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PDF Combine 3.5 was available as a giveaway on August 27, 2020!
People often have lots of PDF documents in daily work and need a software tool to merge multiple PDFs into a single PDF file. PDF Combine is a windows PDF combiner utility to merge your PDF files to a single one quickly. The auto sorting function could enable you to sort your combining order much easier.
* Fast concatenation of PDF files
* Keep original links in the PDFs
* PDF files can be merged offline in a secure manner
* PDFs can be combined in any desired order
* The software has a small size and is easy to work with
* Combine hundreds of PDF files in seconds
* Over 50 languages are supported
* Even Owner Password Protected PDFs can be concatenated using this tool
* The original file's page size and content layout are retained for the new, combined PDF
* Adobe Acrobat is not required
Windows XP/ 2000/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
4.2 MB
Lifetime, no updates
PDF Merger Mac is a free Mac OS X application that let you merge several PDF documents into one single PDF file. The merged PDF file will keep the original formatting, page size and page orientation.
PDF Compressor is a Windows utility that compresses scanned PDF and text PDF files and reduces PDF file size fast and easily. This tool allows users to change the compressing value to get better compressed result and content quality. Also, the program supports batch mode and lets users compress hundreds of PDF documents at one time.
PDF To JPG is a windows software tool that quickly converts PDF files to JPG and more image formats like TIF, BMP, PNG and GIF. Users are able to customize DPI and Page Range in conversion setting. Also, PDF To JPG supports Batch Mode.
PDF To Excel Converter is a windows Excel converter which converts PDF files to XLS / XLSX Excel formats fast and easily. With PDF To Excel Converter, users will be able to edit their PDF content and tables in MS Excel in few clicks
PDF Page Merger is a Windows software tool which combines 2 or more PDF pages into one page in a single PDF file. It allows you to set the page amount on the merged page, so you can merge every 2, 4 or more pages into one page in a single PDF file.
One of the features states: "* Keep original links in the PDFs"
Several comments recommend alternatives. Can anyone verify that any of the alternatives can also retain the original links?
In my previous system, I had several PDF tools, but I did not have one that could retain the original links when those pages were merged into a new document; they always got stripped out. Since they were in my previous system, I cannot recall which ones I tested that failed in this regard (that system crashed both primary and backup disks, so I junked it all). I really wish that I had that information now.
Even if you cannot do the test before the offer ends, it will still be valuable to me and probably others too, so thanking you in advance.
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Too many free and online PDF utilities that can do much more than this giveaway software.
Which begs the question.
Why do software developers author such software?
The answer is that in this world, there is no perfect competition.
Many buyers are NOT aware that there are free online utilities.
They spot the box of software in the retail shop and buy it.
It is very good Return On Investment.
It probably takes a talented team of programmers less than 1 day to write this software.
US alone has 328 million population.
Say 1 million people buy this software at US$30.
That is US$30 Million.
Not bad at all, bountiful fruits of labour for 1 day's work.
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Easy-as-pie installation and registration! Nice layout, easy to use. This program's a winner!
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My goto software for these tasks is Icecream PDF Split and Merge (https://icecreamapps.com/PDF-Split-and-Merge/) for which I picked up a giveaway version in Jan 2016.
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This program was offered in Jan 2020. It works on a document basis only. ie it joins individual docs into a single doc. It does not allow page add or delete - unless the doc you have is a single page, then you can add it in the order you want to the other docs you have.
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I have downloaded this program when it has been offered free in previous years, have used it regularly and have found it excellent and with no bugs that I have seen. In answer to a comment from someone else (who does not appear to have downloaded the program!), C:\ is the default directory location, but this can easily be changed to any desired directory on any drive.
Combining PDFs without having to upload them to an unknown person or body on-line is also a valuable feature.
Highly recommended!
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There are already free tools that can do seemingly all the listed bullet-point features for this application, plus more.
At least one comes to mind, which I have been using for many, many years: PDFill FREE PDF Tools
Why, then, pay for such an application? (which can do less).
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PDFill requires that you download Ghostscripts. This is what I get when I go to download:
"Your Malwarebytes Premium blocked this website because it may contain a Trojan.
We strongly recommend you do not continue."
Maybe a different free PDF combiner would be better for those out there looking for an alternative.
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Calvo, I received a malware notification because Ghostscripts are required to install your PDFill PDF tool. I would not install that program with that requirement.
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AF Phantom2,
Have a look at Debenu Free PDF Tools (https://www.debenu.com/products/desktop/debenu-pdf-tools/)
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I don't like that, a PDF file of 120 pages and then searching for a specific page that then forgot to enter it in the file.
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i always wanted to combine all notes all notepad writeups and all memos --- combined into one msword or notepad or memo or one pdf... so that i can press control F and search diabetes., and it will go and stop in those spots where the word can be found...
it is useful .. instead of going through all.. copernicus desk top search engine was good for me in finding out topics from all places
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Standard installation path is c:\PDFCombine and standard output path is c:\Output? Come on, it's 2020!
Since the program can't exclude or rearrange single pages from a PDF file I stick with a freeware that can.
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Wayne Interessierts,
Could you name that freeware?
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consuella, https://www.pdfill.com/pdf_tools_free.html
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consuella, I use PDFSam Basic.
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consuella, one ts written already above,
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Easy to use
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