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Ideal Blu-ray Ripper Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Ideal Blu-ray Ripper

A fast, efficient and easy-to-use ripper for Blu-ray movies. Get Ideal Blu-ray Ripper FREE on GOTD.
$59.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 183 32 comments

Ideal Blu-ray Ripper was available as a giveaway on March 23, 2013!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Create an endless variety of each tree type.

Ideal Blu-ray Ripper is an easy and smart Blu-ray tool to rip Blu-rays to MKV, MPG, AVI, mp4, WMV and mp3 formats, then you can enjoy your favorite and precious Blu-rays on TV, Smart Phones, tablets or portable devices. Prevent the original Blu-ray from being scratched, save your money on buying the same Blu-rays again and again.

Key features:

  • Rip Blu-ray to MKV, MPG, AVI, mp4, WMV video format with AAC, AC3 or MP3 audio track. Support h.264. mpeg-4, DivX code. Exact only audio track off blu-ray to mp3 format.
  • Decrypt blu-ray alone, no other decrypter is needed.
  • Embeded profiles for most common and popular devices, such as iPad Mini, Surface, iPad 3, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, iPodtouch 4, Apple TV, iPad 2, iPad 1, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone, iPodtouch 3, iPodtouch 2, iPodtouch, iPodClassic, Kindle Fire, Android mobile phone from 4inch to 10 inch screen, Dell streak smart phone, Samsung Galaxy, HP TouchPad, Nokia and Optoma PK320 etc. To enjoy your Blu-rays on these device, just choose the corresponding profile to rip, you can get best quality on them.
  • Fast ripping speed and keep audio and video in high quality.
  • Easy to use.

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ 2000/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8 (x32/x64); A Blu-ray drive; Internet connection


Ideal DVD Software Inc.



File Size:

27.7 MB



Comments on Ideal Blu-ray Ripper

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There server will no longer supply decryption key to my computer even though I purchased the lifetime license. As for their support, they claim it is a firewall problem on my end and will not attempt to help. It can not be a firewall issue on my end because I have turned the firewall completely off and disabled all virus checking, and their server still will not download keys to me. I have tried it on multiple machines on different networks and it still fails. Do not buy this software!

Reply   |   Comment by Bill Lee  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#11, this giveaway is for blu-ray ripper, certainly you should use the key to activate blu-ray ripper but not other program. In the register window, we list the button for different programs, just click on the second button "Register BlurayRipper" to activate.

And you may click the Gear button on the top right corner of the main form, then click "Register" menu to go to the register window.

Reply   |   Comment by Ideal DVD Software  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

#24, have you checked the real audio type after you ripped your blu-ray? In the decription, we said it can rip blu-ray to mp3 format, don't mean all audio of the profile will be mp3, mp3 is just a profile.For mkv, mpg, mp4 format etc, the audio type can be AAC, AC3, original. You may choose different audio quality from the "Quality" dropdown list.

Reply   |   Comment by Ideal DVD Software  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

I already have Aiseesoft Blue Ray Ripper from a previous giveaway, so I will pass on this one. I wonder if Giovanni knows there is a free font named Giovanni.

Reply   |   Comment by Luckey  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

@#26: Even if you don't have a blue ray disk you can use the free file converter part. And I strongly disagree with your positive opinion about programs from Wondershare. But programs from Ashampoo are good.

Reply   |   Comment by Ingvar  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

a good company with 'get back to you rightaway' support

Reply   |   Comment by walt  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

None of my computers has a bluray drive, and they've disabled the DVD ripper in the GAOTD version (so I'm told), so this is worthless to me. I guess we're lucky to get what we can free, and I appreciate all that GAOTD staff does, but I am always terribly disappointed when manufacturers put crippled and dumbed down versions of their software here and expect us to buy the real thing. I'm finding that I don't bother to even check to see what the daily emails say is on GAOTD unless it's something I really want, or a developer that I know is very good (Ashampoo, Wondershare, Playrix games, etc.).

I hope the manufacturers and the GAOTD staff will take note before too many subscribers give up altogether.

Reply   |   Comment by DBP  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

It works with blu-rays for me
supports the most profiles I've seen.
Also h264 high profile
which handbrake does
but this software can rip decode
does it easy.
have not tried the free file converting part but assume that's as good.
A useful tool addition for me.
Yes, Thank you GAOTD and Ideal DVD software

Reply   |   Comment by Brian  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This program is very limited and does not serve the purpose it claims to serve.
For starters, this program does not preserve the original audio of Blu-ray disks. In the program description, it says the original audio is converted to MP3. Everyone knows that MP3 doesn't hold a candle to DTS-HD audio. This conversion alone slows down conversion time dramatically. More importantly, this program can't be used for its feature of "[Preventing] the original Blu-ray from being scratched, save your money on buying the same Blu-rays again and again" (notice the horrible grammar). If original quality isn't preserved, then this software is garbage for true movie addicts.

Thanks GAOTD but no thanks!

Reply   |   Comment by Yang Yang  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

$99.97 to unlock the complete suite. Hmmm, not a super deal, but not too high for this type of software, given the lifetime license (as long as they keep up support). Yes, I know there are several ways to do what this software does for free (Giovanni will enlighten us). What Ideal Software is offering is simplicity for the average PC user.

However, I think it's odd that there is no a special upgrade price for today's GOTD deal. After all, they are giving away part of the suite, why make us pay for that part if we want the complete suite? I would bet if there was a "$50.00 to complete the suite" price, the folks at Ideal Software would be setting a sales record today.

Reply   |   Comment by goo  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Register easy.No e-mail needed. This is a keeper. Thank you.

Reply   |   Comment by VaughnF  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Again, people are so quick to vote a thumbs down? Did you even download it? In a brief test, it worked with an encryted Blu Ray disc. The interface is not pretty. Personally, not much of an issue for me. Having used several rippers, this has some great features.

Ability to convert output to numerous popular formats such as DIVX/XVID/MP4/MKV via a single click.

Does both DVD and BD discs. No need for separate apps.

Output quality is only adjustable via presets, and it does take quite a while when transcoding, but it saves you from having to rip and covert separately.

Reply   |   Comment by pixelriffic  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

their DVD copy works great...a good company in my opinion

Reply   |   Comment by walt  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm glad to see you can do conversions, not just a stand-alone Blue-ray burner

Did anyone notice this installs ImgBurn on your hard drive?

Reply   |   Comment by Jim  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ideal Blu-ray Ripper, GOOD NAME... Only it is NOT a Blu-ray that I wanted to RIP after trying several times to get this program to register! Ideal Blu-ray Expensive Trash, IS MORE LIKE IT!!

Reply   |   Comment by Dufus McGee  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

The developer wrote:

" save your money on buying the same Blu-rays again and again. "

Who ever bought the same Blue-ray over and over?
I have never done it nor anyone else in the world.
If that is something to brag about, then I don't like to know about any other features of this product nor will I use it.

Reply   |   Comment by Marko  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I don't trust software that (virtually) requires me to install new browser toolbars and search engines.
Didn't go past this part of the installation and refused to accept the license agreement.

Reply   |   Comment by Sally  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Who buys "the same Blu-rays again and again?" No video is that good.

Reply   |   Comment by Dae Powell  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

very slow, no GPU acceleration (CUDA, DXVA, ATI Stream). Seems like you need different application for DVD, this one deal with Blu-ray only.
free very easy to use and very good output Freemake Video http://www.freemake.com/free_video_converter/
just pay attention at installation and do not install all the unwanted addware. (the option will install a clean version).


Reply   |   Comment by Gordon  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

#5: "This programme is integrated in a piece of software called Ideal media solution which has three other applications: video converter (free), bluray copy and dvd ripper. You only get bluray ripper code, that means 50% of the applications are not available for you, you would need to purchase the other two codes."

In case or if it helps anyone... While one app may or may not handle both Blu-Ray & DVD discs, there's not a lot of overlap when it comes to bypassing the DRM, & it could be argued that the average home user is going to buy movies on DVD or Blu-Ray discs -- seldom both... if you're not set up to watch Blu-Ray you buy DVDs, & if you can watch Blu-Ray, buying lower resolution DVDs might make little sense. Being able to rip or copy/backup a type of disc you don't use is probably not very useful, so if you can save some money by not paying for stuff you'll never use, that can be a good thing. :) And I think that's why many companies split up their software into Blu-Ray or DVD Rippers/Converters or Blu-Ray or DVD Copiers, figuring their customers will just buy what they want/need.

A Ripper is a video converter that can read discs [DVD or Blu-Ray], which means bypassing the DRM that makes this sort of software necessary. A Copier reads the disc & puts either the entire disc or portions of it on your hard drive as-is -- from there it can optionally be written to another disc [e.g. for a backup], or converted into another format [e.g. for your tablet or cell], & those options may or may not be included in the copy app you use. The main criteria for both copiers & rippers is how reliably it can by-pass the DRM on the discs you buy -- that is after all the main thing you're paying for [there are plenty of free audio/video converters]. It's a cat & mouse game where DRM is constantly evolving, always being updated, so you're more interested in what a ripper or copier can handle tomorrow, rather than what it successfully managed today.

Note that sometimes advances in DRM mean a ripper or copier have to be updated, even if or when the app phones home for directions on how to by-pass the DRM on a particular disc -- AnyDVD & DVDFab, IMHO the 2 most well-known programs for doing this sort of thing, constantly have new releases. You can look at it two ways I think -- grab every app of this sort whenever it's on GOTD because it's current, or plan on paying for the upgradable version [many (most?) that are offered on GOTD can't be updated for free]. Also note that you can't tell if a copy or copy + conversion worked until you watch the results all the way through -- often a movie will be split into several pieces that have to be reassembled just so [like a jigsaw puzzle], & fake playlists [on Blu-Ray there can be hundreds] make that [much] more difficult... when a ripper or copier doesn't get it right, scenes can be jumbled, missing, or the movie may just stop playing. If you just backed up a disc you own you can always put the original in your player & save the evening, but if you're on a trip or something & find the movie you planned on watching with your tablet doesn't work it can be upsetting, so plan or check the results accordingly. :)

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

Can you actually use other burning progs along with this, or are they tying them in with this prog ?
Comment 4 - don't talk wet

Reply   |   Comment by Phil K  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Ok, I get it... You have to click on the Blu-ray Ripper tab and select a blu-ray disc to register. This software is garbage, sorry giveawayoftheday, stay away from that company!

Reply   |   Comment by Gary Palys  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I am not sure about BluRay but following Address satisfies all DVD needs & most all it is all Free...


Reply   |   Comment by abba  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

#4....I have never bought programs to use on my PC. Windows 7 was given to me for a birthday gift. I use all free software. If a better one comes around on here I replace the previous one I had. Would I pay a $100 for one? Only if I wiped out my drive and no one else had software to find important folders and files on my PC. Then again that is why I make an image of my PC once a week using free Paragon presented on here I know I should be using Sandboxie or others while experimenting with all the new freebies available almost daily. That is what Giovanni, Ashraf and others recommend so many to us.

Reply   |   Comment by Maureen  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#3, this giveaway is only for the blu-ray ripper. The DVD Ripper is just a 10 days trial version.

Reply   |   Comment by Ideal DVD Software  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

#5, in fact, I've made the following post just when the compaign began, don't know why it isn't shown here.

The setup file is called Ideal Media Solution. Ideal Blu-ray Ripper is a module of it. After installing Ideal Media Solution, please click the Gear button which is on the top right corner, then click "Register" menu, using the following key to activate Blu-ray Ripper.

Lifetime key for Ideal Blu-ray Ripper:

The key is lifetime, and it is also valid on our future update version. But you can only activate it on GOTD. When the GOTD time is over, the key will be also invalid.

The current version is 4.1.0, it doesn't support ripping subtitle, but our new beta version 4.2.0 can do it. If you want to add subtitle to the ripped file, please download the beta version from http://www.idealdvdcopy.com/bluray-ripper.htm .

Attention: Ideal Blu-ray Ripper need access internet, please ensure your firewall or anti-virus didn't block it. If you have any issue about registering or using Ideal Blu-ray Ripper, feel free to contact us at support@idealdvdcopy.com .

Reply   |   Comment by Ideal DVD Software  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

Just an ordinary Blu-ray ripper as many others.... but since cannot be UPDATED for FREE it can be used for a few weeks time only, unless you are willing to pay an extra charge to get the upgrade, of course.


* DVDFab HD Decrypter

In case it was unable to remove a certain stubborn Blu-ray protection, just try these FREE (PORTABLE) GEMS, which can remove any copy protection from Blu-rays (AACS) keeping the Blu-ray folder structure, original 1080p video, original menu, as well as the original audio/subtitle tracks.


* DAPlayer
Breakthrough Blu-ray DVD HD videos playback for playing high-definition videos, like Bluray, AVCHD, TS, MKV, MPEG4, H264 video formats. Supports any commercial and homemade Bluray multi-track video/audio and subtitles, and can also be used to decrypt and backup blu-ray movies (compatible with BD+ and AACS protected Bluray) so as to play them from your hard disk and even from your virtual driver.


* Blu-ray Disc Ripper
Can copy, decrypt and backup Blu-ray Discs from the original disc, your PC HD and even from a disc image mounted in a virtual drive without any hassle.

http://www.softpedia.com/get/CD-DVD-Tools/CD-DVD-Rip-Other-Tools/Blu-ray-Disc-Ripper.shtml (==> just pay attention while installing since it's ad-supported)

Want to clone an entire blu-ray movies collection to a perfect 1:1 backup, by making and mounting ISO images of it on a new disc for FREE? No problem:


Hey damn Italian chap...I can't do that because the size of blu-rays is too huge...Ok... how about shrink a Blu-ray movie with all menus and extras for FREE??


And if you own a huge collection of blu-ray movies and you are eager to organize them like a PRO, this nice online app does that and more for FREE:


Finally, to convert your ripped blu-ray movie to a whatsoever other format for FREE:



My 2 cents for today's giveaway!!

Reply   |   Comment by Giovanni  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+56)

This programme is integrated in a piece of software called Ideal media solution which has three other applications: video converter (free), bluray copy and dvd ripper. You only get bluray ripper code, that means 50% of the applications are not available for you, you would need to purchase the other two codes.
Take that into consideration if you do not like having rather incomplete software on your computer because this one is in some way. Thank you GAOTD and Ideal DVD software.Inc but I think this should have been warned in advance.

Reply   |   Comment by tontiloqui  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+85)

your freeware which it is not with your link is a joke it will not even open a Blu ray disc.
as for this program being too expensive if you want to be able to rip the latest Blu- ray movies this program does it.
I have used the Ideal medua soulutions blu- raay ripper for over a year and what I have found over the year is that the author of the program has new blu- ray movie protections done before the movies hit the stores.

and they offer a total package BD- ripper/ BD copy/ Dvdripper/dvdcopy all for under $100.00 Life time if that is too expensive apprently you don't buy si oftware very much.

Reply   |   Comment by Tony  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-95)

Does the Giveaway version do DVDs as well? Looks like it does not but I wanted to be certain.

Reply   |   Comment by Adam  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-20)

No mention is made of what encryptions it can and cannot bypass.

Reply   |   Comment by AUS_Doug  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+24)

Freeware alternative: 4Easysoft Free Blu-ray Ripper

4Easysoft Free Blu-ray Ripper can convert Blu-Ray files to various video/audio formats. It also supports many multimedia devices, so you can enjoy them on any players including iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPod, iPod Nano, iPod Nano 4, iPod Classic, Apple TV, PSP, PS3.

Download: http://www.softpedia.com/get/CD-DVD-Tools/CD-DVD-Rip-Other-Tools/4Easysoft-Free-Blu-ray-Ripper.shtml

Reply   |   Comment by Clair  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)
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