Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Photo Collage Maker was available as a giveaway on December 17, 2012!
On the eve of Christmas holidays, Artensoft offers a chance to get a program that will help you create an amazing and creative gift with your own hands – just like thousands of grateful users have already done.
Artensoft Photo Collage Maker creates unique mosaic collages from photos in the automatic mode. Just take a look at the gallery prepared by guys from Artensoft, where each collage was effortlessly created with the help of the program. The program is the only product of this type in the world that automatically creates mosaic collages where elements of different sizes are so accurately inserted into the base image depending on the detail level selected by the user.
Limited time offer!
Artensoft are willing to give each user a FULL official personal license (with future updates) for Artensoft photo Collage Maker for placing a link and a short review (even 10-15 words) anywhere on the web. This can be a user’s home page, a site, forum, etc. In order to get a full license, the user should post the "http://www.artensoft.com/ArtensoftPhotoCollageMaker/" link along with a review and send a message to gotd@artensoft.com with the address of the review page for Artensoft to check it. Once the review has been verified, Artensoft will respond with a message containing a personal key. The offer will be valid for 1 week only.
Don’t miss a special offer from Artensoft for GOTD users – 70% off all titles during giveaway period!
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 (x32/x64); Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian
15.2 MB
One of the best programs for creating photos with a tilt-shift miniature effect. Don’t miss this chance to purchase the program with a discount, since we are preparing a major release with such improvements as rotation of the focus axis, selection of an ellipse-shaped focus, filtering by mask, batch processing for creating time lapse videos and more. 70% off all titles during giveaway period!
Unlike Artensoft Photo Collage Maker, this program helps create classical photo mosaics where all elements are of the same size and can be placed horizontally or vertically, offering the most suitable placement for the source image. Photo mosaics created with this product can be just as impressive as mosaic collages generated by Collage Maker. 70% off all titles during giveaway period!
Artensoft Photo Editor manages your digital photo workflow from start to finish. Import, adjust, edit, batch process, catalogue, navigate and view digital pictures from a single tool. The new photo editor makes your photo workflow plain, easy and straightforward. 70% off all titles during giveaway period!
@ Marty Cordova. Thank you for offering the idea for something to offer to our solders. I have been wondering if I could do something for them.
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Is this a newer version than 1.6 which was offered in July? It would be convenient if GAotD included the version of the software being offered in each day's post, perhaps on a new line in the box that lists "User Rating", "System Requirements", "Publisher", etc., so we could quickly tell if this is a new version or a repeat of one offered earlier . . . :)
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tried to install 3 times. Norton Insight sonar automatically removed file as it was acting suspiciously. did not want to take a chance and disable norton, thus am passing on the product... really looked very interesting too! bummer.
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This looks like a neat program and will have fun playing around making some family photos for presents! Thanks!
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Problem because you must use a photo - take a photo of the background you would like to use (such as a blank piece of paper) and use it rather than a photo with whatever it captured.
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Today's offering is w-o-r-l-d-s apart from all the other photo collage-makers I am familiar with.
Artensoft’s Photo Collage Maker doesn’t just blend mulitple photos into one, it is able to make a SINGLE image from 2-to-thousands of other images, which, when processed through their algorithms, looks *precisely* like the original *SINGLE* image. It’s like a collage + mosaic maker in one app.
I just did a collage using a bathing suit model as the base *SINGLE* image and 1,580 “cell” or filler images of other models that s-o-m-e-h-o-w found their way into my cameras and computer. Must have been a virus or something. ;-) After Artensoft populated its database with my selected, hi-res images (took several minutes), it then took approximately another ten minutes to render the result. The results were outstanding, especially considering this was my first use of the software and the selected images were all over the range of size and composition. The result would have been even better had I used a base image with a transparent background.
Even though resource usage was acceptable (as high as 60% CPU on a 2 x 2.0 GHz; 75% 4.0GB RAM Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit) I’d like to see Artensoft add the ability to use a scratch disk . I was able to do some other work simultaneously in Adobe Photoshop without any drag on either program’s or my computer’s performance. All-in-all, I’m very impressed.
The price is not cheap but the best rarely is.
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#13 Sam R - exactly where did you see this offer for a free package for putting a review/link on the web?
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Artensoft Photo Collage Maker -- LIKED IT, BOUGHT IT!
Photo Collage Maker was offered over a year ago on GOATD. I liked it so much that I bought in order to get the latest version. (I wrote Artensoft, said I got a free copy from GOATD, and requested a discount for a paid copy, I was given a 60% discount.)
Collage Maker produces a work that is part collage and part mosaic. A very nifty effect. If you play around with it for awhile, you can learn how to fine tune the effect, such as replacing photos that don't fit in well with photos that improve overall appearance. Once you get the hang of this software, you can create some highly artistic masterpieces.
The only real drawback is that this software is highly CPU intensive during the rendering stage. Unless you got a powerful chip and lots of RAM, take a coffee break while Collage Maker does its thing.
I give Artensoft a 5-Star Rating. Play with it...and have fun!
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No opinion one way or the other, just a warning. I downloaded one of these mosaic programmes some time ago. I'm sorry I can't remember the brand. But I suspect the problem I encountered would occur regardless of brand. The memory required to process a final image ended up being far more than my computer could handle. Computer freeze... never to unfreeze. In the end I had to reinstall my operating system in order to make the computer usable again. Needless to say, I lost everything during the process. Moral to the story: make sure you have enough memory for the software to be able to manage the process.
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That sample you posted looks like it could invoke epilepsy
What possible practical use is this software? apart from playing around with?
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Shape Collage and Picasa do a great job with this type of creation... All for FREE.
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It's a photo collage maker that doesn't make any collages - what more needs to be said?
Are all these posters on here that constantly make kissyface with Giovanni and Ashraf perhaps Justin Bieber fans? It's really nauseating.
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For some reason Norton sonar was killing the setup program. Something you might want to check into.
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Thank you so much for your feedback! It really matters to us and we will use it to further improve our software.
The main point of the program is that you may make other unique type of mosaic collages -- the elements have different sizes depending on the part of the main image and this can otherwise be designed only by two artists in the world.
A while back (when whe already have Photo Mosaic Wizard program) I saw an article in Forbes, which had a portrait of Steve Jobs made out of hundreds of tiny Apple icons and gadgets and decided to write a mathematical algorithm that could allow ordinary Windows users to create a photo collage like that automatically. As a result, we have developed a unique technology that was derived from the analysis of the Steve Jobs photomosaic. Now anyone with Windows PC can create an exclusive photomosaic with a push of a button.
In next year we planing to make the best online service for making photomosaics and mosaic collages.
Some comments:
@24 nazani14:
If you search in google "photo collage" - you find a lot of photomosaics and mosaic collages, so we desided to name our new program as "Photo Collage Maker".
@7 Giovanni:
As in previous our GOTD offer (Mosaic Wizard July 10, 2012) you wrote the similar message that there are a lot of programs which can do more or less the same things. But you are not right, I think. There are a lot of programs for photo editing: Photoshop, Lightroom, Picasa -- are they do the same things? I am not think so ;)
We work with soul and strive to make sure our mosaic software would be the best in the world! - just read some information why we think our mosaic software is the best: http://www.artensoft.com/ArtensoftPhotoMosaicWizard/articles/mosaic_software.php
@22 cactus:
About the difference Collage Maker and Mosaic Wizard:
PS: For users who wrote the review for Full license: do not forget to check your spam folder, some e-mails may go to spam with your license key.
Thank you for your time! A very happy Christmas to all.
Evgeniy Baryshnikov
CEO and Founder www.artensoft.com
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one of the most user friendly programs i've used yet. this will be perfect for christmas gifts. thank you for offering this program. http://www.artensoft.com/ArtensoftPhotoCollageMaker
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#21 kenny -
It makes perfect sense. Like all GAOTD, this is available for today only. However if you geve the developer the review they ask for, within a week, they'll give you a full personal license.
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I installed it and even got a registration number but the actual program never shows up on my computer (not even in windows uninstall program)
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Dido @ 15: Those are G i o v a n n i ' s opinions. He makes no claims they are anything else or that anyone else needs to agree! We all have our own opinions. When you try his recommendations, surely you'll have your own too...
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I actually purchased this when tilt-shift was offered the last time (believe it was 60% off on all titles at that time; can't remember). Enjoyed this program despite how slow it runs on my aged PC. Very well worth the download and I wish I could have had patience to wait for it to get it for free. lol
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Running Win 7 Ultimate 32bit SP1
Downloaded, installed & registered smoothly (Thumbs up)
Like comment #21 cactus, I completely agree with him/her on not
understanding the difference between the two mentioned programs from the same publisher...
That said, today's GAOTD is a simple, slow but sure kind of program which does what it promises. When I tried it, worked for a long period of time indexing images (thankfully one time process) and still longer period in making the result image.
Below are links of images during the operation and end result...
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Personally I use Corel Draw and import my images into it although you can also copy and paste. Corel gives you the opportunity to rotate pictures slightly to get a good fit of picture with the main feature of each completely visible. I used this for years send out our pictures taken through the year with our Christmas card. I found that people preferred individual shots with a title or description so now my Christmas pictures are a sheet of pictures with white space between with a descriptive title for each photo.
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Hey everybody;
I've got this idea for how some of you might use an app like this.
For those of you that have a HERO on deployment or that is about to deploy, give or send them a "Short Timer's Calander" as a special gift that only you can give them.
When I was in Vietnam we all had these Short Timer's Calanders" posted on the walls in our hutches. It consisted of an outline of a "scantly" dressed young woman. Inside this outline were tiles numbered from one to 365 (396 in the case of Marine's and Saliors -they deployed for 13 months instead of 12 months). Everyday the American Hero would shade in one of the tiles. Some did it from 1 to 396 - others from 396 to 1. It was just a neat way of keeping track of how long you had been there or how much longer you had remaining.
I know there are a bunch of you out there will find some negative reason for why this shouldn't be done. WELL, THIS ISN'T FOR YOU. This is for those of you that want to give your hero something only you can give them.
I served in Vietnam for 27 months and a day. I keept mine. I have 2 completed calanders and one partially completed.
There are a bunch of neat things you can do with an app like this (days till graduation, days till your teenager gets his/her license, days left in their grounding) if you'll just put your thinking cap on and do something nice for someone.
Well, so much for my two cents. Thanks to Artensoft and GOTD for the gift, to Giovani and Ashraf for their reviews and input, but most especially to all of you that positively contribute to this project every day. You all make visiting this site a pleasure.
Merry Christmas to all of you.
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As an art teacher, I would call this a photo mosaic. The term collage refers to much different types of images, which are not constrained by rectangular borders. One can achieve images collages with Photoshop and similar programs. I'd like to see the details on how this differs from Photo Mosaic Wizard, which I quite like for its ability to produce huge images with excellent detail.
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I visited their homepage and tutorials + examples there and I still don`t understand the difference between two Artensoft programs : Photo Collage Maker (today`s GOTD) and Photo Mosaic Wizard (on GOTD some time ago). Could somebody please explain this in simple words ?
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Does anyone else know the differance between a day,and a week? The company,in there write up about their product,tell us the offer is good for a week. then right under that,it states that its only good,(as usual),for 24hrs,(or whatever is left on the countdown). Mabey I mis-read,or mis-understood what it said but,I think i'll hold off on this one...But thanks and keep up the good work!
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edit previous post--after app. 45 mins I re-tried web site to get code,no problems,came up with code on browser page in seconds. Must have been overloaded. Good software for what it does,easy to use.Thanks GOTD and ARTENSOFT for another tool that's a keeper.
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Mosaizer page mentions a 51 GB file, not good for sending out as a Christmas card I think. Is there a program that combines fewer, larger pictures into a mosaic? For example, if I use a head shot of one of my four cats as a base, can I use say ten or twelve pictures of the other cats and the "base" cat to make up the collage?
I guess what I want is an actual automatic collage program rather than a mosaic program.
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People have different definitions of photo mosaics and collages. Personally, I like the "select a number of viewable pictures from a group and blend them nicely" that you get in Microsoft Research AutoCollage 2008 ($20, free trial, reduced functionality version in Windows Photo Gallery 2012). There are the ones that basically try to fit a bunch of photos to a stencil, I don't like those. There are ones like this that try to recreate a larger image out of a bunch of smaller images. You either have to have zoomable images or posters to appreciate the effect. Artensoft Photo Collage Maker is clever in that it will resize and chop up images into smaller pieces where more detail is required. You have to study and experiment with how it works, the databases are somewhat large and the entire process takes a lot of time. It helps a lot if you have a large number of images that are similar in color to areas of the "master" image. These types of mosaic/collage apps differ primarily in how they tile/blend/overlay images, like I said, Artensoft is somewhat clever but I'm not a big fan of these types of output images, you only appreciate them if you study them closely.
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@7 Giovanni 7.Just a question today: why pay 80 bucks (are you joking, guys??) Seems you post freeware alot which is nice, but you always post your comment why pay money! Maybe we dudes should try out this software and compare it to to your freeware and we find out ourselves! Might or might not have special extras that the freeware doesn't have!Some software is like a first class stuff and maybe your free ware is maybe 1st class or maybe 3rdd class??
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#7 G i o v a n n i, thank you as always for the freeware alternatives, but please go back and see the last comment for the Aieesoft DVD creator software. You will learn that you are wrong and so hopefully next time you will not give everyone on here bad advice.
Other than that, please keep doing searches for freeware alternatives to the GAOTD offering.
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Giveawayoftheday, the site that gives away a free piece of software every day is featuring a 'collage maker' today. The vendor has a bonus offer that if a user will post a link on the web and give a short review, they will give a full ownership to include updates to the software. I'm going to try it and hopefully will be able to post a simple collage later today and give the required short review of the software.
Ok ... I'm back. Here's the review: I don't recommend this software program unless you have had prior experience with similar products. First, it is NOT a collage maker. It will make a mosaic from a selected master pic if you add oodles and oodles of image files. If you do not have thousands of pics to add to make the quality of the mosaic more detailed, you can download from their site ... but who wants that? I prefer my images to be MY images.
A user should also be prepared for the wait times. I don't mean this as negative. I just want you to know that loading, copying, saving, etc. takes several minutes.
(Now I have placed the required link in two (2) places on the www. I do want the full license including the updates.
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Here is an example.I created with only one image(Blue Hill from XP).And at one setting i put 94 %.When you save images,is need to put somewhere at not too big because is possible to not save and you will wait to much time.I like this soft,but it will be more good if will be more faster.Thank.
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This is great timing to think I can create very large collage representing the people of the many countries I visited.
This is a win win situation as I intend to build them and display them in a photo-gallery just as we do for other works.
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I have paid copies of this program and their "Mosaic Wizard", which I like even more. I've used them for years now and they work flawlessly and produce beautiful pictures. Both programs are exceptional! Don't miss this free offer. (I have no connection to the company.)
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the photo college make could be ideal, thank :~>
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Just a question today: why pay 80 bucks (are you joking, guys??) or download an app like this which cannot be updated for free, if you can do more or less the same things or even more with FREEWARE programs like these?
* Mosaizer Pro 9.2 (==> My Personal First Choice)
* (Portable) Andrea Mosaic (==> Excellent Tool)
* MosariZer
* Foto-Mosaik-Edda
* PhotoMosaique
* JImage Mosaic
* Scrapbook Flair
* E.M. Free Photo Collage
* Mosaik
I can't wait to hear from you.
Best regards.
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Thanks GOTD and Artensoft. The program was easy to install and register. The only regret is that it seems to be difficult to use a shaped base photo. Let me wish everyone a great Christmass and a happy New Year.
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Nice GOTD today, EZ to install and run OK... but for some reason I can't download the suggested archived images, clicking the link on tab 2 of the program, do nothing. This might be a local glitch here, I don't know (can you put here the direct link? I'm using FF 17 on XP)
I did import my own images and the collage was made ez.
Indeed I can recommend this GOTD to keep.
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Never tryed this before, but I love new graphic software (new to me that is). Thank You GAOTD, Have a Blessed Merry Christmas to all.
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Easy to install but can not launch it after installation.
I have installed it on my pc several times, even with antivirus software disabled, and on a fresh VMware Virtual Machine (XP sp 3), both show me an error message "there was a unexpected error in Artensoft Photo Collage Maker 1.2 this may be due to a programming but."
Anyone else have the same problem?
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Mis-named as a 'Photo Collage' maker, this software is in fact a 'Mozaic' making software, which is totally a different kind of photo software. This probably due in part to the fact that the words 'Mozaic' and 'Mosaic' are in copyright dispute in the U.S. by another software company. Yes, thousands of years after the Romans invented it, some U.S. company patented it. This dispute is still ongoing.
Easy to install and register, Thanks,
As well as Asharif's review, I must add what I think is the most important part of any software, and that is the OUTPUT quality.
The output of this particular software is well above a million megapixels. You may not notice it too much on an A4 page, but if you have a larger printer or your printer has the 'posterize' function, then that is where the quality shows.
Posterizing your image to 9 or 16 pages, then sticking them together will give a good sharp mozaic of images. Remember the more imput images you use, the better the output, so use hundreds of images for imput. I also use different coloured blank images in the mix. This will help fill up areas of same colour such as the sea or sky etc.
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*Extremely easy to use -- collages are created quickly and effortlessly
*Allows you to select the image you want to use for the base and the images you want to use for the individual tiles that will makeup the collage
*Allows you to move, resize, rotate, or replace the individual pictures that make up a collage
*Can output collages as JPB, BMP, TIFF, or PNG
*Unable to create free form collages -- will only create collages based on the shape of the base image
Free Alternatives
Final Verdict
Click here for final verdict and full review
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