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MP3 Toolkit 1.0.5 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — MP3 Toolkit 1.0.5

Now you can easily convert, rip, edit tags, cut MP3 files with MP3 Toolkit!
$29.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 285 39 comments

MP3 Toolkit 1.0.5 was available as a giveaway on December 6, 2014!

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MP3 Toolkit is a powerful Windows app that includes MP3 converter, CD ripper, tag editor, MP3 cutter, MP3 merger and MP3 recorder for users who want to handle MP3 files easily. Convert, cut, merge and record MP3 files with MP3 Toolkit.

Besides MP3 format, MP3 Toolkit supports most of popular audio and video formats such as WMA, WMV, MP4, WAV, OGG, FLV, MOV, M4P, M4A and other. It supports high quality audio like FLAC and APE. You can use MP3 Toolkit to convert audio for mobile devices, make ringtones, fix tag information, rip Audio CDs, record sound or merge audio pieces to a complete MP3 file.

System Requirements:

Windows 8/ 7/ Vista/ 2003/ XP/ 2000





File Size:

19.6 MB



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Developed by MPCSTAR
Transform media files for playback on various devices.
Developed by Program4Pc
Developed by VSO Software

Comments on MP3 Toolkit 1.0.5

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In every company, there will always be some downsides. I know some people mix it with oatmeal and make protein cookies out of it.

For anybody who is scanning this report, I would guess that you are looking to register with Visalus and so are
searching around for reputable information about Visalus Sciences.

Reply   |   Comment by paparazzi accesories presentation  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi. The included MP3 "merger" is NOT what it claims, as a merger should never reencode (thus never quality), but JOIN. And I'm wondering about the included MP3 "cutter". The recorder... records, but won't retain settings... "Well", the whole thing is just a bunch of amateur and OLD softwares, that, in fact, won't do much good to your MP3 files !

Here is a REAL + freeware MP3 (+ AAC) cutter — and joiner (NO reencoding): "mp3DirectCut": http://mpesch3.de1.cc/ and here is a serious + freeware audio converter (that's able to extract audio from videos by "demux" = no recode): "Pazera Free Audio Extractor 2.1": http://www.pazera-software.com/products/audio-extractor/

[ In case you wonder: no, I'm NOT working for those programmers. ]

Reply   |   Comment by avoid  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

I have had this software installed on my computer since last December without any negative impacts on my system (I run Windows XP Pro SP3). Just because a product may be considered "old and outdated" by some, that doesn't mean that it is no longer useful. I wouldn't buy it but I will use it as a giveaway product!

Reply   |   Comment by brosmith  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

The most important comment among all the comments made here for this particular software MP3 Toolkit was made by MikeR #5. Much appreciated and wished he had posted the comment a bit earlier so that some users can decide not to install.

It is about the damage done that even an uninstall of the software cannot undo.

The only ways are the Sandboxie, Timefreeze virtual machines or a Restore of your PC to an earlier point of time before MP3 Toolkit was installed in your PC.

Reply   |   Comment by ric  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

I didn't see any official release of this software title through the PDFZilla.com website. I did follow the 'MP4 to MP3 Converter' partner link at the bottom right which reads to have the exact same software features with a different name and artwork. If this is a buyout, consignment, or rework of the software I would strongly recommend adding something of value to it that would attract my dollars. All of the features in this software are already available for FREE so before committing company time, resources, and man hours to a product that will not sell very well; it should be brainstormed for new and creative features to add. Here is a freebie for starters: I have always wanted an all in one audio software which will give me a quality comparison to an archived original version in the cloud. If my copy then shows discrepancies, I could download and fix those segments, or even upgrade the quality of a song for a small fee. This small fee of course, being cheaper than to re-purchase the complete audio. This service could be bundled with online audio sales outlets in a format very similar to the 'UltraViolet' service available for movies. The ability for a customer to purchase an audio (or movie) product that has a corrupt-fail-safe or loss-of-file-safe mechanism in place is a feature I've never seen offered as a solution to digital media. Why not? Such a service could be beneficial in increasing sales to artists through small residual repair and recovery fees and a more attractive solution to online sales by customers who feel their investment into certain digital media is long lasting. Serving up the same old software, especially that which is offered for free, is never going to drive business into new directions or even be profitable. Fresh ideas are what is needed here.

Reply   |   Comment by AJ Cote  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Hello. I am a little bit lost as to this. I dont really know what the terms are. I would like to rip into mp3 format a cd which my friend made for me, and the files are .cda extension. Can I use this software for it, or are there other alternatives that are easy for the layman to use?

Reply   |   Comment by Sticky Steve  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sticky Steve,
so many alternatives can be suggested. But as you have asked for the easy one , so I think 'FreeRIP' can do the task easily. It is a nice little program ( Freeware ) which is able to rip CD (.cda file) to MP3 format.


Reply   |   Comment by Jahid  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Here are some excellent free cd rippers.
"Exact audio copy" http://www.exactaudiocopy.de/
"fre:ac" http://www.freac.org
"CDex" http://cdexos.sourceforge.net/
"freeRIP MP3 converter" http://freerip.com/
"Audiograbber" http://www.tucows.com/preview/193549

Reply   |   Comment by Peter  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I should have mensioned that "Audiograbber" is an oldie but a goodie. You will need to download the latest Lame software. Therefore download "LAME MP3 Encoder 3.100 alpha 2" from here:-
Extract and copy files these two files to your audiograbber directory:
lame_enc.dll (used by the program as the default internal encoder)
Lame.exe (used by audiograbber as an external encoder for experts using command line switches)

Reply   |   Comment by Peter  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Installed - Win 8.1 no problem - (I always install to a secondary drive - NOT drive C:) reason for this - if something has to be changed - almost ALL changes are on the secondary drive. (I know this will be above some users' aptitudes but, it is as simple as plugging in a USB hard drive (not thumb drive), & install to that drive. I like this little tool - esp the converter. Thanks everybody - great tool. cu tomorrow!

Reply   |   Comment by Thomas Roberts  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Thanks for the solid reviews, I will pass this one.

A little freeware gem I use to break up big Audio Book files into small ones
is MP3DirectCut



Reply   |   Comment by Roma  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

PDFZilla was once a good company that had decent products, however this product was once FREE and then they start charging for it. Just like this MP3 Toolkit, it too was once free. That's what this company does with all of their new products is that they give us the first few couple of versions free and then they suddenly move from freeware to payware.

Not going to take my chance on this giveaway especially with other alternatives out there.

Reply   |   Comment by Jason Carver  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)


I thought the same thing, but then realized that the publisher was listed as "Publisher: PDFZilla.com".

As for CD ripping, I have for years used CDex from http://cdexos.sourceforge.net/. One thing that this supports is multiple instances. If you have more that one CD drive installed in a system (like a CD-RW and a DVD-R) you can run two instances of CDex, each using a different source, and rip two CDs in parallel.


Reply   |   Comment by Michael  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

On a day like today when many alternatives are offered in place of the program offered this may be useful.
It claims to stop other programs being sneaked in during the install as happens with many of the free programs.
Not had much experience with it, but it looked interesting.

Reply   |   Comment by XP-Man  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

Too many negative and credible sounding posts on this one for me to give it a try. I think I'm gonna pass this one. Thanks anyway GAOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Dean  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+23)

aba - this may help. Karl sets up a sandboxie "fake" computer and installs to it. He checks it out as it runs in the "fake" PC setup inside his OS. To remove it, he reboots his real PC and it's gone just like your Word document would be gone after you typed 10 pages of your Vacation Travels and then cut your PC off without saving it first.

It's quicker and easier to reboot to get rid of it and all the possible crap it may have tried to install. Karl does NOT know ahead of time what it will do.

Reply   |   Comment by David Roper  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+26)

Your explanation and comparison is correct!
But using your word processor or anything else with an AUTOSAVE function you should use this and thus loosing only a small part of your valuable document in worst case (e.g. your little one pulling on the cord!).

By the way for ripping CDs (and sometimes converting to MP3 or FLAC) I'm still using good old EAC (Exact Audio Copy) which reads and compares several times if needed and uses results and title data bases from internet.
And it's free in contrast to Paul's not very nice nationalist prejudices against Germans. By the way there's a lot of good freeware from European countries.

To cut etc. my own recordings I'm using the free version of WavePAD because
- you may fade in and out even by icons before cutting thus avoiding "plop" and
- silence a whole region (i.e. zero level) and
- save to a big selection of formats.

Cited: "Free program for PC or Mac. This audio editor has all the audio ... and noise reduction. WavePad works as a wav or mp3 editor, but it also supports a number of other file formats including vox, gsm, wma, real audio, au, aif, flac, ogg, and more. ..."
Perhaps you have still to deselect some unwanted addons during install.

Reply   |   Comment by DislikesCensorship  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

hey Karl@3, *uninstall via reboot*: what is this exactly and why?? Is simply uninstall not the normal procedure?

He's running in a virtual environment for testing proposes.

Reply   |   Comment by Pattyladd  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

#5 MikeR whats PDFZilla got to do with this offering

downloaded and install very quickly win 8.1
uninstalled after 2 minutes of use, old and out dated
but thanks anyway

Reply   |   Comment by buckoooo  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-24)

#5 MikeR whats PDFZilla got to do with this offering

I think if you look at what it says on this page, you'll see that PDFZilla is. . . the developer.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+23)

Possibly the company name. :-)

Reply   |   Comment by XP-Man  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+16)

Sounds good, but some of the encoders and features are outdated as pointed out by Karl, I use better and free Mp3 tag editors :


2.Tagging and Managing Music Files, including retrieving album cover art and Lyrics,Ripping of Audio CDs with FreeDB support,Burning of Audio CDs,Conversion into various audio Formats,Selecting files via Folder

3. TagScanner http://www.xdlab.ru/en/index.htm

4.For Mp3 editing/recording you can use Wavosaur/StreamoSaur[Portable]/Audacity[Portable]/Ashampoo Music Studio[Giveaway freebie somewhere]

5. Cd-ripping with Id3 tag support + portable :http://www.fairstars.com/cd_ripper/index.html

Thank you GAOTD :)

Reply   |   Comment by Mr All Rounder  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+135)

Very disappointing. It's probably the only CD ripping program I have tested (and I've tested most) that doesn't have a freedb.org (Track titles etc.) lookup or similar which I find very strange.
What is also strange is that the program replaces ALL (and there are many) registry pointers to it's own version of Microsoft's "MSCOMCT.OCX" which is located in it's own directory. I wonder if Microsoft would be happy with them distributing this file with their software...I think not.
I agree with Jahid (#4) about "Music Bee" which also has the ability to specify command line values of LAME if the pre-sets don't meet your needs. I personally use "Audiograbber" which also has command line capabilities among many other options including storing of Lyrics in a database as well as a local freedb database.

Reply   |   Comment by Peter  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+58)

Quick word of warning: this PDFZilla offering is merely a GUI front-end for a set of freeware tools that use a great many Open Source files. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself but -- and it's a HUGE 'but' -- unless you're truly desperate and neither know nor care about how best to manage and edit your MP3 files, you'd be well advised to stay clear of this giveaway.

Many of the files bundled in with this toolkit -- files on which the toolkit's operation depend -- are not so much old as positively creaking with age. That has never bothered PDFZilla but it should certainly bother you because it means your up-to-date .dlls and others will be replaced by out-of-date versions by PDFZilla on installation of this toolkit , something unforgivable in any software but especially so in a "product" for which the developer is, incredibly enough, seeking to charge $30.

Do not make the mistake either of thinking that uninstalling this software will get you back to where you were, because it won't: once PDFZilla has obliterated your up-to-date files and replaced them with older junk, that's it.

With sufficient grounds for believing that "PDFZilla" isn't a large commercial outfit but a one-person band -- a failure to update /improve sloppy software engineering, including the negligent dumping of this program and its outputs straight onto C:\ is pretty characteristic of all PDFZilla software -- the use of protective tools like Sandboxie, Shadow Defender, Toolwiz Timefreeze etc to keep your computer safe is of critical importance. If you don't know how to use such tools, then the advice has to be *not* to download and install this mish-mash at all.

Thanks, GOTD, but no thanks; as for PDFZilla, you really do need to up your game; this cavalier attitude to potential customers is anything but a recipe for commercial success.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+126)

Don't get mad, be glad! Just move the whole directory from c:\ to a thumb drive and it will still work. That's the beauty of this c:\. PDFZilla knows how to make money from free stuffs!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Chuck  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I doubt that any GOTDer is getting mad. They're unlikely to be glad though at finding their up-to-date computer files unceremoniously dumped by this software and replaced with obsolescent versions.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

MusicBee and AIMP can be treated as very efficient and nice freeware alternative.

I'd like to suggest to try their portable version.



Reply   |   Comment by Jahid  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+67)

Installed (unusual) and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system.

Who dares to install such a product in C:\MP3Toolkit per default???

A Chinese company without name and address.

Nice, that they claim, that the installer is virus free and they link to Virus Total page with a date stamp:
Analysis date: 2012-10-07 00:52:07 UTC ( 2 years, 2 months ago )

Upon start a non resizable interface leads to different MP3 tools. Therefore the name MP§ toolkit. It consists of tools from converter, ripper, tagger to merger and cutter.
So far so good. Not so good are the default outputs like :
C:\Recorded_Mp3 and C:\output

The toolkit is not the latest software, the tools are from 2012, the encoders like the BladeEncoder.Dll from 2006 or the lame_enc.dll from 2004.

The tag tool starts with an error message:

They use heavy freeware from other programmers, like the MP3 tag editor :

which is a development from http://massid3lib.sourceforge.net/ , stopped in 2003.

A bunch of old programs around the MP3 format. The program closes, when I close the MP3 tag editor, instead of going back to the main menu. Bad programming...
I'm not impressed.

Uninstalled via reboot.

Have a nice weekend!

Reply   |   Comment by Karl  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+256)

hey Karl@3, *uninstall via reboot*: what is this exactly and why?? Is simply uninstall not the normal procedure?

Reply   |   Comment by aba  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-46)

Karl, I sometimes wonder, who's paying you for these professional reviews. Die Deutsche tut nichts ohne geld. I used to follow Giovanni all the time, until you came along. When you give software a positive rating, I will install it and check it out too.
Danke fur Deine hilfe.

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-51)

Danke da muss ich es erst gar nicht installieren.

Reply   |   Comment by Roma  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-12)

Karl runs a virtual machine so that when he reboots it, the program was like it never was really installed. I don't know why people keep asking him this same question all the time.

As to the other question. I don't think he gets paid for his opinions on any software offered here on GOTD. He's sort of like a watchdog for other people by lending his opinion, which is generally right on the mark, so that others can make an informed decision about the software being reviewed.

Giovani does this as well as a few others and they are a terrific asset to this website. Listen to what they say and heed their advise. The reviewers that come here give GOTD some value in the form of feedback. We must be greatful for the time they put in into giving their reviews and their advise is free.

I take my hat off to Karl, Giovani and others who put in their time on each and every software offered up here on GOTD. I thinks it's absolutely great what they do especially to newbies who may not know much about the offerings here. They even give sound advise to those who are seasoned individuals.

Keep up what you do Karl..

Reply   |   Comment by Robert  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+91)

Would not work under 8.1, even with compatibility settings.

Setup.exe runs but goes no further and just sits in the background.

Reply   |   Comment by PhilS  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Worked fine for me. I have Windows 8.1 64 Bit

Reply   |   Comment by Chris  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

It doesn't work for me either, after unziping it tells me the setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program ... I wonder if I don't have some bad malware in my computer ....

Reply   |   Comment by Mirka  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

I've had similar problems in the past. Usually it was caused by my virus detection removing something from the installer before I installed. Try setting an exception for your anti-virus software and download it again.

Reply   |   Comment by Matt  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Installed as easy as you please, 32bitXP. Works like a charm, too,

Reply   |   Comment by Pejay Kilroy  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Better this morning than last...Cool offer this is MP3 ToolKit.

Reply   |   Comment by Studiopro  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-124)
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