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Secret Box Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Secret Box

Secret Box is the easiest way to storing passwords and other sensitive information.
$14.99 EXPIRED
User rating: 193 53 comments

Secret Box was available as a giveaway on January 22, 2013!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
The world's simplest backup to protect irreplaceable data!

Secret Box allows you to easily organize all the passwords you need to deal with on a regular basis. All data collected in categories. Secret Box supports 11 categories of data: web accounts, instant messengers, emails, WiFi, remote desktop connection, VPN, credit card, secret notes, FTP servers, database, software information such as serial numbers and etc.

Data is stored in "Secret Box" file and protected by password. Only people who know the password can encrypt the file. You can put your "Secret Box" file to USB flash drive or file cloud and your secret data will be always with you!

System Requirements:

Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP; Processor: 1Ghz; RAM: 512MB





File Size:

25.3 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Hewlett-Packard
Developed by Kaspersky Lab
The standard anti-malware solution for Windows.
Recover lost or forgotten passwords for RAR files.

Comments on Secret Box

Thank you for voting!
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.

Like many other comments, stick with KeePass
Use the 1.18 version, it's stand-alone so can be put on Memory Sticks, is small, local, portable, FREE and it works.

Reply   |   Comment by Doug Barnes  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Well, i use Mobile Witch Pass Safe... still a thumbs up from me... because making such softwares is not so easy.. they cannot be brute forced.. nor can be cracked.. A message to the software maker... Please dont feel bad about it.. people want more and more nowadays.. you gave your software as a giveaway.. that is a great thing.. Thankyou! ^_^

Reply   |   Comment by Dharnish  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I think your "who's" should be "whose"

Reply   |   Comment by I. M. A. Pedant  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

#50 Are you really? I am dozens of passwords memorized.

Reply   |   Comment by LancasterPA  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

How about just use your brain to remember all the passwords? That's what I do...and yes, I am dozens of passwords memorized. It's hard, but becomes easy with practice. Trust!

Reply   |   Comment by theman  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-9)

@32. Seems you didn't proofread your own copy.

Reply   |   Comment by Cindy Palmer  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

I find it ridiculous that one of the suggestions is to store this information in cloud. It really sounds safe to have all your passwords and private information in cloud storage...

Reply   |   Comment by Marius  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

I dont think any password manager will ever be securty proof. Password managers are ok for run of the mill passwords for basic websites that require you to sign up for a membership to access the site but as for anything that has to do with your banking info, credit card, paypal, basically any site that might grant someone access to your money or personal info should not be used in a password manager or made digital.

I get a little leary when a company comes on here with this kind of software and suggest that you keep your credit card info in their program Especially as K Pointed out (#25 So to sum it up the domain is registered in Ukraine, the website says its company address is in Canada and its hosting provider is in California.)

So when your Identity has been stolen where do you start the search Ukrane Canada or US,

Just keep your important info in a small book and lock it in your safe as I do. No Worries then.

And if you feel the need to use a credit card on line use a temp card that you can get from any bank that way the thevies only get the value of what you load on it and not your actual credit card.

My 2 Cents.

Reply   |   Comment by Ron  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

For the most important passwords I prefer to keep a little notebook by my home office p.c. and write them down....no worry about the data being exposed to anyone. In this time of being surrounded by smart phones and tablets you can always interchange the information so it means nothing in one place but is stored on another device. I am proud of the fact I have never put any personal data online even though I have been using a p.c. for well over ten years; ever hear of products that 'create a need?'

Reply   |   Comment by SkullCollector  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Good Idea to build up secret database, but no big different with a normal text doc. Just add on lock and a classified catalogue only! Really poor at software writting, bugs evey where! And then find method to open data file without pass! So, useless! File pass lock fuction add-on ware is much user friendly and simple than this! I don't think I'll spend money and time on it! But thanks for giving!

Reply   |   Comment by a8678  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

Doug Thompson (#32)

This is the most useful advice that this software publisher will ever receive in this forum - my congratulations!

Other publishers take note!

Genghiz Cohen

Reply   |   Comment by genghiz.cohen.nz  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

@ #32 -- I live in Toronto and can honestly disagree with you.

--- You say ---
"Most grade 8 students have good enough English skills to spot and correct those mistakes."

In this statement you are absolutely wrong. High School graduates and even University grads cannot spell to save their lives ... or, as they would write it "cannot spell to save there lives". This is a well known issue among educators. In fact, I would venture to say that many of the things that you see on the Internet that are incorrectly spelled are likely written by native English speakers (probably from Toronto)

Your other gripe is also a red herring. Here one is reading advertising copy, not the Bible. They are trying to sell their product. Their comment that “Secret Box is the easiest way to storing passwords and other sensitive information.” is not what is said above... maybe it was changed. Nevertheless, "the easiest way" is open to much interpretation. "The easiest way" may not be appropriate for you, but it may absolutely describe correctly what is "easiest" for me. It just depends on workflow.

I totally agree with your frustration of people who cannot spell correctly and do not know proper grammar. It bothers me too. But this is not the venue to complain about it. Rather it belongs in the pervue of Educators and Government, who's disinterest has created the problem in the first place.

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

All you people using password protected word docs or pdfs or whatever - that is not strong or secure protection!!

It's fine to use a doc or pdf, I keep all my secure data in such, but make sure you use Axcrypt or other credible encryption to protect the file!! Especially if you are storing it on an internet accessible site somewhere.

I assume the password protection apps are using secure encryption but you should verify it for the one you are using.

Reply   |   Comment by dbur  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

In Vancouver there is a very large Asian population that only speaks English when it is convenient for them, they want something, or they are trying to pass an exam. Otherwise their entire world is in their native language.

It has the negative effect of ticking-off and insulting everyone else.

Reply   |   Comment by DaveF  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

You do know how to read don't you?


Get in touch with us
Our Address

ECRA/ESA License#7006423
165 Van Dusen blvd.
Toronto ON M8Z 3H4

Reply   |   Comment by DaveF  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for feedback and suggestions!

Secret Box is very young :) It was released a month ago and we have a lot of work for next versions. So thank you GOTD

community again.

As our business has been started in Ukraine, domain is registered here. Hosting is provided by company from US. We are a

startup company. We don't have funds for big office and etc, so we work as we can. We do not hide this fact.

But this does not mean that we want to steal your passwords or sensitive information. Secret Box does not send your data

anywhere. They are in a file that is encrypted by algorithm SHA512.

Purpose of Secret Box is to make life easier for users, and not to steal their confidential information.

Best Regards,
Secret Box Team.

Reply   |   Comment by ashved  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

Yes, it's difficult to trust a new password manager with minimal information, poor spelling and grammar in its promotional materials, and no way to reinstall if you lose it.

I'll give a vote to KeePass, plus the Keefox add-on to Firefox which does autofill on web sites about 70% of the time.

I generate my passwords with the PasswordMaker add-on to Firefox which also has a portable desktop version. This allows me to regenerate my keys even if I lose my password files, although at the risk of a single point of failure.

Reply   |   Comment by Godel  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I like KeePass because it is cross-platform. I use the same database on both Ubuntu Linux and Windows XP and can access my PWs from either OS (both configured on my desktop machine).Keeping the database in a TrueCrypt virtual drive doesn't hurt, either. All for free all of the time.

Reply   |   Comment by Al  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Not gonna try it ,already have a password keeper that I have used for years and am totally happy with and it's free also. You can upgrade to premium for a $1 a month but you don't need too.

Packed full of features , easy to use , supports all browsers, all OS , form fillers ,portable etc etc


Thanks GOTD will look forward to tomorrow's gift.

Reply   |   Comment by will  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

DT #32 -- can the phrase "new and improved" ever be truthful?

Reply   |   Comment by Lee  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-8)

The web sight seems repuaball to me, so what its if from USSR. Huh? Also password mangement is always good thing to have in case you deinstall the opering system and to redo it again. The user rating should get better responce.

Reply   |   Comment by Stortch  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-30)

@Infidel Even though it's been "proven" that the site may originate from the Ukraine, I thought I'd let you know: As a Canadian who used to work in the local school board, I can tell you that a lot of Canadians are illiterate, or don't care about things that are misspelled. Starting with the teachers.

Teacher: I can't get to google, it says "Bad getaway"
Me: I think you mean bad gateway. How did you spell Google?
Teacher: *loud rude sigh* G-O-G-G-L-E!!!!
Me: *Inward sigh*

The Superintendent of the the local public school board (the one I worked for) was recently quoted in the press as saying something to the effect of sure our kids can't spell, but they can research on the Internet.

Does anyone wonder why kids these days can't spell? What chance do they have, no one gives a **** about it.

It seems to me a matter of pride in ones work to spell correctly when documenting and advertising it, but I'm not in the majority in this thought.

I've hosted several Canadian and US registered domains in the states in the past as well. It's much cheaper, and you get more for your money, if the service stays up. They're all here now though, privately hosted, so some people would have trouble with my domains as US registered and residing in Canada.

Yeah, I know it's 100% off topic, vote it down.

Reply   |   Comment by strm  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+22)


In return for all the free software, here's some free marketing advice for GOTD and all its software suppliers.

PROOFREAD YOUR AD COPY for accurate, truthful, verifiable content and good spelling and grammar!!!

Even native English speakers can make typing mistakes in advertising copy, such as spelling "account" as "acocunts" but non native speakers of the language, or people with poor spelling and grammar skills are very likely to make mistakes they won't spot themselves.

Given that our copy is likely to contain mistakes and inevitably will sometimes, we need someone else who is proficient in the target language to PROOFREAD IT! ALWAYS. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. You're not going to publish software without testing it are you? Why publish ad copy without testing it? If the ad copy is sloppy, readers are likely to think the software is badly written too.

"Secret Box is the easiest way to storing passwords and other sensitive information."

First impressions count in sales, and are often the ONLY impression you ever get to make. That first statement in today's presentation is not just bad grammar, it's not objectively truthful.

A native speaker will instantly recognize that the verb "storing" should be "store." Wrong tense. You don't need to be a grammarian or even name the error to know that it sounds WRONG WRONG WRONG.

Some consumers are likely to be literate people who view such bad English usage, spelling and grammar as sloppiness which reflects badly on the supplier, salesman, and publisher.

Yeah GAOTD, it reflects badly on you too. When your suppliers offer you garbled and mangled ad copy, send it back for proofreading and correction before publishing it. Do yourself, your customers and your suppliers all a favour. Give us clear, correct, grammatical statements which are objectively TRUE. Makes YOU look like you're offering junk and that you don't care what you put on offer. Makes everyone look very non-professional.

The fact of bad English certainly doesn't mean the publisher isn't genuinely Canadian, but clearly whoever WROTE that ad copy isn't a native English speaker or is illiterate. More than half of Canadians are not native English speakers. But in most of Canada, and certainly Toronto, the language of business and commerce IS English and BAD ENGLISH is like bad breath. It doesn't at all necessarily mean the product is bad and it certainly doesn't mean the person is bad but it is a MAJOR TURN OFF. It's very bad business practice. It makes a VERY BAD first impression.

If you're marketing to a Japanese audience and you aren't very fluent in Japanese you're going to ask someone who IS fluent, preferably a native speaker, to proofread your copy if you have even the slightest understanding of marketing and advertising. You want your target audience to read about how great your product is, not laugh at you for the fact that you can't write grammatically or spell correctly.

There's a second problem in the above quote. I'm being told this software is the "easiest" way to store passwords. That word "easiest" is a superlative which means there is no other way which is more easy or even AS EASY. Is that objectively and verifiably true? To me it is obviously not true, since jotting down the password in a notebook is far and away easier and in all likelihood more secure. The only way your security can be breached is by physically stealing the notebook. If you apply even a simple transposition cipher to very sensitive things, then it's exceedingly unlikely that a thief would figure out what the password or PIN or whatever REALLY is. You can make backup coies with a photocopier, scanner or camera if you want. That's simple, that's easy, that's super secure. You can also just type the numbers into a text file and apply encryption. That's also simple and easy. Then there are many other programs, some free, which do the same thing. Have they all be been compared such that one can objectively and truthfully say that this one is ABSOLUTELY the easiest? No, of course not.

So the statement is not a "statement of fact" written by a knowledgeable person to inform us of the truth about today's offering, it is just ad hype written by someone who wants us to download and hopefully buy this software EVEN IF there are better, cheaper, easier and more secure alternatives. It's really not saying anything about other alternatives, how this one compares to them, or where this one might genuinely be better for some applications.

Now normally that's what ad copy does, it promotes one option, and we kind of expect that, along with something less than objectivity. But what ad copy says must, by law, in both Canada and the USA, BE FACTUALLY TRUE and verifiable. So that word "easiest" is false advertising. It is at best a subjective opinion and it may truthfully be the opinion of some people, but it is not an objective verifiable fact.

The combination of sloppy bad English AND flagrantly false statements makes the publisher, supplier and salesmen of this software all look incompetent with a tinge of dishonesty. None of that necessarily reflects badly on the software. It could be the brilliant work of a genius programmer who can't speak English, doesn't know the importance of clean, grammatical, clear and accurate ad copy or who has delegated the "marketing" to an incompetent cousin whose Mandarin is better than his English and neither are even aware of the problems. It could be ignorance of marketing and English, not ignorance about computer software.

Bad, or in this case actually illegal business practices don't mean the product is no good but they sure as heck hurt sales! Even the best product, if subject to very bad marketing, isn't likely to do well.

In Toronto, for instance, more than half the population consists of fluent English speakers. More than 90% are literate. The Yellow pages lists many proofreading and literary service and advertising agencies, any of whom could spot and correct the bad English and a good many of whom would recognize false advertising in exaggerated false claims. Most grade 8 students have good enough English skills to spot and correct those mistakes.

Hire a senior High School student with good marks in English and pay him $20 to spend an hour with your ad copy and the grammar and spelling would likely be perfect. Use Microsoft Word and enable spelling and grammar check, that would catch most of those problems instantly as you type.

These are not difficult business problems to address! This is not rocket science. Every business that publishes anything, even if just business cards, needs to and usually does address these issues effectively. The fact that such simple and basic things have NOT been addressed does raise doubts about the quality of the product. What other obvious and basic things, such as security and stability of a program designed to protect sensitive data might have been similarly overlooked? Is the security as bad as the English? Such doubts are raised by illiterate ad copy.

So poor presentation raises doubts in the consumer's mind and that is what you want to avoid in marketing. At the very least you want to make a good first impression and leave the audience with the idea that this software might do something useful for them, not with doubts about your competence.

So there is some free marketing advice from a professional Canadian proofreader. If you are going to publish ad copy in English to an English-speaking audience, make sure it REALLY IS English! Make it clear, make it grammatical and most of all MAKE IT TRUTHFUL! Nothing turns off an audience more than a claim they have good reason to think is NOT TRUE. So avoid superlatives such as "easiest" and "best" unless you really can prove those statements to be objectively true in some kind of objective comparison or benchmark test. And if you can then put that near the top ... "in scientific tests by a certified testing agency our product proved BEST at WHATEVER" is a good sales pitch, if true. But simply dropping in an unverified superlative makes you sound like a huckster. That might escape the notice of some readers but a good many readers are sufficiently advertising-literate to recognize a false and misleading pitch and that usually means "no sale." Instead of attracting the reader to your product, you've sent the reader to the competition.


Reply   |   Comment by Doug Thompson  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

Add to #18's example (see top of this page)
"Only people who know the password can encrypt the file."
Encrypting is different from Decrypting!

Reply   |   Comment by wladicus  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

Password Safe is a great FREEBEE and it is open source too.


Reply   |   Comment by tryit  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

As for the suggestion that the developers "cloud enable" this app, the author of that suggestion (and current 13 who have agreed) seriously need to rethink this suggestion. As the Director of IT for Business Services at my company, the idea of storing any of our sensitive data in "the cloud" is anathema. Web security is simply not anywhere near robust enough to support such a notion, in my humble opinion.

Reply   |   Comment by DJGray  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+18)

As the Secret Box software (as well as the Sticky Password and many others) is based on a password storage, I am afraid that the database can be stolen by some targeted attack. Please compare to the online password generator at www.passwordace.com . The generator creates your strong passwords from your target pages description and from your master passphrase (using multiiterated SHA256 and some additional crypto). No database, no passwords in your head. The one and only thing you have to remember for the rest of your life is your master passphrase.

Reply   |   Comment by Zdenek Breitenbacher  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

The product is young, but the maker is here "ashved" (#16).
So the product will grow an this is your change to handover some ideas to Ashved to improve his product. I'm sure he will show the result here :)

For me, I would like:
* a password generator (batch producing list)
* formfiller (not just copy and paste by me, but recognising a webpage for example and fill automatically).
* autoclosure of the sbf-file after some time (settings) to protect against leave and forget (to close).
* portablility to be able to take it with me on a stick wherever I go.
* Answer to the question what type of encryption is used.
* please no cloud implementation, I don't need that on a stick. Cloud is overrated by some, even though it is a buzzword.

Reply   |   Comment by ALF  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+17)

LOL... gotta give my few cents to the comment in
How would you improve Secret Box?

"save private information in cloud"

That's the one thing you most definitly don't wanna do!
Whilst cloud provider like dropbox are reputable, still, storing your credit card info there wouldn't be wise.

Reply   |   Comment by cerberus  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+21)

For all of you cautious people here is the WHOIS DATA



Registration Service Provided By: INAME.UA
Contact: +380.442010104
Website: http://www.iname.ua


Allied Standard Limited, Ltd.
Whois privacy protection service (hostmaster@iname.ua)
Gaidara st., 50
UA - that's in Ukraine
Tel. +380.442010104
Fax. +380.442010104

Creation Date: 25-Oct-2010
Expiration Date: 25-Oct-2013

Domain servers in listed order:

Administrative Contact:
Allied Standard Limited, Ltd.
Whois privacy protection service (hostmaster@iname.ua)
Gaidara st., 50
Tel. +380.442010104
Fax. +380.442010104

So to sum it up the domain is registered in Ukraine, the website says its company address is in Canada and its hosting provider is in California.

Reply   |   Comment by k  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+50)

It's not the same as Sticky Password. This software is used to store your private data of any kind.
For this Ive been using Clipperz for a long time. It's free and stores your data encrypted in-cloud as well as allows you to keep it on your PC if you want.


Reply   |   Comment by Edu  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

#3... great idea.
I use a simple .txt zipped into .zip (with pwd).

Reply   |   Comment by Mad.World.Official  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-7)

Good password manager. My only question is what encryption algorithm does it use?

Reply   |   Comment by Mark  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Well, despite its very low (and misleading) users rating, this GAOTD looks like a pretty GOOD tool to organize any kind of password you have to deal with on a daily basis (VPN, credit card, FTP servers, web accounts etc...).
My only concern is: what happens if you lose the GAOTD key, following a PC crash?

For this reason FREE & OPEN SOURCE software are probably a better option for this kind of apps: do you agree with me, dudes?


https://www.dashlane.com/en/features (==> My Personal First Choice)
Full review:


http://keypitsafe.codeplex.com (==> can store your passwords ona USB drive with ease)
http://www.kenvast.com/PasswordBook-PC.htm (==> can keep PC & Mobile Device passwords syncronized between them)

And to create almost unbreakable passwords:


Total cost ==> 0/$


Reply   |   Comment by Giovanni  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+80)

LastPass (free) and their professional version (paid) does this all very well. RoboForm was an early software (dumped because they promised lifetime service for a reasonable flat fee then stopped supporting that platform after a few years) for pswd protection. Neither gets mentioned here often. (You can Google them.)
While open source software may have no backdoors, hackers also have access to all the code. That always concerns me.
As for saving pswds to computer drives, when all the info on your disks is botted to "the other side" they'll have your pswds too.
I did not have a need or desire to use this software, but appreciate the offer.
Creators of "new" software need to emphasize what makes their paid software superior or preferable to the free offerings often mentioned here in com(ics)ment section. (Better read that again.)
While Giovanni Dude stresses "free" as a way of life (wonder if he performs his professional work for free), paid software can be more advantageous than work arounds with multiple free versions. Some of Adobe products are.
For the dinero-impaired, older versions are usually available at reduced cost from a few i-vendors. Also, like CD's or records, you can sell your used copy of older software to one other person (assuming you don't use it anymore); you can't sell multiple copies of your software to numerous other people. The single user license is a limited property right and is often transferable. ©2013

Reply   |   Comment by DoktorThomas  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

Even though the address has been supplied as being from Canada, I'm leaning towards this being bogus. I realise not all Canadians speak English, but I'm definitely sure those that don't do know people whom could help them with not only their grammar, but also spelling. Below is a snippet from their website;
Secret Box supports 11 categories of data: web acocunts, instant messangers
So, in short, not touching this with a ten foot barge pole.


Reply   |   Comment by Infidel  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+18)

From their website "VSHSystem is startup company" which implies this is version 1.0 or even beta of the product. Sorry, but I'm not trusting my passwords to a startup company.
fwiw: Their website doesn't work with the Chrome browser.

Reply   |   Comment by skeptic  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

Hello Skeptic,

thank you for the feedback.

Their web site works fine in Chrome at our end. Probably some local issue.

GOTD team

Reply   |   Comment by Giveaway of the Day project team  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)

#9 in SB you're need only one password. all categories (Accounts, Network, Credit Cards, Secret Notes, Software) stored in one file and protected with one password.

Reply   |   Comment by ashved  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

Keep mine in a passworded MS Office file on 2 x USB sticks.

Reply   |   Comment by Springy  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-24)

Will use the freeware Keepass. For the reasons stated below:

Such locking encryption software cannot in principle be GOTD which is only installable and activated within 24 hours on a particular date.

If for some reason, later on you do something that makes such software stop functioning, then ALL your passwords/secrets/encrypted data are gone forever.

Reply   |   Comment by ric  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+23)

The danger of all time limited password safe giveaways is that you may need to buy the paid for version if a computer crash makes it necessary to reinstall.

The big question is whether the software provider will still be around when and if this happens. Today's giveaway comes from what is to me at least an unknown small company with what seems to be a private residence as its registered address. I don't think I could have the long term confidence to install this software.

Reply   |   Comment by Chris H.  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+28)

Free and open source alternative:


I have been using this for a couple of years, on my PC and on my Windows Mobile phone, and it does all that needs to be done: keep passwords save in an organised way, so that you find them back immediately whenever you need them :)

Reply   |   Comment by Pascal  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+36)

@4 Their address is listed on the website accessed from the link above!!

ECRA/ESA License#7006423
165 Van Dusen blvd.
Toronto ON M8Z 3H4

Reply   |   Comment by Seb  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+22)

Cоmpany address added. Sorry for the inconvenience

Reply   |   Comment by ashved  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+23)

Since I am using Sticky Password, I will compare this with it. While Sticky password only requires you to remember 1 password to access all you accounts, in Secret Box (SB), you need to create a new file for each category with each own password: Accounts, Network, Credit Cards, Secret Notes, Software. And one of the disadvantage of this SB is that it is not autofilling. You need to copy it from the opened file after entering your password, and paste it. Not really convenient, quite cumbersome procedure compared with Sticky password, when you do not need to create any file, you just think of a strong password, enter the program, and start entering your data, website login and password, etc, and when you go to that website, with Sticky Password activated, it simply autofills login data and password. Another feature lacking in SB is the automatic adding in of new login data and password that you might create when you visit a website. In Sticky Password, when activated, while browsing a web, and you happen to join some forums, etc, where you created a account with login in information with a password, it automatically detect it, and an option is opened to ask you if you will want the data to be stored in it.
Ashraf suggested in his website Dashlane, as a free alternative, and I tried to install it, but decided to terminate after reading the User's agreement. You will agree that your data will be sync with some cloud. I will never trust any cloud synchronization of your secret data, no matter how safe they say it will be. You can store it locally on your computer with encryptation why take the chance to paste it on the wall even when they say "it is safe". After all a thief will not tell you that he will rob you, but does it anyway.

Reply   |   Comment by Andrew  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+88)

I like it. 25.3MB - weight program. File with passwords is also 2kb. I like how everything organized. You can store passwords for different accounts and services and not recording the necessary data in the field type "notes", "descriptions" etc. like in "Keeper" or similar software.

Missing password generator and support cloud

Reply   |   Comment by Nitropropain  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-20)

In the review mentioned in 1st post, the con about keepass seems like the best reason to use it. First it is open source which anyone can validate there is no back door to steal your passwords.
As a password manager, I don't want that program to have internet access. Do you really trust your bank password out there in the "cloud"? Also we know there are many security hole with many of those web browser. I would avoid password integrated to web browser if possible.

Reply   |   Comment by Jason  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+74)

its a bloated software at a 25MB installer. And 512 requirements, duh. I'll stick in keypass. Portable and freeware.

Reply   |   Comment by gio  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+64)

I'm not likely to trust a company that doesn't provide a postal address and some company details with any of my confidential information.

Reply   |   Comment by harv  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+158)

25.3MB for this? Might as well put your passwords on a Microsoft Word table and password protect that document for 2kb. Whats the difference?

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+110)
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