Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Media Resizer PRO was available as a giveaway on June 5, 2007!
This powerful and flexible, yet easy to use utility will help you to resize thousands of your pictures. Media Resizer PRO quickly and easily prepares your image collections to be published on the web. Create thumbnails and scaled copies of all your images with this powerful and flexible, yet easy to use utility.
Ability to create video thumbnails makes this program unique. Creating image thumbnails has never been easier.
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista
2.80 MB
Watermark Factory allows you to add text or image watermark to any picture. Protect your copyrights or simply add comments to any picture. This useful program has beautiful and easy to use interface. You will be able to process thousands of files in a few seconds.
Icon Constructor converts images of any format into Windows icons. You can find many images on the Internet and convert them to icons for use on your Windows desktop, in applications and much more.
AnyChart offers flexible Macromedia Flash based solutions that allow you to create animated, compact, interactive and great looking flash charts and flash maps.
I followed the instructions to install this day-of, and now it's saying my trial period has expired! I was so excited about this program, as I resize pictures for my web pages all the time. It's hard to be mad when you got something for free, but this was the first GOTD that I found significant enough to install.
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Right-Click crashes in Explorer.exe are usually caused by DLLs installed by an app to enable extensions to the right-click menu. In this case, the file "shellext.dll" in the installation directory of your Media Resizer Pro is causing the problem. I don't believe it is necessary to uninstall the app, just disable the DLL by renaming it so that the registry can't find and execute it.
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Great program thanks a lot. Love Media Resizer PRO. It is very fast at doing its job.
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I also had exactly the same problem as #88. Clicking any option in the Explorer 'File' menu, or trying to create a new directory in a 'Save As' dialog, causes Explorer to crash. The problem is something to do with shellext and is similar to a reported Explorer problem is the MSN patch database. The only way I was able to fix it was by uninstalling the product.
Seeing as this was the first product I have tried from this site; not a very auspicious start.
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Oh thanks God, now i now why my explorer crashes, i wanted to reinstall my system!!!
I was shocked and tried to solving it for hours, so PLEASE giveaway team TEST the sofware BETTER
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i downloaded it on the day when i went to open it... it gave me a message that the time was up?....how could that be?...surely you have to have time to try it?.....bit miffed really ....
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like many others before me, some of the right hand side of the program is cut off and limits whatever options are available.
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Never mind my comment #119, just do what #103 said, rename shellext.dll (typically in "C:\Program Files\Media Resizer Pro"); the DLL is also associated with something else. By the way, it doesn't take hours to find these problems. When Windows crashes, the dialog box gives you an option to view the details.
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Along with #99, mine will not provide the registration code necessary to avert the 15-day trial period that is displayed when you first open the program. I followed the ReadMe and was able to do the Activate first, too. I'm a little less than thrilled with that, but I suppose I can't complain since it's free for these two weeks.
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To fix the Windows Explorer problems, use Microsoft AutoRuns, click on the "Explorer" tab, scroll/page down to the "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved" key, and uncheck the entry "SimpleShlExt extension", "SimpleExt Module" (typical path is "c:\program files\media resizer pro\shellext.dll"). Curiously, on my computer it used the wrong shellext.dll, the equally defective one from Folder Marker Home, which I also recommend disabling (if you have it). Uncheck the entry "cm_Main", "Shell extension for Folder Marker", "ArcticLine Software" (typical path is "c:\program files\folder marker\shellext.dll"). Then close AutoRuns (no need to save anything) and restart Windows.
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First of all, WOW! OUTSTANDING demonstration, STK! (#34)
Refreshingly creative work on your demo page. Well done!
Then, thank you to Sibental for another great piece of software. It activated perfectly and presented a sleek, eye-candy interface. I really appreciate the fact that your program loads rapidly; my usual graphics programs are s-l-o-w to load.
One problem, though: I cannot get Media Resizer Pro to register. I am getting explorer and installer errors, despite several thorough uninstalls and clean reinstalls. I have run every test I know to make sure it is not my machine, including a clean install of the Windows installer. Still no joy.
I work with graphics and photos daily, usually on Photo Impact or Photoshop. Those programs are very efficient image manipulators but slow-loading and resource hungry. I am really looking forward test-driving the latest version of Media Resizer Pro. Hope you can isolate the fault and provide a fix.
Thanks to the Giveaway team, too! Terrific work1
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Good point Mick #36! $79 for a 2.8 MB program would be pretty stiff. That works out to $28.21 per megabyte. Still, that's less than 3 cents per kilobyte; think of it that way and it's easier to swallow. Assessing programs by the pound is so much more sensible than going into functions, performance and all that complicated stuff. And dollars per megabyte is an especially useful statistic when the program is offered for FREE.
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comment #103 it will not let you rename it either!
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causes windows explorer to crash on mine when i right click i get windows explorer error saying shellext.dll is the problem and its located in c:\programs\media resizer pro . unistalled this program and error is gone! i'll pass on this for sure no thank's
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Downloaded this to see how it handled creating thumbnails from my Nikon camera clips, since that's what I upload all the time, and oh well, apparently it only handles AVI and MPG files, and the Nikon produces clips in MOV format, so that part of the program is useless to me. Not uninstalling it yet, however, the photo thumbnail part of the program looks like it MAY be promising, but I'm really disappointed by the oversight of NOT including the fairly common MOV as a video type.
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Lol. That's amazing. That is exactly what I was looking for at the moment =P
Thanks GOTD.
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This is a program of interest to me as I do digital design, however, unless I am missing something I could not find instructions on how to use it. (I had NO problems installing as someone else said they did!)
Right now I use Easy Thumbs which is free.
Easy Thumbs only does thumbnails, but that is what I needed at the time.
I have not tried any other program to date. I needed something in a hurry and was referred to Easy Thumbs. I had thousands of images to convert and it did the job. I did not do thousands at a time, but I would take a guess it could do it. I am not sure, so only guessing here!
Is there a help file for Media Resizer Pro?
Thanks GAOTD. Even when I am not interested, it is nice that you do this.
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No. 99, Etalmar. The problem you describe is not the fault of the software, it is the way your computer unzips files and the way that GAOTD delivers the software. If you can, save the download instead of choosing to run, then extract the files with your zip utility. The extracted folder will have the activate file you are looking for.
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I downloaded and tried to open it and it gave me an error. I removed it and tried to download 3 more times and each time it gave me and error. I don't know what is the matter but I really wanted this software.
This is the first time I haven't been able to download and use a GOTD product.
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Okay, clearly I am having the same issues that #47, #76, #77 and #89 are having.
And that is, basically, as #89 put it, "the user interface does not show all the options on the right side of its screen." This truly is not a good thing as the program's capabilities are considerably diminished. [expletive deleted in-attempt to keep blood pressure down. Okay, that didn't work. Ahhhh!! $%^&*$!!!! Grrrrr!!! There, I feel better now.] What can I say, I like understatements.
Seriously, though, if anyone can offer advice / solution to the above aforementioned problem I / some of us are having, would you please
do so? Thanks in-advance :)
#68 Les, well-said. I echo your sentiments (-:
Finding this place on the Web -- hell ye-ahhhh!!
GOTD's concept of giving away free programs -- awesome!!
The substitute recommendations posters contribute in this comments section -- PRICELESS!!!
Thank you (and keep them coming)!!
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I'm also missing all the options on the right side of the screen. I'm glad to see that it just wasn't me....but also disappointed that it doesn't look like it will be very useful for me.
GOATD team, can you please repost this when the publisher fixes the problem? TIA!
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As in #61, #67 and others I too get the Windows Explorer crash on right clicking the desktop after installation. Uninstall the application and Explorer works again. Too bad!
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when it says video support does that mean, it can compress videos as well???
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I really liked Merril's comment in addition to BladedThoth's review - I'll be downloading as soon as I boot the other computer. It will be a great way, from what I've seen in the comments, to get a good screen capture from an .avi that i am reviewing without losing quality by taking a screen shot - I wish I had this last year when I reviewed the ScarWars documentary.
Thanks to GAotD, and to Sibental for working with GAotD.
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Update on registration "fatal error" message ... I tried it again with my firewall turned off, and it worked. Apparently the activation utility crashes rudely if it can't reach out to the internet.
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I spent two hours fixing a right-click problem when I could have been working. eaLazerBeam - you can resolve the problem by renaming a file called shellext.dll to shellext-old.dll (or any name you wish). The program will still work and you won't have any more crashes.
I haven't actually tried the program because I spent two hours trying to figure out why the computer kept crashing ... not a happy camper this time around.
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Well It installed fine and registered. I did one folder with about 40 images and did all the thumbnails and it was fast and worked great. Then I decided to try another folder and now it is only doing one image instead of the whole folder. Don't know if I did something wrong, or if it is a bug. The price for this software is a little steep for my likes. I know we get it for free, just saying if I was to buy a program like this, I wouldn't pay the $79.00 price
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This software is for ppl that don't know how to use
any editing software. It does a very basic job of it.
But this application doesn't crash to often.
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Okay, my mistake...I get 25% off of Media Resizer if I buy it(?) today and have a chance to WIN a Canon camera...I read that wrong because I wasn't interested, but it is still unwanted and unnecessary advertising.
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Just downloaded this program and it will not provide the registration code necessary to avert the 15-day trial period that is displayed when you first open the program.
Although #27 suggested clicking on 'activate.exe' *before* you click on the setup program, this is not possible given the way the zip file opens, as it immediately launches into the setup file.
I looked in the Media Pro folder and there isn't any 'activate.exe' file to be found. There *is* however an 'activate.dll' file, which is pretty much useless insofar as extracting the registration code.
My advice is to forego even trying this poorly designed product. If it's this much trouble to get the damn thing to register itself, then I ask you, what real value does this "giveaway" truly have?
Don't waste your time with this program. Try XnView instead.
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I just installed but haven't run the program yet...already, I have a complaint. Aside from the obligatory GAOTD page that comes up with activation, after installing, I was brought (via browser) to a page advertising a camera for use with the program! Yes, for a limited time I can get a Canon camera for 25% off...huh?! Not enough ads?
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This program is just what the doctor ordered for some of the work I need done on my photography web site. Sure, some other programs will do this too. However, this one is easy to learn, quick to load, and has a few nice features waiting to be discovered by the patient (e.g., re the person complaining about the cropping, leave the crop checkbox unmarked). I have to admit that the retail price is steep; if I need to reinstall this one day, I'll have another look at the company site to see if the retail price has dropped.
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Was looking forward to test-driving this app, BUT...
installed it on my super hi-end computer & found that every time I tried to right-click, Windows Explorer crashed. Narrowed the problem to SimpleShlExt, a shell extension for the right-click menu module associated with Media Resizer Pro. Sadly, I had to nuke the prog without trying it.
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well i guess il give it a try i already use picasa2 so i have a image tool. is it possible to get style builder or skin studio pro as a give away please gaotd pretty please thanks
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This is a great little piece of software! The activation was easy, although I had to disable my firewall for a couple of minutes for it to go through...no biggie. I opened up a folder of professional wedding photos we had taken that were HUGE and ran them through the software, and in about two minutes, I had 150 perfectly resized photos complete with a nice blurred border that will look great on our family blog! Thanks GOTD!
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IrfanView? Installed, uninstalled. Take it back. Not my cup of coffee. I like espresso coffee. Media Resizer Pro for example. No milk please.
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Nice piece of software. Installed like a charm.
The watermark creation tool is excellent for those who don't have Photoshop or just aren't that technical. I appreciate that it lets me take thumbnails of the video clips. I find that very useful when making DVD menus with scene selection.
Thanks GAOTD,
On a side note:
I think you guys need to take off the "Did you find this comment useful" because most people who comment on here are basically saying "Love this software Thanks" and nobody is going to think it's useful. Maybe wait until they install it then when it goes to the website during activation, they can rate it. Most Mac users on here will rate thumbs down to the software so why not limit the rating to only those who download it?
Just a suggestion, have a good day!
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When I learn how to use this software, it will be just what I was looking for just last night. I really appreciate this kind of application being addressed. Would also like to see more software of this type, enough of DVD rippers, etc. I prefer to actually work with my pictures personally and individually. Some organizers, cookbook, writer's organizers, non-tree database programs would be great, too.
And, to Harry, #12...so, its a business. Is there something wrong with people making money from their efforts? Do you work for free, Harry? One can still compliment an entity for providing a service which is free, whether or not money is derived from it. If your comment was edited during monitoring, I shudder to think of what else you may have tried to post. Why so bitter, Harry? It is free, and it is really good software.
Thank you, GOTD
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If you read the user agreement closely, it says this is a trial version that is good for 15 days before it must be purchased or removed from you computer. Using it for two weeks for free is better than nothing, so I'm not complaining. Just wanted to make everyone aware of that if they weren't already.
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The user interface does not show all the options on the right side of its screen, nor is there apparently a shape otion...useless in this condition...why is there only a partial UI/ Windows XP
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PLEASE NOTE!!!!!!!!!!
Having read #61's comment there is a big bug in the program that causes Windows Explorer to shut down if you right-click the desktop or go to "File" - this urgently needs to be addressed with a fix - currently there is no way to use these functions with this program present and the only option to get them back is to uninstall.
Is there any way that Sibental can fix this please?
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Question - if I download to one computer can I move it to another computer later?
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The opening of the new window nag screen instantly irritated me, so i just walked away until I was more open minded to review the product. (actually, even GOTD's 'what next' pop up screen is beginning to irritate me. Is that really necessary?!?!)
Upon returning to play with the software, I really liked it! It's very simple to use. A good program for beginners. I like Paint Shop Pro, know it better, and prefer it over this one, so no way would I pay $79 for it. I think $79 is a bit high for this product. Even $39 would be too high, I think. It is very handy in resizing. Even adds nice edges to your pics and has masks, that are always fun to play with. I'm glad I got it for free. I like it, but don't think I would pay what they would charge for it.
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I just wanted you to know that it won't work on my Vista Home Premium. It opened once when it was first installed, but the words on the right of the screen were only partially visible. I closed it..then tried to open it again and got the error message that it was not working, so I uninstalled it. I tried it on my laptop with XP and it worked fine on there. I just wish you wouldn't say it works on Vista if it doesn't, because I've had this same problem a number of times with other software on this site that says it works with Vista. Then I wouldn't waste my time downloading, installing & uninstalling. I do thank you for the program for my laptop. Looks like a handy resizer. I'm just sorry I can't use it on my main computer.
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When this program is installed on my computer, and I right-click my desktop, Windows Explorer crashes. Every time. And when I uninstall it, the crashing stops.
I've tried rebooting and reinstalling, as well as completely removing and installing from scratch, but as long as the software is installed, right-clicking an empty space on my desktop will freeze Explorer.exe.
I think I'll do without this software.
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Looks nice BUT:
- how do I stop the program from cropping my 2:3 ratio of origals to a 3:4 ratio
- and even worse, if i do a batch on a whole directory, how do I stop the cropping of a 3:2 (portrait) to a 3:4 (landscape)? (half a my photo disappears!)
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#40 Merill is right it has more functions than I originally thought, I only tried it on a .AVI file I made to test it in the hopes I would have a thumbnail VIDEO as a result.
I just made a button for my website using the shape effects option from a still from the AVI, all in all, a very good app.
Three quirks I have so far, the Cancel button didn't work once I clicked the Generate button, it doesnt support .SWF files, and I had same problem as #72, none of the pictures actually resized to the size I had selected (used 200px wide for the test using both regular cropping and then Smart cropping), kinda an important feature for a Picture resizing program.
#55 and #73 are commenting on PZ3 referred to by #34 NOT the software offered today. I'm a dial-up user (bband and dsl not available in my area) and make my own web pages. I found that to be a great link and very useful info. Both good points & counter-points.
Ditto #68!
Great Work GAOTD Team!
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To answer to #63, I tried to resize a 42 Mb folder containing 42 pictures with Media Resizer Pro and Irfanvier.
I convert them to 240*320 thumbnails with jpg compression set to 100.
I got 2 folders each containing 42 pictures. With irfanview, it's a 3,2Mb folder whereas MRP one is only 2,35Mb!
MRP is also more user friendly doing its task... But I obviously agree with the ones who stated that $79 was clearly pricey.
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thanks GOTD! this is easy to use and is quicker to load then other apps that do more, so if you just want to do a quick resize this is the app for you.... I love it.
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