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MovieSaver 4 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — MovieSaver 4

Create your own video collection with clips from various portals.
$15.99 EXPIRED
User rating: 56 35 comments

MovieSaver 4 was available as a giveaway on March 5, 2016!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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A system cleaning and tuning suite for Windows.

MovieSaver 4 is a video downloader, which downloads videos from the internet just entering the URL, and saves it on your computer. With the software you are able to create your own video collection with clips from various portals.

Even better, MovieSaver also provides a media filter that allows the playback of flash files with any software player, which uses the Microsoft DirectShow-interface, e.g. the Windows Media Player.

Please note: The software provides a 1-year license.

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10 (x32/x64); .net 4 framework (will be automatically installed, if required); 2 GB RAM; Pentium compatible processor


Engelmann Media GmbH



File Size:

15.7 MB



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Comments on MovieSaver 4

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Having problems with the registration process. The instructions say to fill in the info and email details asked on the pop up window when you open program. However on that pop up, I'm given two options for the program I want: Enter registration number or Request Free Full Version. When I click on the latter, nothing happens. When I click on Enter Registration Number, there's nowhere to fill out email address only a space to enter the registration number which I don't have.
I'm a bit bewildered by all this.

Reply   |   Comment by Wendy  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I installed the program, then a form started to collect name and e-mail address, then the click shows the Activation key instantly. When the program is started, a form prompt to enter the key from the clipboard shows. The key is entered as expected but the "Check and activate license key" returns a message "The entered License key is invalid" but the key is exactly what was given by MovieSaver 4.

Reply   |   Comment by Gary  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

I find the free video download helper ad-on for Firefox works on the Pale Moon browser very well it adds a button to my toolbar and see no need to switch
I also have the ad-on Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express for the odd time it won't work. This ad-on adds a download button under every you-tube video.
As I write this I see today's offer has 66% negative vote so won't try it.

Reply   |   Comment by ilikefree  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

its in german?

Reply   |   Comment by faisal  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Thanks for this offer, but I'll stick with ChrisPC VideoTube Downloader, which I use for long time now to get my YT videos and TV shows:

Reply   |   Comment by Mike  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

Wow, Engelman products ,not suprised at all of all the down votes, after all that set up to install, tested on a couple of online videos, just very low res quality and mediorce as expected!
I remember the last Engelman product on here, last year, was their product CinemaHD, also mediocre quality, resulted videos tested on were all thrown out of sync, only with their products, no tohers tried.
Emailed 3 diff Engelman depts with inquiries, since their support did not bother to respond, not one Engelman dept ever bothered to respond. One of the most horrible companies ever dealth with.
They do not support or help with their shabby products, they only want your email to keep Spamming you to buy their other shabby products.
*Try 4K Downloader completely free, they respond, and have far better quality that Engelman's low quality products!

Reply   |   Comment by coolvibe  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

The program installed easily on Win10 64-bit and registered with no issues. I downloaded this program hoping I could save videos from Facebook to my laptop but this program gives the message "This portal is not supported."

Reply   |   Comment by Nancy Stoll  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Installed easily enough on W10 64 bit, even though the registration process is a little more long winded than it could be.

Downloaded the latest ffmpeg and added the location in settings.

Tested out a variety of Youtube videos and was very impressed with the speed of the download.

A 3 hour 4gig 720p download only took 15 minutes.

No conversion process seems to take place for video and when converting to MP3, you don't notice any additional processes to convert.

Even if you choose a desired output, such as 720p, any downloaded video that is not available at that resolution does not get up scaled, which can be both an advantage ,or disadvantage dependent upon your point of view.

There is no list of compatible sites and on testing found very few at all that were compatible.

Of the popular ones, only Youtube and Dailymotion seemed to work.

The vendor needs to address things in one of two ways.

Either support far more sites or gives prospective purchasers a list of sites than can be used.

So for Youtube it is very effective and I found it faster than any of the free offerings that I have tried.

But there is an opportunity and need to expand it's versatility.

Reply   |   Comment by PhilS  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

After trying and using some Engelmann software products, my observation is that they are not up to standard.
From the other users comments in this forum, it looks like MovieSaver4 is similarly low standard software.
Not sure if Engelmann sub-contracts out is software writing to an OEM software house - maybe somewhere in India for very low cost of production reasons.

Reply   |   Comment by ric  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

While the comments below have persuaded me to stick with the Firefox browser add-on recommended by MikeR rather than trying this program, in fairness to Engelmann I'd like to say that I have been using their TuneUp Utilities for 14 years, and it is still my favourite of its kind despite having tried many others.

Reply   |   Comment by BAW30s  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

ric Interesting thought, Ric. I commented t'other day on here that these GOTD threads are intended to be as useful for developers as they are for GOTDers themselves, but the track record of this particular developer suggests that it is oblivious to criticism, be it here or in other Internet forums.

I like to play fair and so although MovieSaver4 took a real hammering from GOTDers a year ago, I had hoped that 12 months on, things would've improved. Clearly, they haven't. Nor is this an isolated case in my experience (and in the experience of others on this comments thread): I've never yet found any Engelmann software to function as promised -- or even function at all, as per today's example. The developer does seem to have started off well enough several years ago, but nowadays? Unless it improves its product quality and, especially, starts to take notice of customers actual and potential, then its transition from acceptable Engelmann Media to unacceptable Engelmann Mediocre will be complete -- and all its own fault.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

"Freemake Video Downloader" is free to download and use at Major Geeks or Freeware Files, and as it does the same job quickly and efficiently, I see no reason to switch for a "one year licence" of this product. Sorry but I'll have to pass today.
But keep those programs coming "Giveawayoftheday"!
I love this site!
It makes my morning...

Reply   |   Comment by Gerry D.  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Gerry D.
"Freemake Video Downloader is free to download and use"....
no thanks... i was taught not to take open candy from strangers.

Reply   |   Comment by guestwho  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-8)

Thank you for the offer and I'm sure it will be very helpful for some users..

Personally, I have been using JDownloader very successfully for some time and as it is stable, easy to use and free, I see no real advantage in changing.

For those interested - http://www.jdownloader.org/home?lng=en

Reply   |   Comment by Kestrel  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+16)

I used this program awhile ago. It was infested with adware and spyware. Be careful when you download this program.

Reply   |   Comment by Larsen  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded and installed the program. If you run the download and run the file the program tries to install a program called "Chromium" without giving you any options. You also end up with JDownloader's beta version which ends up being 198 Mgs in size. Those are two red flag in my book - quickly uninstalled.

Reply   |   Comment by gerrymar  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

freemake downloader and freemake converter are good free alternatives (www.freemake.com).

The "downloader" will also convert the downloaded video... the separate "converter" is for pre-existing downloaded videos you want to convert.

Take care to read the install pop-ups to NOT install other junk products that you won't want.

Extremely simple interfaces once you understand how they work.

I mainly use the "downloader" to download videos from places like youtube, and convert (strip) the audio out as mp3s. It does do actual conversions...

For free? I like them.

Reply   |   Comment by Casper  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I like this program. Seems to work fine, and it's filling a need I have. It installed very easily. Registration was a 3-step process, but nothing horrible, and I received all needed registration info and codes in a timely manner. Thanks very much, GAOTD and Engelmann Media!

Reply   |   Comment by M. Aronson  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

Make registration easier by having only one box into which you can simply copy the whole key & paste it into it at once. Instead of having to break it down & having to copy/paste each segment seperately until all boxed have been filled.

Reply   |   Comment by Ron  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

There is a option to paste form the clipboard; it did work with WinXP and Win10:

Reply   |   Comment by Ashamp  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Ron I pasted the whole key at once and it worked

Reply   |   Comment by Olivax  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sorry my mistake. I though because of the dashes it wouldn't take the copt & paste function. I gave it a try and it did work!
Thanks for clueing me in.

Reply   |   Comment by Ron  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

With a title implying that it's more than just another video down loader, 'MovieSaver 4' looks like being a must-have. Unfortunately, it very soon turns out to be a must-discard.

Download, install and registration proved cumbersome, a rigmarole of emails and website re-directs and then a pure 1990's floppy-disk era licensing routine where a 30-strong alphanumeric has to be sequentially entered in blocks of five. The thought occurs at that stage that if Engelmann can't even manage non-sequential C & P, there may not be much hope of it managing anything else.

Actual installation is straightforward enough though was slooooow in my case and not especially informative: after the computer has yet again had to connect to the Net so as to get your registration approved, you're asked to tick a box to start the "full version" (because what you've installed is, apparently, MovieSaver FREE) but nothing re-starts at all.

As I normally shut down and re-start all newly installed software, that's no big deal, but it is yet another irritant in the elongated process of getting to grips with MovieSaver. Be careful to select your language preference on install and to uncheck the auto updates box in Settings; ensure the 'automatically convert to MP3' is likewise unchecked.

After all that, I chose my output destination, went to YouTube, and ran two tests, the first of a download of Justified: 'That's A Wrap' Gag Reel (at 9 minutes running time, it's long enough to test the speed and stability of any video downloader) and the next, The Good, Bad and the Ugly Theme Ennio Morricone, this to see how well MovieSaver4 strips out the audio from the video to produce an MP3 track.

That was an hour ago. I'm still waiting. MovieSaver 4 took the first url, correctly rendered it as the Justified clip, reported the download as 'Pending' in the Status box . . . and went to sleep. Not a sign of life in the progress box. I gave it 20 minutes to arouse from slumber and, next, pasted in the Morricone soundtrack clip. Again, MovieSaver4 rendered the url accurately, reported the download as 'Pending' . . . and went back to sleep.

It's still asleep on my screen as I write this. During this lengthy inertia -- coma, more likely -- I've run my personal favorite iSkySoft iTube Studio to check there aren't any DLing problems with YouTube. The iSkySoft app -- a giveaway on here in the past -- downloaded both clips in under 3 minutes total. As for freeware, I used the excellent Firefox browser add-on:


which does everything that the Engelmann MovieSaver4 seemingly can't do and does so for nothing at all -- as has occurred here, one click on the little icon added by this app underneath a YouTube playing window and that's it, video downloaded to desktop in under 30 seconds.

(Note: I have no idea if the Open Source YouTube Video & Audio Downloader is compatible with other browsers.)

Conclusion, then: nothing in this software's registration and install routine inspires confidence and nothing at all occurred in its operation to suggest that it is even worth bothering with. This developer has disappointed me before with the q

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+65)

"I have no idea if the Open Source YouTube Video & Audio Downloader is compatible with other browsers."

The author, OnBasic, has Turbo Download Mgr. that worls in FFox, Opera, & Chrome -- add0n[.]com/turbo-download-manager.html

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Thanks very much. We need a lot more thorough, detailed, to-the-point reviews like yours here, ever since Giovanni and a couple of his successors seem to have "retired."

Reply   |   Comment by Gene  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I didn't have to insert the key in blocks. I pasted the whole of it in one shot and it worked

Reply   |   Comment by Olivax  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Many Thanks for another great review of another GOTD offers today... having saved me a lot of time, perhaps the hassles of downloading and drive space.

Reply   |   Comment by insomnia fri '  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

MikeR After the program reports 'pending' you have to click the START button for the download to commence.

Reply   |   Comment by Wendy  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Also,MovieSaver 4 was given away on GOTD May 4, 2014.Might want to read the comments from that GiveAway....... https://www.giveawayoftheday.com/moviesaver-4/

Reply   |   Comment by vanierstein  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The installation was very slow on Win 8.1, it crashed 3 times
The software does what it says and the interface is nice and uncluttered.
I'll keep it for now, thanks GOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Alex  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I downloaded the compressed package, and unzipped it, then I submitted them to WinDefender, SuperAntiSpyware, Malwarebytes, EmsiSoft Emergency Kit: no problems detected.
I submitted the setup.exe to virustotal, metadefender, Jotti and virscan: only fprot on virscan found W32/Felix:EX:001!Eldorado, and I consider it a false positive.
The setup worked fine on windows 10 x64 (standard/home).
When the installation finished, it opened a developer's webpage saying "You may also be interested in the following products" (and other things).
It also opened directly its WebReg.exe application to register the product.
Given that my firewall blocks every outgoing connections, I got this message "currently no service available or internet connection is broken.".
I put the WebReg.exe in the exceptions of my firewall (tcp port 80), then I restarted the webreg.exe and got the correct form to insert my data.
The program (moviesaver4.exe) needed another firewall rule (tcp port 443).

I would find useful to have a list of supported websites, either in the program itself or in the website (but then, each new version should have its new list).

I hope the registration this time will remain: CinemaHD registration (1st january 2016) isn't valid anymore, I don't know why... It was invalid after a few of days.
I'm keeping this program and I'll use it later.
Many thanks GAOTD and Engelmann Media GmbH !

Reply   |   Comment by xilolee  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-11)

Primitive tool!

Reply   |   Comment by Jan Paweł  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+37)
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