Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Recover Passwords 1.0 was available as a giveaway on March 27, 2012!
Recover Passwords is a useful tool that is created to help you to recover passwords from more than 100+ programs, including Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, MSN Messenger, Google Talk, Microsoft Outlook and more.
Windows NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
4.06 MB
Installs on Windows 10 Home x64 but does not run. Tried as Admin no luck. Tried compatibility wizard with Win 7, 7, vista, and XP all settings with the same results. It won't work.
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UnInstalled the program. See #92 above.
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excellent pogramme
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Downloaded earlier today, very smooth install, and it did locate passwords datung back 10 years on Win XP 2002. Not something I'd use everyday, but a very useful tool. Thanx!
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Installed the program. Haven't run it. Just a thought. Lets say my passwords are recovered, any or all of them. The program now knows what they are. My thought becomes, "Who else now also knows what they are, especially around the world?"
OK, I probably missed something.
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Installs OK on Windows XP SP3.
Runs, but seems to stall at 54%, then takes a few minutes before it resumes any visible activity.
Produces a tabular list of user names and passwords.
Formatting of the display is rather poor, as there is no way to stretch the columns. At least in my case, the first column has widest data, thus is always wrapped, while second and third columns have shortest data, thus always have tons of wasted white space after them.
(duly noted, if someone uses passwords with 20 or 30 or 40 characters, then the third column space would be used. in my case, typically passwords are 10 to 16 characters.)
Would be good to be able to resize the column width.
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12 languages and no SPANISH?? Big Fail !
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All my respect to the freeware master Giovanni !
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I think it is good. It also pretty scarey stuff, some of the passwords it found are stuff I thought were secure.
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This program worked fast and found the passwords I knew I had on the computer..It is great progarm for people who have lost or can,t remember passwords well. Thanks GOTD ..I will find a use for this.
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jv, you asked a good question #62 .. how do you know that the info will not be sent out to bad guys.
First, if it was sent out right away, then some of our skilled folks would have had firewall alerts.
One problem, though .. what if it waits to a time where it is doing an "update" (programs vary as to how this works). Then you will likely say "ok" to the update and that might be a month later.
So then you look for the name and reputation of the company, always an important issue on security-related tools. And you notice that this software tells you nothing.
Personally, I would never touch an anonymous software security tool, and in general I want to know a bit about any software downloaded.
Caveat emptor, even when free.
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Downloaded and installed fine on Windows 7 Pro x64. Scanned but, didn't find a single password.
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Heck yea!!...This is absolutely nice!!...a giveaway app that one is not made to do a dance, jumping jacks and jump through hoops to get the thing registered!!! I'm definitely installing this one!
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One of the best type of program like this. I have tried several, and this one worked saved all my passwords out of FF 11, that I was able to save from there. I am using windows 7 ultimatum, one of the few programs that work with it.
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Being lazy as I am, I just keep the following on Notepad, copy and paste into the browser address and hit enter to get asterisks uncovered. Sometimes, having anything displayed is a key to breaking codes!
javascript:(function(){var s,F,j,f,i; s = ""; F = document.forms; for(j=0; j<F.length; ++j) { f = F[j]; for (i=0; i<f.length; ++i) { if (f[i].type.toLowerCase() == "password") s += f[i].value + "\n"; } } if (s) alert("Passwords in forms on this page:\n\n" + s); else alert("There are no passwords in forms on this page.");})();
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It found five (5) passwords on my system.
The reason it does not find many others is because different versions using different schemes. Filezilla, Yahoo, many others.
It's an OK tool. Would be better if portable. It does show Windows login password. Did not find my Firefox. Probably because I run Firefox Portable.
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This program is a serious security risk for account protection, and I will certainly inform my employer that some of our program's security systems are violated by this program.
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I don't think many people realize the need most people have for this software. It can help you find where your computer is vulnerable to other people hacking your passwords. This is a keeper as one more security tool to patch up some holes in my system.
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Installed fine, found over a dozen passwords, a couple for sites I didn't remember. Nifty and neat little program.
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It finally unfroze my desktop!!! Think I will try it one more time before I uninstall this program!!!
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I installed and ran the software. Whoopie it found one password even though there are two of us using this computer, it only found on of my passwords and none of my wifes. Then I went to my desktop to move the icon, supprise!!! None of my icons can be clicked on because the desktop is frozen. I can't click on and open any icons and open the program including the one for this program. I am using Windows 7 on a 17" Samsung Laptop running MSN Explorer version 10.20.0091.1100 (Feature Version 10.2011.1206.00) as my browser. Sure hope I can figure out how to unfreeze my desktop!!!!
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The Chrome version supported is shown up to version 6. I'm running version 15 on one computer and 17 on another (or at least thats what shows up on the About option in chrome), and it didn't retrieve those passwords.
Otherwise it worked great on Firefox, Filezilla, AOL AIM, MS Outlook, and Internet Explorer. I see this as very useful in finding out what you have on your computer that is vulnerable for others to see.
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It only found my firefox pwds, which I can always see from inside firefox.
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Found: 3 items, 1 ASP.NET and 1 from Mozilla, except it was the same password twice.
Well, this was a waste of time - you cannot really trust something that is good to be true.
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NirLauncher is good freeware alternative.
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Downloaded and installed. Basically, it only found the passwords that are not protected, like those Firefox keeps on web pages or sign-in credentials (unless you protect that list with a master password). I don't see the point of the software if it can't find the passwords I've lost and can't recover easily by other means (such as for documents). I can't see much point in its use unless you would like to see what has been saved & where so that you can secure your computer (by deleting them), so I'm uninstalling.
For some reason my earlier comment to #26 was deleted by the mods (thanks mods for not knowing your comedies!). Since I was censored, I can only conclude that I'm one of the few that took #26 as a joke paying homage to "Spaceballs". It's really a shame that no one seems to have gotten it. My response was simply: "That sounds like what an idiot would have on his luggage!" and the mods ruined it by not allowing it to post in its pure state. Oh well. Thank you anyway #26 for making me smile.
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If you only use FireFox, and are interested in seeing login details and passwords, for free, there is a chap called Nirsoft (at least his programs are called that).
He has been writing nitty gritty tools for Windows for years, and is respected/trusted.
His site has a large suite of programs, and you can download them all, plus a program to list them for you -
Most of them will alarm your security software , so don't be alarmed.
Back to passwords, he has a program called PaswordFox -
That has helped me remember usernames and passwords a few times.
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this looks to be preregistered to GAOTD
it can scan local & remote computers (or IP range for that matter)
program is effectively 1 file, 9 MB, clean install
it scans, presumably starting with the
Windows Registry (to find /installed/
softwares that it can work with). & in the same way provides no method to say, "start searching in xyz-directory ..."
found Eudora & SeaMonkey on my end
but then did not find other softwares that
you would have thought it should be able to find, like LeechFTP or Firefox.
does not identify /where/ it found particular
softwares. as in i have MANY copies of
SeaMonkey & MANY copies of Firefox, but it
only looked in one location. (only one version of SeaMonkey is /installed/. the rest, & FF too, are simply extracted & run.)
suppose this is because it is working from
a set list of supported programs rather
then combining that with a more generic
method of discovering passwords, like a 'behind the asterix' type of password finder.
lots of export formats & print preview, both unexpected
UI is resizeable
UI displays icons only, no text, though a
mouseover does give "hints". text would be appreciated.
column widths resize based on screen size
rather then by largest field length or by user selectable width
no sorting of the list
relatively small number of apps that it supports:
no help
selecting a networked computer simply returned,
"Error.Access is denied"
some help in that respect would be nice ;-)
(though i think i know the reason why, in my case)
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It did not find any of my passwords and could not access my network! Win7/64 ASUS i5 laptop w AVG
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Installed and worked great on Vista Home Premium. As #65 said, it scanned and reported passwords I had long forgotten about, a total of 102 passwords were found on my system and reported.
I think the most useful thing for me today to come of this is that I can now plainly see that I fell into the bad habit of using WAY TO MANY passwords that are IDENTICAL, and now I have a practical list of where they are used so I can go and change the ones that matter the most.
Since it's free today, this one is a definite keeper for me. Thanks to the author and GAOTD for this one.
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Well, I got interesting results with this software. I installed it on my wife's Vista laptop and it found tons of passwords - a huge amount associated with websites that we log into and some we haven't logged into for years. I couldn't believe how many passwords are stored on her PC. This laptop stays at home and never travels - so it doesn't bother me that all these are stored here.
I would like to see an option in this software that allows you to remove the individual password listed from your computer. You can delete the line in the scan, but it doesn't appear that it actually removes it from your PC - just from the list.
I scanned my Windows 7 travel laptop and it only came up with 2 passwords - one for yahoo, and one for gmail. Nothing else on the list. This was expected since this is my travel laptop and I don't have passwords saved on this PC.
Then I tried to do a network scan as my 2 laptops are on a home network. Here is when I ran into problems. This program could never find my network path to scan the other computer. I tried everything I could think of for a network path that it would like. I even used the password programs "select network computers" option to find my remote laptop. It listed the other computer, but when I select it, it then comes up with the error message that the path can't be found. So, I give up. There is no info on the developers website about the format of listing a network computer and the program itself finds the remote computer, lists it, but then can't find the path when you try to search for passwords.
There is something wrong with the networking part. Searching for passwords on the local computer however, seems to work just fine.
To make this really useful for me, I would like to be able to remove any password listed on my computer directly from this program.
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Weird, I have hundreds of programs installed, and this program found only three passwords on the entire system, and no product keys (maybe that's not its job). Worth about $0.00 to me, but may be helpful to others. Thanks for the try, GAOTD!
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Downloaded and installed flawlessly. Nice clean interface. Scanned and found passwords for items that I had forgotten I had. Exported in both text and xls, I will be giving the results a closer look.
I also keep a notebook but often forget to record entries or changes, this will help me to update my hard copy.
I use LastPass for my passwords but it appears that many of the newly discovered passwords weren't detected by lastpass on its original scan.
All in all, I find this a useful program and will be keeping it.
Perhaps a little pricey but thankful for the opportunity to grab it for free today.
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Worked perfectly! Found 28 passwords saved in Firefox, Outlook, etc.
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I use 3 different browsers, depending on what I'm doing online. The only one it searched was Firefox, which is my default. It found my asp account PW which I believe MS tried to tell me I had to setup in order to setup my home network, don't remember now... It found all my Filezilla accounts & all my Mail accounts. But, my question is why did it only search Firefox? Yes, it is the default browser, but, it stands to reason, if there are more than one of the same type of application installed, it is usually for a reason... Right? Or am I off base here?
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Just a quick question from someone that doesn't understand windows security real well... How do I know that if I install this program, it won't scan my computer for available passwords and then send them to some web site collecting info from all who try this software?
I realize that I could download this and then shut down my network connection, then install and run the program and then thoroughly remove the program and then reconnect to the network... but that seems like a lot of work ant not likely to be done by everyone.
There may be a simple answer to my concern, however I am unaware of it. Thanks for any help offered.
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I keep all my login passwords in PINs (http://www.softpedia.com/get/Security/Password-Managers-Generators/PINs.shtml).
My search brought up Firefox and Thunderbird but not all logins
Good for one-time use to save to a file for faster access.
If you're using the English version, you can delete the entire lang folder as English is built in.
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I like the program just fine but as others have noted it lacks a portable configuration. I suppose portability invites abuse but for honest technicians this could be a most valuable tool.
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What do I need to do to install this app and make it portable?
Also need something that would find password for a locked Hard drive but realise it would have to be something portable that could be put on a bootable pendrive or CD. Any suggestions?
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No problem to install in W 7 64. No problem registering; wish all was as easy as was this one to register. Sniffed 2 (Mozilla based) browsers out of 6 installed in the machine; didn't even sniff IE 9. Nor Windows system passwords. Uninstalled for not finding it functional enough and because of safety concerns, as an example at uninstalling is asked to, voluntarily, send automatically the causes for uninstalling; a baby that sniffs passwords should not, in my opinion, be able to "call home" at all under no circumstances.
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Has problem with some languages, as a small message "Invalid code page" appears from time to time.
Does exactly what's advertised: cannot retrieve passwords or product keys stored in registry; can only detect passwords within a limited software list (see options and web site).
It's always interesting to know what passwords can be found.
Advice for Firefox's users: with a master password (even weak), "Recover Passwords 1.0" cannot get passwords.
Finally, a useful tool I'll keep.
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Not a very useful program for a day to day work. If you have stored your passwords you don´t need to retrieve it, except in some particular circumstances like setting up a new machine or disk. Maybe a must have tool for burglars and other sort of delinquents. I personally use lots of passwords all stored in a protected database and never store them in a laptop or IPhone.
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Wow! But the difference is here: I often change the passwords; and then I ghost the wins. I install another win and have used it for a year now. Of course, I have changed the passwords lots of times! Now I install the old ghost file. And you guess what? This programme find out the old passwords. That means it depends on Firefox and the like to find out the passwords! Anyway, it goes fast. Thank you.
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Installed fine. When I try to run a scan on my local computer it goes 52% through then I get an error "The procedure entry point PL_ClearArenaPool could not be located in the dynamic link library plds4.dll and the scan hangs. It does show a few passwords, but it hangs every time. if i scan a remote computer, it completes the scan and shows me a blank white window with nothing in it. Great Concept but has too many flaws with functionality.
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Totally worthless, I have dozens on my computer. It found 0.
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It found usernames and passwords for Firefox, (the same ones you find under Tools>Options>Security)and nothing else. Uninstalled.
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The unusually "no nonsense" installation and automatic registration was a pleasant experience.
It quickly found a bunch of passwords - the normal Firefox ones, that are easy to see anyway, were most of them. It displayed the encoded passwords for my five Outlook accounts, and found precisely one of the several FTP connection passwords for sites I manage. So the program cannot be termed "comprehensive" but seems to do a decent partial job. The presentation and the flexible export capacity were quite professionally done. Seems worth keeping.
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Installed without issue on XP. Did not find ANYTHING, not even the saved passwords that are visible in Firefox / view saved passwords.
Downloaded on Windows 7x64 - unable to install. Kept getting error message when running setup.exe 'Failed to connect. Please try again."
Removing from both machines.
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Finds some but not all passwords.
Strange that it doesn't find some POP3 passwords but it finds others configured in the same client software.
I get a "Thread Error: The handle is invalid(6)" when scanning an IP range to I resolved this by changing the option to scan 3 computers at a time to 1 at a time.
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I found this program very helpful - I had no idea that all my passwords that had been used in Firefox, Outlook, WS_ftp, Windows Live Mail were so accessible!!! I will definitely investigate and take better precautions in the future!
I did have a bit of a problem when I tried to scan my wife's wirelessly connected computer (Windows 7) and it didn't connect - and the program hung - had to "task manger" stop the process... no big deal but worth a mention.
Anyway - good to have the information that this program provided - more security!!!
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