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Manyprog PC Cleaner 1.9 was available as a giveaway on September 6, 2017!
A simple and very fast program Manyprog PC Cleaner helps you to clean your computer of temporary files, as well as other unnecessary files. This data significantly clogs the hard drive. You can get gigabytes of free space on your computer using this utility. The application can not only clean the temp folders and delete unnecessary files left by some programs, but also clean browsers - delete cookies, clear history of visiting sites, clean the cache and delete temporary Internet files. The interface of the program is so simple that even novice PC users can easily work with it.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7 /8/ 10
29.7 MB
A simple and fast program Manyprog ZIP Password Recovery will help you to recover a forgotten password for ZIP archives. Unfortunately, passwords are sometimes forgotten, and this utility will become an indispensable helper in such situations. To successfully recover the password, it is sufficient to specify the location of the file and some search criteria. This utility finds passwords to ZIP archives created with the help of most known archives.
A quick and easy program Manyprog PDF Password Recovery helps you find the lost password to a PDF file. To do this, it is sufficient to specify some criteria for searching for a password. This software allows you to work with files encrypted with both the user's password and the owner's password. This multifunctional utility allows, in addition, setting a password for a PDF document, as well as unprotecting the PDF document at the specified password of the owner. The program can find the password to PDF files protected by any encryption methods.
A simple and fast utility Manyprog Excel Password Recovery helps you to recover a forgotten password to an Excel file. This simple tool allows you not only to find the password set on the entire Excel document, but also to find passwords that protect each page separately. To successfully search for a password, the user should only specify the path to the file and some criteria for finding the password. This software for finding the password for documents and Excel worksheets can successfully work with xls and xlsx files and is suitable for encrypted files created in any version of MS Excel.
A very simple program Manyprog Chrome Password Recovery will help you find all the passwords stored in the Google Chrome browser. For its successful operation it is enough simply to press the "Start" button. Within one minute, the user will receive a list of passwords stored in the browser, as well as the login and address of the sites to them. The main advantage of this software is the simplicity of the interface and quick work.
A very fast program Manyprog Opera Password Recovery will help you see all the passwords stored in the Opera browser. This simple utility will be useful in cases where you cannot remember the password in order to go to a particular site. To successfully search for a password, simply click on the "Start" button. The program will show not only all the saved passwords, but also logins to them along with the addresses of the sites.
Because so many people gives comments without even testing the program, I decided to give this cleaner a try on topof my usual CCleaner. Downloaded, installed and registered without problems on XP, Win 8.1 and Win 10. Analyzing was very fast and detected 4540 items (130 MB). Then I ran CCleaner: 3496 items (100.5 MB) and cleaned with CCleaner. Running Manyprog PC Cleaner again found still 477 items more (32 MB). 469 items were Google Earth temp files. My conclusion: this programs does a (little) better job in cleaning, but is not free. The interface is very basic, but gives the opportunity to select what to delete or not. No option to backup deleted items. Disk analyzer and duplicate finder are useless to me (have other better programs). Keep this program for some more in depth testing and comparison with CCleaner.
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Another great free program to try is PrivaZer. After running this cleaner, I noticed that my pc ran quite a bit faster and a lot smoother. It cleans everything but gives the user the options to check and uncheck items to be cleaned. I have been using this prgram for almost a year now and have never had a problem with it affecting my pc or any of my software, pics. music, videos, etc. I also do use CCleaner and Tool Wiz Care. These are the only three I use which are very safe.
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I did install the program. It is written in Java.
A lot of browsers, but no Edge. Also No MS Office 2010, 2013, 2016 etc:
Duplicate finder; first to choose what to find and then where to find?
Also disc analyzer:
And to buy 1 costs 49.-
buy 2 costs 89
but three costs more: 139 (not 138= 49+89)
and 5 costs 239 (buy 1 of 1 and 2 of 2 = 49+178= 227,-)
according to their own site:
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I downloaded this program just to try it out as I saw all of the negative comments from folks that didn't do that. Immediately jumping on the CC Cleaner bandwagon. Yes, I use that one as well as a couple of others. It just never ceases to amaze me that folks are all set and ready to give a thumbs down to a program without even trying it. Which is, after all, what this site is all about.
This program downloaded with no issues. One must extract the files to a directory which is already provided by the program. Easy enough to do as you DO need the GCD file that's provided by GAOTD.
Installation was smooth and there were no hidden sneaky programs to worry about. Installed quite fast and was ready to go. I did a quick basic scan that went, seemingly, faster the the CC Cleaner. But then I always have that one set for a deep scan. Found a lot of temporary files and showed them in a directory tree like structure. Easy to look through the files and give you the option of choosing to delete them. One or all.
Very easy to use and understandable interface. Even though it appears very basic. All in all a pretty powerful tool. Although I would be hesitant to purchase with so many other freeware programs that do much the same thing.
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Well, what is it supposed to do????? I downloaded, installed, and ran the program. The green bar just constantly kept going but nothing was "cleaned". After 30 mins of it just "running", I deleted it.
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Same for me on my Win 10 laptop. I was curious to see how this stacked up against the rest of the cleaner field. Sadly I will never find out. Uninstalled via reboot.
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I now hesitate to install this KIND of programs BECAUSE once I lost very important files by using such a program. Such a program should give user the opentunity to view a list of the files that the program intends to remove before it removes them, and give the user the opertunity to uncheck files in that list. There should even be presented a list of affected directores (where at least one file is intendedto be deleted) so the user can uncheck entire directories. And the user should be given the possibility to choose to get a list of deleted files and their positions written to a logg file written to another disk.
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I Person, try Toolwiz Care. It not only shows you the usual list of problems, but you can switch tabs and uncheck anything you don't wish to remove. It also creates a system restore point by default before removing anything. It's also got a lot of little extra's including a duplicate file finder and a random password generator (very useful these days!)
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Why bother? Go with CCleaner or other proven, widely tested products
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i wonder whats the difference between this pricey program and the free ccleaner that i have used for years with never a problem?
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clas, Well, then maybe you should try it. Maybe then after you try it you could write a review for those who may also be wondering the same.
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After reading the short description which didn't seem to indicate anything unique about this cleaner vs. tried & true ones like those listed below I went to the product website and still came away in the dark. Statements like "This data (temporary files) significantly clogs the hard drive" are not very helpful. I would hope that any publisher in the future demonstrating their wares on GAOTD would list what specifically makes them different/better than the well known free alternatives.
While I appreciate the offer it's just not worth the time or risk to participate in this one for no clear benefits.
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CCleaner, Kerish Doctor--Wise Care 365: the latter...two GRATEFULLY received through Giveawayoftheday, formerly--ENDS "discussion" (no needs going further...AND, THAT initially past even...CCleaner, for starters), really? I use all...three: whereas (well, I'll reserve...how, or in what order--that's everyone's... own "business") WHY gamble, otherwise!!? "Blessed" to have...received those, of course? Thanks...
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David Ulrich, Ummm, WHAT????
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Silent Wolf,
But if he doesn't try today's offering how does he know the others are better. Seems a bit presumptive.
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Pushmataha, happens all the time. People will comment that they got "X" that they really like so they're not going to today's. This is especially true for any program that can affect the running of your system or network. But they also do it on media converters, rippers, and audio, photo & video editors. You just down-vote the comment and move on.
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Pushmataha, no...presumption (necessarily) here: just simple...satisfaction, and, comfort, already!!? (I did "test" my...recommended three--against another, as held...back complete cleaning without buying, and THEY DID clean every...one THAT OTHER "teased" about, but, didn't clean, entirely, however?) I've...another (installed) I don't use it, either: simply because..."enough is enough, more is too much" (from Rumplestiltskin), right? Firstly, THE COMPANY...NAME doesn't appeal, really? But, now, IF...THAT it were "Manyfrog"--I might JUMP AT it, truly?
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50 bucks for this kind of software? There are a lot around, even freeware. One must be crazy to pay an arm and a leg for a cleaner. Good bye, Manyprog !
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According to this developer, this app is a simple cleaner that retails at $49. According to me, I'm a simple computer user. But not entirely mad. No thanks, Manyprog, for any prog if this prog is typical of your wares.
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