Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
MobiSecret 4.0 was available as a giveaway on April 28, 2014!
MobiSecret is a tool to check targeted iPhone or iTunes backup files, including text messages, calls and WhatsApp, even those have been deleted on purpose or accidentally. It provides users with the ability of going through the data in targeted iPhone, especially for spouse or children. Besides, it can retrieve deleted conversation history, including call log, text message and WhatsApp messages.
Windows 8/ 7/ Vista/ XP
22.9 MB
KiwiG PhonTunes is a free full-version software to transfer music between multiple platforms. Users of iOS (iPod, iPhone, iPad), iTunes, Android and other devices now can enjoy entirely barrier-free music migration. Editing music details and information is also easy with PhonTunes. Users can edit the track and album information, rename, add a photo cover, or create new playlists.
@ rodney #32 Hope you managed to resolve the error in time for this giveaway-a google seach shed some light on the 0X80004005 Unspecified error url:http://tinyurl.com/m7yhghz
it suggests: (SIC)..temporary Suspending the Anti-virus module that scans for SCRIPT-WRITING. (This option is usually found in (av's) Real Time protection settings) Looks like this post will be too late to be of any help, sorry. Perhaps,(the url article) could be useful in future!
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@32, Your download may be corrupted, have you try to download it again to see if that work?
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23. I typed girlfriend out of habit because it was 5 years but we just broke up. I know exactly what your getting at though that snooping incident was only the beginning of the end of privacy lol.
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Fran (comment 21): Congratulations Fran on you happy marriage, two honest grown-up children, and having where honesty and privacy go hand in hand and somehow work.
Fortunately, many people really are that successful. Like you, I don't see MobiSecret as a family spy tool, but I can see it for data recovery - so far it's good.
As you say "Snooping is a painful business." But there is something worse. Finding out that your spouse has aids acquired through a secret life. That's true pain. Because you have a successful marriage and great kids, you have no idea what can happen. I've seen it.
Unfortunately, some people make the wrong choice of a spouse, or their spouse goes nutzo.
People in a marriage have a RIGHT to know what's going on because it affects THEM as well, that is physically and emotionally. People also have a DUTY to supervise their children. In the electronic age, this is by any means necessary. Children under 18 years have NO right to privacy from their parents or legal guardian. Anyone who believes otherwise may as well just give their children money for food and clothes and then turn them loose. Does that really make any sense?
My children actually have more freedom than I did, but they do have requirements for THEIR SAFETY. They know that if they do anything dishonest, it means a suspension from using their computers for recreation. My children also do not have wide open cellular phones. They are limited to emergency and relative calls. Still better than when we were children and were not allowed to use a dial-type land line phone in most cases (until I was around 14).
My kids (all under 18) also expect surprise visits to their bedroom, checking on what they're working on. My children never swear (at least in front of me or anyone I know). In addition, I hear this report from their teachers.
Although I doubt I'll ever have any use for this for "spying" I did download it. It does what it says, and it now has it's 100th Thumbs Up with my vote.
Thanks MobiSecret for letting me try this too expensive software.
Thanks to GiveawayoftheDay for being open-minded enough to present this offer! Thanks for the other daily offers as well.
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No one has mentioned anything about this hack/spyware and what is left on your iPhone or iTunes account. Does this leave any type of spyware on your iPhone or computer?
With it asking for the iTunes backup password they then have access to your iTunes account. If you are like 90+% of most people this is also the password to all of your accounts.
This company is in China. China is the world leader in industrial espionage. [Read one of many examples: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-03-14/inside-the-chinese-boom-in-corporate-espionage]
Do they then have access to your cameras and speaker to see and listen in to everything you do? Read about this “Ohio couple terrorized after hacker takes over baby-monitoring camera” that just made the news.
If you need to find out the information this software provides you might think about doing the following:
1. Change the iTunes and other passwords to some temporary password of your choice before installing this software.
2. Create a back up/restore image of your computer and iPhone before you install this software.
3. After using this software you reformat the hard drives wiping all data from your computer and iPhone.
4. Use your back up/restore image to restore your computer and iPhone to how they were before the software was installed.
5. Change your passwords back or change your passwords to a new and stronger password that includes some characters like #$%&] along with numbers and upper and lower case letters. That will make your password almost impossible to break. Doing this changes the Brute Force cracking your password from hours/days to 100’s of years or longer.
Then you will have obtained the information needed and hopefully not left yourself open to the world.
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it did not recover a simple deleted sms message. today and and 3 days before. I did recover some stupid message that I don't need it.
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it did not recover a simple deleted sms message. today and and 3 days before. I did recover some stupid message that I dont need it.
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When trying to unzip file, I get:
“Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error
Someone please help before it's too late.
PS Why was my original post deleted today?
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lost contact with my 2 children in another city they live in. deleted their numbers they gave me by accident and haven't talked in months because I just had my number changed before I gave it to them. tried every recovery program to get the deleted sms back and nothing til I tried this. thank you for the great program.
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Well i for one do not like the way they bring up the program.
For me it seems "to snoop arround" as a fatal error, see what the world finds from the NSA snooping arround part. Of course there are many good reasons to look for lost data, but checking to see if someone is hiding something, is also in our privacy rights defended.
And remember that kids play with the phones of other kids, so you could as well get upset for wrong reasons.
Again good reasons for this program, but the way of promoting it went a wrong turn in my opinion (sorry for my bad english, not my native language)
So thanks for offering this program, but no thanks for the misleading selling lines.
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And the Apple zombies fanboys blame Windows and WP being unsecure?
And what is this?
Shame on you Apple.
iPhone is just an open door to criminals, hackers, etc...
Never, NEVER, N E V E R buy an iPhone.
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I have lost a much loved husband to divorce. I have well over 1000 texts to and from him from over the past 2 years on my phone, which is an Android, and which I will never give up, as those texts are basically all I have left of a 20 year marriage. If I lost those, I would lose a piece of myself and of us. If this were for Android I would grab it just to have a safety net for those beloved conversations, so quit saying it is all for cheating people etc., there can also be heart felt reasons to protect your OWN data. Just saying.
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#15 paul,
The software company that created this software can spy on you too, but you will never know. Do your own due diligence, once installed this software morphed into something else and can not be removed by a regular uninstall product.
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Does anyone know of a version of this for Android phones?
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Every parent should have copy, unless you are raising E-feral kids.
Downloaded it using it now.
Peace of Mind
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@6 Michael, better leave her now.
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Thank you for this very interesting program , I think it could prove to be useful if a miscreant should delete my messages .
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Hi, not to sound completely smug - I do not envy anyone who have to resort to such extreme measures to snoop on nearest and dearest.. Snooping is a painful business, as you can almost be sure you'll stumble upon something either 'ugly', or perfectly innocent, but private, and kept from 'prying eyes'..There is nothing more sound than old fashion observing someone's behavior, relying more on 'gut feeling' (even if that proves to be false!) - or, simply checking what's going on (daily) on fb, or twitter..?
IF (only if) that's not enough - than you have to ask yourself WHAT exactly is so profoundly worrying you that more 'sophisticated' electronic snooping has to engaged to get to the bottom of your panic. Either way - this Software should come with 'health warning' - it will make you more ill than you are!? Don't count on satisfying your curiosity in happy, light, or enlightening way.. Facts of life, remember what happens to curious cat?, lol.
Again - and that chapter indeed comes with degree of 'smugness' - If someone tries to tell you something, or share something with you - they will! I made that perfectly clear (in family) long ago. Goes both ways, we don't need Software for finding things out about one other, ..and a real 'killer'?:) - happy marriage, two honest grown-up children, where honesty and privacy(!) go hand in hand and somehow work. We too all live in modern world surrounded by all kind of electronic devices, so in it - we are not in a least different from others or special, but you create your own luck to feel relaxed? That much is true.
More to other aspect of this Giveaway, pointed by others - if however your own precious data is lost - you might want to simply retrieve it using MobiSecret 4.0 (it's expensive otherwise).
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To make iPhone software without a Mac version seems a little silly to me.. oh well another piece of software I won't try because some developers are stuck in the 90's.
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NSA 2.0, this may cause friction and relationship end ups. If you can not trust your loved ones, you do no not belong in relationship.
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I installed the program, it works great. Love the fact that you can read itunes back up files and don't need the device.
Program works as described. To those who have a use for it, it does what it says.
I don't think there is a moral debate here. Everyone is left to their own ability to use it for good or bad purposes.
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Say what you want.
I understand some parents could careless and are raising E-Feral kids.
But as a caring and involved parent I do monitor my 12 year old Internet and Smart phone activities.
There is too many perverts preying on kids not too.
So, Yes I downloaded it and Yes I plan to use it to protect my daughter until she gets some common sense.
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This is a Great Tool, Thanks so much for a cool new app.
I also do a bunch of Data Recovery and will download this ASAP.
As far as snooping. On children 100% you cant just say I always trust my kids. If you have to Act or React to something that is going on that just came to your attention this would be a great tool to help you sort things out.
@2 - immoral?? Where do you get that from?
@2 - So the software is great for insecure people who you think your spouse is cheating spouses they call?
What a joke!! I have been on the other end of this part and let me tell you it is no fun. I was not insecure at all, and when this came to my attention I would have love to have had this to help me nip this in the BUD.
Great TOOL thanks GAOTD and MobiSecret
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Gave it a try using my own phone and it worked quite well recovering the data from it. I have no interest in spying on my family phones, though.
I once heard what I consider to be very good advice. A wise husband will never go through his wife's email or purse because he'll always find something which will both be meaningless and make him angry.
I can see the usefulness of this software but I can also see the danger.
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This will be helpful to a lot of clients who would otherwise pay $100 to learn if their children are in danger.
Thanks, GOTD.
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Most normal people who become suspicious have good reason. I know at least 2 guys who discovered their wife became pregnant with other men's children. The women were content to allow them to believe the children were theirs. One guy found out within the first year after becoming suspicious. The other guy didn't find out for years and years and that was the worst case of all as it destroyed family bonds at many levels and did great psychological harm to an innocent child. So, my conclusion is, where there's smoke there's fire and you are better off finding out quickly. That does the least damage in the long run.
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As pointed out, this software can be used for good purposes in today's dangerous, ugly world. If I had a child of impressionable age with an iPhone, you can bet your bottom dollar I would want to know if he or she were sexting, taking or selling drugs, bullying or being bullied, or making dates with sexual predators. This software can save a child's life.
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Those that are shocked about what this software claims to do should try to have an open mind. Think about it - If this kind of software is available for consumer purchase, just imagine what "our" government can look at on our phones. I for one am downloading this to see how easily my data can be compromised, and what is visible to a user of such software. Thumbs up for providing it!
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Just installed the program and it's now analyzing my phone (slowly). The following from the Guide may allay concerns:
Q: Do I need to enter password before scanning the phone?
A: You will have to enter password of the phone once after it’s powered on.
Q: Why did MobiSecret ask for iTunes backup password when scanning the phone?
A: If you set password when backing up this iOS device with iTunes, the iTunes will save the password to your device as well. When accessing the database on this device, MobiSecret needs to get the privilege to read the data. So it is necessary to input the password used for iTunes backup to continue the recovery.
Seems to me you really can't get around getting someone's permission/password, if you want to use the program. Not sure what the fuss is about.
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I downloaded and used this program about a year ago. My suspicions were confirmed and I am now divorced.
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People can be so negative withotu seeing all sides....
GOTD you guys are great, and this software is no exception. I would DL it to test it but I have an android phone.
Now onto the concerns in the other comments....
I myself have a girlfriend that is the exact type that would use this with bad intent. She has invaded my privacy many a time. atime I was caught, me saying "oh no, but you found it! shame on you!" would have looked foolish and miniscule.
However, there are many legitimate reasons for this and not just so insecure people can further their insecurities. I know they are a big piece of the customer base, but many things can be misused(bleach, baseball bats, etc) and dont have as many possibly helpful qualities as this does.
If a parent has a kid caught up in drugs and being sneaky like teens and drug users can be, perhaps this could be the way to verify it and be able to step in and help them(hopefully the right way and not just yelling or throwing them in rehab)
Or if something important was accidentally deleted, or if yyour phone was stolen and the data was on itunes but you accidentally deleted it recently, that could save a ton of hassle to an already irritating situation.
Finally, if someone with bad intentions wants something, they are going to find a way to get, whether its via software or other means. It is simply inevitable. To realize that is a market with few competitors is smart on a business level. Such as in head shops, they have "incense burners" that drug users use for hard drugs. They would use the drugs anyways and thats on them, realizing that untapped market isn't immoral. Its not as if the sneaky wife or controlling husband or pipe needing crackhead are going to just say "aw shucks, i cant do my nefarious deeds now!" if the software or pipes went away.
Oh, and also, what is so scary about stuff like this for people with nothing to hide? If anything, just keep those things in a well hidden place. That's just lazy if your up to no good and wont even bother covering your tracks then get mad at things that expose your poorly hidden secret.
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Yes, this software is ambiguous.
"It provides users with the ability of going through the data in targeted iPhone, especially for spouse or children. "
Spouse: NO, you can ask your spouse, what he/she is doing. Talk to each other.
Children: Yes/No
first: should children have a phone with everything on it??
Or just a phone to call home for a ride?
When the kid has a phone with everything on it, then it is good to oversee the contact's. Strange contact's, website etc . . .
Earlier it was simple: the community could see what your kid is doing. Today it is more difficult: everything is hidden in the phone, computer etc..
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Well, I'm giving it a go since I'm in the data recovery business. Everyday, people and organisations pay me to get data back from their crashed iPhones, their cheating partners iPhone, their kids iPhones or their employee's iPhones ... the number of parents who discover what their kids are REALLY up to is amazing, and a good income earner.
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A lot of thumbsdowns and no reviews yet. Mmmm, ... maybe we just don't like the way it's described primarily as a snooping tool, and only secondarily as a way of retrieving deleted data.
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I have not downloaded the software and will not do so. It's uses strikes me as immoral. According to the company's web site, the software is all about checking up on a spouse who you think might be having an affair - cheating spouses they call them. Plus checking up on your children for unsuitable contacts or conversations. So the software is great for insecure people who don't trust their partner or children and for the controlling bully. Shame on you Giveawayoftheday for faciliating it's use.
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Where do you start criticising this?
1st (and possibly most importantly), insecure people, maybe falsely jealous and violent partners will read all manner of genuine stuff they have no right to view and twist it in their heads.
2nd (also very important), This software is an invasion of privacy.
It's more or less the main reason computers shouldn't exist!
I'm guessing there will be close to a record number of comments.
GAOTD have made an error today.
I'll look back in later for a good read.
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