Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Protected Folder 1.3 was available as a giveaway on April 30, 2017!
Protected Folder is designed to password-protect your folders and files from being seen, read or modified. It works like a safety box, just drag and drop the folders or files you want to hide or protect into Protected Folder, then no one can see, read or modify them. Whether you are concerned with privacy, data theft, data loss, or data leaks, Protected Folder is an ideal tool for you.
Please note: the license is provided for 6 months
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10
2.98 MB
Of course, in Windows 10 you can encrypyt the contents of any folders or files, and in MS Word and Excel you can password protect or encrypt those files using drop down menus to access the Properties/General/Advanced tabs.
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Until Lobit can answer the obvious and genuine concerns, can anyone recommend other effective free/low cost options to protect files and folders? This venue is normally quite proactive!
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4 Free folder programs to secure files:
Free Hide Folder
This link provides the software explanations and links.
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I've been using Truecrypt for a long time and I don't see reasons to change for this one. A positive point is that Protected folder has the option to avoid deletion of the folder, while Truecrypt doesn't have.
Obs.: I use Truecrypt 7.1
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iobit products are not bad, but the renting/service charge prevents me from buying their products. I'll pass.
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I think this works like a rental storage space. When the rent expires and you no longer pay for it, the contents of the folder are displayed and auctioned off like on reality TV.
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"Anvi Folder locker" is a free one that does this and more.
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Won't be d/ling this for the same reason as others have written...no info on what happens after the :"free" 6 months. If a company doesn't want to print out a reply, it isn't worth trusting them. NOT for me !!
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hello, after long time i would like to comment on this website, first i dont like 6 months trial second if you want to lock your folder with password the best free of charge option is WISE FOLDER LOCKER, im using this for some time and works great. i GOT a special need kid and most of time he deletes all my softwares and pics folders but with wise folder locker i have hide all those folders, i am not promoting any software but this look good to me to share with you mates. thanks
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Sometimes you score a great piece of software here for free and it's value surpasses what you paid for it. Then there are times like this where the software being offered has a value equal to what you pay for it... nothing.
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More CripesWare from iObit, as in 'cripes, whatever happened to my protected folders after six months???'. As others have suggested, this is is precious close to being RansomWare as well, only a DIY (DYI?) version. Maybe it could also be called FootWare, as in shoot yourself in the foot ware.
Also as others have said, this will be very low grade 'security', easily circumvented by the methods suggested - hardly worth the hassle and effort unless the only prying eyes you are worried about belong to a blind bat, in which case you probably don't need any protection in the first place.
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There are several questions about the period of six months.
If you uninstall this software, all the protected maps and files are normally accessible.
It's even more simple. Boot with another OS(or Safe mode) and all files and maps are accessible.
I did install this software in Win10 and protected some maps and a file with it:
and: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iwmftqpgr0f775r/Werking.png
I just rebooted the same OS without this GOTD-software and I could access everything:
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Lots of questions being asked about what happens after the 6 months trial has ended, but no answers from the developer. Personally I won't run Iobit software as it tends to constantly nag you to upgrade or tries to push their other products. This sort of software will protect your files and folders from the casual browser, but with a bit of know how can be defeated. If you really have something you don't want others to access the safest way is to encrypt it with a hard encryption key. Thanks but no thanks.
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after 6 mo. you have to pay therefore i don't install
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What happens after the 6 months..will I be locked out of my protected folders?
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richard blanchard,
Usually with this type of software you will be able to use the trial version to unlock and recover your data.
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richard blanchard,
No, uninstall and everything can be accessed.
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No problems installing or registering. Works very well.
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Tim, Not very helpful....installing on Win7? 32/64 bit? Win 10? And you have used it for 15 minutes and it "Works very well"?
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HellsBells, well... excuse me.
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Does this work in a cloud (e.g. Dropbox) or only on the local hard drive?
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So you can use this to protect folders, but with a six-month licence.
What happens after that? If you don't want to buy a licence can you access the folders? Can you add/retrieve from the folders?
I hate the way 'giveawayoftheday' has become 'usethisforsixmonthsthenyouhavetopayforitoftheday'.
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What happens after 6 months? Will you not be able to see the protected folders unless you pay to extend the license? If so, that's sort of like ransomware isn't it? Just curious.
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What happens after the six month licence is up? Am I locked out of this folder as well until I pay a subscription?
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After the 6 month "trial", is the "Protected Folder" still accessible and usable? I will still pass on Iobit software as there is just too much luggage that comes with it. 6 months and then $20 to keep it? I'll stick with Wise Folder Hider. I don't have any top secret stuff to keep safe; only to keep nosy eyes away from. (Win7-Pro/64 bit)
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HellsBells: er, no. It isn't $20 to keep it. iObit isn't selling this. It's renting it . . . though the iObit website continues to be oddly coy about this: only at the point of purchase does the Avangate order form mention that $20 buys a mere 12-month license.
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MikeR, Sorry, I spoke wrongly. It is rental software that comes with all kinds of pop-ups for upgrades and other products. I don't use any iObit software because of that. There's plenty of free software does the same job, if not better. Thanx for correcting me!
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I am interested is protecting certain folders on my stand-alone Network Attached Storage and the product page does not have enough information. I have a shared NAS but not a shared computer - can this program be used for a NAS that is used by several other PCs on my home network as well as my own? The NAS own internal operating system is Linux and not Windows - will this program work? And what happens after the license expires in 6 months - do I lose the ability to secure my folders or is the program just no longer supported with updates and customer assistance?
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"the license is provided for 6 months"
What happens after 6 months? Are the folders suddenly unprotected or do we have to pony up the 20$ to get the folders back?
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How do you unlock the folder after six months?.
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As preposterous as ever, this iObit rentalware continues on at a recurring -- and wholly unjustifiable -- annual charge of $19.95, popping up once more on here with yet another of its mean 6-month licenses. Also continuing on is the absurd claim that this Windows app stops others from seeing, reading, or amending 'protected' files, even though iObit knows that if it is (very easily) prevented from loading -- Safe Mode, anyone? -- then it's as effective as a chocolate fireguard.
iObit's reputation has been hammered so many times over the years that one might've hoped it would at least take some notice of those who criticise its business practices and product claims. Evidently not. Thanks, GOTD, but no thanks.
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"The licence is provided for 6 months"
What does this mean - after 6 months you also can't get into your folders?
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