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Perfect Hotkey 1.32 was available as a giveaway on January 8, 2017!
Perfect Hotkey lets you easily create and maintain a categorized list of your hotkeys. Each hotkey, akey combination on your keyboard, will launch a command. You decide which commands go with which hotkeys. Some of these commands are internal Perfect Hotkey commands and the rest are Windows commands. Perfect Hotkey will help you to manage repetitive tasks on your PC with speed and minimal effort. Why is it faster? The conventional way to open a program on your PC is by pointing your mouse to the Window start button, clicking on the Start button, then you will click on All Programs, your eyes must first look and search for your program icon, then you must click on it and only then it will be the program be launched. Using your mouse like this takes time. With a hotkey you simply press the keycombination you have defined for your program and Perfect Hotkey will launch it immediately!
Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (x32/x64)
7.44 MB
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Installer is not working for Perfect Hotkey 1.32
- Getting software corrupt message. Please provide an Alternative way to install it.
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Quote [he conventional way to open a program on your PC is by pointing your mouse to the Window start button, clicking on the Start button, then you will click on All Programs, your eyes must first look and search for your program icon, then you must click on it and only then it will be the program be launched. Using your mouse like this takes time. With a hotkey you simply press the keycombination you have defined for your program and Perfect Hotkey will launch it immediately!] UnQuote
Windows XP Pro already has a much better way.
Simply make an icon for the exe file of any software. Place that icon on your desktop.
Double click on the icon with mouse to run that software. (You can also chose to make that 1 click by tweaking the registry, if you know how)
You can customise the icon to your liking so that is is visually easy to spot & remember.
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I've been using Hotkeyz for years for free. Still works great!
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So how does this get registered.... What clock....
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The window for viewing the hotkey list is not expandable so the action is not visible. You have to open each one in "Edit" just to see what it does.
I made 3 to open programs. Only one works. Here's a quirk: choose WIN+* in the program but you have to press WIN+Shift+* (to get the *) but even including Shift in the key combo doesn't work.
This program is not only amateurish, it doesn't seem to work very well and more trouble to use than already-available options. Uninstalled.
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joe, there's often an * key on the numeric keypad, so perhaps the software is assuming you mean that one. For the one on the normal keyboard, I would assume it would be WIN+Shift+8 since that key is an 8 key, not an * key.
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This app showed up at the right time. I have been contemplating setting up hotkeys for several repetitive tasks that I use countless times daily. I've reviewed the comments regarding this app and so far I'm not able to decide if this is the is what I'm looking for.
Does anyone know of any good alternatives for managing hotkeys?
In the meantime I will install and give this a whirl while awaiting further information.
Thanks GOTD and thank you folks for any input ...... greatly appreciated.
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Contevou, I have used KeyBreeze for so,e years. It allows hotkey entries via a seldom used key (default is the : but I use the \) followed by whatever you decide which will help you remember. e.g. :eb for ebay, :amz for amazon, etc.
: list shows all your hotkeys
If you need to use the : in text simply hit it twice and it closes the Keybreeze entry.
It can be used for long text entries if you have such a need, opening programmes, etc.
very reliable, very versatile... and its FREE!
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Contevou, there are plenty of alternatives for managing hotkeys and some are freeware ones.
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From the past, most of these auto-hotkey programs run in the background and take up a bit of CPU and RAM. Also, these days, who knows what else these programs do?
One way to solve this problem is to put a shortcut to the desired program on your desktop and insert in that shortcut a hotkey combination.
For XYplorer, one of the best programs GAOTD has ever offered, I have a shortcut on my desktop pointing to "C:\Program Files\XYplorer\XYplorer.exe" as a "Target". In that shortcut icon, I have added "Ctrl +Shift +Alt +X" as its "Shortcut Key". Works like a charm, every time, and nothing new is running in the background.
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I use Perfect Hotkey via the canned messages:
Sticky Password bugs me for a password when left unattended for a while. I hit WinKey + W to call up my canned messages. I double click my password & I'm in. My porch cam needs a password to access, that's in Perfect Hotkey. When planning a trip with Google maps, I've got my home address in the canned messages. When buying online, I've got my credit # in there. I've got my various email addresses in there when I need to call them up. And when Google searching repetitive terms, those are in there. So this program is pretty useful for me.
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In D/Ling, what is I DO NOT want `download manager', I am NOT associated with Facebook/Flitter/Twitter, or any other of these mindless services, SO, how else can I download, or am I SOL?
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Alternatively you can get a personal download link via email.
How did you not see that option?
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Hi Harmon. :-)
Under the facebook button, coloured in blue, there is written Alternatively you can get a personal download link via email.
Email in that sentence is coloured in azure: click it.
Insert your email address in the entry that should have appeared.
If you don't want to receive the newsletter, untick Subscribe to newsletters from Giveaway of the Day.
Click the Get the link button, coloured in green.
Open your email and you should have received a link to the download link of the software of today: it could take a few of minutes.
Click the link inside the mail you received.
Finally, in the new webpage you'll find:
"Program name" Giveaway.
Click the link to download
Click the link (coloured in azure) in that sentence and the download should start.
Hope this helps.
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Harmon, All you need to do is look for the light green box (above) that references today's GotD. In this case:
"Perfect Hotkey 1.32 is available as a Giveaway of the day!
You have limited time to download and install it.
In the dark green box below that, click on
"Download Now
Perfect Hotkey 1.32"
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Hamid, ... most don't take the time to look as it's easier to nag and have others explain the process.
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Error registry message repeatedly during installation, and eventually activate only 7 out of 10 hotkey
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If you do not use the short keys often, you will forget their meanings and will launch wrong software or paste wrong phrases in wrong places.
What is wrong if you create a list of the software or short cuts in a text file, sort them alphabetically and put in on the desk top.
One click will open it and the second click can copy or open software. No remembering required and the list can be endless of the combinations of the short cut keys and is very fast and useful thing to do.
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Chinese software can't enter Chinese characters, what is this "§¥§Ô?§¤" ? It should be "你好“! This is some Russian "¡ì§Ó¡ì§Ö¡ì§Ô¡ì§Ô¡ì§¾¡ì§¼¡ì§½ ¡ì§ã¡ì§»¡ì§ß¡ì§¾" What? Does this mean it doesn't support Unicode?!
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Hot keys are fast, but not so easy to remember, that's why for some people it's more natural to type a command than press a key combination, and here is where Windows (unless it's Windows XP and below) doesn't need any help, cause it has search box, and utilities like keybreeze are even more powerful.
The description for Perfect Hotkey is for Windows XP at best.
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I use customized hotkeys regular basis. This program may be useful for begginers, but there's already a tool called Autohotkey which allows you to do virtually everything you need to do -as long as you can write thhe correct code- and it is free.
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Reading the comments one would wonder why any one would want this program, WRONG!! IT IS VERY USEFUL.
EXAMPLE: When I taught special ed the IEPs (Individual Education Programs) were the same only a bit diff for each student... I used the "Canned Message" and then added details. The basic paragraphs were "canned" instantaneous and per-approved, no tedious work, no errors. If for nothing else but "canned messages" this program is valuable.
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Donald Pullum, you can do canned messages with Autohotkey.
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Donald Pullum, Teaching special ed, kudos to you. I taught SE for 10 weeks and it was very hard and rewarding. Only special people can teach special people. Thank you for people who don't know what it takes.
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There are so many ways to launch applications other than the way described - and the idea that moving one's mouse is a slow process... mmm.
Solves a problem that nobody experiences...
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Some people have limited mobility or suffer from RSI, so using the mouse as little as possible has a great advantage to many people, shortcut keys do actually save an awful lot of time and writing macros within MS office applications is also helpful
However the fact that this program has limited flexibility means it has little use to me
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Couldn't guess at first that, in other to register it, i need to click on its tray icon, then choose Help -- Enter Registration Key. Don't know why it doesn't show its main window in consequent launches, only tray icon. Some of their "Canned messages" are taken from WikiHow site " Out of Office Email Template" and some probably from english classroom. Perfect Hotkey will be ditched by Shadow Defender on the next reboot.
I'm not gonna keep it, since I've been using Autohotkey since Win XP times.
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It's a toy for Autohotkey users.
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I didn't install it yet as I understand I can't assign a specific action in a certain program. only common actions.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
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adif, you can assign a key combination to launch a program, you will need to specify the path for program's executable file, or to decrease/increase volume for example.
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ew, thanks then I have no use for it.
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adif, you're welcome, i have no use for it either.
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