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Smart PC Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Smart PC

Improve your PC speed and performance.
$29.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 368 118 comments

Smart PC was available as a giveaway on February 8, 2008!

Today Giveaway of the Day
$14.95 / month
free today
Burn all sorts of videos to fantastic DVD & Blu-ray discs.

In a few easy steps you can make your PC run faster, cleaner and error-free with the help of a new system tool - Smart PC. The software fixes stubborn errors, cleans-up space-wasting junk and debris making your PC more efficient and reliable.


  • Fix up your PC! You can fix your computer by yourself. Use the software to detect, diagnose and repair all types of PC problems. Regular use of the software will keep your computer running smooth and error-free without system failure.
  • Clean up your PC! Normal operation of your PC generates lots of junk files some of which contain private information. The software easily detects useless junk and safely removes it reclaiming valuable disk space, ensuring personal privacy and security.
  • Optimize your PC! Do you want to make your computer more powerful? The software can drastically quicken Window's startup time and the performance of all applications.
  • Protect against Identity Theft - Clean up your tracks. Operations you perform with your computer are recorded and may be exposed to unauthorized disclosure without your knowledge. The Ensure Personal Privacy tool helps you to maintain your personal privacy.

System Requirements:

Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista


Smart PC Solutions, Inc



File Size:

2.25 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by IObit
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries
Developed by ArcSoft

Comments on Smart PC

Thank you for voting!
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.

This software is great.Thank you very much for this useful software.

Reply   |   Comment by Abdulwahed  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

this program promises to 'optimize your system' too bad not a single word of it is true...it deleted some of my fonts along with a system file so i just reinstalled my computer's OS. just a warning...

Reply   |   Comment by too456  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After using this programme everything seemed fine until i restarted my computer.It started to freeze up and some programmes were'nt running properly.I installed XP repair pro and that seems to have sorted things out.So be warned if you want to install this programme.

Reply   |   Comment by Dave Clayton  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

how to get back my display control panel?
i have deleted the program .....

Reply   |   Comment by ikke  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#77 about:gonna
more detail:

firefox + search plugins
have fun

Reply   |   Comment by ants  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@112 goodgotd

I guess you will survive this one ;-)
But I see a lot of nice people who didn't..

Reply   |   Comment by ~ Robert ~  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

re: #104

thanks Paul for recommending Revo’s Uninstaller. it's a beast!

Reply   |   Comment by roadrunner  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Fine, interesting tool. But when I tried it, it messed up my computer. My boot up speed was only 23 seconds before, but now, it became more than 30!

Errors has been popping out!

Reply   |   Comment by User  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank's GAOTD.

Downloaded & registered the soft ware , no hassles.
Works well,easy to use & fast.
Would have liked it with registry back-up though.

Reply   |   Comment by leftey  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I truly feel sorry for anyone that buys this program for $30. I appreciate everything you do, GAOTD, but this program is so egregiously bad, I can't believe software companies create these little lazy programs that do very little and cost way too much. Thanks anyway..


Reply   |   Comment by Nik  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@Robert Nope, description is word for word basic.

And who was it said I wasn't going to install this?

Wait for the next full-system backup to run, Yeah.

sock away a copy of the base and differential backs from before... only prudence.

But it's installed as far as need be and waiting to be observed.

And so far win2k hasn't fallen over. Wary isn't a bar to checking it out. Carefully.

This just came at the wrong time to get fully tested, under 24 hours.

Reply   |   Comment by goodgotd  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

well in this matter ccleaner does do this job very well.

Reply   |   Comment by underground  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I give a big thumbs up for this one.I run Windows XP and is running a treat.It got rid of about 2000 bits of rubbish i'm very happy.Some people who have made negative comments remember this is free thanks GOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Buzz3  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

re #104

Thanks Paul. You've given me a "lot" to "chew on" and research, etc. I will approach this on the cautious side. Oh, we speak the same language, too!!!

Reply   |   Comment by turkishvan007  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Re: "For me, any cleaning on my computer is done from Windows One Care. Microsoft made the system so I believe that they are the best qualified to fix the system"

I guess if we all thought the way you do we would all still
have IBM PCs on our desktops because they had to be the best - they
pioneered it right? In my opinion third party developers drive
Microsoft to do better and include more functionality in
their products.

Vista has not been as robust as some might like and this
has been an issue; particularly for some business types - who
eventually make the move and where stability sometimes means
more than leading edge.


Reply   |   Comment by Paul Wo  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I agree I downloaded the advancedvistaoptimzer and it has some really nice features thanks Kiril for pointing it out.

Thats whats great about this place if the give away is not that good you find some others have found something even better that you didn't even know about.

Reply   |   Comment by Techgurl  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Re: 82
“Isn’t there one single program that does all this efficiently and relatively safely for “non-geek”

My general advice is to stay away from the registry cleanup functions
and you should be OK. My opinion is no one tool does all
but the most comprehensive tools and also those I highly recommended are at the top of the list - pick one if you like. Hope this helps.

Being a bit twiddler at heart I have kept and recommend
what I consider the better PC ‘Cleanup’ Tools

Best and most comprehensive (in no particular order):

1. NK Prods NCleaner Freeware(for non-commercial use)
2. Glary Utilities Pro GOTD (also a freeware version recommended)
3. Iobit Software’s Advanced Windows Care Personal Freeware


Periform’s CCleaner Freeware
585 Soft’s Need3Space GOTD


Smart PC Solutions Smart PC GOTD

Excellent but less comprehensive tools:

Eusing Software’s Free Internet Washer Freeware
FindSth.com’s Free Window Sweeper Freeware
F.E.Christiansen’s Empty Temp Folders Freeware
East-Tek’s Eraser GOTD Wise Registy Cleaner Freeware

Lastly no PC Housekeeping (cleanup arsenal) is complete without
Revo’s Uninstaller Freeware.

All freeware can be easily found by way of your favourite
search engine. This is likely a little late in the day to
get much of a read but may be helpful to someone.


Reply   |   Comment by Paul Wo  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

re #61--something has caused the yes and no answers to the "Did you find this comment useful" question to be grayed out, which probably explains why there are no votes recorded there. The "graying out" means it is unavailable, which is normally done only to prevent any of us from voting for ourselves, but in this case, it is keeping any of us from voting on that one comment's usefulness. Thanks to all.

From BuBBy: It is greyed out for your own comments, and after you have already voted. a total of "0" doesn't always mean nobody has voted as 5+ votes and 5- votes will display as a "0". Sometimes it can appear that your vote didn't do anything, because the displayed total is current when you refreshed the page. If while reading the page someone voted "no" then your display isn't updated until after you vote. If you vote 'yes' then the two cancel each other out, and it appears as if nothing has happened. I think some people put much more importance on the 'result' of the vote, than the amount of thought into which way to vote. Which indicates some people's votes are basically random. (The is no prize for having the 'most useful' comment each day, as voted by the site visitors).

Reply   |   Comment by windowsexplorer  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

81: Really, I don't see much of a point defending GAOTD after all the crap they've released these few weeks.

Anyways, after seeing all the comments I think I'll pass on this one. Clearly it's no good, and I'm not going to ruin my computer with software from the same company as that Data Recovery junk.

Reply   |   Comment by randint  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

That Advanced Vista Optimizer recommended by Kiril Kanev is freaking good. Why did people gave him NO's? I've never know Systweak have that software. It's totally free and has tons of features. http://www.advancedvistaoptimizer.com/lp1/

From BuBBy: I wouldn't suggest people take voting personally. Perhaps they voted that the comment isn't useful to them because they are running XP and it is a beta version of a product for Vista? Does it really matter? It cost nothing to post the comment, and obviously by your response, at least one person found it useful (ie. you), so it's not a problem. (unlike a political election, voting isn't a popularity contest) :)

Reply   |   Comment by Chris  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

For those running Vista, & who are interested, I have had a very good experience with Mz Vista Force. The help file explains each tweak, why or why not to use it, and what the expected outcome is. It has a backup and is Free.

Reply   |   Comment by Lizil  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

In response to the first comment. As there is no way to tell how many give a thumbs down only because they don't like the current offer regardless how well it may perform, the thumbs up or down % rating is data insignifica. I give it little value.

Reply   |   Comment by Doug  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A friendly piece of advice.

Always set a restore point before installing any new piece of software (not just this one).

It's good practice (and has saved my butt many times).

Reply   |   Comment by MetSci  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

mel: "Similarly I was alarmed by your response of #27 who stated without any evidence or back-up or proof whatsoever that Ccleaner is “no good” yet you immediately reply saying “thanks, I’m off to uninstall it” and then advise future commenters that they should do the same, citing #27’s “research” and “pretty good points” that they should do the same. There is no evidence base for this, just #27’s opinion without him having given any reason for it."

Rather amusing you flamed him for sarcastic responses then totally failed to recognise what is possibly the finest sarcastic response I've seen posted here this year :-) Personally I like that we have someone here associated with the site who doesn't suffer fools gladly. Gives me some confidence that they're not making foolish choices in selecting the software (with the possible exception of their strange prediliction towards software written by Russian Mafia keystroke logging zombie authors).

(PS that was sarcasm too. I hope.)

From BuBBy: Probably drawing a fine line, (and this is purely academic) but it was intended more as an ironic comment, than sarcastic. Also, I am a "user" and not officially "staff", so my comments are intended to be from the viewpoint of a user of this site, rather than representing the interests of any particular software company. I do have a fairly technical windows software development and tech support background, so many of my comments may speak more of program design, and user friendliness (even though I dislike that term).

Reply   |   Comment by g  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

activation was fine for me, didnt have a probm if u having trouble activating, then the server must be busy.

Reply   |   Comment by TriXium  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

this is a very usefl tool, found stuiff even my crap cleaner couldnt find n i fink crap cleaner is good! also i have a good registry cleaner n this found many invalid registry keys my previous reg cleaner didnt find. i give this the thumbs up!

From BuBBy: Sometimes the "extra keys" a new registry cleaner removes, were left behind by your other tools for a valid reason. "Deleting more" doesn't make it a better cleaner, despite what the advertising might say. Normally it takes a very experienced windows user or a developer to look at a list of registry keys and know with any certainty which keys are incorrect or unnecessary.

If you actually knew what you were looking at when presented with a list of registry keys, would it concern you that with Smart PC you don't get to see or select from a list of "detected items" prior to deleting them, or is "35 items removed" good enough feedback, and "50 items removed" even better?

Is it too late when you next run that important program 3 weeks later, that it no longer can print - and you wonder, "What could've caused this"? By default, showing the user what is going to be deleted beforehand, and permitting the inclusion or exclusion of individual keys into the cull would be a more responsible design. Marking some keys or entire branches of the registry tree as "off limits" would also be a step in the right direction.

Reply   |   Comment by TriXium  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

downloaded fine, will not activate, activation module failed to connect with giveawayoftheday.com basically try again later, WUZUP????

Reply   |   Comment by Mark  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I would reccomend CCCleaner as a free alternative.

Reply   |   Comment by Baggins  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

this is a great product cleaned up 230mb of my computer in less than 10 minutes

Reply   |   Comment by flowmatic  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Re: Comments 68 & 69


A little advice when you try new software - try installing and
testing on one machine at a time. This way if the worst
happens you can report that 1 of my computers crashed instead of "crashed 2 of my computers.." See the logic there.

Just my Canadian two cents worth where $.02 CDN = $.02 US more
or less :)


Reply   |   Comment by Paul Wo  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi Claudia

Just enter the registration key and name as mentioned in the readme.txt

Reply   |   Comment by ~ Robert ~  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

HOLY CRAP! DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE. I used Advanced Window Care at http://www.iobit.com/ and it removed hundreds of things that regmech, ccleaner, and a few others never found. No problems. I ran this crapware and it removed a few files. All of the sudden, my registered SPSS doesn't work. I had to restore and then reinstall this crapware (in order to get the uninstall file back which was deleted during system restore). If you care anything about your pc or laptop or productivity, do NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE. I will avoid this company like the plague and never trust them again.

Reply   |   Comment by Josh  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is a pretty much unneeded softwear if it wasint free,yeah its good to have but google gives this out for free as a sidebar witdget..
Plus it takes allot less space,A little les flashy but same thing.

Reply   |   Comment by Aaron  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

So why does #75, #76 get negative ratings? For asking a typical newbie question? Never did I know GOTD to be only for experts...
Read the readme.txt in the zipfile you downloaded Claudia. It will tell you exactly how to register and where to find your key. This a not a trial but for one day given away as a full registered program. Btw, I passed on today's offer based on all negative comments and based on your level of expertise I highly recommend you to do the same.

Reply   |   Comment by Moizelle  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Yes, it is asking me for a key too.

Reply   |   Comment by Tasha  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

AS I am one who is not at the engineer level of computer science.
(i'm 64 and the tech went past me like a flat out porsche on the autobahn these last 4 years) I depend a lot on ggaotd opinons and comments, very helpful. would this software be an asset to my "tuneuputilities" and "lavasoft" on my windowsxp/sp2 pc or would it just be taking up space and maybe cause problems? tune up utilities never gives me grief, thanks again dw

Reply   |   Comment by dennis walker  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#75&76 (Claudia)--U must B a newbie--their English is a little odd, but translated it is saying "free for a limited time" (like, on sale for a limited time), which means free today only; it does not mean a free trial, once you get it you can keep it, if you install it today.

Reply   |   Comment by windowsexplorer  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Re # 62

Thank you for the names of all those programs.

I'm not trying to be coy but do most people use a lot of "tweak, cleaners, and optimiser programs" daily, weekly, monthly on their PC's? Is this something I should be doing too? Isn't there one single program that does all this efficiently and relatively safely for "non-geek" (I hate this term but everyone understands it) computer people like me?

Sign me a little confused today...

Reply   |   Comment by turkishvan007  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@66 No one here is going to be sued for Libel, we are stating our opinion. I can say Ccleaner is no good all I please, or I could say Microsoft sucks, or write my opinion about any other product. In order to prove Libel, the company must #1 prove the statement is untrue (it can't be Libel if it is true), and #2 prove an actual monetary loss as a result of the comment.
proving the statement is untrue is difficult enough, because something like this is highly subjective, but proving monetary loss as a direct result of the comment is near impossible. First of all if it is a freeware product you are commenting on, it costs nothing anyway, so if less people use it, how is that a monetary loss. secondly, how many people are really going to listen to little 'ole me and my meaningless opinions?
I know this is going way off in left field, and really doesn't belong in the comments section, but after reading #66, I just couldn't help myself. Apologies to GAOTD staff, but on the positive, I am really defending you.

Reply   |   Comment by Tarzan Hedgepeth  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@76 Claudia


I don't encourage you to use this program ,but when you read the 'read me.txt" you will see the registration key and name you should enter.

Reply   |   Comment by ~ Robert ~  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The best utility I have used in this category is PC Doc Pro by Neurosoft:


It is not freeware ($29.95 for the basic package, and $77.95 for the best package), but there are some things you really don't want to trust freeware programs to do. It automatically creates backups and any change it makes can be reversed (but I have never had to undo anything it has done). It also comes with a money back guarantee, so if you aren't satisfied with it, no harm, no foul.
I have tried many utilities like this, and PC Doc Pro always finds, and repairs things other utilities miss. It may sound like it, but I am not affiliated with Neurosoft at all. I just trust, and believe in their product 100%.
The best freeware utility in this class, as far as I am concerned is Advanced Windows repair Personal edition:


if you really need a free utility, but PC Doc pro still finds problems left behind by this one too.

My tiny company is currently working on a freeware all-in-one computer repair utility, that will be similar to Norton Systemworks when completed. the only problems are every time I think we are close to being out of the beta stages, Microsoft either releases a new operating system, or patches a vital component that drastically changes important features, causing me to have to recode some of my software. I will never release any beta version of the thing, to ruin others computers for the sake of time saving bug testing, so it may never see the light of day. If it is ever released, I can promise you a freeware utility that will have no peers, so keep an eye on my website.

if you want the utility that always finds the most problems, there is always the "trusty" Norton Utilities, but I am suspicious of their software, as I have had too many unexplained computer crashes on systems running Norton, so I haven't used any of their products in a while.

I haven't tried this one, and won't. Not because I don't trust it, I am simply satisfied completely with PC Doc Pro, and do not need anything else in this category.
Thanks GOATD for your efforts, and the ability to exchange thoughts and information in this forum.

Reply   |   Comment by Tarzan Hedgepeth  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Like many, I too normally find BuBBy's comments very helpful. And I appreciate him encouraging us to be specific about our disagreements and agreements with software when we comment.

But, today he confuses me. Because #27 says Ccleaner is "no good", BuBBy is running off to delete it and saying to #34 that #27 "raised good points" when he said nothing of substance.

Am I missing something, BuBBy?

From BuBBy: Sorry, I was being a little too casual in my comments. Those comments were not to be taken literally, as the intent was ironic humor. To avoid confusion, I will steer clear of such comments in future. I am very happy with CCleaner. The product is stable, well behaved and does exactly what it claims.

Reply   |   Comment by GaryFPatton  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#71, Robert

Great comment, Robert, I'll remember! "Hold your horses!" I'll put this into my lexicon.

Of topic, please, can you give me the meaning of the verb "gonna"?

Reply   |   Comment by Kiril Kanev, Bulgaria  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i mean, after installing you are asked to fill in your key or use it for 30 days as trial. Is trial what is meant as "for free"?

Reply   |   Comment by claudia  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

how come the website says:
"The program is available for $29.95, but it will be free for our visitors as a time-limited offer."
But it asks you for a key?


Reply   |   Comment by claudia  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Pros: Easy installation, easy program.
Cons: It is a trail period and you can't perform all tasks that is possible with a paid subscription.
Other thoughts: I have Vista home premium for a couple months and it found several things that would help speed up the computer. ( most were temp file, internet cookies and other things that don't rally slow the computer down.) it also didn't make a noticeable change in speed, but that could be because I have a new computer.

Reply   |   Comment by Sman  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

CCleaner? NO! Try this one:

iISystem Wiper (basically for cache cleaning, etc.) this is NOT a registry cleaner.
iISystem Wiper 2.4 allows you to clear:

- History, Temporary Files, and Cookies from Internet Explorer
- History, Temporary Files, and Cookies from Netscape
- Windows list of recently used files
- Find File History
- Find Computer History
- Run Program History
- Recycle Bin
- Windows Media Player Recent Lists
- Information Peer-2-Peer programs save about your actions
- Microsoft Office Recent File Lists
- Custom Items using Plugin Editor

I use Advanced Uninstaller PRO for everything/cache, registry, everything ($)! 1 tool that does it all!

http://pcdoctorreviews.com/ to see the best registry cleaners.

Reply   |   Comment by Rossiter  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#66, Mel

Dear Mel,
Just try to imagine- BuBBy serves all of us 24 hours. 24 hours non-stop!!! He is not a machine, he is just a human. And maybe young man, who needs some humor. I don't think it's a site only for melancholy PROFESSIONALS but for all kinds of USERS too. I like BuBBy's style.

Hey BuBBy, where is your mind? It's 4:45 in Melbourne now. C'mon, go to bed and leave those cowboys and cowgirls with no comments!

Reply   |   Comment by Kiril Kanev, Bulgaria  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@67 Mel
Hold your horses,Mel.

Where your sense of humor ?Try and read between the lines...
I don't always agree with BuBBy and vice versa, but is that what makes people unique.

As for comments on software are concerned:
Would you rather have that BuBBy pushes you on cloud nine when you finally end up banging your head against the wall?

Reply   |   Comment by ~ Robert ~  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have XP Media Center Edition in a Toshiba and it's working great!

Ditto on post #44: WHY is Microsoft kicking XP to the curve??

Reply   |   Comment by Erin Applegate  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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