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Sun Village 3D Screensaver Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Sun Village 3D Screensaver

Sun Village screensaver is a masterpiece: the beautiful detailed scenery and the river surface are strikingly realistic, and there are a great number of animated people.
User rating: 381 57 comments

Sun Village 3D Screensaver was available as a giveaway on August 14, 2010!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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A professional background remover!

What a lovely afternoon! Summer has come to the remote village, and all the villagers are enjoying themselves in the sunlight. Sun Village screensaver is a masterpiece indeed: the beautiful detailed scenery and the river surface are strikingly realistic, and there are a great number of animated people. The high-quality graphics and advanced effects produce the overall impression of reality, and the elaborate sound effects also contribute to it.

System Requirements:

Windows XP/Vista/7; 800MHz processor; DirectX 9.0; 16 MB video RAM





File Size:

41.3 MB



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Comments on Sun Village 3D Screensaver

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Must have done something wrong, because I keep getting a note to register and only the city picture, will have to remove.
Most of the games etc. I've downloaded usually work great though.

Reply   |   Comment by Mysty  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is creepy. I'm building a private compound on a lake in Northern California that is almost exactly like this screensaver. It includes a B&B, rental property and private homes. This is a great visual. Thank you for the offer. I will be purchasing more from the developer.

Reply   |   Comment by Xanadu  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

#32, mike, I don't use shortcuts. Windows Search finds stuff in seconds, but there are usually two links to most screensavers, so you do need determine which directly runs the screensaver and which runs additional stuff, like a screensaver manager. I don't have a problem with actually using my computer--that's what it's for. Good screensavers like this have many, many camera paths, so it's much smaller than a video. Further, you always get maximum detail, no matter what the screen resolution. As for realism, for me, it's like a book, which is often better than a movie, because you can use your imagination. Similarly, I like better realism to a degree, but not too much--it spoils the fantasy.

Reply   |   Comment by Fubar  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Great screensaver. I found if you go into the settings and turn the graphics down to minimal it really helps the jerkiness and still looks good. Some parts, like the water horizon, look better. What does disappear are all the people and it feels like you're playing the classic game, MYST.

I also like that (unlike OTHER screensavers we know) you have the OPTION to install the screensaver manager or not. I love 3Planesoft ...lets just call them "screen art" instead. What I don't understand are all the messages about how much memory is used. Why do you care about that--you're not going to be using the computer when a screensaver is running! If you have to run something in the background, you're probably going to turn off a screensaver.

Reply   |   Comment by GeekGurl  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

This is a bit late, but I do encourage everyone to check out the other screensavers. Some are better than others, and I think they have something for everyone. The zodiac clock is absolutely beautiful IMHO, and I get a real kick out of the digital clock. Some of the others, like the watermill, are really relaxing. I can sit and gaze at them, let my mind go (and my imagination LOL) and really relax. The pickier you are about the details and imperfections, etc., the less you will enjoy it. For me, being able to relax is worth the trade off of any power hogging. Actually, since both my boxes have good graphics cards and max ram, I don't have problems with the animations.

For those still concerned about the program hogging resources in the background, I second the idea of making a shortcut to the .exe file and running the program exactly when you want it to. I have a .dream/deskscapes file that tends to use a bit more resources than I like, but it really makes me chuckle and I enjoy watching it while I'm doing "busy" work, so I only run it during those times. Running the fireplace screensaver in the winter makes it seem like I have my own fireplace :/

By the way, with Planesoft's screensavers, you can take "snapshots" while they are running, that you can use as desktop wallpapers. I can't remember right off hand exactly what hotkey you use ... you may be able to find it while the screensaver is running or through the manager. The snapshots can make pretty cool wallpapers. The manager is not bad to use ... you can see what screensavers you have activated, adn you can check on or off which ones you want to use, esp around holidays and other occasions. You can also adjust the properties of each screensaver.

Hope you all enjoy the screensaver(s)!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Jo  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is a really nice screen saver (as is the Lantern and The One Ring). However, despite checking the "Show a blank screen on all monitors" in the Configuration window, the screen saver does not blank out my second monitor. I have experienced this on two computers. Has anyone experienced this and do they have a solution? (By the way, this is an issue only with the 3Planesoft's screen savers, my other screen savers, such as Forest Life 3D, properly blanks out my second monitor.)

Reply   |   Comment by Richard  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Amazing. Has the complexity and quality to encourage sitting and watching it - which is all a screensaver is for today. The only room for improvement that I noticed in a couple of minutes watching it: the people's feet slip as they walk, and the water is undisturbed by oars and paddles. I love the way some of the guys swagger as they walk, people change direction unexpectedly, paddle boats run into the bank, the flying birds actually appear to be flying, etc. For something of this nature not created by Pixar or ILM and their millions of dollars, this is an awesome product.

Reply   |   Comment by Sidney  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

PS Hope this means we get more Planesoft screensavers in future on GOTD! ;)

Reply   |   Comment by Charles  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Very nice screensaver. have patience when it runs, some of the scenes are very nicely done!

Reply   |   Comment by Charles  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

System Requirements:
Windows XP/Vista/7;
800MHz processor;
DirectX 9.0;
16 MB video RAM"

LOL, ROTFL, LOL. @Atom 1,6GHz & 96MB VideoRAM... FPS = 3.0. Cool, jazzy, ...crap!

Reply   |   Comment by ohno  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

NO screensavers can beat 3PlaneSoft's superior graphics when it comes to screensavers.

I like how they made it so realistic looking (everything looks too real) and the quality is like blue-ray quality. :P

Reply   |   Comment by Lascannon  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Excellent screen saver. Just tht it is jerky but tht's maybe cause my computer hardware is not upto the mark. I can't imagine how awesome it would look if it would play smoothly

Reply   |   Comment by Sachin  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great stuff. Fantastic scenery. It installed without a problem on my Win7, 64 bit machine.

I do not understand the complaints in this list about the disk or memory this screen saver uses. Since the first screen savers started showing flying pigs, a screen saver has been about entertainment, just like the rest of my computer. It’s here to entertain me. It helps that I write software for computers, but when I come home from work, I want visual entertainment.

Some suggestions for this screen saver: I could not get it to play on dual monitors. Two monitors would be nice. I configured the music to 20% but it seemed to play at the same volume. Someone mentioned earlier that the time on the clock tower could be set to the current time, I think that’s a cool idea.

Reply   |   Comment by rob  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed and registered fine on Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. Lovely graphics, ran at 30 to 70 FPS on my laptop with defaults (1GB nVidia graphics and an Intel core i7 have something to do with that though :P ) Will definatly be keeping this one. Thanks GAOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by doggie015  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The defaults will require a fairly powerful video card. But on an average laptop, change the graphics quality to minimal and it will be smooth. Then increase the quality until it is too jerky. You can also choose a lower resolution which will also improve the smoothness.

Reply   |   Comment by bill.hpux  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Your computer's Memory Consumed by:
8.18 MB (Firefox)
554.31 K (Google Chrome)
2.1 MB-4.6MB (IE8)

41.3 MB !!!!--for a screensaver (Sun Village 3D Screensaver)

Reply   |   Comment by CU  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-7)

For the people who complain about the jerky performance. Try lowering the graphics quality in the settings panel. This of course reduces some of the detail, but you can't have it all unless you have a powerful computer.

Some of the people wearing hats in the screensaver are having trouble keeping them on their heads. Sorry, don't meen to be picky.

Great piece of work.

Reply   |   Comment by Bugs  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Would someone actually pay $10 for this?

Reply   |   Comment by Lobster  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

Nice screen saver. It's a bit resource intensive, but I like it. Happy to see that they've started offering the option to play your own music. Nothing wrong with theirs really, I just like mine.
And I'm really glad to see they've started offering the option not to install their screen saver manager(a check box during setup). Nothing wrong with screen saver managers exactly, but the forced installation of one of those, with every screen saver that came along, all of which only worked with one developers screen savers, was getting old. Especially when they're unnecessary to begin with.

And on a side note to the developers, PCTools Threatfire threw up a red flag about the way this installation was behaving. The setup app trying to run another app in the background, centering around the file "setup.tmp" used by this installation. And the install trying to alter the default screen saver. Threatfire is more of a profiler, really, so with other tools finding nothing, I'm sure it's a false positive, but it's something you should be aware of.

Reply   |   Comment by Cnut  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

We have come a long way since pong and pac man. I applaud the effort, there is much to like about this whole new venue. I must say that as good as it is I kept wanting more life-like interaction. The people come off like zombies wandering around with no purpose. Women without handbags? No dogs on a leash? This is a coastal community... where are the seagulls? How about a young couple sitting on the stone wall kissing? How about some sea otters making some noise in the bay? How about a musical group in the square with dancers dancing? How about a cafe with people sitting and enjoying a great cup of coffee and conversation? All of this leads to a more natural and believable scene. We need Walt Disney's vision now more than ever! Don't give up, keep getting better.

Reply   |   Comment by jmchism  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

This is the best screensaver so far. Excellent.

Reply   |   Comment by jmv  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

I love visually dynamic screensavers. I keep a mini pc hooked to my big screen. So, when I'm at work or where ever, a nature demonstration is portrayed for the cat and dog.

Might sound lame to those with a yard/lots of windows, but I just moved to the big city from the country. Screensavers with sound and relaxing images can soothe savage beasts.

Reply   |   Comment by star city web design  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Beautiful! I have the Lantern screensaver (ever since it came out) which is excellent (also the Mechanical Clock). You have to admire the design/art that goes into a project like this. Downloaded, installed and registered excellent. Noticed the jerkey problem noted above, but went into settings and made some adjustments. Runs good now. Instead of trying to set display to my LCD size (1680 x 1050), I selected "set to display monitor" setting and adjusted the quality a little. Works great. As with the Lantern SS, I was mesmermized. Awesome. Very relaxing. Like that I can add my own music if I chose to. Fantastic art - great detail. Thanks GOTD and 3DPlanesoft. It's a keeper. Have a nice day and a good weekend everyone.

Reply   |   Comment by Sharon  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Is there a registration code? If so how do I get it? I really think it is awesome I like it a lot

Reply   |   Comment by Kay  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

Blocka, did you get an answer about the registration code? It
works but gets interrupted for a code.I like it but when I click that I don't have a code, it wants me to buy it. Can anyone help?

Reply   |   Comment by Yvonne  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-7)

#22: "Installed OK but find this offering a bit too jerky. Not as smooth as I would have hoped for. Unless, of course, I am missing a certain piece of software from my computer Anyone else find this?"

The more powerful your PC/laptop & it's graphics hardware, the faster it should run. If/when you get too low frame rates [fps] you can try updating [mainly graphics] drivers, turn off unneeded programs/services, try giving your graphics hardware more RAM if you're using on-board graphics, & sometimes adjust settings for your graphics hardware drivers, including turning some 3D rendering features off or setting them to a lower quality setting.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

#8: "... I only use these as on-demand animations (not my screensaver)..."

FWIW it *might* be easier then to just create a shortcut to the .exe file in the program's folder.

"... of course realtime-rendered 3D animations are going to use CPU and GPU..."

Again purely FWIW, that's why many [myself included] feel rendering 3D realtime outside of something like a game [which changes so it needs to be realtime] is at the least a bit impractical. I don't have a gaming rig with 2 - 4 crossfire graphics cards & a bunch of eyefinity monitors, so I get no more satisfaction out of knowing my hardware can render & display 3D than I would running a stock Yugo at Daytona. ;-)

* * *

#13: "HI, am i supposed to receive a registration code ? otherwise i cant seem to get it to work."

When you run Activate.exe [included in GOTD .zip file you downloaded] it enters the registration key in Windows' registry -- if it doesn't, you might need to right-click --> run as admin.

* * *

#16: "... I suppose that for some people screensavers are a better option than buying those ultra-flat electronic pictureframes ;-)"

Purely FWIW, the tech overhead is just too high compared to just plain old video, played on or with anything from some hand-helds to some cell phones to a cheap (~$25 & up) media player to a PC/laptop etc... there are plenty of these sorts of video's available as files, DVD & BD discs. That way you can either watch the real thing [filmed], or 3D renders that originally might have taken a renderfarm days to produce, with less impact on your electric bill &/or carbon footprint, whichever perspective you prefer. :-)

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

@Trucker, #15: If you mean "really turn off the monitor" (as in cutting electricity) and not just blacken the screen (still displaying black), that can be a great screensaver-feature when you want to save energy.
I only know of the ones that blacken the screen, which is good for old CRT-monitors ofcourse, but is of little or even no use while using a LCD-screen (or you have to like a quiet black screen ofcourse; in a LCD screen the backlight together with keeping the LCD grid under voltage uses the most energy; not what is diplayed with the individual pixels that are on or off).

@Patrick, #16: A screensaver originally was meant to save your screen from screenburn which was something that could happen with older CRT-monitors, especially when often displaying the same high contrast stills on the screen.
You're quite right to use a screensaver if you are likely to suffer from screenburn, because you use an older CRT-monitor, indeed.

@4 I was referring to cloudcomputing as possibly being a usefull feature of a screensaver. You named SETI which is an example indeed. There are also screensavers researching cancer medice by calculating folding habbits of proteinderivates and many more examples.
See http://www.chem.ox.ac.uk/curecancer.html

Reply   |   Comment by Funkster  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Superb graphics! 3plane screensavers are among the best IMO. This one is much more demanding on the graphic card than their 3D Watermill screensaver, which I also have and enjoy a lot. Time to upgrade, I guess... Thanks 3plane and GOTD

Reply   |   Comment by Humphrey  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Sun Village 3D Screensaver is a 32 bit, Direct3D screensaver -- if you don't meet the hardware requirements you get a message that there's No Hardware Accelerated D3D, that the screensaver will now exit, & that you should visit the Help page at the developers' site. During install you're given the opportunity to subscribe to their mailing list, & the option to install a screensaver mgr, but setup doesn't check to see if you meet hardware requirements -- if you're in doubt backup or at least create a Restore Point in case of problems like reported in comment #3... while I didn't see any problems it did add a theme in 7's XPMode VM [Virtual Machine].

'Far as visual quality goes, [on an AMD quad rig with ATI 4870 in 7 ult 64, 1080p screen, latest drivers etc] IMHO at the lowest quality setting it's roughly equivalent to the on-line Flash-based games. At the highest setting it's *maybe* what you'd expect to see on an older [5+ years old] D3D or OpenGL game. I don't mean that negatively, but just an objective observation -- with the Lego-like characters & static trees I didn't think it measured up to WOW (which runs on pretty modest hardware). There was also a fair amount of aliasing/artifacting, though it could *Probably* be fixed through graphics card settings, & [without any tweaking] frame rates weren't spectacular (at max quality in the higher 40's). As you'd expect with the hardware accelerated D3D requirement, it did use the GPU [graphics processor], but not a lot, while regardless the quality setting it loaded up 2 out of 4 CPU cores.

The Sun Village 3D Screensaver itself takes up ~42MB in mainly 6 files in the program's folder -- almost 100% of that is the Sun Village 3D Screensaver.exe which is the screensaver itself [If you just want to run it -- not use it as a screensaver -- just run that file (much quicker than right-clicking -> preview &/or going through the screensaver config), which during loading shows hotkeys for displaying fps, setting config. etc]. A smaller [<1MB] .scr file is put into Windows' system folder, along with Sun Village.log [which in Notepad is just a small text file with basic license terms]. Registry entries are very light, with just the screensaver's key [for path, language, & GOTD license key], plus keys for uninstall -- the screensaver key is under HKLM [Hkey_Local_Machine], meaning you probably should run setup & activation as admin to be safe in Vista/7, as otherwise that part of the registry *might* be restricted.

All in all I'm personally not a huge screensaver fan, though I do check them out in case there's one or another I really like or feel is extraordinary... this one did nothing for me, but please don't let that stop you if you like this sort of thing, but be prepared in case it won't run on a lower powered PC/laptop.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

Installed the screensaver but did not like the 'jerky' part of it. I like the scene and moving around but flowing wasn't smooth. Thanks anyways.

Reply   |   Comment by Lorraine  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Screen savers were for the '90, when the displays were CRT.
With LCDs, you don't need screen saver, actually it is more damaging to and LCD screen to be turned off or on all the times.
The life span on a LCD screen is shortened dramatically by constantly turning the background light on or off.
Why load such a huge program that it stays in the background ll the times?
It is a no go for me.

Reply   |   Comment by fredy  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-10)

I've bought screensavers from this company after getting some from GOTD. They're good quality and worth buying, so it's great to get one for free!

No problems with installation and set up on my XP system and it runs well.

I know some people will be unhappy because today's giveaway is something playful and not utilitarian. The thing is, the more variety GOTD offers the more users it attracts. That gives it easier to recruit developers to provide freebies. I applaud GOTD for understanding the market and for continuing to provide us with all kinds of good stuff.

Reply   |   Comment by Klacey  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Installed on the netbook. Runs heavy on resources and by the time it loads, I'm probably back from break. Uninstalled it from the netbook.

Reply   |   Comment by Marie  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Thank you.One more for my collection.

Reply   |   Comment by bobars  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-7)

Installed OK but find this offering a bit too jerky. Not as smooth as I would have hoped for.

Unless, of course, I am missing a certain piece of software from my computer

Anyone else find this?

Thanks GAOTD for the offering.

Reply   |   Comment by rizla01  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Why did my Kaspersky warned me that the screensaver's behavior is similar to the pdm.keylogger? I have uninstalled this anyway. Too many problems with a keylogger in the past (including financial..)

Reply   |   Comment by cassie  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

WOW, what a beautiful screensaver. I'm not much on screensavers but thought I'd download it after some of the comments, and I'm really glad I did. The only thing about it I don't like is I've never seen a screensaver that actually has to load every time it comes up, that's a first for me. But it's definitely a thumbs up!

Reply   |   Comment by Jenny  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Ultra-quick review:

Useful? No.
Well-made? Yes.
Interesting? Yes.
Worth $9.99? Probably.
Worth FREE? Definitely.

Website has video & screenshots, if uncertain.

Reply   |   Comment by Jim  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

Incredible graphics. A great freebie - thanks to all

Reply   |   Comment by Yorkiegeorge  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

I used to be one of those who sortof complained about the screensaver giveaways, but, at 41 MB, figgered this might be aworthwhile download. It is actually quite good! Installed on my XP machine with no problems at all. You have the option to use your own music, or turn it off. I almost hate to admit it, but I rather like this screensaver!

Reply   |   Comment by Chuck  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)


@ Funkster #4

I totally agree, but I have sound and vision enough around me without the use for any screensavers. I have an "old", second hand high quality Siemens crt - still vurnerable to screenburn I'm afraid - and I usually switch my CRT-screen off when my computer is idling.

I suppose that for some people screensavers are a better option than buying those ultra-flat electronic pictureframes ;-)

It's a question of taste, ins't it? But this here looks a lot nicer than those stupid "tropical fish in a bubble bath" everyone knows from a few years back...

The more creative among us could also make and run a (series of) Powerpoint presentation(s) of their own making?

As far as energy consumption is concerned, wouldn't it be better to link your machine(s) to some worldwide dataprocessing project to share processing time? Like SETI,eg., or some other science project? I don't know, really, because I have no experience with this alternative for wasting (computer-)time and energy. It seems a nice idea enough, and could run alongside modern screensavers I guess. Anybody any experience with this?

I'm a bit off topic here, I know. The idea just came into my mind.

Have a nice weekend.

Reply   |   Comment by Patrick  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-10)

You´re right about the "waste" of energy & hardware, if You talk about the CPU, RAM, HDD, videocard & monitor...

A screensaver is an old term that never have been changed. BUT new or old screensavers do often support to turn-off the monitor, so it is possible to "save" energy, monitor and other hardware... while you´re out making coffee... and do not look at the monitor anyway...

I like to watch a good screensaver there is made by creative hands. BUT it have to use my monitor and hardware in a nice way, so when I make coffee then do it give my PC a little rest too...

Reply   |   Comment by Trucker  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-11)

I'm not sure if anyone else realized it, but they also have 2 other freeware screensavers. If you go to the fantasy tab on their website, "Lantern' and "The One Ring," a tribute to Tolkien, are also listed as freeware.

Reply   |   Comment by Daniel Lirette  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

HI, am i supposed to receive a registration code ? Otherwise i cant seem to get it to work. thanks

Reply   |   Comment by Blocka  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-13)


Reply   |   Comment by cloudy79  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-19)

Does the town's clock in the tower show the real time of day? If not, I think that would be a cool idea!

Reply   |   Comment by darkshades  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Successful download, installation, and activation on Vista x32. User has option of downloading Screensaver Manager, which allows user to designate desired screensaver settings - including enabling/disabling music, choosing visual display modes, designating "exit upon mouse movement" option, and a whole host of other features. Screensaver village scene is colorful, beautiful, and enjoyable for users (such as myself) who appreciate artsy, fun software. By the way, registration shows up in the Screensaver Manager, in the settings section (important note - run the "activate.exe" executable file before launching screensaver, to ensure successful activation.)

Wonderful giveaway - thank you, GOTD and 3Planesoft.

Excellent Freeware Option:

Best Downloads Free Screensavers - free of viruses & adware, and offers users opt-in toolbar downloads that are 100% optional

Reply   |   Comment by Inas  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

It's a beautiful screen saver. You can turn the sounds off in the settings. It's basically a small town with buildings and water in the middle, and the view is from a camera that slowly flies around over the town.

I am not downloading today's version, but I've had this screen saver 6 months now. Haven't had any problems with it and no spyware or junkware was included with it. It also doesn't mess with my Aero theme. I grabbed it from the NVidia website (free). That may be a different version and MIGHT require a NVidia video card before it works. I have a NVidia GeForce GTX 295.

Reply   |   Comment by Mixx  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

This is 3Planesoft Sun Village 3D 1.1 build 3, an excellent screensaver and a compliment to Snow Village 3D. The 3Planesoft screensavers always have great visual quality, so-so music, and keep a log in System32 (bad location). Your satisfaction with screensavers depends entirely upon your video card and drivers. The log indicates this averages 36.9 FPS at 1920x1200 on my aging nVidia 9800 GT with latest drivers. No, this doesn't mess up Aero, etc., people complaining about that or other problems have messed-up drivers. Improvements to my security software do indicate that 3Planesoft's coding has lots of problems, often messing with memory and folders that it shouldn't, but they don't appear to do any real harm (but the coding should be fixed).

We'll get the usual mindless drivel about screensavers using your CPU, GPU, and monitor. I only use these as on-demand animations (not my screensaver), and yes, of course realtime-rendered 3D animations are going to use CPU and GPU. One thing I like about 3Planesoft is that you can get all of their current (not future) screensavers for $99. It's cheaper to buy the entire set every year or two than buy them individually.

Reply   |   Comment by Fubar  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+24)
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