Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
JPG To PDF Converter was available as a giveaway on January 22, 2010!
JPG To PDF Converter is a windows utility that quickly convert multiple images into a single pdf document. With JPG To PDF Converter users can create pdf files from image formats like JPG, GIF, BMP, TIF, PNG and PSD.
Windows 2000, XP, and Vista
4.45 MB
PDFZilla is a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert PDF files into editable MS Word Documents, Rich Text Documents, Plain Text Files, Images, HTML Files, and Shockwave Flash SWF Files.
Zilla PDF to TXT Converter is a windows application to convert pdf files to plain text format files in batch mode. Zilla PDF to TXT Converter also support convert specific pages range to txt files.
Download YouTube Music videos and convert them to MP3,AVI,WMV,MOV,MP4,3GP formats. Download Millions of music from YouTube, Try YouTube Music Downloader Now!
MP3 Converter is an easy-to-use all to MP3 Converter. With MP3 Converter you can convert no matter video files or audio files to MP3 format. MP3 Converter supports WAV, WMA, AVI, WMV, MOV, 3GP, MP4, FLV, VOB, DAT, MPEG...
I use a software for creating PDF documents because this is the way if you want to get professionally-looking results. Smart PDF Creator does this in a couple of clicks. http://www.smartpdfcreator.com
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#53 - Steven C. Barr
Mr./Herr Barr,
This problem has haunted this site on and off for a long time. On my side of the line the problem seems to have been dealt with some 10 days ago (after approximately one month of intensive "Gateway 52"-trouble). So GOTD people are doing what they can to get rid of this nuisance.
Checking the archives on this site (and the Forum) may serve as "proof" of what I say.
Your frustration may be understandable but does not give you the right to start swearing or using foul language, be it in English / American or German (yes, some of us are multiligual -surprized?). Most of us, however, express their frustrations in a civilized manner.
If I were responsible for monitoring this section of the site, your comment would be processed: i.e.
- (very) temporarily stored,
- included in statistics under User Complaints or something like that,
- MENTIONNED as a Dissatisfied User with respect to this problem (not ommitting your name or alias),
- After a fixed number of angry outbursts in the style you use here, I would block your posts/comments and advize the Forum Manager to take appropriate action in case you were to start fulminating there as well.
But, luckily (?) for you, I'm not monitoring this part of GOTDs site.
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Hello again,
#36 DrKenB, #40 Ronn Blankenship, #43 Usher, #50 Lance:
Thanks for the info! Mystery solved! You all added to my knowledge and that is (or should be) part of what this Comments-section is all about (unlike #53).
Over the weekend I'll summarize your input and post it on Ashraf's review page and check wether there is a thread on the Forum dealing with timerelated issues (or things similar). This way even more people can profit from it.
Thanks again and have a nice weekend!
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"The Bad
* Does not support batch processing"
Why would you want batch processing in a graphic to PDF program? Look a little sharper if you have to have a "bad" category. Not every program has to have X-many "bad" points.
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#23 - Patrick -- the 6'00" refers to 6 hours and zero minutes (i.e. 6 time zones) from the Greenwich, England, international reference point,(sometimes referred to as + or - GMT for Greenwich Mean Time or Z time) with a plus sign indicating east of there and a minus sign to the west. When properly used, this takes into account seasonal time adjustments, so that the east coast of the United States is -5 in winter, -4 summer, due to the effect of the so-called Daylight Savings Time federal law.
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OK - on Win7 64-bit, have to "run as admin" the first time, so it can save the reg code. Then works normally.
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Installed on Win7 64-bit, registered - it said successfully, but when it restarts, it still says "Unregistered" in the title bar. Then when I exit, it asks if I want to register. Cycle repeats.
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This is the most useful utility.. and thanks GOTD. . .
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Okeh, arschlochen...I'm once again receiving that same "Bad Gateway"
error message...?! FIX THIS!!! (or die?)
Lech mich am arsch...!!
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Great piece of software. Took 7 minutes to convert a folder of over 100 jpg's to pdf. Took me hours before to do the same job one at a time. Ashraf, a date/time group is a GREAT way to identify a file. It consists of yyyymmddhhmmss. A piece of information retained from my days in the military...
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Really love this one. One file with over 100 jpg's converted accurately in less than 7 minutes. The date/time stamp of yyyymmddhhmmss is a really neat way to identify the output.
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The "date" is the International Standard adopted some years ago for expressing dates, i.e. yyyymmddhhmmss
This standard helps avoid confusion created by countries (1) that express dates in the format mmddyyyy, while the rest of the world uses ddmmyyyy. It also has the advantage that files so named will sort numerically and chronologically.
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Great little program. Excited that it will convert a whole file of scanned documents - jpg's - to pdf.
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seems like it doesn't work if your OS is not on C:
I tried many different ways and it's still not working because the program always looked for c:jpgtmp
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seems like it doesn't work if your OS is not on C:
I tried many different ways and it's still not working because the program always looked for c:\jpgtmp\
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seems like it doesn't work if your OS is not on C:
I tried many different ways and it's still not working because the program always looked for c:\jpgtmp\
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Of coarse... it's kind of a like a scam since "Open Office Suit" is free, and they are just saying that to trick customer's mind thinking its a bonus when it's free forever.
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seems like it doesn't work if your OS is not on C:\
I tried many different ways and it's still not working because the program always looked for c:\jpgtmp\
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Re #1 Ashraf
What is up with the weird “D:20100122002448-06′00″date format?
This is weird, because you misquoted the format. The real format is standard PDF date format used for metadata CreationDate and ModDate (modification date).
D:YYYYMMDDhhmmss[+,-]HH'NN' where:
* YYYY=year, MM=month, DD=day - date in ISO basic format;
* hh=hour, mm=minutes, ss=seconds - local time in ISO basic format (24-hour format, AM/PM not allowed);
* + or - for HH=hours and NN=minutes relative to UTC - time zone offset (the "'" belong to the syntax).
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I don't understand what's the use of converting JPEG to PDF.
But if you really need to do that, any freeware PDF virtual printer software (eg.: pdf995) can do that.
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This is a feature of ms office.........
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The -06′00″ (the hyphen is a minus sign) portion of the date/time code means the difference between the local time zone and GMT. GMT-6 hours is the Central time zone in the U.S. They are apparently using the single quote mark for "hours" and the double for "minutes" rather than frex "h" and "m" which may be a little confusing, as in angular measure those marks stand for "minutes" and "seconds" (of arc) respectively. It's necessary to include "minutes" because there are some time zones which are not a whole number of hours ahead of or behind GMT.
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anyone else getting the error on an XP install:
can't find file C:\tmp\tmp\bmp ?
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This program uses pdftk which is a completely free program for processing PDF files. JPG To PDF Converter just gives you a graphical front-end for the command-line pdftk.
PDFTK Builder is also a GUI front-end for pdftk for free.
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Fastone Image Viewer . . . open image, right click, save as .pdf.
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#23 Patrick - It means 6 hrs 00 min less than GMT. e.g. If GMT is 9:00 am, -6 hrs 00 min it make it 3:00 am.
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Sorry - the first one is PDF REDIRECT
Sorry for the typos!
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Once upon a time it was the days of Adobe.
The scene has changed.
PDF is now nobody's excellence. Its' as good as the biggies and what's more - FREE!
You have right (and liberty)to have many pdf makers at no cost.
I would suggest you to choose the followings-
1.PDF direct,
2.Doro pdf writer,
3.Tomahawk gold (a little known and one of the finest pdf writer)
4.Nova pdf lite and
5.Foxit pdf writer
(1 to 3 - Freeware:4 to 5 - Full version sw ; though your output will carry decent watermark)
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Back on April 21st of last year, GAOTD gave away Foxonic Professional 3.2. That's what Ive use to convert multiple pics to PDF. For one at a time I use Irfanview.
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@ #18
Dude it's not fail at all, some people sometimes needs to a tool to quickly convert something to something else. You might not need it, but some people like teachers need it when they want to make their PDF work sheets to notebook files or anything else.
@ someone else
Uhmmm you said something about how "Open Office suite" is one of the start menu links... err ugh, I think they are partners.
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Compared to other pdf converters we have been offered on GAOTD:
1. This one DOES allow batch conversion. ALL images in the window are AUTOMATICALLY converted into a single pdf. Whatever you DON"T want included, you remove.
2. For a batch conversion, all the images do not have to be from the same folder. You can add any image from any folder on your computer and thus have it included in the single pdf made from ALL the images you have put in and left in the window. On some of the others we have been offered, you could only work within one folder if you wanted to convert more than one image (VERY inconvenient).
3. You cannot resize the images to make them all the same size. You cannot change them in any way to make them uniform. You cannot add text. For these reasons, I uninstalled.
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For all people suggesting to use text editor for such task: try that with something like thousand pictures.
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... many dozends of PDF tools could manage such tasks for free!
For instance - to name just two:
- IrfanView (a free picture viewer)
- all PDF-"printers", together with your favourite text- or graphics-software e.g. "Paperless-Printer"
why such a big "special" tool with so little use???
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1. Most PDF printer functions require you to open each image individually and send to PDF one at a time. Many of the free ones will not allow you to make a single PDF from multiple images. Zilla JPG to PDF will allow you to send multiple images all at once to a single PDF file (though it is not alone in being able to do this).
2. As mentioned by #20 Tim, this does not include OCR (Optical Character Recognition), so if you are converting scanned images of a book to PDF format, the book will not be searchable. The full version of Adobe (not reader) or Abbyy Finereader / Transformer (neither are freeware) work very well for this.
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The images was changed in pdf with Jpg to Pdf,next i use pdfsam to merge files.Pdfsam it need:Sun Java if i remember to work,but work very well.Use Adobe Acrobat reader or Pdf X Change viewer.
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Response to Comment #1 (Ashraf) It's a popular date format because when you do an alpha-numeric sort, it comes out in chronological order.
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Ashraf asks: “What is up with the weird “D:20100122002448-06′00″ date format?”
HappyPerson (#9) explains:
“Creation date includes: date and time-stamp of user’s local PC (including hour, minute, and second, and relationship to GMT time”
So, breaking this up gives:
- D = Date (obvious)
- 2010 = year (ibid.)
- 0122 = January 22nd (still OK)
- 002448 = HHMMss-notation, which means 24 minutes and 48 seconds after midnight,or 00:24:48 AM (no problem - NOT 12:24:48 AM, this format does not exist, e.g. it will give an error in Excel...)
- 06’00” = 6 minutes and zero seconds “relationship to GMT time” – THIS PART I DON’T UNDERSTAND…
Do Re (#7) suggests:
“D is Date:2010 01 22 and probably hour of created pdf (right click on pdf>Property.This are metadata informations.”
And continues “It merge more jpg (etc) file in one single pdf, but probably others want posibility to create more pdf files with one image in the same time.You have posibility to change output.”
- The first part I do understand (see above),
- the second part is a bit confusing though I think I know what Do Re means… Do I or don’t I?..
- Because: would 06’00” mean the time it took to merge multiple files then? That would be a lot of files, would it not (or a prehistoric machine)?
- ...or would it simply mean the time difference between opening the JPG-file for conversion and the start (or end) of saving the resulting PDF?
I, for one, am out of ideas on this small puzzle ;-) or :(
Finally, as I have no real use for such a limited tool, I’m not going to download and test it (so the “date”-format may remain a mystery till doomsday come). Comments and reviews lead me to try out some alternatives.
Besides: it’s a bigger problem to turn a PDF-document with pictures and graphics in it into an easily editable Word-file than the other way around (pictures and graphs are dropped or “overlooked” most of the time). Anyone any suggestions on that one?
Thanks & greetz to all.
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HARIHARAN (#15, as of this post) - In reply to your comment - The Zilla JPG to PDF freeware program (noted in my post #9) is 100% FREE (as per the CNET.COM description) - so what you say is inaccurate. CNET also mentions nothing about the supposed MSWord requirement you mention. Lastly, I actually downloaded, installed, and accessed this freeware program on my PC, and confirmed that it is 100% free (no strings attached).
I welcome feedback from other GOTD members, but please, in the future, if you plan to refute someone else's comments, please do so based on accurate, objective facts. Thank you.
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About Zilla JPG To pdf, it was a freeware, but not anymore...
Now you go to pdfzilla site you can see the Zilla JPG To PDF Converter is also a shareware. The free version has some bug before this SW version released. CNet's version has not been updated, it was an old version
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Something seems to be very odd about this software and its commercial developer.
Go to the developer's home page and you're told that bundled in with the JPG to PDF Converter download, entirely free of charge, is "OpenOffice Suite".
But Open Office is the creation of many hard-working computer enthusiasts in different parts of the world, an example of the Open Source community at its very best (as well as freeware of the highest quality.)
If the "OpenOffice" referred to / being bundled into JPG to PDF Converter is, in fact, the freeware suite from the Open Source community, rather than the creation of those responsible for today's GOTD, then that's about as cynical a rip-off of the work of others I've ever come across.
Hopefully, that's not the case. Hopefully, a representative of the developer will post on here to set the record straight.
However, in view of the developer's home page assertion that JPG to PDF Converter is "rated" the "Number 1 Product Online", I'm not sure how much credibility can be attached to anything that's said by this particular outfit.
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Multiselect doesn't work, and it automatically recurses directories when you add them. Just something to consider before you select your files from C:\...
Also, I couldn't get it to OCR. I don't think I just missed the option, it looks like it just does the same thing Irfanview/other image converters do - i.e. sticks the image into the PDF. Of course, I already have Irfanview for image manipulation...
Uninstalled on my test machine, didn't even bother to install on the real machine.
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Or open Open Office Writer, copy/paste images, File>Export as PDF
Or install adobe PDF and use the print menu in any text editor to print to a PDF document.
Free and easy.
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Why would you need a special PDF converter just for picture files when any PDF creation software will make PDF files from images?
Don't mean to seem ungrateful, but this one appears pretty useless to me. FAIL.
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Temporary folder is in:C:\jpgtmp for who make my mistake or he think that he need to have one image in one pdf.Output path will not be:C:\output or others.Output will be in this temporary folder.
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Quote - "One more thing – I just noticed that my first “freeware option” link is identical to today’s GOTD offering, and it’s 100% free (by the same developer “PDFZilla”) – so I’m confused as to why PDFZilla would charge $29.95 for a program that it offers completely free on CNET? PDFZilla folks, please explain this. Thank you."
Hey its not free, refer to the comments in the cnet site, besides one of them has mentioned that you need MS word, i have to install this giveaway myself to actually comment about it.
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Don't make my foolish to install:Jpeg to Pdf and Zilla Jpeg to Pdf on the same computer.I lose posibility to merge more images in the same pdf .Now i have a temporary folder(jpegtmp),where appear each image like a pdf.There are not together.Uninstall and reinstall are not working.Next good working,will be when i will format the computer and reinstall s.o.Until that i will use pdfsam to merge this pdf.Also this images changed in pdf are temporary.At a new work(what was created in the past) will be deleted and will be replaced by this new work.
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I was suspicious about this program, but I've installed it and it works! I converted some jpg images in one pdf file, and every image is on a pdf page, no cuts or merge... This is the 2.1 version of ZillaPDF, while the free Zilla pdf is the 2.0 version. The installed folder has a link that points to the Open Office.org website.
I think the price is too high, but it does what it claims.
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What is the difference betwen:Jpeg to Pdf converter and Zilla Jpeg to Pdf converter.Both are created by Zilla.Why a version is free and another is commercial?.
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Works well, but I find it strange that you are unable to choose multiple files utilising the shift or ctrl keys. It seems you can choose only one file or one folder at a time. A thumbnail preview of the files as they are picked would be a nice addition.
I note that after registration there is nowhere that says it is registered, and the Buy Now button remains available..
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One more thing - I just noticed that my first "freeware option" link is identical to today's GOTD offering, and it's 100% free (by the same developer "PDFZilla") - so I'm confused as to why PDFZilla would charge $29.95 for a program that it offers completely free on CNET? PDFZilla folks, please explain this. Thank you.
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