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Hetman Uneraser 3.9 was available as a giveaway on August 28, 2017!
When your computer power suddenly goes off or you see a blue "screen of death", the first thought that comes to your mind is whether the document you were working on is still there. In case of a minor hardware error, your information will be just fine, but worst case scenarios also happen and that's when you should start being worried. A power failure, a virus attack or a critical error on your hard drive may knock you out of work for a long time and destroy your data.
Hetman Uneraser was created specifically for these needs. Offering a simple interface similar to that of Windows Explorer, it works with virtually any types of modern and legacy media, such as HDDs, photo cameras, USB devices, phone memory cards, cell phones, ZIPs and 3.5" disks. No matter which file system you use - FAT16, FAT32 or NTFS - Hetman Uneraser will be an equally efficient file recovery tool. The software scans the desired location and displays a searchable and sortable list of recoverable files that you can preview prior to starting the unerase process. Being able to preview a file is a guarantee of its 100% recoverability.
But even if the file can't be previewed, there is still a good chance that you will be able to recover lost data. Hetman Uneraser supports all file types and will be able to recover your files even after hard drive re-formatting.
You can learn more about the program from the video!
Please note, the program includes a half year license!
Windows 10/ 8/ 7/ 2008 Server/ Vista/ XP/ 2003/ 2000/ NT; 256 MB of RAM; Enough disk space for restoration of files; The administrative privileges are required.
18.5 MB
after installing, a message appeared that software successfully activated but actually I am not able to locate it in my PC no shortcut for it neither does not exist in program files as if I am not install it in the first place.
I did repeat the installation process few times but with no success, same result no trace for it in my PC
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Hossam Abd Elaal, Disable any antivirus/antimalware program, extract the GOTD zip file to its own folder, run the exe file, and follow any instructions in the readme.txt file.
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Windows 7 Pro 32-bit.
A note on cleaning up after install:
After installing and closing the program, at first I could not delete Setup.exe and Setup.gcd, a persistent small empty screen kept appearing on my desktop, and, while the program on the taskbar showed itself as running, I could not find it in Task Manager.
After a cold reboot the problem appeared to be solved -- I could delete the two Setup files, and the other indications of the program running had disappeared.
William W. Geertsema
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Hmm...this thing can't even recover items deleted from the recycle bin? I had a high school coding project that could do that. Should be a fundamental capability for any un-eraser.
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Installed ok after disabling antivirus and did the registration but now it says "Days to registration: 180 days" Is that normal? Please advise...
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TK, are you sure of that because the same thinggy appears in mine too. 180 days only? please tell me whether its normal. other than that no problem the app is working fine.
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With a product name as specifically enticing as today's, I'm surprised the developer has gone for a domestic home-user audience instead of security and law enforcement agencies.
Forensic recovery of over-written HDD data blocks is a time-consuming and expensive business; electron microscopes ain't cheap. At $18.63 retail, this uneraser of erased data is an astonishing bargain. Even at $1,863 retail it would be sought by all the above-mentioned. Actually: $18,630 would still suit the FBI's budget just fine.
I'm almost tempted to DL and try to unerase that which has been erased from my hard drive. Almost tempted to find, in the wealth of verbiage penned by this developer, a single solitary example of an erased file or folder being recovered by Uneraser 3.9. It's tempting, too, to check out the version history of Uneraser from 1.0 to the present because a product's evolution says everything about its progressive refinement.
Instead though, because I'm short of time, I'll leave the developer to come on here and tell me how $18sworth of software can feasibly attempt what even $100,000sworth of electron deep-scan forensic hardware has no guarantee of achieving.
Meantime, if need arises today for me to recover an inadvertently deleted file or folder from my hard drive, I'll use Piriform's always-free Recuva. It doesn't promise to un-erase anything, but at least seems to manage things rather better than Uneraser 3.9:
"Unfortunately, this program isn't capable of recovering the files you lost after the storage device was damaged or infected, the disk was formatted, or the Recycle Bin's items were deleted." (Ashley Griggs, Software Informer):
Though I take my hat off to Hetman for linking from its own website's "Expert Reviews: Reputed computer publications and data recovery laboratories recommend using our software. See the independent experts' opinion" to a, er, recommendation which demolishes its own product, I'm not going to be able to un-erase from my mind the notion that this software isn't ever going to do what it says on the tin -- and that if it can't even live up to its own self-description, then no 6-month trial is going to alter that.
Thanks, GOTD, and Hetman. But no thanks.
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TK, Only, they did not name it Undelete, did they? they have named it Uneraser which is exactly the point MikeR had made
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TK: thanks for the chuckle; much appreciated. 'The most enticing misnomer in computing history' it certainly seems to be. Makes me think, Windows 10 must be running it a close second. . . Thanks again!
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Takeshi: no prob. I understand the spirit in which TK's luvvly post was made. But thanks for rallying to my defense, 'cos that's equally appreciated, too, even though not necessary (this time around!)
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MikeR, That was an overly verbose way of saying that you didn't install it.
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FWIW, in case it helps some folks understanding MikeR's comments...
: an attitude or expression of mocking irreverence and sarcasm..."
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Got ''Installer Integrity Check Failed'' message - never seen that before. Any fix? Also downloaded it from their website but doesn't register with the GOTD key.
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Hi bookman! Try downloading the installer again and do setting up :3
(Make sure your internet connection is stable and you use stable browser like Chrome)
Only the GOTD's installer can fit that license key :3
Good luck to you!
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TK, thanks for your reply. I think the ZIP archive from GOTD is safe (I think so). Since the installer is encrypted with Themida, the installation has been quite hard cause the decryption process is regarded as malicious processes by anti-virus + anti-malware.
Indeed, I want to help him but I can't do anything (inconvenient to mention here). The ZIP file isn't damaged or not depending on the download process (I think so)
Actually I have been using PC for 2 years, and I consider myself as an average PC user! :3 Therefore, running the setup in Safe Mode with Networking with carefulness (control PC as well as you can) is my solution.
There is also a way to keep this giveaway (not mentioned here due to respect to GOTD) and the installation will be better! :3
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