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Lazesoft Recover My Password Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Lazesoft Recover My Password

Lazesoft Recover My Password: Just a few clicks recover your Windows password.
$29.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 139 50 comments

Lazesoft Recover My Password was available as a giveaway on November 7, 2009!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Lazesoft Recover My Password is easy to use, design to general users that let you reset your forgotten Windows logon password, unlock locked or disabled out user accounts including administrator. You can reset your lost password with just a few mouse clicks. It could not be easier!


  • 100% recovery rate.
  • Lazesoft Recover My Password let you recover your administrator's password with a few clicks.
  • Lazesoft Recover My Password is easy to install and use with a very handy and clear user interface.
  • Automatically detects several operating systems installed on the computer.
  • Unlocks user accounts.
  • Enables user accounts.
  • Disables the password expiry option.

System Requirements:

Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008 and Windows 7 (x32 and x64)





File Size:

22.1 MB



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Comments on Lazesoft Recover My Password

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well leave it to me to find the bugs...sometimes it is almost not worth the effort but here goes....8(

when you install this to your computer if you have any previous version of a server installation on your computer it will NOT work...

I have the same hard drive that I previously had Windows server 2003 installed on and then later instaled a version of Windows XP on the same drive...the server OS is not operational any more and I use exclusively the Windows XP installed on this system...

When I try to install the Version 1.0 of your software it goes out and identifies the previous non operational version of the server software and refuses to install..quite a disappointment as I was hoping to install this before the GOTD installation period was over...

please modify this software so that it will see any and all bootable OS's and it will be fine...8)

Thanks GOTD

Reply   |   Comment by Rakos  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

This program worked perfectly for me! When my last company went out of business I got a PC, but have been unable to log onto Windows because I did not know the admin password. It's been sitting around for months. This program reset the Admin password to blank and I can now log on.....AWESOME!

Reply   |   Comment by Doug  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Despite the screen that has nothing but question marks for text (which basically extracts the setup files to your hard drive), the setup program (recovermypasswordsetup.exe) runs normally.

The only way to reset a program from within Windows is if you have a second drive connected that has the instance of Windows on it that you are trying to recover the password for. If you only have one instance of Windows loaded on one drive, you will need to create the boot CD from the provided .iso file.

Booting to the CD you create is easy enough and the program worked flawlessly. However, because the CD was created from an iso file, there was no opportunity to register it before creating the CD, and the CD will NOT work without being registered. Therefore, you need to save the username and password provided in the "readme.txt" file. Since the CD doesn't attempt to connect to the giveawayoftheday.com website, this username and password will work forever (unlike most GAOD software).

Once you enter the username and password (required every time you use the CD) the program allows you to set the password for any account to blank, so you can then go and log in and reset it. So, besides the fact that there are apparently a hundred other ways to do this, it seems to be okay.

Reply   |   Comment by ASN5  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Trinity Rescue Kit is another good linux based freebie for this sort of thing as well.


Astrumi too, but I don't have a link handy for it.

Reply   |   Comment by Catatonic  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Well it took a little figuring out because of the question marks instead of cancel or continue etc, Once I figured it out I was able to burn the ISO to a CD, and I was able to unlock a Vista 64 Home Premium laptop that no one had been able to crack. The login was reset to blank, not replaced, really cool. Thank you GAOTD and Lazesoft

Reply   |   Comment by ILuv2knot  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

the freeware/open source software (GPL) "Ophcrack" has worked well for me...

you are able to download a live cd, burn the ISO, run when needed...

tested on XP Home, XP MCE, Vista HP (all 32 bit)...didn't bork up anything when i tested, but, as always, YMMV...

actively developed, Win 7 support not listed yet...

homepage (much more info): http://ophcrack.sourceforge.net/

Reply   |   Comment by Violet4714  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

The programm itself behaves as promised in *resetting* not recovering passwords. But the description and the "Guides" are very poor. No hint on risks or limitations. Your encrypted files in NTFS-Filesystem stay encrypted forever. No chance, until you get your original password back. And the installable exe will not work for harddisks, if you're using bitlocker with TPM. This may be obvius, but why does nobody talks about this limitations in the guides ?
And if I am able (and willing) to create a bootdisk, why not creating the "Password recovery disk" out of the system ? Perhaps useful for me to help friends. 'cause I know the limitations....

Reply   |   Comment by cook09  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I have encountered a significant problem in trying to use this password recovery program with XP Pro. It downloaded fine and I was able to work my way through the ????? confusion with little delay. I was able to successfully burned the ISO file but in testing this program the following occured.

1. The boot CD took a verrrrry verrrrry long time to load. I could live with this if I were indeed locked out due to a forgotten password.

2. Recover My Password did not recognize any valid Windows Volumes??! This is obviously a tie breaker and is really confusing.

I have to conclude that at least for me this program is not particularly useful and I will choose to pass unless someone can explain and resolve this issue. Before anyone asks, my Windows installation is legal and other bootable utilities have had no problem in recognizing the Windows volume.

Reply   |   Comment by klickitatdave  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

#30: "Windows XP and further versions provide method to recover forgotten password by using “Reset Disk”.

If you've got a floppy drive, a blank floppy to put in it, & the floppy doesn't go bad before you need/use it. ;-)

* * *


Or so they say... ;-)

"I use the excellent Paragon Rescue Kit 9 Pro – the easiest to use password blanker is on there."

Tip: Version 8.5 was on GOTD not long ago as an ISO file. Other Paragon apps on GOTD included the ability to make bootable USB sticks. Replacing the original ISO in those apps with the rescue kit ISO works to put it on a USB stick -- WARNING: all data will be lost when/if you do, so copy it [your data, apps etc] somewhere else, create the boot-disc part, then copy back.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

For password recovery, use ophcrack. It has a liveCD too.

For reset, UBCD4WIN works.

Or you can use DBAN... :P.

Reply   |   Comment by abcorn  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

I had come across apps for re-setting &/or cracking Windows passwords before, & I never paid much attention, so today I Googled on "Windows Password Recovery", & got millions of hits. I don't know if millions of people forget their password, want to get into someone's PC/laptop, &/or if resetting someone's password as a prank has reached epidemic proportions, but clearly there's an awful lot of interest.

Lazesoft Recover My Password is a downright tiny app, at 641 KB, with the program's folder [also containing help & supporting files] coming to ~5.35 MB in 14 files. The Inno Setup installation software causes the only registry entries, which are of the un-install & housekeeping sort. Running the GOTD setup.exe file brings up the WinRAR self extractor after 1st calling home [they don't want you running it tomorrow or the next day], & that's what some comments talk about with the text not being in English. As usual, chances are this self extractor isn't set to put the files where you want them -- don't just press enter or you might have fun finding them afterward.

The extracted or expanded files include a couple of simple html docs, the iso disc image, & the Lazesoft Recover My Password setup file. The iso image can be burned with most burning software -- if you don't have any check out ImgBurn. Once you burn the ISO you'll see a small, bootable version of Linux -- the app itself is inside a Linux compressed file system file -- & with some work could *probably* have it booting off a USB stick as well. The installed app of course doesn't do any good if/when you're locked out of Windows where it's installed. The docs talk about it working on a multi-boot PC, so you can boot to one version of Windows while re-setting another, but personally think it would work much better along with WinPE [i.e. Barts or LiveXP] on a USB stick [assuming there's more than 1 USB port, Lazesoft Recover My Password doesn't have to be on the same, bootable USB stick, making things Much simpler]. I didn't fully test it [didn't want to reset & then set my password again, plus some sites talk about possible data loss with other apps that do the same thing], but it did find the other Windows installs on this PC.

A couple of the top hits when I Googled:

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

After putting out some effort to burn a self-ooting disk and installing the program, the program will work. Some programs that I've seen over the years that are intended to help one burn a self-boting disk require the use of a bootable floppy. This does not.

"indows XP and further versions provide method to recover forgotten password by using “Reset Disk”. - This program is for people that did not a reset disk and need to find something on the web to help them access their computer.

"Also there’s UBCD" - good bit more complicated than this program. Plus the "UBCD" disc has many programs not directly related to the recovery of passwords.

"You can get this functionality from The Ultimate Boot CD (UBCD) Ofline NTFS regisetry and password editor a console mode linux tool to edit or reset passwords on an offline NT based system for free"
- I wonder how many of the GOTD readers have actually tried to burn a UBCD disc. Probably a good many more than the number of those who have actually finished the project.

It's not my intention to answer each of the previous posts that did not directly address this program. I included the above because of the number of posts saying the same thing. I'll repeat: "After putting out some effort to burn a self booting disk and installing the program, the program will work."

Reply   |   Comment by Bigun  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-7)

to use just click on box on left and it goes to c drive. if you see ?? like I do. go to c comp and go to password rec folder and click. then click on one has application in type. that will install on comp . You must hand type lic. and use cap G in giveawayoftheday
for name.
then since it want work on comp install go to iso file and burn to cd.
that is in readmetext. then can use on your on comp. alot of work for trying out a new program.

hope this help so far did burn cd on my vista sp2 with no problem.

Reply   |   Comment by Gregb  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

And don't forget to write the name and the code of this program in a piece of paper, because when you boot your pc from this boot-cd, you have to digit to go on with the process!

Reply   |   Comment by Robert P  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Well, after reading all explanations, including the Developer’s, I’m still confused about what the 2 programs do.

Simple question: Why do you need to install anything anywhere? Just extract the ISO and burn it to a bootable disk. Then use this disk to boot any PC and reset its password.

Or is it not so simple?

Reply   |   Comment by tomcat  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Those who wonder what this for:


if you frequent the Windows help forums , you will see why this kind of software is required.

I use the excellent Paragon Rescue Kit 9 Pro - the easiest to use password blanker is on there.

Those of you who got the Paragon Rescue Kit 8.5 Giveaway - you have a fantastic paswword balnker already on that.

I have not yet tried today's giveaway. Those having trouble installing the program will probably find the boot disc wil work.

The boot disc is the most useful/important part.

Reply   |   Comment by SIW2  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

Same result as #'s 8 & 14. If you're running Vista SP2, don't waste your time with this turkey,unless Lazersoft gets it working.

Reply   |   Comment by DonS  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

To obtain program are 2 buttoms with:?????? when you install soft and activate.Click on one buttom.If is not good buttom,will not work.Try another buttom and it will work.The program and iso image will appear in C or where you want.Install the program and make a CD bootable with:CD burner XP.Is very easy.Launch the program and register.

Reply   |   Comment by Didi  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

7.Why everyone try to sell us alternate ways to do the same thing this give away app does?

Please keep your comments focused on this exact app and tell us how it works, if it’s o.k. and what do you think about.

A link to freeware alternative is really great but please first tell us something about this give away so we can decide if we gonna install it or not.

Thanks and have a nice day :)

Comment by TsT — November 7th, 2009 at 5:06 am


Everyone keeps telling you how to do it WITHOUT downloading another program. The idea is, if you can already do it, why do you need ANOTHER way to do it? If that can't help you decide to install or not, nothing can help you..........

Reply   |   Comment by dracobman  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

Hope this helps some of you.

When you run this the initial install screen with question marks everywhere (??????) is actually a self extracting rar - just choose the directory that you want to extract to (or leave it to go to C: drive - Path by default: C:\PasswordRecovery as stated in the readme file) Then hit the bottom button on the left to extract the actual setup files, then navigate to that directory to install the real exe.

Regards - Damian

Reply   |   Comment by rezidue  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

Addendum to my comment #17
For Windows XP:
Easily reset password to another by: 1. Under command prompt (in safe mode or regular mode), (or Run, then type "command") type "net user X password" -- where "x" is the username password you want to reset, and "password" is any new password you want it to be.

For example, the username is Andrew and you want the new password to be "michael", type "net user Andrew michael", then enter, and it will change the password of the username Andrew to michael. Note: you cannot make blank as your password by typing "net user Andrew". You have to have a password entered. If you want to change password to blank, you can go later to Control Panel after this, then enter user account, and change it accordingly entering the old password as "michael" and leaving the new password blank.

Reply   |   Comment by Andrew  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Windows XP and further versions provide method to recover forgotten password by using “Reset Disk”.

If you created a Password Reset Disk in past, you can use that disk to reset the password. To know more about it, please visit following links:

If you did not create a Password Reset Disk in past, Lazesoft Recovery My Password is a good solution for the situation. It enable you to reset the lost password and logon with a blank password.

Native Windows version of the Lazesoft Recover My Password that can be run directly from Windows instead of from a boot disc. This can be used to recover the password of one Windows installation from another on a dual- or multi-boot system, or when the hard drive of the computer whose password was lost is connected temporarily to a working computer.

Reply   |   Comment by Alex  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Windows XP and further versions provide method to recover forgotten password by using "Reset Disk".

If you created a Password Reset Disk in past, you can use that disk to reset the password. To know more about it, please visit following links:

If you did not create a Password Reset Disk in past, Lazesoft Recovery My Password is a good solution for the situation. It enable you to reset the lost password and logon with a blank password.

Reply   |   Comment by Alex  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

Double post I'm sorry. #15;#16 and #3 This program is the root program that actually creates the BOOT CD you are all in a tither about. When your system locks you out, you use the BOOT CD created by this program,(Hopefully you created and stored the bootdisk it creates once this program is installed on a healthy machine) insert it into the locked out system and boot, run through the steps (you are prompted) and recreate a Windows Login password for your ADMINISTRATOR account. Pretty pointless otherwise..Seriously

Reply   |   Comment by Argonaught  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

i recommend
Active Password Changer 3.8

can this made in a bootable cd


Reply   |   Comment by mosa  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-9)

This giveaway is the Professional edition, which includes a Windows edition, and a boot-cd edition. They have a Home edition, which does not include a Windows edition.

The Boot-cd edition I think is adequate. You cannot use the Windows edition to reset password on the system where it is installed. It can only reset password on a 2nd OS other than the host OS (where Lazesoft Recover My Password is installed). So, the most straight forward way to reset password is simply by using the boot cd, especially when you just have one Windows OS installed.

The title of the software, "Recovery" is quite a misnomer. It does not recover your password, but actually just reset your password to blank, as if you have never set any password. If you search the internet, there are actually several sites that instruct you how to do the same (that is resetting your password to blank), using the cmd console. But since I always forget how to, I might as well make a boot-cd, for easy resetting just in case I need it again.

Reply   |   Comment by Andrew  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)

In Windows XP, you can log in in safe mode using the 'hidden' Admin account, and from their you can reset any or all passwords. Also there's UBCD. I'm not sure that this proggy has any real purpose?

Reply   |   Comment by GB  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

If you've ever stared at the login screen and cursed at being locked out of a system this program is a GODSEND. Easy to use and quiet brilliant. A friend's system had been brought to me with this exact problem (evidently their 9 year old had wanted to change the Password and had promptly forgotten what he had chosen)No matter how many attempts the Login screen wouldnt allow them past. This program allowed me to delete their old password (their 9 year old's name spelled backwards btw)and create a new one. System rebooted and entered Vista SP1 at the first try. Thank you. This is a great program

Reply   |   Comment by Argonaught  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

Native Windows version of the Lazesoft Recover My Password that can be run directly from Windows instead of from a boot disc. This can be used to recover the password of one Windows installation from another on a dual- or multi-boot system, or when the hard drive of the computer whose password was lost is connected temporarily to a working computer.

Source: http://www.tech-pro.net/recover-my-password.html

Reply   |   Comment by Bary  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I don't think that resetting a password is enough. If you reset a password in NTFS, my understanding is that encrypted files are no longer accessible. I guess it's something to test carefully if you have encrypted files.

Reply   |   Comment by Jim  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

How to use Windows version of Lazesoft Recover My Password?

You can install the Windows version of Lazesoft Recover My Password on another Windows installation to reset your forgotten Windows password, following is the detail guides:

If there is another Windows installation on your computer except for the Windows you want to recover password for. We call another Windows "host Windows" and call the Windows you want to recover password for "target Windows".

If not, you can plug out and attach the hard disk where installed the Windows you want to recover password for to another machine that boots in Windows. If you need assistance, read this article. We call the Windows installation on another computer "host Windows", and also call the Windows that you want to recover password for "target Windows".

Boot to host Windows. Download and install Lazesoft Recover My Password on the host Windows.

After install, Launch Lazesoft Recover My Password.

Select target Windows installation from the list (Host Windows installation is not in the list).
Select Windows installation

Select the user account from the list for which you want to reset the password and click "Next" button.
Select user account

Click "Reset/Unlock" to blank the Windows user account password.
Reset account password, unlock user account.

"Success" message is displayed after the Windows user's password has been successfully reset.

After these, shutdown host Window and put back the hard disk where the target Windows installed on.

Then boot the target Windows and you can gain access to it without a password.

Reply   |   Comment by rover3500  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

No. 12 should be

Reply   |   Comment by rover3500  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Is someone(the publisher)going to explain why there is just question marks in the install box???I'm guessing it was written in chinese and there is a problem translating it,that's just my guess.It will stop a lot of people installing it tho'.

Reply   |   Comment by rover3500  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

Thanks TK #3 I found your comment very helpful.

Reply   |   Comment by D Murphy  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

As this program runs in Windows, the biggest flaw is that if you can't login to Windows because of a forgotten password, then you won't be able to run this program. Doh!

I'd recommend the UBCD as mentioned by TK above. A simple program that runs from a Boot CD and works brilliantly to reset forgotten passwords.

Reply   |   Comment by Chris Locke  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-23)

It won't install on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. You get to a screen that has nothing but question marks for text. I'm not about to start clicking buttons when I don't know what the text is supposed to say.

Reply   |   Comment by Photogeek  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Does not work on server versions of windows. you need the Server Edition.

Reply   |   Comment by Clive  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Oops! A typo: the correct link to Lazecroft should read http://www.lazesoft.com/ of course, as shown in the "description" box above.

Reply   |   Comment by Patrick  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Just for completeness... Lazecroft lists(on http://www.lazesoft.com/)following fuctionalities:

Supported Windows Versions:
• Windows 2000 SP4
• Windows XP
• Windows 2003
• Windows Vista
• Windows 2008
• Windows 7
Supported Hard Disks:
• 1394
• RAID Drivers
Supported File Systems Type:
• FAT32
Supported Disks:
• Basic Disk
• GPT Disk
• Dynamic Disk
• Lazesoft Recover My Password supports almost all versions of NT-based Windows, including Windows 2000 XP 2003 Vista 2008 and Windows 7.
• Works on all laptops including Legend, Toshiba, Dell, IBM etc.
• Supports 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.

I should hope that none of these are disabled in this giveaway version.
As for Vista, Win2008 and Win7 users: ok, this program may not have any use for them. However, for different reasons a great many people (a majority perhaps?) have stayed with XP (or even Win2000 -a minority?). For them it may be a very usefull tool.
Suggestion: how about integrating this into software that creates bootable recovery/backup discs? Or is this a stupid idea due to my ignorance?

Reply   |   Comment by Patrick  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Apparentlt NOT compatable woth WIN7?? I get a box with ????? all over.

Reply   |   Comment by Sherwood Tucker  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-10)

Does this require you to be logged in and does it create a recovery disk (windows already does this) or actually reset a password? Do you need to install windows into another partition, just so you can run this?

Reply   |   Comment by lol768  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-16)

English (German)

Free Solution (Gratis-Lösung) also as (auch als) Download:
German Magazine "Computer Bild 24/2009" contains (enthält) bootable (bootbare) "worst case compact disk 2.0" ("Notfall-CD 2.0") + Software-CD. Prize (Preis) 2.70 €. Date (Datum): 9 Nov 2009.
Free ISO-File-download http://www.computerbild.de/download/COMPUTER-BILD-Notfall-CD-3127466.html

Worst case 4 (Notfall 4): erase forgotten Windows password (vergessenes Windows-Passwort löschen)+ illustrated instructions page 56 (bebilderte Anleitung Seite 56) up to (bis) Windows 7.

Further problem solutions pages 44-60 (weitere Problem-Lösungen S. 44-60), contains also(enthält auch) r-Studio 4.6 for File-Unerase(zur Datei-Wiederherstellung) which needs (erfordert) registration!

Reply   |   Comment by Peter  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

I cant really see the Value in this Program. Vista users can simply make a recovery on a USB drive, like i have.

Reply   |   Comment by Paul Grenfell  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-14)

The setup/install window displayed non-readable characters (i.e., question marks (????)) on my screen, completely undecipherable, so I decided not to install it. I have Vista Home Premium x64 SP2 OS.

Paul Grenfell (comment #1) and others who are contemplating whether or not to download/install this software - the below description (per developer's downloaded zip file) explains how this program functions.


"Recovermypassword.iso is an ISO image for a bootable CD-ROM containing Lazesoft Recover My Password.

"Recovermypasswordsetup.exe is a Program to install Windows version of Lazesoft Recover My Password.

To prepare bootable CD/DVD and run Lazesoft Recover My Password:

1. Use any CD/DVD burning software (like Ahead Nero) to burn a CD-ROM ISO image. If you need assistance to burn Lazesoft Recover My Password CD, please refer to " How to burn a Windows password recovery CD" in the package.
2. Insert this CD/DVD into CD-ROM drive of the computer.
3. Check that the CD/DVD has boot priority over HDD in BIOS settings.
4. Re-boot the machine. If your computer does not boot from this CD, please read " How to boot Windows password recovery CD".

The Lazesoft Recover My Password automatically launches.
If there is another Windows installation on your computer except for the Windows you want to recover password for.

You can install the Windows version of Lazesoft Recover My Password on another Windows installation to reset your forgotten Windows password. If you need assistance, please read " How to use Windows version of Lazesoft Recover My Password"." [END QUOTE]

Reply   |   Comment by Happy Person  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+18)

Why everyone try to sell us alternate ways to do the same thing this give away app does?

Please keep your comments focused on this exact app and tell us how it works, if it's o.k. and what do you think about.

A link to freeware alternative is really great but please first tell us something about this give away so we can decide if we gonna install it or not.

Thanks and have a nice day :)

Reply   |   Comment by TsT  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-66)

@2 (Steelers6) - yes, you can create a password recovery disc in XP too. Control Panel - User Accounts - Pick an account to change - Prevent a forgotten password (in LH panel).

Reply   |   Comment by Ambit  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+27)

#2 Re:"You can find it in the control panel, user accounts, create a password reset disk".
Thats True, but i am wondering how the Above Offer for today works.. Does it really "Unlock" the OS or does it simply Store your current password in the Recovery Disk.?

Reply   |   Comment by Paul Grenfell  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

This could be useful. And if I worked in a IT department I would buy it. This download contains 2 programs. One you burn to a CD & boot from the CD on the Windows computer that you want to reset the password(s) on. It doesn't appear to really recover passwords, but selectively resets them. I could be in error on this recovery business. The other program, you install on a Windows computer that you temporarily connect the hard disk of the Windows computer that you want to reset the password(s) on. Running this program then allows you to reset the password(s) on the other connected Windows system. Which I won't use. I presume that the "License data:" in the readme.txt is for this installable program. I hope that the program works better than the instruction files that come with it as these are a little hard to decipher.

Reply   |   Comment by Marshall  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+26)

Seems like a good program. Fortunately, Windows Vista and Windows 7 has this already built in.

You can find it in the control panel, user accounts, create a password reset disk. I'm not sure if this is built into windows XP if not it would be a handy tool to have.

So, for a Vista or Windows 7 users I find this program to be of no value as it is already built in.

Windows XP users can check it out, it may be worth the download and $29.95 in case you need it.

Thanks anyway.

Vidimo Se!

Reply   |   Comment by Steelers6  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+46)

Question.. Does this really let you "recover" or "Reset" the Password or does it simply search and record your "current" password on the CD for later reference and recovery?

Reply   |   Comment by Paul Grenfell  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)
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