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Photo Naming Assistant Pro 1.2.1 was available as a giveaway on February 22, 2015!
Photo Naming Assistant was designed to quickly give unique, consistent, and meaningful names to digital photo files while minimizing the work on the user's part. The application is customizable to allow flexibility in building the photo names for individual photos or a whole folder of photos.
The application comes with 16 built in photo naming patterns. Users can create an unlimited number of additional photo naming patterns that can include a combination of the picture taken date, photo file metadata, parts of the original file name, where to insert the base name, and where to insert the integer that makes the resulting name unique.
Windows XP (SP3)/ Vista/ 7/ 8; Minimum System Requirements: 1 GHZ CPU; 512MB RAM; up to 155MB of hard drive space; 800x600 screen resolution
15.8 MB
Installed fine on Win7, no issues. Works good, I like it, a keeper. Thanks
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I have hundreds of screenshots I'd like to rename 1-infinity so to speak all numbered. Going to download and see if it does the trick. Just want sequensial (sp) numbering renaming. Keep fingers crossed.
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Photo Naming Assistant Pro 1.2.1 is...Lite,simple and faster than right clicking my mouse to a Long list of a tree stand just to find 'rename'...everytime I have to rename a picture(75,000+). A very handy little tool that is definitely going to be put into Great deal of uses.....Thanks' Bobolink Sofware and GAOTD.
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As always I'm appreciative of developers freely offering their software here. But my first thought on seeing today's giveaway is - $20 for a renaming utility that only works with graphics files when there are numerous similar utilities that work with any file?
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Thank you for sharing. I used to use dropbox for photo sharing but switched to Binfer recently. Makes sending pictures to my clients much easier. A must have photo sharing software.
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Way too complicated for what I hoped it would do. uninstalled.
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Generally, one single software can't do it all. Recommended tools:
- BulkRenameUtility: include subfolders, rename copy/move using parent folder names, regexes, profiles, command line... my everyday renaming tool
- IrfanView: make use of EXIF, IPTC, camera metadata (e.g. serial #, lens, focus... more possibilities than ImBatch, IMO)
- ImBatch: for image processing jobs only, because renaming is on the weak side... and its GUI is very ugly!
- TheRename: old, its strengths lie in patterns, preview window (not image preview), undo, folder rename, hexadecimal...
Altogether, these very powerful applications ---free, portable (excepted ImBatch)--- will rename exactly the way you want (when it gets too complicated I write my own scripts). Needless to say, they can rename any file (including mp3), not just photos. However, they most certainly require more work to get things done than this GOTD.
At first, this Photo Naming Assistant Pro 1.2.1 looked good, easy to use. I don't need it but I was curious about custom patterns. Well:
- Kudos for providing a help file and a user guide (most GOTD lack a proper help file, let alone a user guide)
- Less kudos for putting a big "X" button to delete files (tooltip is not working),
- and for not providing a way to remove photos from the list...
- ... it is all or... no, not nothing ---you cannot choose which files to rename
- Preview is independent of the file list, so if you scroll down 50 files at once, you'll have to click 50 times to preview the selected file. Then, a simple checkbox on the main window to show/hide preview is better for usability. Same goes for extension settings.
- Many limitations for patterns. I mean, not as customizable as expected; list of metadata is very short
- Keep asking to rename needlessly
- ...
In the end, not so well. There are good things well done though: crash report, product update.
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Glad you liked the help file and user guide.
Sorry about the tooltip not working on the delete button (it worked for me) though the user is prompted before the file is moved to the recycle bin.
Thanks for the suggestion of being able to remove files from the list before doing a batch rename.
You do not have to rename all the files in the list you can rename them individually -- use the "Rename" button instead of the "Rename Remaining" button.
Preview can be turned off in Options and the file extension list can be manged in the Photo File Extension Manager -- didn't want to make the application window too busy. Also if you want to preview a specific file select it from the "All Photos" drop down though maybe you were suggesting that there should be a preview mode that shows thumbnails of multiple photos.
I'd love to hear what ideas you have for making the patterns more customizable.
I'd also like to hear about the cases where you were being prompted to rename needlessly.
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Tool Tip is working but not sensitive.
If you click on the open area of the window + jiggle the mouse a bit on the X, the tool tip appears.
It reads "Deletes the current photo to the Recycle Bin."
In addition, if you actually click on it, a prompter window will appear to ask you to confirm the action. It reads "Are you sure you want to move the photo "[Name of Photo]" to the recycle bin?"
From what I can surmise, this is a mistake or misunderstanding on the part of the programmers writing the code. There is no need at all for a "Delete Photo" from the hard disk function in this software. Users can do that easily in the Windows Explorer or other file managers.
The function only makes sense if it was actually meant to be "Remove the highlighted/selected photos from the List of photos" in this folder, which are about to be renamed by the software.
Somehow when the Software Project Manager was overseeing the writing of the program code, this message was not understood by the program coder staff. And they wrote the different code for a needless (and dangerous) feature. It was meant to be something else.
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This time-limited offer shows it's functional only until 3/24/15, based on the "TRIAL expires on 3/24/15" tag on the program window. Does that mean all functionality ends at that point or does it simply scale back to the "Home" version (meaning this "Pro" version's extra functionality ends)?
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Try running Activate, that was included in the downloaded zip file, to register your Give Away of the Day version.
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You need to run Activate.exe after you run the setup to make it pro. The reason it says trial expires on x date is because it is still trial.
This is how it looks registered:
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To the person who said company without name and address, I quickly found the following!
(509) 563-4079
Bobolink Software
PO Box 597
Colville, WA 99114
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Installed & activated (no reg today) on both of my physical dual boot systems (Win 8.1 & Win 10 TP 9926) I am trying to save some space so I have an extra internal drive (E:) installed from C: (Win 8.1) into - E: - then installed from F: (Win 10) into E: and no prob (this way it seems to put All of the files the operating system needs, in the right places - & the files that are renamed become (in a way) shared. Everything seems to be fine after a few run throughs, but for my liking - I still like the old way (WORDS). Guess it's a good thing I'm not a pro photographer. Keeping this to try later with all the pics I have amassed from fb. Thank you to our host & the provider for today - Bobolink & GOTD - & we'll see you tomorrow - Have a great Sunday.
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Imho one of the most powerful and easy to use tools for batch renaming, copying, converting, resizing is included as integral part of the very fast FastStoneImageViewer
Check out here http://www.faststone.org/FSViewerDetail.htm if you are interested
(company of reputation, no spyware, just good)
When you have been out to a photoshoot with more than one camera in use you will love the software's ability to sort by time and date and a batch rename to the pattern of your choice. Mine is simple and foolproof, year-month-date-place-initials-3digit numbers.
Looking at the screenshot thanks to @Karl I will not give today's giveaway a trial.
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Strange, I was thinking of searching for a photo naming program and this turns up.
I like to keep the photos numbered in the order I photographed. If you get a large view of the photo on the screen and the option to type in a new filename then this program could be useful.
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Links to a page full of freeware renamers;-
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Rest easy Neverending Story characters. We have acquired the photo renamer of your wildest dreams. Never again shall you see your world in turmoil because your photos aren't categorized.
Worth checking out the website. I'm sure there's autofile renamers out there that can be suggested here that do more than photos, but for the charm alone, I'd say it's worth checking out. I mean, look at that company logo. It just wants to soar.
Some people gotta have it Now! This is your chance.
Works as advertised. Unlimited possibilities!
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The program seems to be fine in renaming the images in batch mode.
But when various Batch operations are needed to be done on images two programs namely
ImBatch ( ( The Best in Batch Image Processing ) and Photoscape come first in mind.
Photoscape has Batch Rename feature alongwith other Batch operations.
Among many file rename utilities I actually prefer
Advanced Renamer ( a strong application which can rename Images,Videos, GPS data , music files etc on the go by 14 different methods )
and FileMenu Tools - It is a customizable and tiny portable application which creates a context menu entry and lets you customize that context menu of Windows File Explorer. It has 'Advanced Renamer' options which
can rename or change extension of all selected elements (Photos, Mp3s etc) according to specified rules. Actually It comprises few more in-built utilities such as Sync Folders,
Extended Delete, show Attributes, Split and Join Files, Change Icon ,Copy Name / Path / UNC Path / Internet Path / Content ,Packing and Unpacking a folder, Calculation and Verification of Checksum and so on. You can add your own customized operation in the list .
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Thanks Jahid!
I have File Menu Tools and didn't realize it has that feature!
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FileMenu Tools also allows for the adding of a new folder anywhere in the Explorer hierarchy. For those who've lost the ability to create new folders in Windows 7, FMT fixes that issue. It can be downloaded from Softpedia here: http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enhancements/FileMenu-Tools.shtml . A portable version also exists.
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Thanks to GOTD and Bobolink.
The power of this Photo Naming Assistant Pro software lies in:
1) its ability to batch process entire folders or selected files
2) the Pattern Manager which allows user to modify the renaming template according to specific requirements.
3) Its ability to extract the Date and Time that original Photo was taken and insert into file name.
The choices of Year, Month, Date, Day of week, Hour, Minute, Second, AM/PM are comprehensive. Strings like dash separators can be inserted by single quotes e.g. '-'
You should be warned that there is no Undo feature for the rename.
You should be warned that the software over-writes the original photo name. There is no automatic copying of photo before renaming.
It saves to the original source folder and you cannot specify otherwise.
Will keep this but it cannot supplant what I have been using.
I keep 20 renaming freeware. The top 5 renaming freeware are:
Ken Rename
Bulk Rename Utility by Jim-Willsher portable
Flexible Renamer by Naru portable
Lupas Rename 2000 portable
RenamerLite by DenisKozlov portable
Paid software: ACDSee has a powerful photo rename with template feature.
Total Commander (shareware) has a built-in Multi-Rename Tool which is useful but limited in breadth and depth.
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Thank you for your suggestions of adding undo rename and renaming to a copy of the file that is possibly put into a separate folder.
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Thanks ric for your excellent review.
You didn't state if your renaming apps were specific to photo renaming. Apps specific to the data type have many obvious advantages at least for us "generalists."
Regarding your warnings: it would seem in many cases those are not an issue but perhaps a benefit. Can always re-rename (!?) so undo function why is that so necessary?
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Reply to Harold.
All the 5 rename utilities are not specific to photo renaming. That is why they are so good. They can be used to rename any other type of file which makes them suitable for generalists. Some of them are excellent because you can create your own templates according to very detailed user requirements. Ken Rename calls the templates "Presets". You can then apply those templates to many thousands of files later on many other renaming occasions.
Bulk Rename Utility by Jim-Willsher portable is excellent because it can rename the Folders in your hard disk. Some other renaming utilities can only rename files but not folders. Its user interface is very easy to use.
If you use some of the file rename utilities in conjunction with Total Commander using parameters like %P%S in their icons on the Total Commander toolbar, then they become powerful and easy to use to rename user selected files.
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Thanks, Ric - but it's worth noting that Total Commander's Multi-rename Tool can be easily augmented by plug-ins, specifically, in this regard, with the Exif plugin.
You can then use the Exif data in your file renaming operations.
Frankly, by importing with the free Windows Live Photo Gallery, for instance, camera files can be imported and renamed on the fly - YYYY-MM-DD SerialNo, say.
And, given that we generally view photos with a photo-viewer - especially WLPG - filenames have become less important. Exif data, tags, titles and comments embedded in the files are far more useful and accessible than filenames, IMHO.
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Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system.
A (young - 2014) company without name and address. Never heard from this company.
The software is from January 2014.
A resizable window opens, you select a folder of the photos, select one of the renaming presets and that's it. With the pattern editor, you can define other renaming options, too. You can rename according to some exif data (exposure, f-stop, ISO), date&time, dimensions, no renaming according to GPS data.
Does what it claims - easy to handle. But: it does not rename in subfolders, it does not sort photos according to the name in different folder - you'll have to rename the files in single folder after folder if you want. If you have 1000 subfolders, you'll have to repeat this one-thousand times.
If you want to have a quick renaming, tool - focused on photos, you can take this. Small, lightweight.
Uninstalled via reboot - I'll use since long the build in renaming of my "importer" - no need to rename existing photos.
Have a nice sunday!
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The support page at the website lists an address, USA, and a phone number
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There is a PDF in the Programfolder and on page 50:
Contacting Bobolink Software
Email: PNA_Support@BobolinkSoftware.com
Phone: (509) 563-4079
Mailing address: PO Box 597, Colville, WA 99114
The above addresses can be used to request help, report problems, or make suggestions about how to
improve Photo Naming Assistant.
Photo Naming Assistant User Guide 50
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Thanks for your suggestions to add support for GPS metadata and automatic renaming in sub-folders.
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