Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Streaming Video Recorder 2.0.1 was available as a giveaway on August 18, 2009!
Now everyone can record any online streaming videos on the desktop! Streaming Video Recorder just helps you record all social videos on the Internet; so you can easily download online TV shows, Web episodes, and streaming movies through various video sharing sites, or streaming networks, such as YouTube, Metacafe, MySpace, Dailymotion, MegaVideo, and Internet TV like NBC, CBS, BBC, etc.
Windows Vista, XP, 2003
14.1 MB
YouTube Downloader Converter Suite is a tool to help you download videos from YouTube and convert to any video formats like AVI, MPEG-4, WMV, Divx or audio formats like MP3, WMA, and AAC etc. The final video you get from YouTube will be completely compatible with iPod, PSP, Zune, MP3 player and other portable devices.
Video Converter Studio is a Professional video conversion program. It supports conversion among almost all popular video and audio formats, such as, AVI, Divx, MPG, FLV, MP4, MOV, MKV, AMV, MP3, WMV, WMA, 3GP, 3G2, DV, AAC, M4A and so on.
YouTube to MP3 can help you download videos from YouTube and convert to MP3, WMA, AAC and other audio formats.YouTube to MP3 also support converting local video file to MP3 and other popular audio formats.
Free Music Downloader is a professional and efficient tool to help you search and downloads free music, MP3 from online resources. Just type the keywords of music you want to download and click search, you will get thousands of related music and artist.
iPod to Computer Transfer is designed to help you backup photos, music, videos in you iPod, iTouch, Nano and Classic to computer, It also helps you transfer iPod podcasts, play lists and ratings etc back to your iTunes library.
guys your are da best
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I am very disappointed with this company. I emailed customer services the same day I downloaded the program pointing out a problem. They got back to me with the fix the next day and sent me to a link to download it. But of course, now it doesn't work any more as it is not registered. They kindly offered to sell me the program at $29. I think they should not offer programs with bugs on giveaway of the day or should offer free uploads if they admit it was a bug at their end.
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Today the program asked me for registration code!!!
It was activated only for a few days???
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I am still waiting for GAOTD to offer a giveaway that can download Ustream videos. Right now, only Applian claim to work.
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same results as #168. and many many others here. Its is not down to the fact if you have x86 (32bit) or 64bit cpu/operating sytem. I have 5 pc's all diffrent flavours of bit lol.... But all suffer the 0 byte convertion. nothing from youtube will convert... I saw the bells and whistles and instantly downloaded it and set it up. Silly of me really, I have been bitten before lol.... If it sounds to good to be true. It usually is. :-/
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To Jacky (#150)...
As reported by #162, I too have the "0 KB" output file problem on two separate systems, neither of which are running a 64-bit OS. Actually, both are running WinXP, SP3 (one "Pro" and one "Home"). I sent an email to the address listed on your site (support@recordstreamingvideo.com), but it was bounced with a "rejected by recepient domain" message.
Any thoughts on why so many people are having the 0KB problem, even on 32-bit Windows? Is there another support address?
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Although I use Giveawayoftheday on a daily basis, and am thankful for the software, advice and comments given, yesterday was the first time I had trouble registering Streaming Video Recorder software.
I contacted Jackie (Apowersoft) last night and received imediate, friendly advice that cured the problem. I'm very glad, because the software works very well, and does exactly what it says it will.
I am writing this note simply to thank Apowersoft and all the people at
GOTD for their efforts. I get tired of users writing that they wouldn't pay ***$ for a piece of software. Nobody asked them to. If you like it - use it, if not leave the bloody thing alone! Tomorrow is another day. Be thankful for GOTD. I certainly am. Finally, since I doubt I'll be writig again, my sincere thanks to Ashraf, and Bubba etc., etc. for their expert(and often funny) tips and reviews.
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#156, YourNameHere, I use Blue Project SysTracer Pro. You have to pay for it, but a cheaper home license is available. It’s much faster and has far more features than the freeware alternatives. It’s not perfect; as with all such products, there are some occasional bugs. NirSoft has all sorts of freeware utilities, RegDLLView is good for tracking changes to registered DLL’s (you can use the open-source WinMerge for comparing reports). Microsoft Sysinternals AutoRuns reports lots of useful information, including installed codecs. I use Agnitum Outpost Security Suite Pro (in Advanced mode) for monitoring security-related activity and network access. In addition to its sophisticated log viewers, you can access numerous detailed logs, which are kept in text format.
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I M P O R T A N T !
If the program did not start on your PC, here is a SIMPLE fix:
The Developer should also check it out!
I was about to uninstall the software, when I stumbled across the above thread. Oh man, the GOTD forum ROCKS!
Now, now, I got the program to start... but I haven't tested it out as yet.
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Having read all the reviews I decided not to download this.
Instead I googled 'video streaming software' and came across one, ORBIT, that seemed to do everything that the above claimed to do, including downloading from sites like the BBC.
Having downloaded it I gave it a try. RUBBISH. It seems to work in the same way as YouTube Downloader wherein you copy the link and then download.
Unlike the last mentioned that just downloads the video that you want, ORBIT downloads the whole page, so you may as well just bookmark the page which is a whole lot simpler.
Plus, ORBIT only downloaded the BBC video and page as a HTML file with no actual video content, just a picture of the iPlayer screen.
If anyone knows of any such software that will actually download content from sites such as the BBC so that you can keep it as long as you want then I would like to know of any.
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I'm using a P4 with 3 GB of RAM and XP-SP2. I ran activate before setup as per the instructions in #33.
XP users should not use this, it is not properly supported. XP users should just use FREE Firefox with the FREE download helper extension http://www.downloadhelper.net/ since that will give you the same functionality. You can convert for FREE with Pazera http://download.cnet.com/Pazera-Free-FLV-to-AVI-Converter/3000-2194_4-10786669.html
Good points
- downloads youtube (flv) easily with Firefox and IE
- downloads google video (flv) easily with Firefox and IE
- downloads apple video (mov) easily with Firefox and IE
- converts apple video (mov)
Bad points
- does not convert flv to any format (I get that same 0 B error as commenters 28, 40, 58, and 64).
- does not work with Hulu
- does not work with BBC news video
- only downloads the intro commercial on nbc.com, not the actual video
- uses IE as default when you "Add URL"
Can't test
- BBC iPlayer (I'm not in Britain)
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All the problems are not due to a 64-bit operating system because I have my problems on Windows XP pro 32-bit edition.
And all you people who say we shouldn't complain because it is free; let me come over and spray the entire front of your house with horse manure for free. I am sure you will thank me for it, it's free right?
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This software has lots of potential, but poor attention to detail lets it down. I don't think that the 'converting' module has been well tested. I was also getting problems with the folder opening, but no files in it. Solved that by renaming the files, making sure that I add the file extension name (*.avi) This gave better results, but I'm also getting same error as others; file is shown in folder, but with 0 bytes. Also, if you are batch converting make sure that you remove the converted files after completion, or they will be re-converted when if you add more files. I'm glad I didn't pay for this, but would pay for it if it worked properly.
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Does not detect shoutcast TV through winamp. That would be the only thing I would use it for as the Download Helper plug in for FireFox does everything else.
Great interface and the convert feature is nice. Thumbs up but I would not use it unless it detected everything you could play on your system, other wise I just use a plug in for my browser.
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I forgot to add that I want to thank the GOTD team and the developer for making this software available. It still has promise but probably needs some updating to thwart the efforts of some sites to stop this type of capture from working.
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I ran activate first, then I ran setup. It registered fine. (the readme says to run setup, then activate - oh well, good thing I can't read)
Only works on you-tube. All other sites it only records the commercials (even when they are not streaming!)
No help or instruction files that I could find.
I'm not a youtube fan, so I probably won't keep this unless I can get it to work on a site I use.
I do have a great collection of high quality commercials now.
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I downloaded and installed the software with no problems (32-bit Windows XP) by running the activate.exe first and then installing (as suggested by GOTD team in an earlier post). I had hoped this would be as good as Replay Media Catcher (payware) and I think it has that potential but it isn't quite there yet. I easily downloaded an flv from a non-Youtube site but when I went to nbc.com and tried to capture a Heroes behind the scene video the software was only able to capture the commercials. In addition when I tried to convert the flv that I was able to capture to DVD-NTSC format the converter did not appear to do anything. The flv file was only 12MB (3 min runtime) but after 5 minutes there was no indication anything was actually being converted. This is less of a problem because there is always Format Factory freeware but the inability to capture NBC.COM when it says that it can is a problem. It's late now, too tired to continue testing.
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Fubar, What tool are you using to track system changes by the installers?
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I guess there is no way to record CBS 60 minutes videos or Hulu without just getting only the ads. How the heck to you capture those embedded Flash Videos? I find Downloadhelper is just as useful and it doesn't get bogged down either as it is just a Firefox plugin. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for CBS videos either.
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Not that it matters, but I did not get it to work on XP 32-bit. Same ARIAL font error other people encountered plus a screen-full of gibberish complaining about certain .Net 2.0 files...
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Program works great...as long as you don't have a 64bit OS.
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After trying this program I ended up buying Ashampoo® Snap 3.
It will record every video that will play on your computer. I mean
"every video".
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I think YouTube Downloader ver 2.5 from BienneSoft (http://youtubedownload.altervista.org/) is a good alternative. It is always free and does not require registration. It is a very small program and downloaded installation file size is about 3MB. Though name is YouTube Downloader, you can use it to download from other video sites also.
It is very easy to use with Firefox. Search for the required video in YouTube. Right click on the link of the video and select "Copy Link Location". Move the cursor over the You Tube Downloader. It automatically copies the link. Click on "OK" to download the video to specified location. It has options to convert the videos to other formats also (Ipod, Iphone, PSP, Cell Phone, Windows Media, XVid and MP3).
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#28, #40, #52, #27. We have noticed these problem:
No network card detected, Convert 0 bytes files and some registration program even I send you the key code through email.
All these were caused by the 64 bit system, so the 64 bit users may not be able to use Streaming Video Recorder. We will support Windows7 and Vista 64 bit in the next version as soon as possible.
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Oh,and BTW, those of you with 64bit problems. Cant you emulate?
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No offense, but if some of you want to blame and complain, why don't you learn how to use your computer first?
a. do you *read* anything, or just click next real fast when installing?
b. do you know what a false positive is?
c. see a.
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I have loaded this on both my XP and x64. I got it to work on my XP and the program does what it says and I like how it allows me to change the screen size and multiple formats with ease. However after converting 5 files, I an unable to convert anymore files. I have to exit and restart the program to convert a coupl eof more files. As far as x64..... just like the previous posts I am having a "network card: and registration error. I do have to a mention that I was impressed with the Support center. My E-mail was quickly responded to (10 minutes or less) Hopefully, the program will get reposted to we can evaluate it on x64 Vista systems.
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I still am not sure if this downloaded correctly or not. It says it is activated but I did not receive a registration number and it is telling me I need to pay for the program...not sure but I hope it works because it looks like something I could really use!
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I would really have liked this programbut am having same problem with registration as "happy person." I gather it does not work with vista 64bit anyway.Got to be a thumbs down for this. Get with the times developers.
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Well, I posted a message here and emailed their support because the conversion doesn't work. All I got was an email back saying other people are having the same issue.
No solution, nothing.
What a pile of junk. I'm uninstalling it. Don't waste your time. Don't EVER buy anything from these idiots. They have no customer support that's worth anything. Even for free this program stinks.
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They claim it can record videos from NBC, CBS and the BBC. None of which is true (at least I can't get it to work). The one video I recorded from YouTube could not be played by any other flv player (although it might be a newer codec than I have installed on my machine), and could not be converted to any other format by this program (it just generated 0-length files). The only way I could play it was using the "play" function within the program itself.
Also, it would not record videos from Hulu either.
So, it is pretty much useless to me.
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Also having the same problem as #83. Files download, but when I try to convert it produces a file of 0 KB. The only exception to this is when I try to convert files of less than 1 minute in duration - then the files do convert.
I agree that if I am not able to convert larger files then this is a major flaw with the program and it is not worth keeping it on my computer.
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Although it claims to download TV network stations about all you get are the commercials before the show begins if your lucky on any of them. Youtube,etc works but I already have stuff to do that.If your read the help page from the software it tells you how to download TV network shows for each network...but at that point they say you need their WebRipper software for $39. I will continue to play but I think this one will be headed for the trashcan.
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Good enough but I don't see any reason for it to be a payware. I use Orbit Downloader for downloading files but it can also grab and download online videos. In fact, I find Orbit is faster for me to view the online video than even viewing it online. This is because it downloads the video in 8 streams and combine again. Makes the time to watch 8 times faster than waiting for video site start playing.
And since it's a multipurpose downloader, I don't have to install several tools.
Just a suggestion because I think commercial developers should focus on things where there are no good freeware available... instead of building something that performs only half as good. Or just get the freeware, improve on it, and provide support instead - with the permission of the freeware author, that is.
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Win 64 bit installed fine, after starting the program It was not registered (yes after activation) and the program crashes. Very Disappointing
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Didn't work for me...I Tried to install and re-install it several times, but everytime the program cracked down. What a pity, it seemed a very interesting software.
Offer it again soon without the problems, maybe??
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Ask & Record Toolbar- http://www.applian.com/asktoolbar/index.php
Does video and audio. Has converter, not used it as yet. Works pretty good. Free. No comment on the giveaway, as haven't tried it. Only posting this for future readers of this page. This is a good site, I like it.
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Had to download twice. The first time I did not activate before running. Deleted and downloaded again. Works fine now. Seems to be a decent program if you want to download videos, and it's free! Now if I could only keep the kids away from wanting to see the girls in bathing suit videos!
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#12: 1. CaptureWizPro – CNET User Rating is 4.5/5
CaptureWizPro is not free even though it says so on Cnet description. When you install it asks for registration password, if not it says 30-day free trial.
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gave me some error the size of the my screen......error still came up even after a restart. uninstalled immediately...this ones a fail
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I had no problem installing and registering it, but I haven't managed to get it to record. I've tried BBC and ITV and Channel 4. Each time, it doesn't work. I add the URL and it just opens the page in a new tab in my browser. That's all. But no recording.
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Downloaded this hopeing it would work with youtube for me, didnt work for me and I also didnt like the interface. I have now uninstalled. Is it possible to get web stram recorder back on the list, because unlike many others it worked for me.
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WindowsXP Sp2 installed and regstered fine. Opening also gives Error: Couln't find any network Card. I use wireless card only.
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Is anyone concerned when it the dialog box for User Account Control pops up warning that this application wants user account control authorization to make changes to the computer? (This is in Windows Vista).
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Even though some people here said that they downloaded Hulu videos, I can not download them.
Anyone have any answers?
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There is no help file for this program. Instead one has to go to the web site which has a combined info page for multiple video recorders they sell. I cannot tell from one page which sites this
recorder supports. Instead I have to click through the various sites
one by one, over and over again. This has left me very fustrated, and I hate the program just from this.
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I installed this program on a VAIO XP Media Center Edition. I first run setup then closed the program and run the activation one. I had no problems installing it. This program GUI is eye candy and very simple to use. I can record form Internet Explorer, FireFox, Opera and Chrome.
How to operate:
the program has an off/on button at the left had side that records streaming(that's it) that simple. It works with different web sites like hulu, megavideo, youtube, metacafe, you name it, so far I had no problems recording stream video. If you go to their web site they have a sort of tutorial to record from different places. This program works better than DownloadHelper from FireFox. The only problem that I had was converting from flv to mp3, when I checked the properties of the file i was trying to convert the codecs information was missing. I asked support for help and i am waitting.
It has some rough edges still like you can't save the file as:... it will save the file with the original name (on youtube and other places they use numbers) so you need to rename those files. Also if you hit a page with several streams it will download all of them.
But even with these glitches this software to me is two thumbs up (way up)
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I will use system restore to 'hopefully' get sound back in my firefox browser.
What a dissappointing experience! I have ininstalled the application & will not be interested in anything from Apowersoft ever again.
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How does this differ from the WebVideoRip product they sell?
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I just noticed this application has changed the filename of one of my K-Lite Codec Pack files in the registry.
It changed a CLSID from E:\Program Files\K-Lite Codec pack\Filters\MP4splitter.ax to MP4splitter.dll.
I have no idea what effect this is going to have on applications that rely on the MP4splitter.ax file.
It also deletes MediaType\Extensions\.mka, .mks, .mkv, and .mp4. That doesn't look good either as the mp4 is a common video format.
BTW, in my post #20, you can also delete the entire System folder as well, again, this is handled by the original install of the .NET framework 2.0
The entire director and all subdirectories only totals 16.2 MB.
Check your for size.
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