Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Photomizer SCAN 2 was available as a giveaway on January 5, 2014!
With the professional Photomizer Scan 2 software you easily edit your scanned photos, scanned slides and even your scanned negatives. Enjoy more colorful images by touching up flat colors! Remove errors and dust at the PC - fully automatically!
The easy-to-operate software impresses with a clear user interface. You see the original picture, preview and work surface directly on the monitor. The results of the optimization are displayed in real time. Simply save all changes - ready.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8; .net 3 Framework; min. 1 Gb RAM; CPU with min. 1 GHz
21.5 MB
@skypaintr: No such behavior when I opened the program the first time.
It was one more negative I added to my reasons for uninstalling.
(And from reading some of the other comments, I'm not the only one who didn't get the "option".)
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Like a few before me, I am unable to find out where to enter the registration code. Will someone reply to this issue?
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Never got my code. I tried. :/
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I've bought Photomizer, upgraded to Photomizer 2, then to Photomizer Pro. I use it right away, pass all my phtos thru it in a regular basis. It has the amazing quality of bringing forward dark parts of the images while maintaining the lighter ones, and always better the colors of any image.
That said, I wonder if this offer today would give me facilities other than I already have in the packages I own.
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My scanner inserts the date/time scanned into the Exif field for the photo craetion date, which is not of much interest to anyone.
Will this software allow me to alter this to the year/month the scanned photo was taken, and allow me to insert hyphens into the day/hour/minute fields? If it does I'd be happy to buy it.
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SCAN ? no !
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Too simple: very little functionality compared to a more comprehensive tool such as Zoner Free. Too much gratuitous chrome decoration in the interface, totally overwhelms the UI text, esp. all those parallel lines. Almost an Op Art effect, makes the eyes buzz.
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What a PITA registration process, I've jumped through all the hoops and I have the code on my clipboard as I write this and cannot for the life of me find where to input the code, the only screen I saw pop up was the one offering me the Pro version for $10, I clicked all the help, about, basically every link I could think of where you would normally input a code, and I just don't see it, nor do I see where it says its unregistered, I've not really had a chance to test it out, because I don't want to waste time learning a program, I'm not going to keep if it expires in 30 days.
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"...and even your scanned negatives" caught my eye. Then I noticed the numerous suggestions for "convert negatives to positives", and lost interest.
You've offered some nice graphics software over the time I've been here, unfortunately my ten year old Paint Shop Pro 8.5 is capable of all they can collectively accomplish, plus some (I did keep one of your recent selections because it handles tga files better than PSP). But I've yet to find software that will convert my scanned negatives to photo positives.
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Installed OK. The popup window opened OK. Filled out info on form. I continue to wait for registration number. How long does one have to wait...its been an about hour. Not the best start for a new program even if it is a giveaway.
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Got this offer last time around on July 6th. Used it to redo some scans of old poloroid instamatic photos and newspaper clips. It was easy to use and I'm impressed with the results,as were my family members. This appears to be the same version.? Thanks to Englemann and GOATD
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PC ran out of memory and the software crashes whenever one tries to do anything more than the minimal default preset.
Which effectively means it is useless to me.
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Looks like a great program, did a good job cleaning up old scans. Will uninstall as I don't have all day to wait for a stupid email when they could have included the license key in the read-me file. Been a half hour, got to go and unfortunately so does this software.
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Engelmann's process of giving product key is notoriously time wasting and frustrating. For another free program CINEMA HD, I have been waiting for the last 4 days, and still DID NOT receive the key. I re-requested, and also checked in Trash, but no luck so far.
I sent them an email to 3 days ago, and no reply.
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Warning: requires .NET version 4.0 not 3 as wrongly stated.
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Photomizer Scan 2 is an OK program -- not great & not terrible -- that lets you do quick & easy adjustments to your images without resorting to the somewhat common, over simplified GUI that I personally find harder to use with a lot of similar software. With Scan in the name I was expecting, maybe even hoping a little for something extra to do with scanning images & maybe even negatives, but I didn't see any capabilities or features out of the ordinary -- some of the controls may be a bit more out front so you don't have to find them in a menu, but the flip side of that is many apps have more features so there isn't room out front for that sort of thing. That's not a mark against Scan 2 but just saying if there's something you haven't seen before there's a fair chance it's there but buried in the menus for whatever software you've been using.
The effects of installing Photomizer Scan 2 aren't bad, but you should be aware that like most software from this dev, licensed code from another company is added to & registered in the Common Files folder, in this case in the HDX4 folder. Not a big deal, but something some folks will want to check & make sure is gone if they uninstall today's GOTD.
#1: "The program installer advises to disable antivirus program and firewall for a “smooth installation”. Sorry, this is bad programming and an absolute no-go."
As you went on to post, Karl, ignoring that request didn't cause me any problems either. I think it's more a defensive measure on the part of the coders who wrote the program, since some security software can go to great lengths to make sure existing files aren't changed, registry entries aren't added, files aren't added or updated to certain folders etc. I went through a rather bad experience installing a PowerDVD patch yesterday evening, where it turns out I had to go into Safe Mode, turn off the Bitdefender service, reboot normally, install the patch, go back into Safe Mode to turn Bitdefender on, then boot back into win7. At any rate it's something that the people writing whatever app can't control or always predict. The PowerDVD patch carried no warnings -- I wish it had, & I would have put off trying to install it until I had time for that slightly more involved project.
* * *
#9: "... my half-brother just recently mailed me a bunch of photos of my parents and grandparents from way back when. Most were B&W, some were sepia, and some were totally faded color photos."
*If* it helps at all... There are some very good tools built into the electronics of some scanners -- they don't work as well when written as Windows software, and since everyone started using digital rather than film cameras, there hasn't been a lot of development effort put into that sort of thing for quite a while. If you've got enough photos to scan it may be worth looking into, as these tools are supposed to be *Very* helpful for older prints, especially those a bit worse for wear.
Otherwise I've never found any real magic bullets for that sort of thing, but rather tips, tricks, & methods using existing tools that people who are much smarter than I have come up with. With old color prints I've sometimes found it useful to convert the image into other color formats [e.g. LAB], &/or to work with the individual color channels, again in case it helps.
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@Fingerlakes Dave : per the help file, "When starting the application for the first time you are asked to enter a serial number, which you find depending on the purchase version either in the manual, on the packaging/CD-cover or in the E-mail. Please enter the serial number to the respective field and click on ‘Check key’. The application is released when the input is correct".
I don't see anywhere on a registered version to input the serial number.. it appears to only give you that license screen when you first open the program. I also had problems with temporary email addresses during registration.. program does not like temp email addresses. I finally got it to work using mytrashmail.com
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got password but can not find where to enter.
please advise.
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Well, I tried.
Program installed fine. Opened fine. (I still can't find where the reg. code goes -moot point).
Program crashed three times in a row, killed itself (had to restart.
Same photo, didn't last through full auto correct.
Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Uninstalled. Thanks to the developers and GOTD for trying anyway.
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ok got it - confusing registration process
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why does this say evaluation version after registration if its a gotd free software? doesn't say this in details what is different?
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Picasa does the same for free ....
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This program installed easily and with no issues. Afterwards I was taken to a web site where I needed to give my name and email address for the activation code. Well, I have waited and re-entered my email multiple times over the past couple of hours and STILL no registration code. And, yes, I do check the SPAM folder. Unfortunately, this only has a 2 day evaluation period without that code.
I did try this on a few of my photos. Interface is pretty good and is quite user friendly. But when removing "noise" and other items seems to do nothing more that brighten the photo. I have plenty of other freeware programs that work much, MUCH better than this one does.
I would suggest that you look around before spending the money on this one. Far too much freeware that does a better job.
I'll be removing this one from my system. Not because of the cost as I can always use another decent photo program. But because I cannot get the activation code.
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Changed my mind - uninstalling it.
After writing that ridiculously long msg, I checked the vendor's web site again to check out the one photo that I thought was processed so well. Turns out it was simply a negative slide inverted into a positive image. That's not something I have a big demand for. :-) So I've decided to uninstall it. Just not enough bang for the disk and registry space. Sorry, PhotoMizer people.
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Can't get too excited about this one.
I was quite enthusiastic when I first saw this offering. That's because my half-brother just recently mailed me a bunch of photos of my parents and grandparents from way back when. Most were B&W, some were sepia, and some were totally faded color photos. I also received some slides, but they are all B&W. Fortunately, I also have some color slides of my 10th grade girlfriend that I will try next.
Anyway, I downloaded the program, installed it, and activated. It comes up with a nice user interface and a small number of photo-processing options and sliders that you can tweak. There are some predefined profiles to select from, too, that have these options and sliders set for optimal processing (presumably), but the profiles are only for
1. cell phone pictures
2. slide scans (positives)
3. negative film scans (negatives)
4. webcam photos
The program will load any scanned photo from a normal scanner, and it will open a connection to your camera, allowing you take photos that are directly imported into the program.
Once you have your photo(s) selected imported, you can process each of them with the program's picture processor.
My first trial was a photo from my sister, driving through a rain storm, with a long train passing by. It was dark, extremely cloudy, and generally blurry because of the intense rain. I ran it through the program, and wow, the photo ended up looking great! I was excited. Then I ran it through Microsoft's Photo Gallery processor. The result was also great, maybe even greater. Some tail lights on a passing car were essentially obliterated by PhotoMizer, but they were still bright red with Photo Gallery. Perhaps I had the Artifacts Removal set too high in PhotoMizer (although I just used the default settings on both programs).
Then I ran the photo through Photoshop, used a predefined macro to auto color, auto balance, and auto level the photo. This also looked great -- even as great as the other two.
So then I scanned in three of the old photos my brother had mailed me. Those babies are old, old, old! I scanned all three, and ran all three through PhotoMizer, Photo Gallery, and Photoshop. The results were all basically the same. Very disappointing! I had expected much more based on the vendor's description.
The Help file makes it clear that there really aren't that many tweaks you can do to a photo with this program, and with the four predfined profiles, there's not a lot that can be done for you.
I didn't see the magic I was expecting to see, based on the samples shown on the company's web site (that B&W repair job was awesome! How come my results weren't?)
Anyway, I'll keep the program for a while, and try it out with other photos, but I have to tell you, all in all, I can't get too excited about this offering. Unless you really badly need a simple photo processor, I'd take a pass. It's nice enough, just not great enough.
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please note that this offer today is just the basic version and not the professional but that is available after you install this build for around 10$
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It LOOKS like it could be a very useful programme -- can't think why it hasn't had better votes yet, over three hours into the "opening hours" -- and not ONE comment, positive or negative about the actual programme.
For me, if it does what it says (and I will find out pretty soon) it should come in very useful. But overwriting your original file is a big no-no, so it MUST provide a way to "Save As" -- or the developer will have a lot of ANGRY customers, rather than satisfied ones. This is fundamental. Yes, you CAN make a copy of the file you want to work on, before you work on it, but who wants to do that every time?
The developers need to issue an update immediately.... Or was that their plan -- to get us to BUY a copy of the "properly-working" programme? THAT won't go down well, here....
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I have a digital scanner and tried many different software and finally found that FSViewer is the best for scanning, numbering and adjusting.
Each scan with FSViewer takes about 1 minutes start to finish.
This program takes much longer up to 5 minutes with no batch numbering or renaming with same quality. Also it did not import from my negative scanner and it is an extra step.I will keep using FSViewer for the 1000 negatives I have left to do. I am not sure I keep it.
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"With the professional Photomizer Scan 2 software you easily edit your scanned photos, scanned slides and even your scanned negatives." But the only presets are Slide Scanner, Cellphone, Negative Film Scanner and Webcam. Surely from the description you would expect presets for both scanned colour and black & white photographs?
And can Engelmann make the installer open the webpage for getting the serial in my default web browser and not IE?
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From the "readme" file of the prior giveaway (Last July... same version!):
Registration Note: If you paste in your serial number and just press CONTINUE, it does not really activate the code. Instead, you need to paste in your code (or click “Add from clipboard) and click the “Check License Key” button to the right of the serial number and that activates it.
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A miserable installation procedure as it insisted on opening Internet Explorer, which I do not use!
Once this hurdle had been overcome a typically fashionable dark interface appeared on opening.
Thankfully, things looked up from here; my camera is a Sony A200 which produces a lack lustre images, images of building project I have been following sprang to life when using this program in automatic mode.
The images I tested on work of a row of houses, these were taken on a rather dull day, this program really brightened them up without any manipulation of the controls on my part.
I've never been a fan of this company's products but today's programme is an exception, one I shall be happy to keep.
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Installed on a Win 8.1 64 bit system.
No, with a serious problem. The program installer advises to disable antivirus program and firewall for a "smooth installation". Sorry, this is bad programming and an absolute no-go.
For the test I allowed the installer to connect the internet. The antivirus did not claim problems.
Registered via the program with name and email address. Received the email, clicked on the link and got the key on their website.
As soon as the program starts, advertizing their Photomizer Pro starts, but you can cancel the advertising window. Not a good way to inform the customer. But, they want to sell. And that's legal.
The window is simple and self-explaining. You choose your files, choose an input profile and you can see on the main window the original picture on the left side and the "corrected" or "optimized" result an the right side. With sliders you can modify the results.
It's a simple to use photo optimizer, like dozens on the market. The program can convert film negatives automatically to positive. "Development" is easy and can be fine tuned.
Annoying the statistics, which can be switched off in the settings :
Installation time : 5.1.2014, total program starts : 3, total runtime 21 minutes, number of converted photos : 3. Who is interested in that crap?
During a short test with scanned photos I could not see, that the software really removes artefacts. This is a smoothening process. Dust and fine hair remains. This is what I thought, but dust is not considered as artefact by the program. There is no way to remove these scan problems by hand, either by defining dust particles or some other algorithms for hair or small lines...
Verdict : one of the many "make your photos better" software products with the added ability to invert negatives.
Uninstalled via reboot. I have enough photo programs and this has no special feature, which makes this software more usefully.
Thanks GOATD and Engelmann
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