Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.

IObit Malware Fighter Pro Giveaway
$29.95 (1-year license)

Giveaway of the day — IObit Malware Fighter Pro

IObit Malware Fighter Pro: the world's leading protection from spyware and malware!
$29.95 (1-year license) EXPIRED
User rating: 472 104 comments

IObit Malware Fighter Pro was available as a giveaway on July 4, 2012!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
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IObit Malware Fighter is an advanced malware & spyware removal utility that detects, removes the deepest infections, and protects your PC from various of potential spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers, bots, worms, and hijackers.

With the unique "Dual-Core" engine and the heuristic malware detection, IObit Malware Fighter detects the most complex and deepest spyware and malware in a very fast and efficient way.

Please note that GOTD version includes 6-month subscription.

System Requirements:

Microsoft XP/ Vista/ 7 (x32/x64) / 8; 300 MHz processor or faster processor; 256 MB of RAM; 30 MB of free hard disk space





File Size:

25.0 MB


$29.95 (1-year license)

Comments on IObit Malware Fighter Pro

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The giveaway is not clear about which features are included. The program window says 'FREE' at the top, which could be taken to mean it is the free version available anytime.

Some parts of active protection and updating not included.
Some active protection included, good deal.

IOBit Malware Fighter PRO is just $9.99 now at their website.

Reply   |   Comment by Irwin Mainway  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Hello people.
If you want one of the best,if not the best anti-malware software for free...
Get Emsisoft's Emgercengy Kit..

It runs PORTABLE, thus not needing installation.
database is updateable, software is yours to keep forever.
There is no realtime protection with it,so it can be used
only for manual scanning,and yes it will remove the found threats.


Reply   |   Comment by Spencer  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

# 76
Quite right, Johnny. You have to trust your vendor, and to trust it blindly. I have not installed anything from Iobit anymore after the affair.
Also, speaking about integrity, I haver my doubts about CNET-reviews these days.

Reply   |   Comment by Corno  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I rarely ever have any trouble with your site. You are doing a fine job Thanks a million times Rod Garnett

Reply   |   Comment by Rod Garnett  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I use quickheal suite.Since I am well protected, I’ll not try this offer but I still applaud GAOTD and Iobit for their offer.

Some of you are just never happy!

Reply   |   Comment by vishwanath  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Gee I am going to get at least a -150!. I just know it! I can see the headlines now! Folks must have had their Wheaties this morning! : ) heh heh

By the way, Happy Independence Day!

But I've come to really like IOBits! I have been running the purchased version of their 'Advanced System Care with A/V' for a while now, and it has performed like a charm. I presume this would offer nothing more than that, so I probably will not try this version. But I have used all sorts of Malware/AntiVirus programs including many of the ones discussed here, and I am AT LEAST as happy with IOBits 'Advanced System Care with A/V' as I've been with any other, including Malwarebytes, PCTools, Norton, Vipre, and several others. It just does what its supposed to do, and does it well. Hard to ask for more than that.

As a developer at 'Uncle Eddy's Slick Software', I find their products very professionally done, attractive UI's and quite effective. And one of the main things is, they do not use up all my CPU cycles, running in the background, as some do. As such I'd recommend this one too. Just monitor the install and click off anything you may not want included.

But heck, nobody listens to me anyway. They even use InPaint to cut me out of the vacation pictures.. : (   Not fair, but still true...

So, carry on....

-Uncle Eddy

Reply   |   Comment by Uncle Eddy  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Download and scanned. Then, used Spybot and it gave me a result of numerous Widgi toolbar entries. Took the action to delete the entries through Spybot and then got a IOBit warning of "Risk Register Modify". Now I don't know what to do. Searched for Widgi and it looks like it's something you don't want, but can't seem to delete it with Spybot because of the dang warning from IOBit. If IOBit is monitoring this, what is happening and what should I do. I assume that a toolbar was not installed without my permisstion throiugh IOBit when I downloaded it. Any help?

Reply   |   Comment by JackD  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Gee, n here I thought the back n forth was just a waste of time for the Venders as well as the users who have other obligations n just want to read the actual pertinent reviews to help them quickly decide whether this program is a waste of their precious time.
While the debates and intellectual sparring should be confined to blogs, forums and chat-rooms, where they belong.

Reply   |   Comment by Adam  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

First of all, thanks, Giveaway of the Day, for all you do.

I can't comment on this offer because I don't have enough information to do so and haven't installed it. I would very much like to see a response from IObit to all the accusations here.

IObit, are you there?

Reply   |   Comment by Warren  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

does not work on win8 pro 64 bit

Reply   |   Comment by william  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Six months? Not really long enough....unless you believe the world is going to end in six months when the Mayans predicted or oh bummer gets re-elected. Would have like to have tried this but i guess the free one is good enough. I personally think we have about 3 to 5 years before the end of the world (6000 years) and not 6 months. ;-)

The free version has worked quite well as a good backup to Malwarebytes, but only Spyware Detector by Max PC Secure is finding the ultimate nasty Nazi spyware: Spectorsoft. All the rest of them fail, or only find it intermittently. Iobit makes a lot of excellent software and this has been very decent as well. My only gripe is i don't run any anti-spyware programs actively so i always have to go into services and change them from Auto to Manual - totally unethical waste of my computer's resources and definitely not green! When i go into a program and tell it to not ever update, scan, or protect me automatically it should always shut their service(s) down, but few ever do.

Very fast scans, which is nice. All the others are so slow i find i don't use them as much. Of course putting Ghostery in my Firefox has eliminated almost all spyware for me now anyways.

Reply   |   Comment by Sam S.  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Thanks GAOTD and IObit , This program is a great add-on to help the ever increasing Malware and Bugs that are appearing daily .

I am quite surprised at the amount of negative comments seen here considering this Software is given free of charge .

Thanks again Giveaway Team and IObit Some of us truly appreciate the efforts put out by both the Software company's and GAOTD :)

Reply   |   Comment by Ozzman  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Win7 x64
v1.4 Pro (after license entry using the provided key)
only a 6-month license provided as the giveaway

BS toolbar prompt on installation
otherwise trouble-free install into directory of your choice, ~30 MB, fully self-
contained from what i could see

simple interface

worthless (html) "HELP".
like i'd like to know just what the various "Protections" (Startup Guard, Process
Guard, Network Guard, File Guard, Cookie Guard, Browser Guard, USB Disk Guard, &
Malicious Action Guard), but instead i'm left clueless.

likewise it would be nice to have a log of files scanned, at least initially, to
get a feel for what it is doing.

program (def) update was painless.

not much more to say until you're able to actually see it doing something.
it's there, it's running, it updated, what it actually may do & how well it may
handle what it finds is anyone's guess?

install & registration were simple, straight forward, no reboot needed. it runs.
lacks meaningful help. no idea what it may do. that's it in a nutshell.

Reply   |   Comment by therube  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

NR 70. If you every do a fresh install after your year is up, you can't run the program. It will continue to ask you to upgrade and exit the installation process. But thumbs down for this.

Reply   |   Comment by tc1uscg  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Every time a security software is given for free here and of course includes a time limit, the same boring discussions are said again and again.

Pls stop complaining about subscription/time limit.
Even if you pay for security software, there is time limit, its so simple!
(exceptions are too limited).

(BTW, I do not like Iobit software for other reasons)

@57 Papin:
Giovanni has mentioned virustotal, check his last link with online scanners!

Reply   |   Comment by jumbi  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I don't know about the pro version of their malware program but I know that IOBITS advanced system care pro that was given away recently on GAOTD screwed up three of my computers, the program took away my copy and paste ability on two pc's and the third on its defrag on boot took the OS out, be carefull of any pro version of iobit software, better off useing their free software and alot less headaches.

Reply   |   Comment by Race Bannon  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Hi, new to this website here

If this is free why only 6 months?


Reply   |   Comment by Tawas  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

The first thing IOBit AntiMalware did was "warn" me that Adobe was updating Flash.


This is how they bolster their bad program cleaning "hit" rate, by marking non-malware as part of their prideful, boastful discoveries and reports?

Sort of like programs that find thousands of bad registry entries (that are bogus non-finds, or are meaningless to speed or reliability), or finding other non-malware "dangerous" programs (like DOS Format.com and FDisk.com that come with the operating system!).

I'll play with the tuning to see if I can back it off.


I find ALL of IOBit's tools useful and well-designed, and they function adequately in their free versions, and the additional features for a price are appropriate for those who want more automation (and a little more depth), but free alternatives are available for those who are willing to do extra work -- you decide.


I see that there are many reasons for programmers to offer stuff on GOTD:

-- certainly to make GOTD folks addicted to their product, hoping that we will BUY their next version

-- knowing that we're geeks, hoping we will recommend their for-fee products to others

-- they need feedback beyond in-house beta, and boy, do we give it!

-- keeping the competitor's products out of our hands, denying the competition sales.

Any other reason you all can think of?

Reply   |   Comment by Peter Blaise  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I don't know about the fight between IO Bit and Malwarebytes and don't really mind 6 month subscriptions since they do allow an extended trial period. Where I have a problem is when my security software (Norton Internet Security) stops the install due to suspicious behavior. It would appear that IO Bit was attempting to start a remote thread using PID:7692. Before I over-ride the security software I would like to understand why the installer was attempting this action and why they haven't registered with Norton so that it is aware of this activity. Thumbs down for me.

Reply   |   Comment by Mr Steve Barrett  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Uhm,, Stortch? And anyone else thinking of taking his recommendation, for that matter.

Please stay away from both of the programs you mentioned. They are both programs that today's offering and malwarebytes etc would (hopefully) look to remove, for good reason.

Excerpt: "SpySheriff is classified as a rogue scanner, sometimes referred to as scareware. Rogue scanners masquerade as antivirus, antispyware, or other security software, claiming the user's system is infected in order to trick them into paying for a full version."

Excerpt: "XP Antivirus 2012 is a variant of the 2012 name-changing rogue program that changes its name randomly depending on the version of Windows it is installed on. This guide will cover the variant of the 2012 name changing rogue called XP Antivirus 2012. This rogue is promoted in two ways. The first is through the use of fake online antivirus scanners that state that your computer is infected and then prompt you to download a file that will install the infection. The other method are hacked web sites that attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in programs that you are running on your computer to install the infection without your knowledge or permission."

Reply   |   Comment by Tammi  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I am not new to computers, so, I know it isn't me at fault. I downloaded the free trial Pro but it installed the free basic version. There are buttons for pro features but they require a license#. Where is the key? Can't give much of an opinion on something that doesn't have access.

Reply   |   Comment by Terry0  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Iv'e moved on too, what i think is better and offer more protection.
Anvi Smart Defender and its total free, and their cloud system booster is good too.

Its a user choice for what they install on their system, as long it not on your pc why be worried ?, let ones decide for them self's, if its not good software and don,t do the job for you, uninstall it and try over makes & brands.

Reply   |   Comment by finnlayer  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Last but definitely not the least Microsoft Security Essentials.

Stay safe :)

Reply   |   Comment by mandy  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I cant get this to install, My current antimalware sees this as malwhere and even when I exclude it, and go ahead with install it first said files were corrupt redownload then after redownload i keep getting failed to install

Reply   |   Comment by gregg  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

A.S.O. (new optimized for ALL Modern PC's, Advanced System Optimizer V3+ is the modern marvel of www.systweak.com and single handedly has kept our 5 PC's here cleaned maintained and optimized for the last 2+ years. Peace to all that care, and remember... "If You don't get it done today, hey no worries, because no oine else will ever do it, and it will be there for You tomorrow, WITHOUT A DOUBT!" Enjoy Your PC Time.

Reply   |   Comment by x  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I also stopped all antivirus/malware
software and that made no difference

Reply   |   Comment by Karen  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Everytime I try to install, I get this
error message:

E:\Program Files\IObit Malware Fighter\Quarantine Zone\info.db

An error occurred while trying to create a file in the destination directory:
Setup was unable to create the directory "E:\Program Files\IObit Malware Fighter\Quarantine Zone".

Error 5: Access is denied.

Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation.
Abort Retry Ignore

E is my second drive... and, I get the same
message when I try to install on C drive...

I've rebooted the pc several times and tried
again... no change

Reply   |   Comment by Karen  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Thank you for the 6 month subscription.
I have downloaded the app and it loaded great, took the license ok and everything is hunky dory. I think that a 6 month trial is a great way to figure out whether the software will function correctly, or not. I used to use NOD32, which was just great, so I am going to make comparisons along the way.
For the nay sayers here, go and get a life. This is a great offer and thank you so much for the chance to try your software - for FREE.

I am sure that the majority of people who complain here today would complain if a Bank decided to give them all $100, for FREE. What? Only $100? This bank sucks.
Honestly, what people complain about....

Reply   |   Comment by Jebbism  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

6 months is a limitation. At GAOTD, limitations have always generated discussion: pro or con; logical or illogical; humourous or serious. A multitude of the daily visitors to this site welcome the back-and-forth nature of these debates. Granted, some visitors do not. But, if you take away that intellectual sparring, this would be just another download site.

As for the theft of intellectual property in 2009, nothing was ever proven. But, apparently, after the accusations, IObit's signature database suddenly got substantially smaller and far less effective for detecting malware/spyware. Coincidence? Me thinks not.

Now... all that aside... the obvious question is... Have they built a better mouse trap?

CNET's review (4.5 out of 5) would seem to indicate they did.

Computersavvy's review (73.5 out of 100) is good but not quite as glowing.

They are decent reviews, but I now face a dilemma... I personally require integrity on the part of software vendors, especially in areas of security. My perception of IObit is that it lacks that integrity.

So, for me, this giveaway will not be a takeaway.

Reply   |   Comment by Johnnie Walker  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+24)

@66: You are dead wrong when you say, "they are not here to provide software to people who ... are just looking for handouts". That is EXACTLY why they are here. To give away free stuff. That's why you came here - to get free stuff. When a developer tries to change your home page, install tool bars or send spam, they are making you pay for their software with your time and trouble.

Feel free to pay for this free program!

Reply   |   Comment by Illegal Pete  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+17)

Is it replacement for security programs like AVG Internet Security? or Should I run both together?

Reply   |   Comment by Sinoj  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'll switch to the free version after the 6-mo. trial is over.
The free version is still good, and has the same engine behind it.

Reply   |   Comment by noghiri  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

This is a poor giveaway. I have ASC PRO and I can say that this giveaway does not even do the many things that that does -- no Privacy Sweep, the Malware it finds 10% of what ACS Pro found. It does not block extra bad sites.

Reply   |   Comment by jane  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

I must agree, Malwarebytes is $20 for a lifetime license as opposed to just a 1 year license. But to all the haters GOTD does a great job in offering us free or sometime shareware software, so let's please stop complaining and be grateful for what we get.

Reply   |   Comment by bcman79  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

I have Iobit advanced care so I do not need this. I have no problems with their product at all. It did not hijack my home page or anything else to that nature.
All I can say is give it a try, their advanced care is a very good tool, which is a keeper for me, I do not know about todays offer, I do have the malware scan with mine and have never had a problem with my pc crashing.
Enjoy the fourth.

Reply   |   Comment by mike; wash  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Dear sir I have instaled avast internet security in my pc and now i want to instal IObt Malware Fighter with them without uninstal avast.Can i do this? Please help me

Reply   |   Comment by Anil Kumar  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

Looks good. Runs great on XP. A 35 minute scan on my 500gb harddrive found 5 things, even though I use two other spyware programs. Also cleared out the cookies. A little extra security for free for 6 months sounds like a good deal to me. Oh, it did want to install a tool bar, so make sure you Decline that; otherwise good stuff. Thanks again.

Reply   |   Comment by PatrickB  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

@ #8 Mike M, I would suggest that GAOTD always make the offer time limited as they are not here to provide software to people who never purchase anything but are just looking for handouts.

It is bad business for software developers to provide the latest version of their products. There is no incentive to purchase it.

It seems that 99% of the people using this site don't have the means to make any purchases and are just begging for companies to give them software. Then they complain because the companies send them emails - unbelievable - in the US we call these type BUMS!


Reply   |   Comment by I-Glow  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-13)

I don't know why do people complain about a subscription based program like this one offered today.
Almost every antispyware/antivirus software need to update signatures and that's why it works this way.
Today it's offered a program with free updates for 6 months.

Reply   |   Comment by Edu  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-12)

A couple of weeks ago my system started re directing web pages & acting buggy. I have MSE, Superantispyware, Malwarbytes & Spybot. Eventually my computer started talking (playing audio from commercials) even when not on the internet. Which, by the way, will scare the crap out of you. Nothing I did helped. I ran every single target scan I could find with no results. Out of desparation I ran the free version of IObit. It found 2 entries that it removed. I was then able to find one more nasty file using Hijack this. (it had a similar name to the ones IObit found). After a re start my computer is as good as new. Malwarbytes came up clean, yet IObit found something...so how can they be using the same virus database?

Reply   |   Comment by Mothman  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

"During installation IObit Malware Fighter will suggest you to install Iobit tool bar, set yahoo as your default search engine, install Advanced SystemCare & Password Folder. You can avoid these un-wanted tools & changes by clicking “skip” button." Why,Oh Why do these Software Dev's Insist upon Plaguing us With Yahoo,?Kickbacks? Pennies on the dollar?.....Please.......

Reply   |   Comment by vanierstein  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

#13 - OK. Thanks.

#35's comments are superb and IOBit should pay attention when planning marketing strategy!

Also, I love GAOTD. It has the best combination of appealing European names (and thinking) and contributors - Guiseppe, of course, King Giovanni... and others. I'm changing my name to Michele.

Reply   |   Comment by Mike M  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

Why would we complain it is asked. Because this offer is ridiculous. Who in their right mind would download this thing. 6 months is like a slap in the face.
I wasn't going to post but when peoples decisions to not download are ridiculed by certain individuals then I take exception to that.

If you want to download it for 6 months then be my guest, but don't tell me not to complain if I choose not too.

Plus, as others have said why would you want this anyway with the great free alternatives available with no time constriction.

Reply   |   Comment by angry  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+19)

Well, I should have read the comments first.

First off, what's all this talk about a separate malware program. Anyone using a quality anti-virus program already gives this protection.

The uninstaller does a terrible job at removing this garbage. Revo Uninstaller Pro caught these registry keys:


File wise, it leaves behind "C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\IObit Malware Fighter" and "C:\Users\Jim\AppData\Roaming\IObit\IObit Malware Fighter"

A tip for the developer............in Options Tips, have someone versed in English grammar correct you broken English

Total thumbs down for me.

Reply   |   Comment by reghacker  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Hello. I have this full program at the suggestion of Dell techs, on my new Dell computer. I find it to be a wonderful program and since I gotten it I have not had any problems with my computer or the software itself. I see complaints about it being only a six month for free program. What better way to see if a program is for you than to try it for free. I believe you will be surprised at what it can do for you. Beth

Reply   |   Comment by Beth  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-12)

IObit Malware messed up my registry so bad the last time I tried it, so that I had to do new install and lost all of my programs from GATD.
There were over 100 registry entries before my computer crashed.
I will not ever try to install IObit Malware ever.

Reply   |   Comment by Glen3  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

I have been using IOBit's Advanced SystemCare and the precursor to Malware Fighter for several years as freeware, manual cleanup & security utilities and found both to be very useful. I've been using the paid "Pro" versions for about a year with similar results. The main difference between the free and paid versions is that the latter have real-time automatic functions and protection. The only issue I have had recently is that the Process Guard function in MalwareFighter Pro conflicts with the paid version of the Avast! Anti-Virus program, and I was advised by IOBit to turn it off until they solve this problem.

Reply   |   Comment by Robert  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Didn't see the first online tool to use for suspicious software: www.virustotal.com. But I'm sure you know it ;)

Reply   |   Comment by papin  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+17)

I have nothing against free trials if that's what you're looking for, but this is GiveAwayOfTheDay,not FreeTrialOfTheDay. And chances are very slim that a user of this website doesn't already have a reliable malware program. I wouldn't uninstall one I trust to test one I know nothing about. Pass.

Reply   |   Comment by Illegal Pete  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+16)

Hi, I would like to point out something based on my personal observation, so people more "fluent" in PC security matters will probably have better idea if it's a proven fact.., but -

Since my usual Malware Programs (no, IObit is not one of them, and thanks for Today's Offer, but I'm not going for a 6 months "paid" Trial either) were AIDED by Ad Muncher, given here last Nov - I felt (almost physically!:) "armoured" against sudden attacks of those ad-based malware nasties that can jump from nowhere and with a speed of lightning do their "dirty deeds".. Truly!

After all - Ad Muncher "blocks many spyware, adware and dialer installers" as it claims, and does it very effectively (not to mention noticeable freedom while surfing advert-laden Sites) I'm using a paid version of it, but perhaps free one (also available) can help as well?

I apologize for mentioning this Program today when something else has it's Day on GAOTD , but feel that it might have appropriate connection to Security matters. Hope it helps.

BTW - I would be a hypocrite not to mention that some other IObit Tools are in my collection too, and used effectively when needed:)

Reply   |   Comment by fran  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)
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Image to PDF - JPG to PDF Giveaway
Image to PDF - JPG to PDF is the most reliable picture to PDF converter.
$2.99 ➞ free today
Word Slice: 1 Hint 5 Words! Giveaway
Prepare for an exciting word puzzle adventure with Word Slice: 1 Hint 5 Words!
$1.49 ➞ free today
Word Cage PRO Giveaway
Word Cage is a new relaxing word search game with an original gameplay.
$1.99 ➞ free today