Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
iClone 6.54 Standard was available as a giveaway on April 11, 2018!
Different from other 3D tools, iClone is designed for instant visualization and digital storytelling. Its unique real-time animation engine gives you 10 x faster production speed by giving-what-you-see without having to wait. It's content-driven director layout is logically defined with Stage, Set, Actor, Animation, Media and Export tabs so that you may easily allocate resources during creation. iClone is not only the ideal tool for studios, live TV productions, and previzualizations but it also allows anyone to be their own director by animating without any hassles of creating content from scratch!
Windows 7 SP1/ 8/ 10 (x64); Minimum: Dual core CPU or higher; 4GB RAM; 5GB free hard disk space; Display Resolution: 1024 x 768; Color Depth: True Color (32-bit); Graphics Card: NVidia Geforce GTX 400 Series/ AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series; Video Memory: 1GB RAM Additional Requirements: 3-button mouse; DirectX 11; Internet connection required for online activation; Stereo devices and player are required for viewing contents with stereo vision
949 MB
Never got a serial number. I hate sites that demand I sign up and remember a password from long ago. I am dumping the download. There are plenty of other programs like Blender.
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Ken, Blender is one of the best. I am using it at the moment although the learning curve is quite steep...
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When the install got to the prompt to install the Resource Pack, it reports an error:
The instruction at 0xed519ec referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be read.
Click OK to terminate the program.
I tried a second time and got the same error. Has anyone else had the same error?
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As someone who does use software like this, it works great. Also make sure after you install it, you open it and get the resource pack for about a gig of content. I mostly use Daz studio and the lighting and cloth effects are amazing fast with this! There is an add on I saw that will allow you to use daz content, but I did get that far, just waiting on the resource pack to download and play with it, with the content provided. Last year was version 5 of this, I did use it much, so I'm unsure how it's evolved sicne then.
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Like Robert I wouldn't know anything about using this type of program, but I'm willing to give it a shot. It mentions 'digital storytelling' so maybe eventually I can make my own 3D comic? No clue. Here's hoping :-)
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No problems with registration or installation. To be frank I don't really have a use for this type of software, but being curious I thought I give it a shot just in case it might prove useful. Having played around with it for quite a while I found it a bit difficult to get to grips with the workings, but as I don't normally use software like this and have no idea what I doing when it comes to programs like this, it's probably me just being a bit of a thicko. However I did manage to get it to work after a lot of messing around and even my ham fisted attempt turned out not too bad (well I thought so) but having seen how good it is I'll keep it and play with it some more, I'm already thinking of uses for it, just need to climb the steep learning curve to get there. Software 10/10 My Ability 2/10
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Having trouble getting to the page where the serial # can be obtained. I am already a Reallusion member. If anyone can supply me with a viable link I would be grateful.
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I'm also already registered and had installed iClone 6.54 from an earlier offer, not sure whether from GOTD. The serial numbers of any registered products you already have should be here, if already logged in => https://www.reallusion.com/member/#/en/registration
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Dingo, Try the link in the readme file: https://www.reallusion.com/event/iC6Standard/GOTD_1803.html & then clicking on Step 3 (below the video at the top of the page).
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Dingo, https://www.reallusion.com/CustomerSupport/User/QForm.aspx
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Dingo, Better still go here https://www.reallusion.com/event/iC6Standard/GOTD_1803.html scroll down a bit, click "here" at the step 3 place, it will take you to your login page, login and follow the prompts. The serial number will be at the bottom of the page after you hit submit and ok
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This is an amazing program. Very creative.
Thank you GAOTD and reallusion.
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At least Endomendo did accept that some people would find it useful. But I do agree with the principle that if you personally do not have any use for a particular GOTD then there is little point in making a negative comment which may mislead readers who would get some benefit from the offering.
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So if I uninstal the program after the offer expire I wont be able to install it again right?
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Magdalene, Right.
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I'm not sure whether I downloaded iClone 6.54 Standard from GOTD or another Giveaway site LAST year. I still have the installation files.
After seeing today's offer, I checked mine and noted it was not working. I remembered I had a Windows fresh installation a couple of months back, but chose to leave existing files/documents intact. That apparently included some, including a desktop icon of iClone 6. Since the Windows fresh installation had removed registry files, it meant a re-install of iClone 6.54, which I have just completed. I entered the key, I had got then, all is working.
Coming to think of it, it was probably not from GOTD, ... In the past, if I remember well, though, offers involving Reallusion products like iClone or Crazytalk require registering on their site in addition and one can actually access via their account a download link + registration key, should one need them, again, later.
I'm not sure whether GOTDs offer today requires that, but if it does, then one can like in my case of a fresh Windows installation ALWAYS be able to re-install and activate their Reallusion product.
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Magdalene, You will be able to..I had Crazy Talk Standard installed from last August, HDD failed in December..re-installed program and license key still worked and was verified by Reallusion to be able to work..your license key is also kept in your members area at Reallusion and through the confirmation email ( I keep those in a folder in my email)
Good luck and have some fun with it.
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>Coming to think of it, it was probably not from GOTD
I keep track of where the giveaway is from just in case I want to go back and check something. The downloaded date can help determine when I got a version of the file.
I checked my list of past giveaway dates, and 6.52 was offered on GOTD (2017-10-24 (Oct 24)) and another site in 2017. GOTD: https://www.giveawayoftheday.com/iclone-6-54-standard/
It was also offered on another site on 2017-10-30.
Check to see if any of the files "creation" date or "modified" date is for 2017-10-24 (Oct 24) or the 2017-10-30 dates.
An older version (5.52) was also offered on 2017-03-31: https://www.giveawayoftheday.com/iclone-5-51-standard/
That same version was offered on another site on 2017-04-03.
If the modified dates do not match this date, check the creation date. The creation date will be when the file was created on your system (such as download date), not necessarily when the file was last modified. The creation date may even be after the last modified date (e.g., if you moved any of the files to a different disk, that date will change even though the modified date would not).
Hope that helps, ... that is if you are still wondering.
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Endomondo -- thanks for telling us (at length) that this doesn't interest you!
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Jasper Nemo and I thank you for no reply to Endomondo too
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alireza, In a way, we are all replying to Endomondo. Also hope he reads them all.
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