Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Sothink Flash Menu was available as a giveaway on May 6, 2013!
An ultimate Flash menu builder creates stylish and stunning cross-browser Flash drop down menu in clicks. 68 built-in templates, 50 amazing special effects, 35 preset styles and image library of 4 categories, make SE friendly navigation bar without Flash and ActionScript skills.
Fully customize web menu style; show Flash menu above web elements. WYSWYG Flash menu builder enables you to preview Flash menu instantly.
Windows 7, Vista, XP (x32/x64)
19.9 MB
Sothink SWF Decompiler is a really professional tool allows catching and saving web Flash animation for further editing by special applications. Easily extract almost all SWF resources and make simple SWF modification by editing the shape elements or replacing image/ text/ sound elements.
A high-performance Flash decompiler for Mac to convert SWF to FLA or FLEX precisely. You can easily convert Flash to HTML5 files and extract all Flash resources. Making simple SWF modifications on Mac is also enabled by replacing image/shape/text/sound elements.
Create logos and vector artworks like experts with drawing pens, color schemes, rich effects and build-in symbols. It becomes fairly easy to design logos for Web and print. Rich built-in logo templates will give you inspiration for your own logo design. You can easily modify templates by changing text,color and shapes or adding effects for logo.
One of the leading DVD converter and Burner Software. Make high-quality DVD copies of digital videos, materials, demo and others. Share DVD Videos with families,friends,colleagues and partners.
Sothink Video Converter HD Pro Version allows you to extend video content into high definition format up to 1080p and any other media format. Play on any popular devices.
Hi to the developers of this product. I wanted to wait and try this program before commenting. Sorry to say I am having problems. When I try to create a menu bar from the templates, NO templates are shown, even though the box to show templates is checked. It's therefore impossible for me to see what I'm doing. I'm not a newbie when it comes to computers but neither am I an expert. If the templates didn't show simply because the box was not checked it would be obvious what the problem is, but as the box IS checked to 'show' and there is still no example/sample to see, I cannot use it. If I have been doing something wrong I would appreciate a reply. If not, sorry to say I will be deleting the program. Thankyou -iMagical
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Great support ?!!!!!!!
I failed to activate several times (connection issues). I used the email address dedicated for support, but I got failure notice telling the mail server has rejected my message permanently ..
No thanks SOTHINK ... SO-I-THINK
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Thank you, @Giovanni. Well-written, great info. Sincere thanks to you, and to GOTD for providing the forum. Much appreciation
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#14 - Giovanni 'In the meantime, besides CSS3 Menu (see my link above), why not create DHTML menus instead (for FREE of course)?
Your comment is incorrect. This is via CoffeeCup (ver. 12.7 build 456) 'Help' section when searching for "DHTML':
Article ID: 695 | Published: Aug 24, 2009 | 7,641 views | Rated 4 stars by 15 people
A few versions back, we replaced the DHTML Menu Builder with the CSS Menu Designer. This new tool is a vast improvement — it renders properly in all the major browsers, it's valid according to W3C standards, and it produces a lot less code than the DHTML Menu Builder, which makes for faster load times.
Note the date : 'Published: Aug 24, 2009'...... Research, research and more research before posting.
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After numerous attempts to register I have to give up, the program appears to be unable to detect my Internet connection.
"A connection to the activation server could not be established [0x00000006]"
I use a cable with a high speed connection, I've no idea why a web-related program is unable to figure out how to connect.
No matter what I tried, registration failed.
Pity, but thanks for the offering GOTD, apart from anything else, I now have a comprehensive list of free alternatives.
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I can't use this on my eyepad?
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# 10 - Giovani
But WOW Slider is only free for personal use and then it has the WOW Slider watermark. To use on even one commercial site requires a $69 payment. See the license fees here.
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@#2 - The programs you mention are not free, and based on only a cursory glance, it appears the only thing "free" on these sites is a trial version of their paid software.
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Note: today's GOTD uses Microsoft's XML 4 -- hit up Microsoft Update afterwards as there are hotfixes available. Monitored in the XP Mode VM it also changed several registry values from Version "6.0" to "4.0" -- don't know that'll effect anything, but mentioned just in case.
* * *
#12: "Why would anyone build a web menu that will not be seen by the majority of mobile devices in use today?"
Should have a separate mobile site anyway?
* * *
#23: "...got an error message ... didn’t have flash player 8 or above ... I KNOW that I did have version 11 installed but I went anyway and updated it. However, STILL getting the same error message. Any ideas.. anyone?"
Just a quick guess, sometimes installing Flash doesn't take, though you'd never know it from the setup dialog. Never a bad idea to check the flash about site [use "flash about" w/out quotes in Google], & it can also be worthwhile to check the folder where the flash files are installed -- C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash -- in case older version files are still there, as I've seen a mix if new & old before.
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Another free (a little bit older, but still good) CSS menu builder
CSS Tab Designer
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It dowm loaded easily on my 64 bit Windows 7 desktop. The registration was a bit confusing The registration name has to be "Sothink Flash Menu for GOTD" not just the "GOTD" that we usually use. The code is on the website, not the text page.
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Nice that it is free software, too bad it makes flash menus. Who would use flash for a menu system and exclude a good part of your viewers? I never use flash on my websites. There are a ton of free, ready made menu systems out there that do not use flash.
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Installed it... got an error message stating it couldn't run because I didn't have flash player 8 or above installed & asked me if I wanted to install it. I KNOW that I did have version 11 installed but I went anyway and updated it. However, STILL getting the same error message. Any ideas.. anyone?
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Another thing... this is one of those vendors where the automatic update is turned on by default. The product defaults to trial version after a year. I learnt this lesson with the previous giveaway of Sothink Flash menu, 1.0.
Be sure to de-select the automatic update setting under the Help menu.
Be warned!
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"Your product registration has failed. Error code 9. Please contact customer service." Anyone else experience this? OS: XP Pro SP3 / IE 8.
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Version 1.0 was offered here during 2010.
Note that today's offering is version 1.2. It was released in March 2011, more than 2 years ago.
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just to add on
Gt the above in my W7 home premium machine x64 bit, Acer 3.1GHZ, INtel Core i7, 8G RAM, 2TB HDD
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I had a "Your product registration had failed. Error code 9. Please contact customer service!" message.
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@12. You must be an apple fan ;-)
This program would have been nice to have a year go during a web development class but now, it will be a tool to fix client pages who don't want to re-do their websites and use flash. Thanks
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I changed the default path installation and now it failed to see and open own templates.
On installation process under Windows 7 tried to replace a few system files from Windows\System32 and failed to add registry entries - probably due the antivirus or system protected
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Yes, it's true!!
Unfortunately iPhones, iPads and some of the latest Android phones are not able to read Flash.
Here is a superb note on FLASH from (late lamented) Steve Jobs, where he explained why Apple decided NOT to let iPads support Flash anymore:
In addition to that, Flash technology turned out to be very weak against hacking attacks in several occasion in the past.
So it would be nice (and maybe more useful for users) if Sothink team could provide us their tool "Sothink DHTML Menu" as GAOTD next time, so as to test it and see if it's really worth buying it.
In the meantime, besides CSS3 Menu (see my link above), why not create DHTML menus instead (for FREE of course)?
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I'd like to see the day when flash is gone and no one uses java. Developers of these programs struggle with secure code. Which translates into "selling product is more important than security" ... NOT TO USERS.
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Why would anyone build a web menu that will not be seen by the majority of mobile devices in use today?
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Flash is a big security hole. That's why Adobe releases a patch weekly.
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Pretty good tool today...works great in my W7 Ultimate machine and as I can see all the major web browsers out there are supported by this app.
Can create both horizontal and vertical multi-menu in multi-page, giving you the ability to add sound whenever a popup menu appears, not to mention that it can even generate search engine friendly code for SEO purposes.
It also supports HTML image as menu item and it's even able to import DHTML/tree menu should you need to create a customized drop menu.
So if you want to build stunning drop menu for your website(s), this tool is definitely fit for purpose.
* CSS3 Menu (works better with browsers like Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari)
Cool FREE APP which helps you create nice looking buttons and Multi-level dropdown menus in a few mouse clicks, using just CSS3 technology. Supports rounded corners, box-shadow and text-shadow, opacity, backround and font colors, linear gradient and radial gradient, fade, slide, etc.... for dropdown appearance. No vulnerable javascript code is required!!
See also:
Personally, to make a website more user friendly, thus increasing its usability so as to engage audience more effectively, I prefer using sliding horizontal panels (sliders). How about you, folks?
So what if you could create stunning (FLASH free) SLIDERS on your websites for FREE with a point-and-click wizard mode, and then add on them amazing and unique visual effects and transitions like Rotate, Blur, Flip, Blast, Fly, Blinds, Squares, Slices, Basic, Fade, Ken Burns, Stack, Stack vertical and Basic linear, without any coding knowledge?
Yeap FREE!! Too good to be true, right? Wrong dudes...wrong...LOL!!
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I LOVE sothink products and have been using Flash since the year dot. HOWEVER, as iPhones, iPads and some of the later Android phones are unable to read Flash I decided to start phasing it out and have started to use DHTML menus instead. And who do you think makes the DHTML menus I use on my 3000 page site? sothink that's who.
Flash technology has had it's day. I have used sothink Flash menus in the past, and they are great but sadly it's time to let Flash fade into history.
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The Navsurf software (ACEmenu and AJmenu) are trialware. With the ACEmenu software, you need to have Visual Basic 6.0 SP5 Run-Time Libraries already installed. Full versions of these software packages cost $49.95 .
CSS Menu Generator from Wondershare seems to be trialware as well. You need IE5.5+ to generate (preview) the menus.
Other alternative freeware
CSS Menu Maker
Javascript Menu Master
CoffeeCup Free DHTML Menu Builder
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Thanks alot, have been waiting for long to get this kind of giveaways,
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Rule number one for webdesigners: don't use flash if you don't have to, since it's a resource-consuming plugin (and not too stable either).
There are plenty of other nice and shiny solutions to create a menu.
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FWIW, #1's alternatives are not free & #2's fussing about the visit seems ... uh ... irrational. The registration # is clearly printed on the page, no email required to get it.
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Hello Everyone,
Thanks for participating in Sothink Flash Menu Giveaway.
To get key and activate the software in time, please refer to Sothink official giveaway page.
If you have any problem or suggestions for the software, please feel free to contact us at support@sothink.com.
Enjoy your day! :-)
SourceTec Software Co., Ltd
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This "give-away" wants you to visit its home page. No thanks.
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Free alternatives (but in DHTML, not in flash, so work without flash):
ACEmenu and AJmenu:
CSS Menu Generator
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Dear users,
please note that activation data for Sothink Flash Menu can be found right on the registration page.
Just scroll a little bit down and you will see it on the left.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
GOTD team
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