Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Sketch Drawer was available as a giveaway on January 28, 2013!
Sketch Drawer is a kind of photo editing software tool intended for converting photographs to pencil sketches. This program enables users to make usual photographs into exquisite pencil-drawn pictures, both black-and-white and colored. While creating a pencil sketch, you can choose your most preferred settings and options.
There are two ways you can edit photographs with SoftOrbits: manually and by aid of ready-made presets. These presets can be used as guides by beginners.
Special offer from SoftOrbits for GOTD users – 70% off all titles during giveaway period! Use PPGCUP code to apply the discount.
Limited time offer!
SoftOrbits are willing to give each user a FULL official personal license (with future updates) for Sketch Drawer for placing a link and a short review (even 10-15 words) anywhere on the web. This can be your home page, a site, forum, etc. Then send a message to support@softorbits.com with the address of the review page. The offer will be valid for 1 week only.
Up to Windows 8
25.1 MB
Photo Stamp Remover is a photo correction utility that can remove watermarks, date stamps, scratches, dust, stains, wrinkles, tears and other unwanted artifacts that appear on photographs. Offering a fully automatic process, the program uses an intelligent restoration technology to fill the selected area with the texture generated from the pixels around the selection, so that the defect blends into the rest of the image naturally. What takes hours to correct using the clone tool, can be accomplished in a minute using Photo Stamp Remover. Special offer from SoftOrbits for GOTD users – 70% off all titles during giveaway period!
SoftOrbits Digital Photo Suite product line provides data solutions for resizing, convertion, protecting and publishing your digital photos. Use the reference table to learn more about individual SoftOrbits Digital Photo Suite products. Special offer from SoftOrbits for GOTD users – 70% off all titles during giveaway period!
Batch Picture Resizer is a new easy and user-friendly picture resizer and watermarking tool. It helps you to resize large groups of pictures in one go for the purpose of sending via email, publishing on the web or just to save space on your hard drive. Special offer from SoftOrbits for GOTD users – 70% off all titles during giveaway period!
Remove Logo Now! is an unique application that can easily remove annoying watermarks and logos from video files. The program is completely automatic, meaning that you won't need to manually analyze the video streams or detect static overlays; the program will do it all for you. With the Remove Logo Now! software you will be able to easily and quickly process videos, of different types, from popular AVI, WMV and MOV to rare MP4, DVD, MP2, M1V, SWF, M2V, FLV, SVCD and more. You will get a chance to edit the video while deleting logotypes from it; with this software you can change the video's bitrate and frame rate or convert it to different formats. Special offer from SoftOrbits for GOTD users – 70% off all titles during giveaway period!
Advanced Woman Calendar helps you achieve or prevent pregnancy predicting your most fertile time of the month by monitoring your menstrual cycle. With an ovulation calendar in your hands, you can view and print a calendar of your safe days and your most fertile days. Special offer from SoftOrbits for GOTD users – 70% off all titles during giveaway period!
The developers of Sketch Drawer have produced a fix for the registration problems that I was having (the number refused to be accepted). They sent me a link to the updated program today and now I've downloaded and installed it. At this time I can say that the program works just as described. I have turned almost a dozen of my photos into pencil sketches, in monochrome and color. For me this program is well worth its cost, and since it is a giveaway, I'm very happy with it.
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Developer has been in contact with me and has made corrections to the program to make it work. I thank them for the product and their attention. This is a win!
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Though the idea behind your program is cold coffee the results are impressively good and there is much finetuning possible to get even better results..
On the bad side I see an sometimes unstable program with a not well thought user interface and slow calculation speed. All in all you should overwork this and make a long lasting beta testing phase before trying to earn money with an imperfect program.
call it 1.0 beta and I will forgive you...
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Jim there are 6 websites that I visit every day - this is one of them.
It keeps me plugged to some amazing software is being created. The new discoveries and the comments - neg and pos - about the featured product are most helpful. Bon Giovanni and some others play and important and vital role here.
The software developers are "paying us" with a free copy of their program to be semi beta testers and market research experts.
They are using our time, messing our registries and and sometimes making our systems unstable.
Jim there are many very knowledgable users on this site. I learned Fortran programming for a book called Teach Yourself Fortan programing as a 13 year old. Only 3 comapanies were running Fortran compliers at the time in South Africa.
Like myself there are others that have a vast store of expereince. A good example is Goivanni. As to what free software existings in hundreds of niches Giovannie is THE MAN. He is valued here. He is welcome here. He is at home here.
People like Giovanni are a great REALITY CHECK for the probrammers that are brave and clever enough to share their software with us.
It is vitally important for them to know that they are charging X dollars for a piece of software that is competing with freeware that is much better.
If there are 5 or 16 peices of free software that are much better than a poor offering it is a wake-up called.
I've seen a few smart developers use this venue to perfect thier product through a number of improvement upgrades and then go on to hit the market place with a well tested and programmed product.
Jim that their is NOT enough feedback to the developers is a problem.
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@61 and 68. Contributors such as Giovanni are providing legitimate feedback for the product, letting the vendor know that there is competition in the area of price and features. In fact, if it weren't for such feedback, 95% of the feedback would be about registration problems and crashes. (Subsequent posters have critiqued his suggestions as well, reminding us that "free" does not always mean what it sounds like.) Until Sketch Drawer shows better evidence of its stability, I don't expect much more substantial feedback to come its way.
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@61 jim sock... Well jim-bo, looks like u pulled a dum-bo...
i'm posting after closing so u can c this (u r looking arnt u - u sly fox) and regular readers (who ban me) won't have 2 c this. It has been my (perhaps) unfortunate experience that when u hurt others u hurt yourself.... Unless u overlook Giov. u will always feel animosity toward him - and, even worse - toward his "followers" per se. Granted he sometimes annoys and, quite often, lists questionable stuff - he almost always entertains... even if it does not hurt the vendors. (Some who, you'll have to agree (if you've been coming here "for years and years" (SEE, U R NOT PERFECT EITHER! i.e. what kind of remark is that??? What does it really mean? And by the minions
of Gunthar* (whoever) r u going to claim that u have NEVER used a single thing your own self???) ((let me restart: Some [vendors] who, blah blah blah, deserve some negative stuff. ))
i'll give u an email addr in case u must reply (ten_four@aol.com) AND to verify that i'm not out to hurt you. (( IF this does get accepted AND more folks email me to "come back" than 'oppose' i may just do so... because u c... this site is as WONDERFUL as it is because they let many, many, many of US make "comments" that are, let us say, not quite 'on target'... ))
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Install and activate.
After registered then close program.
After reopen program it back to unregistered.
Try to register again it say invalid license. but if uninstall and reinstall use same key it work and after close and reopen it say unregistered again.
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I had absolutely no problems with this software in all 7 desktop and notebook PCs at home with OS ranging from XP Pro. Vista Ultimate and Seven Ultimate. What are these people complaining about? It's free to download and install for today so make use of the opportunity folks. Quit complaining and bullshitting and go and have a life!
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Just wasted my time, it crashes while working on pics... win xp
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WINXP SP3 Re my post just now, I have finally managed to get this prog to work.
On opening the prog, in the tool bar the "run " button does not appear and is hidden . After looking at their website and realising there was supposed to be a run button at the bottom, I dragged the tool box to one side with the mouse , then with the curser on the bottom edge dragged the box to full screen, then the "run " button appears .
Clicked run , and a green progress bar showed it was converting the image and a preview did appear . Hoorah. The prog needs to be redesigned so the run button appears straight away and is not hidden ,
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This installed and registered perfectly, no problems (win7-64)...I ran it a bunch of times with different pictures and the effects are great...there were no problems with freeze ups or crashes. I can't believe all of the problems reported above -- there must be a lot of people with old broken down computers or a lot of people who are just plain ignorant or both. -- Even though I have a lot of other graphics applications that have this type of effect built in, they don't have all of the variable parameters to adjust that this one has. Very good, thumbs up!
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It crashed 3 times on one picture with different settings. I tried another picture, and couldn't get it to crash after 20-25 setting combinations.
When you open a picture, the "Run" button is not always visible. It's very confusing if you haven't used the program before, and don't know to expand the window. It looks like the "sketch" button should be what you click to create a picture.
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Installs okay but doesn't work as stated. The programs gets about 3/4 of the way finished and then crashes with both Windows XP and Vista. I thought it was my antiquated systems but all of them had the same result as did several others that posted comments. Uninstalling.
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Installed but cannot register the program. Tried uninstalling, then reinstalling, same error with activation 'cannot get hard ID'.
They do provide an email address for help with registration errors, I sent a message, will see what happens.
The offer will expire in a couple of hours, though, not much time to get this sorted.
Running Win XP.
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Worked like a charm.
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System: Windows 8, HP Pavilion, 8 GB RAM. The install was flawless, now that I see the other installer issues have been worked out. The registration process is also well fixed, as it took only seconds.
Only Warning: This program is highly addictive! I was very pleased by the quality of the resulting output. I experienced no system crashes or any other issue with the program. I found it quite impressive how realistic the images looked.
In summary: You won't solve the world's problems with this program, but for a simple, easy-to-use, and FUN program, it gets two thumbs up from me.
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For me, the GOTD "experience" is discovering and evaluating software I wouldn't know about otherwise. Part of the evaluation is comparing to other similar software and determining if it is a good value. I like reading other opinions but I also like to decide for myself. Therefore, I appreciate those who provide links to both free and paid alternatives, so that I can do my own evaluation.
There have been occasions when I chose the GOTD offering over one of the freebies being discussed, in spite of those who commented negatively about the GOTD software. I believe the more information I have, the more power I have to make a decision that's best for me, not anyone else.
I would hope that the authors of the GOTD offering read the comments, including those listing alternatives, and take them into consideration. It is possible they were unaware of alternative products and they might want to rethink their pricing structure after seeing the discussion.
Today, I've decided not to try out Sketch Drawer, and it has nothing to do with any of the free products. I'm already having some issues with my computer, so I suspect I'd be one of those with the crashing problem. Maybe another time.
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Downloaded and installed fine on XP. Tried it on one picture in batch mode, and I like the results. Thanks much :-)
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Usually I have no problem with installs even on Vista. However this program apparently didn't register as it installed then worked (rather sketchily, but it did work) and the resulting image has "unregistered" across the center in red type.
I emailed the company with my license number and asked them to register it - we'll see how responsive they are.
As to the blowhard who can't believe Giovanni's posts - he does it in a spirit of community and cheer, and has for years with no problem. The internet is about FREELY SHARING INFORMATION. You sir sound like a self-righteous curdled custard so bitter you'd spit yourself out if you could. I'd take Giovanni's posts over your complaints any day.
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Installed without difficulty on my Vista HP laptop. However the software's screen was too big for my display (which is 1280x800). The toolbox button on the bottom of the screen was barely visible even when I hid the Windows taskbar, making it extremely difficult to run the sketch program.
Applying and undoing the various sketch functions caused the software to crash each time I tried it. It's not worth the effort to deal with the awkward layout and the multiple crashes, so I'll be removing the software.
I would suggest a redo of the layout. That top toolbar with the various icons is just too large. There should be an option to reduce the size of it if it is not redesigned. There's too much wasted blank space in the toolbox layout which makes the box too large making it difficult to use; the layout should be more concise and the button to initiate the sketch action should actually be usable.
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I like GOTD, but generally happen to catch only one or two offerings a year that prove to be really worthwhile. However, I find almost daily gems in Giovanni's posts that are hard to find elsewhere, and value his suggestions more than most of the GOTD products themselves!
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Well, I downloaded the "fixed' download version and to give it it's due, it did register effortlessly but..... the software is a lemon. Crashed on the first simple task I set it. I'm using Win 7 Pro 32 bit.
Bye bye Sketch Drawer. You are not ready for release and way over priced even is you worked.
If anyone wants to download the freebie Fotosketcher, be very careful. Almost all the download sites sent my ESET Nod security into hyperventilation mode clanging on about malware and it would not let me even open the Fotosketcher home site. Google it and you will find all sorts of malware problems with most versions of Fotosketcher including an inability to uninstall cleanly.
I did find a clean version on CNet and I've scanned it with Nod and with Malwarebytes.
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I, also, have been unable to register despite following all the instructions given throughout all the comments here. I downloaded 3 times, spread out over hours of time, and tried to reinstall about 10 times trying to register after each separate attempt. Sometimes I would just wait a few minutes and try again, hoping it was simply a congested site, but it has been a no-go all afternoon and evening. It simply felt the license was invalid. I used my own email address. I haven't downloaded FotoSketcher yet, but I probably will. I wanted to try SketchDrawer and post my comments for a license, but I don't think I will because if this won't register now, what will? I run Windows 7 64-bit, on its hard-drive that was just totally reformatted and reinstalled last week, so there are absolutely no problems on this computer. I feel a bit empty; I really wanted to try it. Some say it is very good (those who can get it to run and not crash,) so I feel as if I'm missing out on something good. Maybe after the bugs are worked out SoftOrbits will reconsider attempting another giveaway for the large number of us for whom this attempt was a wash. (And it's not because we didn't try hard enough!) :) I have a couple other programs from SoftOrbits which I love, and I think this is probably worth the wait! (I just tried 1 last time and there was no change; error message says, "Activation error- Invalid license.")
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Well...I might have known. I used the program, I made a picture, and on a duplicate of it, wrote a review and added the web address of the software, as required. I posted it on two sites on the web, and I got a letter saying that my posts were no good, and I get NOTHING from them. Photobucket is a website, as was the forum I belong to. The offer says ANYWHERE ON THE WEB. Hrumph. NOT HAPPY NOW !!
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Crash, hang, crash, hang ... my next task ... uninstall.
Did I mention it's resource hog?
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Giovanni's posts are, to me, some of the most useful posts on this forum.
Should a developer of paid software (who is prepared to offer software as a Giveaway of the day) be scared of competing software?
I don't think so. As a user of software I want to use software that is competitive. I don't want to use 2nd best because 1st best has been hidden from me when Giovanni's post was deleted.
IF it becomes policy to delete Giovanni's posts then where will it stop?
For example would this post be deleted:
"I like software X. It is better on such and such a feature than Adobe YY which costs $200, but it is not quite so good on doing ZZ compared to freeware WW.
How can anyone review the software and make comparisons if freeware is never to be mentioned?
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Various settings to play with — nice! I'm already generating ideas about how I will be putting this tool to good use. I am a graphic designer and this program will definitely come in handy.
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They have it fixed now and it works great.
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To Jim Suck #61
Please do not refer to me and others as lemmings
Thank you
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#73 Print from Windows / Print
#72 Complaining about others who give comparison software for us to look at is rather silly.
I appreciate Giovani's efforts immensely.
Unknown recommendations from other free ware is suspicious.
Giovanni has always the right freeware to compare to. I could do a websearch and blindly stumble about in search of a 'safe' comparison software. Or I can and DO take his helpful suggestions.
As far as driving traffic away, I find G's freeware a major bonus.
Anyway, if freeware is more outstanding than GAOD selection and you were about to put thousand's $$$ into finalizing and promoting the software, wouldn't YOU wish to know what random samplers thought?
You'd end up selling some software to Grandmother's looking for a birthday present and losing your rear end.
To Sketch Drawer - the word is FEEDBACK with a C when I uninstall and tell the popup window why I removed the program.
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Impossible to register. What a waste of 15 minutes of my life, as well as giving me an untoward amount of aggravation. Shame on softorbits! To everyone else uninstalling it, make sure you also use Registrar Lite (freeware) to remove all remaining traces of this program, which means all entries which say "softorbits" as well as "sketch drawer."
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I thought USA is the land of the free.
Where freedom of speech is guaranteed.
Why has someone tried to muzzle Giovanni?
Giovanni is simply suggesting to others that they can take a look at alternative software/s, some of which may be free-of-charge.
When we comment here. Most of us comment on the software.
But some have degraded this forum by making PERSONAL ATTACKS on other forum member/s, in this case on Giovanni. If anyone needs to be barred from this forum, start with those.
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From GATD download test for today.
Installation ran fine, reg. also.
The program when it FIRST installs, is in a smaller window than what I need.
The install gives me everything from the top left corner to the bottom left just below the detail slider.
It took me a good 5 minutes to find the run button by trying to expand the frame. The expand button is a slight little thing. I almost gave up until searched for a screen grab of the software.
AHA! There is a RUN button somewhere.
Ran 1 pic in several different configurations. It did a fairly decent job :) until Pen was used :(. I couldn't get away from blotchy results.
My jpg is 13 x 17 inches. Can't tell size with Sketch Drawer. I've Maximize the window. Too bad I have to zoom pic instead of drag to the size I'd like to work with. 3 sizes to work with, I have 4 inch jpg to off the screen jpg to work on to bigger. I wish custom size, please.
It is Inconvenient having to move the image around to see it's results.
Crashed with a windows error after test running 15 different ways on 1 pic.
VERY interesting tool, The Undo Brush. Too bad there isn't a # setting for how far back the brush will revert to.
Extra button, please. Under Tools the option to use a SKETCH. I KNOW it's in the tool bar selection. BUT, the toolbar view can be turned off and leaves one wondering.
Windows Terminate Program after a single use.
Crashed before 1 pic selected.
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#42: I find very suspicious to ask for my e-mail during registration and to ask for photos that fail...
GOTD: It is a program that I could only register after more than four trays, even when it says it is a registered version, it shows a "Problem getting HardID" at start, and finally crashes in all photos I have tried....
It seems a way to collect photos and e-mails for any obscure purpose... I have not received anything on my mailbox...
I have installed it in XP SP3 full updated.
Sorry, thumbs down!
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I downloaded and registered with no problems. I gave the program a good run with a series of different types of images and it worked smoothly and produced surprising good results. There are a excellent array of choices to apply to your images. It does what it does very well. I think its worth keeping
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Nice program but have to let this one go thanks anyway will not stay registered
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I’m running windows 8 pro the program Sketch Drawer run great it installs just fine and also registered ok on first load after closeing the program and reopening the program it was not registered tried to register again now I get activation error. Invalid License.
Reinstalled the program everything went as the first time. I have downloaded this program 3 times thru the day same thing over and over first run registered and run fine close it and reopen it i have to re register and get error. the way to keep program registered you to keep open all the time
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@ jim sock
You and others who bad mouth Giovanni are indeed the trolls on this site. People like you are always in a hateful mood and only know how to criticize. Your jealousy is obvious. Thanks to Giovanni and others, I have found not only great freeware, but I have also discovered websites I never would have found any other way. If you can't say anything nice, you should keep your mouth shut and just continue to stew in your own hatred. It is sad that some people never see the light until the moment they die.
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Yeah guys, keep criticizing giovanny... (or anyone else who provides other suggestions).
If a suggestion of him leads to one less sale from here than you can conclude the offer itself from here is missing something or something that functions similar can be gotten for free.
Yeah you can look for yourself using a search-engine, but that doesn't mean you will find all the alternatives.
Prohibiting someone to suggest an alternative just for sale purposes is just downright rude and inconsiderate.
If an offer from here holds up against the freely available alternatives suggested here, than the offer is something to consider and not just a time-waster and disk-filler.
It's just downright stupid to just purchase the GOTD offer without at least trying other options or at least without knowing that there are other options.
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No problem downloading, installing, and registering on Windows XP SP3. However, like #13, everytime I used the program on the simplest of photos it crashes. Sorry, Thumbs Down.
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I've downloaded the newest file. The license key still doesn't work. It says "Error Getting Hard ID" when the program opens. Then when attempting to register it (with the license key provided in the readme file) it says, "Error Getting Hard ID" and "Activation error. Invalid license."
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I might not agree with all the comments and opinions posted here, but I certainly would not wish to censor them.
Jim Sock's points about the freeware competition posted by Giovanni misses the point about GOTD. The site is as much to do with its visitors as the software promotions it offers. It is not merely a 'promotional' site for payware, it is an independent institution that carries itself. If software developers do well here, that is an achievement. Everyone knows by now what GOTD is about, and they continue to return. Mike, Fubar, Ashraf, Giovanni, and other regulars, forgive me for not recalling everyone right now, have helped GOTD to become the institution that we all love. I think the GOTD team know their business better than we do, let them continue their excellent work!
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According to the HELP content, the last ltem in the toolbox is the "RUN".
Unfortunately, only half of the "color" portion of the toolbox is displayed, the "RUN" box is below the view on my screen, and there are no scroll bars. Anyone else see this? Workaround?
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Very slow to render on my machine....ok.. it's an old XP machine.... but even photoshop renders a similar sketch filter much quicker ?
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Windows 8 Pro X64 -
Install - OK
Register - OK
Add File - OK
Run - gets to about 50% and message appears:-
"SoftOrbits Sketch has stopped working"
Shame really as it appears to do a better job than my Corel Photoshop X5 plugin.
BTW: tried several compatibility settings
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For a nube like myself with limited computer skills, this program does what it says it does. No more, no less. Thanks
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I just wish Giovanni would add the problems with adware etc on the programs he tells us about ,
I doubt he checks out each one, but no one wants adware and browser highjacks from conduit....
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I downloaded and registered the program with no issues. I tried to run the program 3 times with 3 different jpg pictures and it crashed 3 times. It gets about 75% completed with the sketch in the background when the Microsoft error window pops up. It states SoftOrbits Sketch has encountered a problem and needs to close, etc. I click don't send and the sketch program closes.
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We fixed the crash problem (and the problem with activation), here is a fix
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@19 Thank you for your appologize for problems! Unfortunately, all of us gotd users demand piles of money also! This program is very interesting program of turning photos into sketches, which is
a tool for rookie artists like me to do fancy stuff! Gotta love computers and software! Thanks gotd and SoftOrbits! @ 45 Giovanvai -"why bother of this GAOTD?" Gee if we don't download it. we wouldn't know if it is valuable or not! I notice some dudes download and have problems with software and some don't! Maybe the software had a hard learning curve for you or not! But - Like your freeware suggestions! Gonna dowmload freeware mentioned above also!
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