with other software!
To answer the question somone asked about interactivity...the swf I tested I had arrows that you click to move to the next scene...when I converted to an .avi with this what it did was automatically go to the next page.
Another swf I brought in is a coloring book that I created with Swishmax....nothing there...avi is just a 'picture' of the coloring book application.
A third.swf that I brought in is an animated cartoon thing I made, exported as a video file it plays exactly like the .swf.
I can see this will be useful in many ways. I can create things in Swihmax, convert them into video files and then bring these converted vid files into my slideshow software.
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To the people who complain about "too many conversion programs":
Um, don't download them. If you are here to download a program every day to perfectly suit your needs, good luck with the space on that bloated computer of yours. And long may your registry live.
Never in my life would I have believed that people complain about too much abundance.
GAOTD, I LOVE testing all your software. Do not be deterred by these putzes.
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@ 33 I am having slightly the same problem with Visa Home Premium 32-bit. My problem is the program crashes when trying to convert the program at the end of "Play and Capture". It freezes saying "Waiting for the conversion..." It sits at 0% and does not move forward. It does work fine on XP Home SP3. Why does it freeze on Vista?
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Just rename the flash video files into .wmv extension, most of video conversion software will recognize and convert it. No need to install another program if you already have conversion software. Most of the softwares in previous GAOTD.com can do it. enjoy
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Keep the Sothink software coming! (Great stuff)
I like todays giveaway and rate it thumbs up!
Thanks GAOTD!
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Same here...my computer with most of the giveaway downloads died a week ago so have no complaints about re-offers.
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Sounds like something I could use! Thanks GAOTD!
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Ok, I have to say, this is the giveaway I've been waiting for. When Sothink's SWF Decompiler was featured on GOTD, I downloaded it because I was hopeing for the functionality that THIS program offers - this was of course before I really understood how SWF's work. One look around and I figured out that no other video conversion tool was going to do the job. Today's giveaway provides a fantastic alternative to manually re-recording the SWF as a video file, and seems to do its job very well for my tastes. Between this and Sothink's Web Video Downloader, now I can finally enjoy my favorite SWF cartoons on my MP3 player. Thank you, Sothink, for a wonderful program, and thank you GOTD for a fantastic giveaway! Looking forward, as always, to the next one. ^^
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Why a THUMBS DOWN because you can't use a program?
NEGATIVE comments should be used for programs that don't work as advertised, or crash your system when installed.
So Think produces excellent software! Why should I opt for a FREE program when GOTD is offering an expensive program that only costs me download and installation time?
I appreciate those who offer alternatives for those who may have missed the current offering, but encouragement to download an ALWAYS FREE program INSTEAD of expensive "FREE TODAY" software is plain out ignorance!
Come on folks, get it together.
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Normally I might pass on commenting if there isn't a special reason... however...Sothink seems to have a less than ethical attitude towards their customers. I opened the two pieces of software that I had downloaded, and got an offer to UPDATE.. fine, downloaded it and ran it. it WAS NOT an update, but an UPGRADE!!! to use it, I would now have to BUY it.... it had also replaced the old copy, so, unless I wanted to restore, I was S.O.L.. This does not strike me as a practice I am willing to "deal with".. I removed both, since they BOTH did the same thing.
Sothink... Learn the difference between an upDATE and an upGRADE!
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On install it comes up with a fatal error and indicates that the key is incorrect. It didn't even ask me for the key.
Clearly the readme.txt directions aren't idiot proof.
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This program is to Flash games as FRAPS (OpenGL screen capturing software) is to FPSs, RTSs, etc.
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Fellow dwnldrs;
Did not register.
Any ideas?
10 Q,
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Installed on XP Pro SP3 fine!!! Thanks, GAOTD.
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1. Some commenters think swf is the same as flv from youtube and say they have a lot free video converters.
swf is a fast small vector cartoon requiring a PC program to play.
2. "swf to video" is the only soft to migrate flash vector cartoons from PC to video players. I know only 2 free alternatives with less features.
3. Sothink are experts in everything for swf format: composing, decomposing, converting. All that are not everyday task and not needed for everyone. So please do not rate negative if you do not need it today. Some day you will realize they are the best in swf.
4. To #7 - interactive menu can be skipped or the choice can be pre-defined.
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A beautiful piece of software. Thank you. Finally I have been able to convert a couple of 'stubborn' .swf files that free programs, including Super, could not manage. Bravo!
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Ok some are complaining that there have been many video converters offered lately but for me I had to reformat my computer and loose all my giveaways I'm waiting for all the programs I had to be re-offered and I'm sure others have been there or some have missed the giveaway they need most so, bring on the video converters no complains here ^_^
as for this program it's is useful the output quality could be better ..i came across many flv converters but not swf so this is unique for me at least.
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This seems like a neat and useful program, but I haven't been able to get it to work on Vista Home Premium 32-bit. It crashes every time I try to open it.
Is anyone else having this problem?
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I have been searching for a tool to convert swf files for a long time, downloading each of the video capture utilities from GOTD. None of the others convert swf to video. Very frustrating, because youtube does not support the swf that many of my video's are in. This Sothink SWF Converter did the job very nicely! SWF is compiled flash and most converters can't do anything with it. Even $700 Camtasia can't import swf. It appears that this converter re-records the video, but allows me several options. For example, I bumped up the bitrate to 24 rather than the default of 12 to support youtube HD definition. Additionally this converter provides me the ability to easily capture multiple screenshots for real low bandwith needs. The audio was exactly in-sync and good quality. Many web servers don't natively stream .swf without special code, so this will help me there as well.
This is a GREAT solution! From my initial testing, the conversion quality looks great. Thank you Sothink and GOTD! The best giveaway of the month!
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Whilst not wanting to sound unrateful and denegrading the work done by the GOTD team...I have to agree with Tom Parker (19) Just How Many VIDEO CONVERSION softwares does one need. I personaly would be grateful if you could find a call screening programme (ANTAIR for ex).
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Ugh, terrible quality!
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#4: "why would you wanna use this when there are billions of freeware alternatives that do this and download from youtube and other flash video sites."
It's not really for FLV video, but for old style Shockwave animations, done using vector graphics for smaller files & faster downloads.
* * *
#15: "Program crashes for me when trying to convert a Flash 8 SWF video."
#18: "I encountered a similar Flash 8 conversion issue as mentioned by Ashraf"
I wouldn't think version 8 should be an issue since the app comes with version 9. That's not to doubt it crashed, but I wouldn't think having a version 8 file was the cause. I did find that converting animation to an image sequence was more reliable (converting to avi sometimes needed the settings tweaked) if that helps.
* * *
#24: "I’m seeking video editing software, primarily to reduce the size of some of my movie backups enabling them to fit on a standard DVD. Some action movies I’d like to edit for language, etc, for the youngsters."
Visit videohelp.com for guides, software, forums etc... To reduce file size you'll need to re-encode -- the format you use depends on what you want to use to play it. To do the audio you'll need to go to wav format for editing, then encode that -- again your choice of format depends on how you want to play it back. The software you use will depend on the format it's in now, what you want it to be, & how much effort & money (if any) you want to spend.
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Just a thought on this new crowd at GOTD. Yesterday there was 735 votes on the offer with only 59 comments. I guess folks are tired of being hammered because it's been that way (mostly) for a while now. Why comment when theres all this hatred here?
The fun has been taken away from GOTD & now most of the old timers don't bother anymore. Thats to bad but it goes to show the mentality of morons!
This probably won't get posted but I could care less because from now on, I'm joining the why bother crowd. Sorry GOTD but it's just not worth it anymore!
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Just my problem? I have downloaded several of the Sothink programs. Each one downloads by default into a folder called SourceTect and then into Sothink whatever. I realize that this keeps all the SourceTect programs together but I never find easily the program I want because I usually can't remember that all Sothink programs are in the SourceTect folder.
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Sothink SWF to Video Converter not only works, it's maybe a one of a kind solution -- from the comments I think some people misunderstand Flash Shockwave... SWF [Flash Shockwave] files contain programming (scripting), graphics (vector graphics &/or raster images), sometimes audio, & *sometimes* video. Flash video [FLV] is a more or less regular video file in a special format. That video's player is an SWF file, & they can be combined or stored separately -- the SWF file may or may not contain any FLV video. Sothink SWF to Video Converter does not specialize in extracting or converting any FLV video, but rather in converting motion graphics to video, an image sequence, or an animated GIF.
If you've tried one of the SWF decompilers offered earlier on GOTD, you probably found that SWF files can contain sprites -- individual vector graphics, like the individual frames or cell layers in animation -- along with scripting to move those sprites in the window or overall frame (called a stage). Sothink's SWF to Video Converter takes a series of screen captures of the SWF window with the animation running, & then saves those captures to a new file or files. This lets you repurpose a Shockwave animation (stand-alone, in a game etc) that normally runs in a web browser, & turn it into a video clip that can play for example on a handheld video player or your cell phone. Or you might make a smaller animated GIF to use for a web page link to the full Shockwave file. Since sprites/graphics/scripting form the animation in a Shockwave file, there really isn't an easier (or other) way AFAIK.
Sothink SWF to Video Converter is a small program (18 files, 1 folder, ~11 MB) with minimal impact on Windows. Installation did misbehave by replacing the 3 Xvid video codec files in Windows' System32 folder with older versions -- you might want to update Xvid & the included Lame mp3 encoder. It includes 2 other files for the System32 folder & version 9 of the Flash OCX file. It doesn't recognize (offer to use) other codecs or encoders already installed, VFW or DS, so if you want something like a mjpeg avi file you'll probably wind up saving an image sequence, then loading that in VirtualDub or whatever software for encoding.
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I'm seeking video editing software, primarily to reduce the size of some of my movie backups enabling them to fit on a standard DVD. Some action movies I'd like to edit for language, etc, for the youngsters.
Any possibilities?
Happy Dae·
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80 bucks??? What a ridiculous price for this software based on what it does. Works reasonably well, although of the 10 video conversions I tried, not a single vid looked as good afterwards. Thanks to GAOTD for the offer!
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Installed easily and works fine.During the last week of March09, GAOTD gave away Sothink Video Encoder for Adobe Flash2.5 which converts any
video to flv,that performs vey-well. I found Sothink(SourceTec)softwares are matching or rather superior withany other similar type of softwares.Thanks GAOTD.
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Lookedm good but I tried converting a swf to a animated gif and it lost all it's text and was terrible quality - are there any other options?
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I don't know about anyone else bu when I download flash video/video clips there almost always in FLV format, like you tube music videos. Sothink makes a great, free FLV player that works perfect on Vista Ultimate x64. That said, I don't have much use for todays offer. I'll grab a pass but thanks anyway.
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I think GAOTD is running out of items to post. Enough Video grabbing software already.
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I encountered a similar Flash 8 conversion issue as mentioned by Ashraf, in that it will not convert from Flash 8.
Is there any quick way to convert from Flash 8 to Flash 7 (or lower)? Ashraf?
Also, you cannot convert directly to MOV (Apple Quick Time) format, so this is a limitation.
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This is just what I'm looking for to convert swf files into gif files for my Sony Ericsson mobile phone. Thanks GAOTD
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Even though I have no particular need for this product I have used Sothink programs in the past and they have always worked well.
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To 9,
The Good
* Straightforward and easy to use.
* Can convert to AVI, MPEG, MP4 (iPod/PSP), 3GP/3G2 and (animated) GIF.
* Can convert each SWF frame to BMP, JPG, PNG and GIF image.
* You can add an image watermark before you convert.
* You can crop your video before you convert.
* You can record in “interactive” mode or “frame by frame”.
* You can add audio from an external sound to your video.
* You have control over the FPS, bitrate, etc. for your output videos.
* You can choose to convert the whole SWF or just parts.
* Not too bad on computer resources.
The Bad
* Program crashes for me when trying to convert a Flash 8 SWF video.
* You can’t control any of the output settings (FPS, bitrate, etc.) for MPEG except the MPEG type.
Yes, it is very detailed. Great work.
Free Alternatives
Video Converter
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This is really good software but Format Factory or Super are two free alternatives,for when this one isn't free.
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install smoothly and convert swf to avi.
But personally, I prefer iSkysoft video converter. This converter works on my computer flawless. Help me convert between multiple video&audio formats.
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