Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Simple Words 1.2.0 was available as a giveaway on December 18, 2014!
Small, powerful and smart text processor with integrated spellchecker. Simple Words features beautiful and elegant minimalistic Windows 8 style interface and formidable versatility.
You don't have to learn how to work in Simple Words from scratch as it implements intuitive environment that’s reminiscent of Microsoft Word and everything that you’ve come to expect from a Microsoft application except for the price!
Minimum system requirements: Windows XP; Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (installs if absent); 512Mb RAM; ~31MB of HDD space
30.7 MB
Simple Blanks is WYSIWYG text processor and reporting tool with data shaping, master-detail reports, mail merge and so much more. Create standard and ad hoc reports without any technical expertise. All you need is your trusty Word experience and a data source. Unlike complex and hard-to-learn classic reporting tools, Simple Blanks is oriented on a wider range of tasks, allowing users to use it without any particular qualifications.
Simple Graphs is interactive data visualization tool optimized for real-time data consumption and analysis. Smart, powerful and elegantly easy-to-use, Simple Graphs will bring your data analysis experience to another level of accessibility. Enrich your business intelligence with stunning interactive dashboards and performance indicators that are straight.
"Simple Words Portable" is not portable. You can install it on a USB stick, e. g. on G:\SimpleWords_Portable, and after having entered the license code on this computer the license code is stored "somewhere" on this computer and thus recognized. But if you wanted to use Simple Words on the very same USB stick on a different computer, the license is not recognized anymore.
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40 bucks are too much for such word processor when OpenOffice and LibreOffice level softwares are available for free.
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I wish to commend the representative from Algorithms In Motion Co. for replying to users' comments and clarifying where possible.
The tone of the replies is professional, polite & never aggressive/offensive.
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We like to say..that Simple Words 1.2.0 is a Writers GEM'.Able to write(type)with using symbols unlike most electronic typewriters...with designs and different pages of colors settings,table' with columns settings,able to insert pictures and hyperlink to Web pages.With many more features...make Simple Words 1.2.0 a Must Have!!...Many ThKs'.... Algorithms In Motion/GAOTD/Team for this Christmas Gift. Ps'...wondering? if Future Version could install Videos as well.
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Is there a free word processor that can read and write in the Microsoft Word Outline format?
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Despite all of the negative comments I decided to install this. I downloaded the trial from http://algorithmsinmotion.net/ and installed using the GOTD key. I will play around with this WP and use it to open some of the newer format documents that I need to read on occasion (my system is running office 2000).
That is the beauty of GOTD. We get to try software that we would otherwise never try. It is a win/win for vendor and user.
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Gets more intriguing over registering this. Seeing (see above) I can download the trial off the website and use the registration key (after installing) on that (slightly smaller) installer version, I tried, and bingo, it registered! But - and here's the thing - my other GAOTD copy - which is in a different folder and I hadn't bothered to delete, now also shows as registered. But this is a portable app - so how does the GAOTD version know the trial version has been registered?
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It is clear that your downloaded portable version has a key in windows registry.
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But that's my point! It's not really portable (unless, maybe, you can somehow port the registry key)!
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I finally installed a British dictionary (thanks Kingsoft) and this programme still underlines every word in red. I checked the spelling language and it is set to English (United Kingdom) so I ran the spellcheck. First word 'this' is flagged up as incorrect with no suggestions.
I think I'll pass on this one...
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Megan, in this context, being 'portable' does not mean that software will run on non-Windows mobile devices. This software is designed to run on Windows, but is self-contained. The program and its data are located in a single folder which the user can place anywhere, including an external drive or USB stick (depending on the size of the software). This is in contrast to an installed product which will always create entries inside your computer's registry and application data folder, and will usually be installed in your Program Files folder.
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I know this may be a dumb question for all you computer gurus, but what does it mean by being "portable"? Does that mean it can be put on a tablet or ipad, or smartphone? (It seems too big for most of them.) And if it's for my desktop or laptop, why use that term?
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"Portable" generally means you can copy the application to a storage device (USB drive), and use it with various computers...
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1. For Windows, portable means:
- The software does not depend on third-party libraries, not even from Windows (no need for stupid .net frameworks). A portable application needs only itself. In other words, it means that whatever Windows version you have, it should run on your computer.
- The software can be installed anywhere: USB stick, SD card, another partition (e.g "E:"), external HDD, you name it. Many portable applications are just .ZIP files you extract where you see fit, e.g. "E:\APPS\". You can move/copy the folder containing the portable application to another folder or device, to another computer, and run it from there.
- A portable application does NOT modify the system, especially the registry, and make no use of users' profiles. Beware of an application that mimics a portable one, but writes in the registry and undoes the writes when it closes. It may be OK, though.
In a corporate environment, where you cannot install/run what you want (IT/company policy), a portable application allows you to bypass authorizations: you don't ask anyone a permission to run it. Sometimes necessary when available software don't suffice to do your job. If policies are strictly enforced and you're watched, don't get caught!
2. Many software could be portable applications
You have to look inside the registry and users' folders, make sure the software does not leave traces there. In that case, although it does not seem portable, it could be in fact. This kind of software can be "portabilized" as long as they respect the conditions above.
3. Other systems
There is another way to understand portability. A software may run under different systems. Generally, you'll see that in the application's download page, where you can choose the version for your system, be it Windows, Linux, Android, Mac OSX, etc. These are portable software, because portability means your files can be read no matter which system you use.
A good example is Oracle VirtualBox. It can be run under with Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OSX. You have to install it, but it is not portable. It exists a portable version of this software, but it does not originate from Oracle, and runs only in Windows (it is portable under Windows).
Now, for tablets, ipads and other similar devices, it depends on the OS. A portable application can only work under the OS it is targeted to. If it's an Android application, it will run only on Android's devices. (There are ways to make it portable to Windows...)
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OR run setup once, after that you can copy the application to a storage device (USB drive), and use it with various computers…
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1. The price here is $40.70, on the web site $29.99.
2. Windows 8 interface has proven wrong, corrected in Windows 10. Besides, looking at the unique (!) screenshot, it seems this software waste at least 25% of vertical screen space. "minimalistic"? Say it very quick...
3. Small? Portable? Certainly not. If you don't have it already (hello XP users!), installing MS.NET 4.0 will voraciously eat between 600 MB and 2 GB of your precious disk space (see http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17851 and http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17113).
4. Help on the web site is worthless, so bad designed it doesn't display correctly. Anyway, for 30 bucks, you expect at least a local .CHM file. Or not?
For software of this kind, in this price range, you'd better off buying Atlantis Word Processor. Download is 3 (yes, three) MB, packed with much more features, truly portable, usable on a eePC, and, lastly, a proven product.
This is another proof of:
- wasted time (as if there wasn't enough good word processors out there for free (not including free downloads))
- relying on the unreliable (how many weekly security updates for the .net framework?)
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Prices on their website are shown in euros not dollars hence my comment previously regarding price, their other two programs costing approximately $150 and $200.
Couldn't agree more regarding the Atlantis word processor which would also be converted to a portable version.
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Owing to my intense dislike of the 'modern' ribbon interface, which is half the reason I don't use Microsoft any more, I won't be downloading this giveaway. But thanks for the gift, anyway.
Re free alternatives - a couple of people mentioned Softmaker's free product, but didn't provide a link to their site. Here it is: http://www.freeoffice.com/en
I've tried OpenOffice, LibreOffice and Kingsoft, but for me Softmaker FreeOffice has the edge. It loads quickly, has a classic unobtrusive UI and is completely stable. I recommend it strongly.
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I recommend : http://www.libreoffice.org
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If you receive error message upon activation saying "License service not available. The remote name could not be resolved" then please check your firewall and anti-virus software settings. Application need to connect to licensing service to activate your license.
Thank you for your understanding!
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Wosa, Ashampoo Office 2010 is not free, on its site 2010 is 39.95 and 2013 is 59.95.
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Thank you for your comments and critique!
You can change skins and overall looks in the settings menu. Invoke action bar by clicking right mouse button on main menu page, in the left top corner of the window there will be bar actions. Click on "Settings" action to open Settings flyout.
You can add dictionaries by copying *.dic and *.aff files to Dictionaries folder. Dictionary files name must contain locale name to be correctly loaded into spellchecker. For example : en-US.dic and en-US.aff for US English dictionary.
Application is slow since Giveawayoftheday version is not packed as it should be to meet Giveawayoftheday requirements. You can download packed version installer from official site. Its much smaller and faster but still - opening document for the first time is a bit slow.
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No, that is not even a ribbon. That's an extended and magnified title bar.
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Well, it's a word processor, the same as hundreds of (mostly free) alternatives. While it has a bunch of features that elevates it to the more limited class of MS Word alternatives, the interface is so *unlike* Word that it will probably take users quite some time to become familiar enough with it to use.
In the end, the big question is "why". Why would a developer feel the need to re-invent the wheel and why would anyone choose this over a free alternative that they no doubt are already familiar with.
If someone is new to word processing software AND this were free, perhaps this might be an alternative. It's not free except for here, though, and there are few noobs around.
I see no reason for this to exist
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I endorse re-inventing the wheel, especially when the wheel has been bloated to 90% and beyond with functionality you just don't need on a normal basis. If anyone has truly used Word, they will know how inconsistent and maddening it is to try to undo its hidden formatting issues, even with the reveal codes in view.
I'm all for a new, insightful, innovative way of doing the same. But I guess some people are more resistant to change.
Small and light, portable and dependable, with the STANDARD functionality you would expect. That would get my vote any day of the week over any buggy, undependable, crashy, infuriating, Microshite work-in-progress product.
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I hate the BRIGHT white interface. ... (Don't use that near bedtime.)
Can the bright white interface be reset to to another color, or to black?
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Yes but it's rather a hidden main menu. In the main window, right-click anywhere the top of the main window (for example where it reads Simple Words v1.2.0) and then click on Settings and choose a Theme or change the Ribbon style, you can turn-off auto-update there too.
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Installed fine and I like the ribbon interface. However, it takes an age to open and when it does every word I type comes up as a misspelling underlined in red. Changing the language and the dictionary seems to have no effect.
Thanks to the poster above for the link to other dictionaries but I can see no way to link them to Simple Words.
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Simply copying LibreOffice's dictionaries works without problems, but I wasn't able to find a way to use multiple languages in the same document. The program also seems quite slow for such a small and simple thing. Portability is limited, registration checks machine code, so on a different computer the registration key has to be reinserted. And I don't like the interface either.
Have a nice day!
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Openoffice Is The Choice
I think OpenOffice.org is The best choice for office works because of his all in one tools and constant growing community, The only difference with MS Office is that it is free.
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My choice is LibreOffice which, so far, has read both DOC and DOCX files with no problem. The only thing is, it is somewhat slow to open documents. If you use RTF files a lot, then Jarte is my choice. It's quick and easy to use
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I very big plus for me is that Simple Words can save a document in Electronic Publication Format(*.epub). Open Office 4 can not.
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Yes, I used to use Openoffice, when I last checked on Wikipedia, LibreOffice was the better choice with more active dev community. I switched and definitely like LibreOffice better, in my experience it does a better job of supporting .doc format.
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Thank you for your comments!
RTL text Simple Words is not supported at this moment, we are sorry for inconvinience. Multiple active documents is fully supported thou. Opened documents shown on the action panel right bellow caption in the document page. List of all opened files is accessible via "All documents" button on the left side of this panel. Shortcuts can be highlighted by pressing "Alt" button.
Thank again for your feedback and suggestions.
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I started over and found the "licensing" and the “contact” buttons. It is registered to GAOTD. They didn’t ask for any info.
I don’t like the Windows 8 format but I think that is the future. I put the files in C:\programs but it doesn't show up in start or control panel as installed. As noted before, it loads slowly.
I have great difficulty with Open Office. I spend a lot of time searching for how-to... I have never been able to set multiple left margins on one page but I figured it out in Simple Words in a few seconds.
I was able to create a full page document using several editing options in just a few seconds. It found my printer and printed correctly. It let me choose the save-to location. I could not find envelop or help but since it’s free, I will get over the Windows 8 format and use Simple Words .
Honestly I would not buy this as long as I have free options like Open Office (as I have more time than money). (And OO does envelops). But I think this is a good option for someone who doesn’t want the Open Office or MS Office monsters, or need their extra features.
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Well, I tried Simple Words, and I had several issues with it.
1. It doesn't recognize all MsWord documents. I got blank pages instead of several documents I have. I opened them in MsWord, and yes, the text is still there...
2. I can't customize the interface. I work a lot with word processors, I think I tried most, if not all of them, and I hate learning to use new interfaces. If I can't customize it, I ditch it.
3. Still customization, but this is so annoying it deserves a separate entry: the huge (or humongous) title bar. It occupies about one fifth (1/5) of my netbook's screen, and it's unhideable! In fact, almost everything is unhideable. In "Print Layout", full screen view, with hidden rulers, I have just a little over 1/2 of my screen as workspace.
4. Help. No, I don't want to visit some homepage, in fact, I work mostly offline. Is it so hard to include a help file with a distribution like this?
5. Speed. Or lack of it. Right now I can't think of a word processor that opens a new or existing document slower than Simple Words. Okay, maybe some MsWord releases from the late nineties, and some older OpenOffice versions, but nothing I worked with in the past decade or so.
6. Did I mention that licensing was a pain in the... elbow for me? I got several "Licensing is not available" messages before I succeeded. It was a wasted time, because Simple Words will be gone long before the 29 day trial period will expire... I just hoped the licensed version will be more adaptable. It isn't.
Conclusion: thank you, GOTD, thank you, Algorithms in Motion, I really would like something that fits today's description, but this just isn't IT.
Yet, I dare to hope...
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You can download more languages for spell cheking (*.dic & *.aff files) from here:
http://fmg-www.cs.ucla.edu/geoff/ispell-dictionaries.html (ISpell), they work fine.
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#7 agree -- Went to the site and looked at the manual. Interface is not much better or worse than the major ones: Kingsoft, Open Office, Word. The ribbon bars are, or appear, to be fixed. Power users need to be able to select those they use most and remove those they don't.
The manual is excellent - 5 stars on that.
Not as many available tools, or as powerful or intuitive meaning User Experience as Atlantis (previous giveaway) for power users. Atlantis has power tools or toolbar ribbons that are contextually presented and customizable and is #35. So it is a matter of personal taste what the user wants.
Simple Words is not a replacement for wordpad or notepad For those the free Jarte is the best for .rtf and Notepad++ for .txt.
Jarte has some nice features like doc tabs though the UI is a bit childish. Free and a decent set of tools offset the UI.
Back to Simple Words. 30 Euro or $40 US seems a bit much for rev. 1.2 but again it is a matter of taste.
Thank you Algorithms in Motion.
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does not support RTL text
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Installed and registered, thank God I could paste the serial number in, seen shorter books, opened up to and almost unreadable GUI, no consideration given to old eyes.
When I eventually made out the text it did appear to have some interesting functions to help cooperation when a number of people are creating a document.
Somewhat confused by its claim to be portable when it requires.NET 4, a 48 MB download, portable is possibly true but who wants a huge simple word processor.
The interface makes it almost impossible for me to use with comfort, and I would certainly not be willing to pay such a high price when there is so much excellent freeware.
The other two programs they seem to produce have in my opinion ridiculously high prices considering their apparently unproven status.
Interesting though it may look I am uninstalling it as I find impossible to work with the interface.
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Thanks to Algorithms In Motion and GOTD.
Easily installed as portable and activated.
It opens the first time you run the software, in full screen.
You can adjust and reduce the window size.
A nice word processor that can save in various formats as follows:
Rich Text Format (*.rtf)
Text Files (*.txt)
HyperText Markup Language Format (*.htm; *.html)
Web Archive, single file (*.mht)
Word 2007 Document (*.docx)
Open Document Text Document (*.odt)
Word XML Document (*.xml)
Electronic Publication (*.epub)
Microsoft Word Document (*.doc)
There is a built-in spell checker for English and you can right click red underlined mis-spelled words for suggested corrections.
Result: Good.
Some downsides:
I still use EditpadLite portable freeware editor which is PHENOMENAL.
So I will compare Simple Words to the excellent EditpadLite.
Simple Words lacks a Text Encoding feature that EditpadLite has.
Simple Words CANNOT handle Unicode.
Simple Words does not allow user to assign his own choice of shortcut keys to various commands.
There is some of the usual universal shortcut keys such as Ctrl O opens files, Alt-F4 to Exit, Ctrl P to Print.
It cannot handle multiple opened files in a tabbed layout. It can only handle 1 open document at a time.
In [Save] the type of format is permanently defaulted to Word 2007 Document (*.docx). Though you can click the down arrow to choose your preferred file format, this is bothersome if you always save to Text (*.txt) format.
However, Simple Words does remember your last directory to which you saved files, so there is no need to always re-designate the folder to save to.
There seems to be NO quick clip option where you can store and re-use often used phrases to insert at cursor position.
The Windows Tiles user interface is not an improvement over the old system.
It is different but NOT better.
The Ribbon style for commands is a pain to use.
The old Windows toolbar icon menu is far superior to the lousy Ribbon command layout.
I wish GOTD can giveaway Editpad Pro.
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Reply to ric:
You will find many more differences between Editpad and Simple Words as the objective of two programs is also different.
Editpad ( Lite or Pro) is really useful text editor which is able to edit any kind of text file with a .txt extension and also HTML files, XML files, PHP scripts, source code in C etc. But it can not process MS word documents (.doc or .docx ) . It can be replacement for notepad or nottab whereas Simple Words is trying to replicate MS Word. And most of this type of programs have the default 'save' format as *.docx or *doc until unless the different template has been choosen at starting.
Various extra features ( which are not available in EditpadLite ) of EditpadPRO can be enjoyed in another powerful and
Highly Rated text and code editor
PSPad ( Also reviewd as excellent by
Softpedia Editor )
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I am putting this in the "reply" section of my original comment.
It looks funny as though I am replying to myself.
But actually it is an edit/addendum to my original comment.
I forgot to add that AFAIK this software HAS NO HELP FILE.
Pressing the F1 key is no use. there is no "Help" command in the menu.
It you have discovered the help file in the software, then please ignore this addendum.
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Absolutely will NOT use ANY program that does not offer the "ribbon-style command bar (with words)" because an icon or picture can mean a "thousand words" & they don't ALL MEAN WHAT YOU WANT. A tip - even if you offer it as a hidden extra - so old one's (like me) can still operate the program. We started the computer business & we are still here for a few more decades!
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Sadly, the killer for me is the appalling 'Modern ui' interface. It really is nasty.
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Sorry but BASIC describes this just so well.
I am sure if you delve you will find a myriad of features in this offering but I found it takes as long as WORD to load and that defeats the object for me. Yep its portable but surely that is only any use if the PC that you might find yourself in front of doesn't have a word processor (Unlikely).
I cant see the time it would take to learn this very un-intuitive piece of software is actually worth the effort
I used to own a ZX80 and this reminded me of the graphics & speed.
Removed (As I dont think it actually installs) along with the unwanted software that it comes bundled with.
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Jarte is also free, It is built upon and expands Wordpad and recognizes ant Word or Wordpad document.
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The concept behind Jarte is interesting.
However, according to Jarte documentation:
- "The Smart Quotes feature does not work with many non-English keyboards". I have a non-English keyboard...
- "Opens files with file extension RTF, file extension DOC, and file extension DOCX". No other formats supported, then...
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Thank you for you comments!
Yes - there are many other similar products you can find on the net, but there is no word processor with Modern UI. We found that tiles much more handy in regards of files and files groups management than regular Recent files list. We implemented much of the basic functions provided by Modern UI guidelines, but there is much more to come in the next update, like extended files information in the main menu and much more sophisticated content management and user-content interaction system.
As for spellchecking - we supply Russian and US English dictionaries by default as these are our product supported languages, but you can extend dictionaries as you want by placing dictionaries files into Dictionaries folder. You can download Hunspell dictionaries from www.openoffice.org and place them with the name of locale you want to add, for example: en-US.aff and en-US.dic
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Have probed a little further (no local help file, have to go online and what's there isn't brilliant - possibly thinking simple minds here again) and this 'simple' WP can do some rather non-simple things like correctly read and display an mht file, and then export it as a pdf with links embedded. How you do that is not intuitive: you have to go to preview then export, there is no export from the main interface. It looks as though it is exporting (converting) the file, not just printing it to pdf (using a 'virtual printer'), as the latter (more common) process usually loses any embedded hyperlinks.
[exporting embedded links: what I am getting at here is the difference between a visible link:
which some pdf printers will recognise as a link (not hard since it starts with http://)
Giveaway of the Day
which is also a link, but embedded so most pdf printers don't see it as one].
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Only Russian or US English available in the spellchecker. Not acceptable in a paid for word processor. Killer for me anyway.
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Why did you pay for it ?????
Today it is free !!!
What is the problem with a freebie ??
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For document processing I tried to find a little ( in size ) program alternative to Microsoft Word and I was able to pick one from a few which is
Kingsoft Writer Free. This is also compacted with
Kingsoft Office Free.I still use this mostly.
The basic and common features are also found in today's Giveaway Program "Simple Words 1.20 "
*Really simple and efficient like Kingsoft Writer Free.
*similar ( working environment ) to Microsoft Word.
*ability to handle several document formats such as DOC, DOCX, ODT, EPUB, HTML,MHT,TXT and RTF etc.
*export to PDF directly.
and this one is a portable version.
One more similar Portable Program can be suggested -
Portable AbiWord : an Open Source (GPL) program , this is also a powerful and similar to MS Word which supports a number of document types including Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Open Document (
OpenOffice.org), Office Open XML (MS Word 2007), RTF, HTML, Palm etc.
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Thanks, Jahid, taking your time to try, evaluate and share your experience with this program. I have tried my very best to search for different language packs for Simple Words, but I couldn't find anything at all. I allready have Atlantis Word Processor as portable, but it doesn't have a Danish Language pack. Now, my humble question is, if todays offer supports a wide range of languages - Danish in particular ? Otherwise I'll stick to Atlantis. However, thanks a lot for the offer to Algorithms In Motions and of course the team behind GOTD. Greets from Denmark.
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Offer is nice and (to me) well done - but lacks some languages (I am german...)
I add a suggestion:
"Ashampoo Office 2010" FOR FREE (is indeed a licensed Version of well known an highly rated Softmaker Office...)
some goodies:
- supports MANY(!) languages
- really grown-up office suite!
- office suite ca be made fully portable (run the included "USBSTICK.EXE")!
- upate for free from Softmaker´s Server to REAL Softmaker Office 2010, last revision!
- IF you register, you get upate offers to Office 2012 for a reduced price (sometimes REALLY cheap)
- can be stripped off to a REALLY SMALL word prozessor; just the following files are needed!
TEXTMAKER.EXE...2.899.968 (* sizes after compacting with PEC; UPX will do similar compacting)
OFRES10.DLL.........4.096 (Holds Registritaton data)
+ Additional (optional!) "SPELL" folder with appropiate files...
have fun!
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Ashampoo Office = Softmaker Office. Softmaker Office also has a free version. Pros: (1) less spam-hassle. (2) Xmas offer: Softmaker donates 10cents per download to charity. See their website.
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to Hugo:
CLEARLY NO - the free version is not half as excellent and complete as the full Office 2010 !!!
If you are afraid of spam:
1. Do create an account at Ashampoo(!)
(useful for keeping and never loosing your activations!)
2. log into this account
3. deactivate all letters/informers etc.
Thats all! - No hassle at all. I never ever got spam from them since. . .
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