Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Media Resizer was available as a giveaway on April 16, 2007!
This powerful and flexible, yet easy to use utility will help you to resize thousands of your pictures. Media Resizer quickly and easily prepares your image collections to be published on the web. Media Resizer supports both Image and Video Formats that gives you a wide variety of ways to create the coolest thumbnails!
If you like this product, please mention it with link to www.MediaResizer.com in your web blog.
Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP, 64 MB RAM (128 MB Recommended)
2.77 MB
Video Watermark Factory - a full-featured yet easy-to-use software that allows placing a digital watermark or logo or text over an existing video in the batch mode. Watermarks can be used for protection or adding comments to your movies. You may impose watermark on a whole video file or on a specified section of the movie. Brand Your Video With A Watermark!
Watermark Factory allows you to add text or image watermark to any picture. Protect your copyrights or simply add comments and date stamps to any picture. This useful program has beautiful and easy to use interface. You will be able to process thousands of files in a few seconds. It works with EXIF and IPTC information. Also Watermark Factory allows converting images into various formats and batch file renaming.
Icon Constructor converts images of any format into Windows icons. You can find many images on the Internet and convert them to icons for use on your Windows desktop, in applications and much more. It supports Windows XP icons in 32-bit color depth with an alpha channel; now you can create semi-transparent XP icons easily.
This STINKS its only a trial version, i thought it was going to be worthwhile
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#50& #94... the same thing happened to me.
I uninstalled it.
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#50... the same thing happened to me. I didn't even put 2 and 2 together. Thanks for the heads up, looks like I'll be uninstalling this program ASAP.
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Well.. thumbnails work very well. Nice simple program, but not very usable.
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Cute progrm but since most of the neat functions are inhibited, I think I'll just delete it from my system.
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cool stuff..................man....................it ll really help me out
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I CAN'T OPEN THIS PROGRAM IN WINDOWS VISTA!!! Every time I try to open it I instantly get an error message: "This program has stopped responding", anyone else having the same difficulties or found a way to solve the problem?
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Seems like a useful program. But GOTD could you have some commercial key logger software (not malware- for those newbies who don't know the difference) in the future? I like the kind with a remote install if possible. Thx.
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This sounds pretty awesome, but from the sound and look of it, it should be a freeware utility. Just whinin' for nothin'.. still grateful.
But I wonder who is ever going to have this software for 30 bucks..
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This is so 2002.
These days, most people will use a hosted photo service like Flickr, which does all the resizing automatically on the server, and provides a variety of widgets for adding the photos to your blog.
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This is at least the second time that the publishers post watered down versions of the software so that, if you want all the features, you need to spend $ (or €).The first time was Inconmedia with which offered the previous version of their current release of WebSite X5 while they advertise WebSite X5 Evolution on the "more titles by Inconmedia" part.
The version offered by Inconmedia in GAOTD could not be purchased, yet its price was quoted as 59.95 €, the price of the "Evolution" product. I pointed it out
here (comment number 391). Another poster named Ron made the same remarks
here (comment number 396). To make it clear, the price posted was a lie because the product we were getting not only did not cost the money, but it couldn't even be bought!
Now we are here getting a watered down version of Media Resizer. The quoted price is right, but somehow they neglected to add the Professional version to the "More titles by Sibenthal". GAOTD USED to allow its visitors to obtain FULL versions of the software in a way that all the features offered in the software could be used for free.
If you want to get watered down versions of software to test so that you need to spend money on it if you want to use all the features offered then head on to the shareware community. I was testing Media Resizer and suddenly a window popped out stating that the feature was not available unless I spend $. This is the first time this happens in all the GAOTD and GGOTD offers.
The incident with Inconmedia was bad enough, but today GAOTD crossed a boundary that made it nothing more than any other shareware portal. There are thousands shareware portals, but there is on;y one GAOTD. I hope that it remains that way.
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I also was going to download it until I saw that people weren't able to access the thumbnail function. That's too bad, because that's what had my attention in the first place. Oh well! There's other ways.
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Despite BladedThoth's thumbs-up, given the reported problems, I'm not risking this.
#62, Swan, I don't know whether you check back later to read these posts, but Microsoft offers free business accounting software (you didn't say whether you wanted personal or business).
Free Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2007
(Despite the domain, it's a genuine Microsoft website.) Also, there's
QuickBooks Simple Start Free Edition for Windows
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Windows XP has a free batch image resizer (powertoy) that works very well and very fast, and small, not 3 MB
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This is a limited version, can’t “change style” you have to download pro version is the message.
To uninstall use "your uninstaller" it will remove it.
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This is a limited version, can't "change style" you have to download pro version is the message. So put it where the sun don't shine.
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referring #35 from bubby
Faststone is a really great software but from its 'About' screen I come to understand that it's not licensed for commercial use, unless you pay for it. Any other software available, which is as good as faststone and totally free?
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I was going to download this until I read the comments. I suppose this is a good program for those who don't already have a way to resize their images. I'll check back tomorrow. Thanks! :D
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Another one of those donwgraded less feature programs.
If you advertise a program, you should also deliver it and not waiste people's time Sibental Inc and GOTD.
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How do you uninstall this??? When I click on the Uninstall option it takes me to a questionnaire and then to their website. It never starts to uninstall. Can anyone help?
#9 is incorrect. The ReadMe file says nothing about a full version. When you try to use it it says you have to the have Pro Version to do that option. So misleading.
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I am still happily playing with the scoring software from Saturday, and so am amazed by the short memory of users today. I, too, happily use Picasa 2, but don't see the need to slam your efforts GOTD! Hunting down programs, whether free or not, is a huge task, and you provide a great service just by making so many different things available here. I love your service!!!!!
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I think this could be useful to me in my hobby but its a shame its only a trial version. Thanks GAOTD
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Hmmm, won't allow me to download from here game giveaway. I'm connected and no trouble downloading from other sites. I will check shortly and hopefully it will have downloaded. I'd hate to miss this as I have to leave for work shortly, it's potential sounds like something nice to have. I certainly appreciate all the downloads supplied by GOATD. Gotten many useful software and fun game downloads. :)
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Works great for basic batch conversions!
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Media Resizer:
1. Activation and running the app > No problem
2. GUI was nice
3. "PRO features" > Big Disappointment
4. My suggestion to mfr. > make each app (like icon constructor, watermark factory, etc.) the best of the best, not string consumers along with several versions of each. It defeats the purpose of why I'd buy it (getting the job done faster then you can in Photoshop for ex.)
Thank You GAOTD
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#49, I bet you don't mind taking it for free without complains when all goes well but hit a stumbling block and you all the rest of the complainer just has to b****and put your 2 cents worth in. Shame on you.
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I have some doubts about the free usage of this programme.Hope I will be able to activate it..or else I willhave to seek advice from its forum.
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well it's working just fine for me. Admittedly the style change doesn't work but the watermark is, despite the software telling me that function is only available in Pro version.
There are 2 versions of this prog, media resizer and media resizer pro. You have got the full version of media resizer.
Be grateful we got anything at all!!
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GAOTD----I hope you can sense from the postings that the quality of your website is deteriorating, and people are getting fed up with the disappointments. Sure, these programs are free dollar-wise, but how about the price we pay in time wasted downloading, trying to register, uninstalling, and, in some cases having undo the problems these programs cause to our computers?
I'm sure that's not what you had in mind, but if you are going to have a website like this one, then I suggest you do your homework and get your quality control up to speed. Personally, I'm just about done coming here. It used to be fun, but lately its just asking for frustration. No thanks.
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Tried and tried. Have downloaded many programs from this GREAT site and never had any problems. Installed and unistalled. Activated several diffrent times and ways. Never shows being registered. Did read the Readme.txt several times.
Hey! I'm kind of tired of the negative comments! GOTD gives away what they are offered. Terms and conditions are fully explained before you download (usually non-commercial use, only activate within 24 hours, etc.) You know up front that you will not be able to reload in case of a system crash, to share with your buddies, etc.
As far as negsative comments about the content, what is of no use to you today may be just what someone else was looking for. You can always wait until tommorrow!
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"I don’t trust companies who aren’t up front with their products and I really have to wonder if GOTD actually tests the software before they give it away."
I agree and wouldn't touch thier full version. If they have to resort to trickery to promote it, what kind of service can I expect from the product or support wise after the sale.....more tricky stuff?
I did download this, but after reading the reviews, I won't bother registering and will sic uninstall on it as I was under the impression GOTD was about full programs and often I just end up waisting my time here. At least tell us what we're in for before we bother d.loading.
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I like the program for the most part but am confused as to why for the most part programs that are offered on GAOTD are the 'paid' or 'pro' versions and this one most decidedly isn't? Seems if you're going to be offering a program that has ALL the bells & whistles you'd do that with all of the offerings, not just some of them.
I like what the program does, but without the 'pro' items it seems more like the trial version, which goes contrary to what GAOTD was designed to not offer....not feeling I was gypped necessarily but it does seem curious as others have pointed out.
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Re: My earlier post #50, I uninstalled this program and now Windows Explorer works fine. This software definately caused the problem.
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Good morning everyone,
Again nothing to download here, judging by the comments :/
It's a little difficult to remember why I was so excited about the GOTD project weeks ago. Lately, it seems that I reject more software than accept - and it's not just me either.
I don't trust companies who aren't up front with their products and I really have to wonder if GOTD actually tests the software before they give it away. So many people who d'loaded this program today seem to be having other system problems, directly attributable to this d'load.
Personally, I have Adobe (formerly Macromedia,) Paint Shop Pro, which seems to do everything that Photoshop does and more. It's both a graphics and photo software with great tools for handling and manipulating both.
Ideas for GOTD:
- UNCOMPLICATED database software;
(can't stand Access or Excel!)
- Image map creation;
- Beautiful menu creations;
(not just something like a Windows tree, or drop downs.)
- Recipe/cooking database software;
- Geneology software;
- Greeting card software;
- Finance software;
- Discussion board software
I really hope that we see some of these in the next few weeks.
Have a great day everyone! ;)
~ Swan
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I thought this would be a very cool application. I always struggles creating thumbnails. It activated quickly and upon loading it up, it opened a new browser window telling me I'll SAVE 25% for upgrading.
The challenge I had is if I try to use the same image to create several thumbnails...it tells me the image already exists, so I have to switch folders to initially save.
Also, I'm quite concerned with this remark above: After you resize a photo you will loose the EXIF information. What is EXIF info and what does that mean?
I appreciate GOTD items from time to time and will probably visit the forum to see what you have to say on this particular item.
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It's correct---I downloaded AND REGISTERED this version, and DO get a popup that says certain features are only available in the "PRO" version. I'm really getting frustrated with GAOTD lately. Every two out of three times I cant register the product, yesterday their product triggered a virus warning from Antivar, and today the product is only partially what is promoted. It's getting to the point where I come here because I get much better suggestions and referrals from the comments that are posted. I guess I have to thank GAOTD for that, even if it is inadvertant.
A note to the software companies that offer their software on this site: Don't promise more than you're truly willing to offer here; it only triggers bad will, makes one skeptical about ALL your product offerings, and sets up a negative comparison against other existing products. The people that frequent this site DO tell their friends about the offers here, and that is as true when it is bad news as it is when it is good news. When it is good, we are eager to share it with others. Unfortunately, when it is bad, we share that also. We don't want our friends getting burned.
To GOATD, PLEASE evaluate these products before you offer them, to see that they do what they say, and trial run the activation process to make sure it works easily and has instructions that are easy to follow to complete the activation.
If all this is done, GOATD would be a terrific site. Until then, I approach it each day wondering what will mess up this time.
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Thunder and lightning! What have hapened on GAOTD site? No doubt it is not the same team from yesterday week! May be there was a coup d'etat on this site? WE WANT THE OLD GOOD GAOTD TEAM! WITH HIS REALLY FULL VERSIONS! :)
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#23, #35: I'm with you guys, Fast Stone's much better than this limited version!
Thanks for nice app GOTD but it's true, Fast Stone beats this limited version.
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GOTD, send the watermark program again if you can. This one has watermark capability but it doesnt work:-( I was away when you sent it so I missed it. hat sounded like a good one at the time. Thanks!
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I'm passing today. Thanks for the free offer!
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After you resize a photo you will loose the EXIF information ...thats very BAD!!
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Thanks #28 Hill60!
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#50... No coincidence, Right clicks anywhere in explorer cause a crash. I have the same problem on both XP and Vista. I uninstall Media Resizer and all is well.
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They must be preparing pictures for a porno website considering the clips in their screenshot.
Why not use Irfanview? It has an EXCELLENT batch image converter and resizer with a ton of options. I've been using it for years.
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Wish you could resize to percents also. Say, resize 25%, 50%, 75%, etc... Also some features are only available in the PRO version? Giveaway me a break... Still, may come in some use when resizing for images for thumbnails on websites.
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Is this a coincidence? After I install this software, my Windows Explorer doesn't work at all. It runs ok, but when I go to the menus (file, edit, etc), it aborts and then sends an error report to Microsoft. This is the only program I've installed today.
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I just love software that says "fully functional" and "free" and "giveaway", and then you try to do some things and it keeps sayin' "sorry, that's only available in the PRO version"...
How is that a GIVEAWAY? We all know that's just advertisement software, kinda like the "Big Sale" down the corner, where they mark up the price for 2 seconds to then lower it back in the "sale" to what it was before; hoping that somebody's gonna say, "Ah, 25% off, I'll take it."
this ain't giveaway, it's glorified shareware.
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Hello all! Today's review is up! Check it out!
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After reading the comments I did not download the program. I did check a few of the alternatives like Faststone web site.
I use a free program from Fresh Devices http://www.freshdevices.com
The program looks a little like faststone and this one will resize batch any size you want plus it does slide shows and HTML albums. I had over 70 pictures of custom cars and used the program to batch resize all pictures to 800x600 then used it to make an html album for web site use. just pick HTML album and it makes the thunbnails & codes and all pages & tables for the album. A real big time saver. Other free programs are worth a look. check results at http://www.arts-shack.com click James dean car show nav bar
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