Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
LeaderTask Personal Organizer Standard 9.0 was available as a giveaway on October 14, 2014!
LeaderTask is a popular business organizer and daily planner. It helps you plan your tasks, meetings, manage projects and employees. LeaderTask has all necessary features for a businessman: task list, appointment calendar, address book, file storage in the organizer, mobile version for Android, iPad, iPhone and even more…
Note: Commercial usage is allowed
Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8; IBM PC compatible computer; 533 MHz CPU; 256 MB of RAM; 20 MB of free space on HDD or SSD
17.6 MB
Dutch page gives $59,95 as price which is €47,40. the link Karl gave I could not find on the site, it is a mystery to me how Karl found it. Besides the Dutch page most other localised pages gave me the same price except the English and French page. when I tried to adapt Karls url to Dutch (nl.leadertask etc) I got a 404 which made it impossible to go back to the original site but instead brought me to jino.ru. Basically their site and pricing is one big mess which does not bode well for the trustworthyness of the program. Reading the kind of agressive tone the dev shows here my trust in this is zero, nada, nil. Compared with the crippled version we have (no sync to mobile devices which is a must imho). the fact I can not set a specific time when creating the task but only after I clicked several times on the task in the left pane (only on the whole or the half hour) makes me uninstalling it with light speed
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To remove sound - In Leadertask menu click Setting, Reminders. Uncheck the "Enable the startup sound" or replace the "START.WAV" in the "Sound" directory with a sound of your choice".
I have been using previous versions of Leadertask for a long time. Leadertask does way more than a simple Todo-list.
Just imported my database to this new version. Everything looks nice.
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Um, Evernote handles all these organizational issues and is synced with all platforms, plus it is free. I fail to see the reason to even download and install it.
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To all those wondering about Karl's question, including Karl himself;
Yes, it says $7 per month, but also, on that page ( http://www.leadertask.com/en/purchase-pers ), where there are only 4 short lines of text, not counting the header, footer and the numbers like price/months, it says clearly: "(choose more months to save your money)", and thus, if you click on 12 months, it shows $73, and not $84! OMG! Progressively increasing discount depending on the number of months chosen! So, I guess if even such a simple task is hard to master for someone, then no program can be of any help to him or her.
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#6 Giovanni
Visiotask looks interesting, but other than basic functions, only works with Outlook email. It took me an hour to uninstall as it has no uninstall program, and installation not recognized by four separate uninstall programs. I had to manually search for all files to delete,including 151 left in the registry. Not too professional, in my opinion.
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here is a comparison Chart (don´t know the publishing day) of task managers: http://scheduling-software-review.toptenreviews.com/
Review of leadertask: http://scheduling-software-review.toptenreviews.com/leadertask-smart-organizer-review.html
@almeza Company:
leadertask seems to be quite interesting,
but following questions
1. the link to your Homepage is blocke by malwarebytes antimalware as potentiylly malicious - is there any Thing know about?
2. is there a comparison sheet between Standard and pro Edition?
3. can the pro Edition be bought for lifetime usage (I do not mean lifteime update, although of course that would be fine) - or is it only available as an abo/subscription model (which would be the dealbreaker for me)
4. does the program Need Hardware bounded activation?
5. what would be the Price for the pro Version (for new customers and for owner of previous Version)
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For my collaboration with a small group, on many many many projects, meetings and tasks, while sharing mail alerts and updates through a really visually pleasant and efficient web-based interface (available also on mobile)... simply use Asana! It's free for small gropus (below 15 members).
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p.s. The link takes you to a page with various menu items. I recommend selecting How to Start Working Quickly. The video is just over 12 minutes long.
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This installed easily on my system running Windows Vista. Here is a link to a getting started video: Getting Started. Once I incorporate this into my daily routine, I think I'll get a lot of good use out of it. Thank you!
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Am not sure if it is USD$73 one time payment to buy the software; after which user can use it for many years.
Or is it valid only for 1 year, after which the software stops functioning. You have to pay again (USD$80 adjusted for inflation) to use it for another year.
Can someone clarify?
About task management. Yes, apparently this is specialised for task management. So do not compare it with a simple list reminder.
I have come across more sophisticated project management software (Artemis) than LeaderTask. But it is not a fair comparison because that type of software costs thousands of dollars.
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#18 IT educated
Unfortunately the link you gave is incorrect, this I believe is the one you meant to give.
There are two versions available, the FREE and the pro; free version appears to be very comprehensive it also appears to be ale to synchronise with Android and Apple devices plus there is a portable version.
Thanks for posting your comments on this site.
Personally I was totally lost when I opened this program, a simple button that went to a Local Help File that was searchable and explained the many advantages of this program would have helped.
As a user I want a program that is intuitive in its use or, has some form of explanation.
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@17 fotomoto
I understood, that he is asking for the price.
On the site(www.leadertask.com/en/purchaselt) is the price USD 7,- per month, so 84,- per year; not USD 73,-
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@leadertask, their are free alternatives that do the same
www.essentiapim.com for free with plenty of free options if want more
u can buy pro version for a one time price not monthly price forever like leadertask
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This guy Karl, with due respect in comment #3 mentioned the price of this product, and found it as a good structured program but couldn't synchronize with the mobile devie, and uninstalled with reboot, and in comment #10 he says thank you and wants to purchase the standard edition.
But this Giveaway is the Standard Edition man, as for me, i found it decent and i don't keep track of my task or plan my events in some program's like and i don't need to synchcronize in some mobile device.
But i'll give it a try and see.
Thank you GAOTD.
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@Salo those seem good. Thanks man. @Giovanni thanks as usual :)
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From the screenshots it looks like Outlook, and god knows Outlook looks bad!! I have used todolist and wunderlist. Both are free and work really well. And they can be synched! SO why 73bucks Mr. Man?
1. Todolist
2. Wunderlist
3. MyChecklist
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@8, Salo...
Unfortunately, your suggestions for 'free' alternatives aren't all free:
ToDoist Free doesn't allow Task search, reminders, task notes, calendar sync.
Any.Do is free but... cannot search for tasks, shared tasks don't share the 'alarms'.
Evernote has a free version but... does not offer offline access to notes on mobile or collaboration with coworkers.
RememberTheMilk Free apparently does not offer reminders pushed to your phone or tablet or unlimited sync online. Also doesn't sync with Outlook.
If all you need is just the basic task list, they would probably work for you, but if you're looking for the full-featured program (like today's offer), they probably won't do.
Thanks for the suggestions, though... it is appreciated :)
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Giovanni, Aaron Farnsworth, Salo!
Have you tried to use mentioned programs when you have more than 100 tasks? This programs are simple to-do list'ers (Evernote doesn't fit into to-do and tasking software).
LeaderTask is task management system.
Your comparison amazes us! "Alternatives" you specified are good software but that programs have no useful instruments for task sorting, filtering, organizing into trees (hierarchy). They don't work while internet connection crashes.
If you need simple to-do, our apologies, this GAOTD LeaderTask promo is not for you.
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I downloaded LeaderTask to my flash drive and it looks really nice. I love that it is portable. People might not like that you have to pay for the synchronization, but you don't *have* to synchronize either. So relax, people. Smell the roses and enjoy what is offered for free. Just because it has pay-for *options* doesn't make the free part no good. I for one would like to see more portable programs offered on GAOTD. I really hate losing programs when I reformat so portables are great. Thank you, LeaderTask. Thank you, GAOTD.
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for this kind of programs synchronisation is the most important topic for me. #7: "google has not program for windows" lol! ok, it is maybe truth, but i wwork with google calendar, tasks etc within windows environment without any problems... i dont care for "cloudô" solutions much, but this is an exception, and as i have internet problems very rarely, i dont miss any "desktop" solution - i dont want it for free, not speaking about any payments (the price of this product is absurd)...
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@ leadertask #7
Thank you for your comment.
Could you please give me the link, where I can download and buy
"LeaderTask Personal Organizer Standard 9.0" for 73 USD?
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73$? Do people really buy it? Anyway, Wunderlist does much more than this and looks a 1000 times better. @Giovanni thanks for visiotask. Looks cool and since you recommend it, I think it works well too.
Thumbs down and I would suggest a free alternative, i.e., http://wunderlist.en.softonic.com/
Enjoy!! Thanks GAOTD.
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Free alternatives with syncing with Smartphone (iphone, android, Windows phone, etc..)
Any of these may be accessed through your browser. No need to install anything in your computer.
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YES, Standard edition cannot syncronize tasks with mobile devices.
We don't think the price is too expensive. Look at the similar solutions.
Programs for Android and iPhone/iPad is free. If you want to have access to your data (tasks, notes, contacts etc) from your mobile device you need buy Expert edition (73 USD per year).
Term "Portable version" means you can install the program (for Windows) on removable storage like a USB flash drive, external HDD or SSD.
It is wrong to say "Google Tasks/Calendar is better than LeaderTask". The products are too different! Google has not program for Windows. It has not hierarchy of tasks. You can not create subtusk for any task. Google has not "project" entity.
Try LeaderTask! I am sure you will like it!
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Enjoy!! ^_^
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Installed easily on Win7 Ultimate. Interesting interface. Comprehensive. Also have good discussion forums related to this product. However, does not synchronize with Outlook, nor Google (task, calendar)
Pricing is ridiculous! $73?! $7/month? Who are they kidding? I'll stick with Google. Free and simpler. Suggest you don't waste your time on this.
Uninstalled. Bye Bye.
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Installation and registration went smoothly, opened up to one of the modern interfaces, try and guess where you are supposed to click!!
I don't need anything as complex as this my age, and by the look of it I would not be willing to pay such a high price.
The pricing structure is beyond my comprehension, on this page it states $73 (up from $35 a few years ago) if you go to their website and under purchase it states seven dollars per month.
This appears to allow you to synchronise between your various devices but I did not see anything for those who only need it on their desktop device.
I really dislike the interface and it was uninstalled as quickly as possible.
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Installed and self registered without problems on a Win 8.1.2 Pro 64 bit system.
A Russian company with address:
LeaderTask LLC, Kosmonavtov Str., 11, office 6, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
We had had LeaderTask Standard on March 11th 2014, this standard version could not synchronise with mobile devices.
Today's version is a little bit diffuse. The homepage does not give any details about synchronization. You have to create an account, what I did and I received the message :
License Trial period expires 28.11.2014 (45 days left)
But wait, if you want to synchronize, you have to pay:
3 month syncronization : $13.29
6 month : $23.29
12 month : $33.29
It is on the German version of their homepage. I did not find any English version of this:
With the English purchase page, you purchase it (rent) for 7 USD per month.
I started the program, a good structured diary entry page opened. I did not find any entry or option for synchronizing the program either with other mobile leader task, nor with google calender.
I am afraid, that this "standard" version cannot syncronize either.
If this really should be, than this is extremely misleading from description and homepage.
I simply don't know, where I can put in the data for google or my created account on their site.
Uninstalled via reboot.
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At homepage,it mentions portability(ie.,works from a thumb drive,and Android Sync / Integration is also mentioned......) I for one,am intrigued by the possibilities as to whether or not this giveaway includes these functionalities.Otherwise,at the product homepage,$7.00 USD per month is stated.This version is stated as "LeaderTask Personal Organizer Standard 9.0 ." This raises more questions-did not see an upgrade beyond the Personal Standard level,but perhaps I did not look hard enough...also noticed "© LeaderTask LLC 2005-2014." at homepage,o this indicates to me this software / application has been around since 2005. At this point I am filled with questions as to functionality with PC / Android / USB stick,is it truly portable ?? Also noted above,-"Note: Commercial usage is allowed." Is this a time-limited application ( One year license,etc. ) and no free upgrades.....( which is usually standard on GAOTD giveaways. ) If not,if this is a lifetime version with full functionality including,but not limited to:PC / Android Synchronization / Android platform integration,AND USB Portability,then this developer is truly trying to break the mold on a giveaway,and sincerely wants our business,and the goodwill and great Public Relations boost from a well-received,worthy product,IMO.I'm practically sold on what this App can do,and I haven't even downloaded it yet.At this point,I've got way more questions than answers-Would love to hear input from developer,as well as fellow GAOTD commenters !!!!!!( also,found at CNET under Almeza showing they make a total of 7 products-Russian Independent software developer,BTW. )
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Obvious things to consider:
Are the portable versions for an Android or iPhone free?
If we install on more than one device, is the "Cloud Service" free as well?
In other words, does this offer only include the PC version without use of the cloud service??
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