Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
GameGuru was available as a giveaway on September 28, 2018!
Welcome to GameGuru - the easiest and most enjoyable game creator! Create a game that you and your friends come together and play. Creating your game could be a matter of minutes and there’s no technical jiggery-pokery needed at all!
Of course, you can happily spend hours, days…even weeks creating your masterpiece, however the great thing about GameGuru is you won't be held up by learning strange alien programming languages or using complex modelling tools. The time you spend with GameGuru is all about creating, and having fun whilst doing it.
We've created a small game level for you to play and enjoy, which shows you how you might want to lay out your level and balance the combat to give the player a challenging experience. You can, of course, edit this level any way you wish and learn from an existing demo level rather than start completely from scratch.
GameGuru offers you an easy yet comprehensive game-creation process that is open to non-programmers and designers/artists, or anyone who aspires to become a game creator. It also has powerful editing tools for those who want to take their game creation to an even greater and more complex level. The power is there at your fingertips. And, as a welcome to GameGuru bonus we have also included an expansion pack with over 2.8 GB of additional game assets for you to get started! Enjoy!
Please note: you'll need a Steam account to download the program installer using the individual Steam key!
Windows 8/ 8.1/ 10; Processor: Intel Dual-Core 2GHz or AMD Dual-Core 2GHz; Memory: 2 GB RAM; Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 400 series or AMD Radeon HD 6000 series, 2GB Video Card (Minimum Shader Model 5.0); DirectX: Version 11; Storage: 4 GB available space; Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
4 KB
This Sci-Fi Mission to Mars Pack brings a new style to the GameGuru world. This DLC is ideal for making space adventures and comes with a demo game to inspire your creative juices.
This Fantasy Pack brings a new Aztec Jungle style to the GameGuru world. Create Fantasy levels with the media in this pack and use the Wizard character from the core GameGuru stock media for a new gaming experience.
Are you ready to experience some of the best weapons you'll ever find in a game maker? Look no further than this collection of 10 weapons!
This DLC is crammed with 96 items that you might typically find on a site under construction, ranging from large industrial supplies to smaller tools you might find in your shed.
Dear GOTD users,
we were provided with 10 000 codes for this Giveaway, but this amount is over by now!
But we have contacted the developer and we'll have another GameGuru offer pretty soon,
maybe the next week ! We really hope this time everyone will get his key!
Hope for your understanding!
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Helen, that would be awesome, but please make it harder for key farmers. You could easily grab multiple keys.
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If the vendor is kind enough to release more keys, perhaps you could be so kind as to first offer them via email to we who have taken the time to comment kindly.
Cheers -
- Shannon
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10000 keys gone! I am really interested now about what really this game is, really hope they give some more keys. Waiting for more keys.
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You would think they would BEG to give away millions of free copies, since they stand to make several hundred dollars per user on the build packs that are pretty much essential to making any kind of decent game out of the game base they were giving away.
I checked their website to see what gameguru is about and you pretty much have to spend a lot of money on extension packs to make any decent games.
Email me if they give more keys. I'll check their game out, but I have a feeling I'll have to spend a lot of money if I want to have any real fun with it.
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mike kay,
What about the people who backed it in the first place.
they don`t get anything. and if they did`t back it .it would
not have come about how about free stuff for for them.
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I do hope that more keys become available. I second the suggestions concerning blocking bots and E-Mailing those who commented with offers for reserved keys.
Thank you.
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Helen, when I went to the website to get my free key, the GotD page said 127 free copies (and I have screen captures showing this at two different times: 6:15:06 and 6:20:14 this morning, central time).
GotD should not be having 'limited' giveaways or sweepstakes. That's not the 'spirit of 'Giveaway of the Day' :(
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I wanted to try this!
Unfortunately no more keys.
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Helen, Had to work ALL day and would have loved to have checked it out. Hopefully you can generate more Steam keys as they are free request and generate.
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I think that when free copies have left then it should refer to automatically or manually to another program,what should be started next day.Otherwise there should be seem like competition is not yet ready, but there have no keys anymore.So it is like full version program, where giveaway is expired.
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It expired before it even started only 10,000 licences, I was looking forward to trying this and would have paid for it if i liked it
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as you are not the same mick who has posted below
i would suggest that you go to game guru website and ask if they
will be doing there free weekend on steam again.
then after this you could buy it as you said you would.
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USorry to hear yoz're out of keys. Would have been nice to adjust the page so that one knew this faster :)
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I'm not sure a quantity limited offers belongs in this section. Such an offer would better be placed separately. Who makes sure the keys are allocated evenly, So each gets a single key? IMHO GAOTD has a way to predict the demand for each product, and make sure everybody gets an equal chance to obtain one. It would be awkward if people miss their share just because they live in a certain time zone on this planet.
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Did anyone get a key?
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Please notify me if more keys become available!
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As a gold backer for fps reloaded which is now Game Guru i still have unused
keys. and for 10,000 keys to be given away is more than enough Thats £ 150,000 . I just think its strange that there is no mention of this give away
on GameGuru web site i`m sure some of the people who vist the site would have liked a free copy.
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At a certain time I stopped checking my email last night due to fatigue. When I awoke this morning, and opened email account, there was the game offer from yesterday. I hoped I wasn't too late as this is something I'm very interested in. Opened the website - yes! - still 9 hours of giveaway. Scrolled down. No! No more keys left (?).
Hope there will be more keys allotted. Rarely do these opportunities come up.
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Missed the chance of trying this, hopefully, they will make some more keys available for us slow coaches.
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I would really like to get a key. Please make more available. I'm curious how long it took for them to all be gone.
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It's only 1 p.m., the usual time of day I get online and come to this site to see if there is something offered I would enjoy. I'm a 61 yr old grandma who builds her own computers and tests games for developers in my spare time. Most of the programs offered over the past 6 months aren't things I need or use. THIS one was and of course there are none here. Funny that. First time I've ever seen that large of an amount of programs be totally gone so early in the day and I've been coming here for many years. (Been online almost every day since 1993 as far as that goes, heh.)
The next time this is offered, I pray this site or the developers will check the IP addys of everyone that connects to this site (no VPN addys that would allow cheating either if that's possible, not sure since I don't code) and limit each IP to one download. That way, the regular customers of this website will also get a chance to actually download this program that it seems many of us are interested in, but were not able to download today.
(For those who would shake their finger at me and say 'just go buy a copy' ... I am on S.S.I. Disability for Crohn's Disease and a few other not quite so severe health conditions. Living off of $750.00 a month means I never have any extra money for things like programs I must pay for. Even the games I play I am blessed to have only because the wonderful game developers are kind enough to allow me to be an Alpha and Beta tester, which then lets me keep the game once it's finished as a thank you for the help during it's development.)
Thank you and I'm praying I will get another chance to download this program.
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if you really need it i can give you a key.
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I'd love one if you have an extra one. You can find me on Steam under the same nick. :)
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No keys left! Wow! That went fast. :( I was looking forward to using this program.
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I've seen this program in action, and can't wait to see if they offer up more keys. Well worth the try. Perhaps I'll see the e-mail sooner.
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This game looks really interesting but was sad to find out all the keys were already given away. Please let me know when more keys are available as I would really like to try it.
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Received the email with the key but it's saying that it is a duplicate key when entered in Steam. I"m really excited to try this. Any help would be appreciated.
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After about 1 year of no interest in any giveaways and checking EVERY SINGLE DAY, there once is a one id like to have.
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It would be nice if the developer would send more keys to legit requesters. Those key farmers ruin things for everyone!!! more would be nice.
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Well I got finally the emailed link and the page doesn't exist and then I found out that all the keys were gone.. too bad. I didn't act fast enough... I thought that you place was secured once they send you and email link, but I guess not..
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I just received the email featuring this game. I was ready to complain about having to join another website to activate this but then I saw they were all taken anyway. Oh well.
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Please notify us if more keys become available! But it's hard to imagine 10,000 are already gone.
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Same problem here: "The product code you've entered has already bee activated by a
different Steam account. This code cannot be used again. Please
contact the retailer or online seller where the code was purchased for
So I am asking did anyone succeed in getting a key AND use it on Steam? I got a key but is not valid.
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Meindert Jorna, i got a key and it's work
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I did get an email with a downloadlink to a ZIP-file (apparently that's where the key is suppose to be inside) but trying to open the link returns me to the GOTD website with a 404 error instead.
Is that already the sign for "no more available keys" or was I still able to secure one and the link is just broken?
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Why is the download not available when about 17 hours are left?
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If you do get a key, consider there is a lot of space needed on the HD for installing Steam and the GOTD-offer:
It is possible to download/install the steam-packages to another map:
The example had something to do with rifles and killing people.
In the library I did find a bird and stables:
Keyboard layout:
The test was done on a laptop, i7-4710MQ 2,5Ghz, 16Gb.
And the examples was not fast; it took some time to react on a command.
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Huge pity...bots hindering the giveaway. :-(
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Wow, guess I better start getting up at midnight to check for giveaways.
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It wouldn't do you a bit of good. It's already been midnight somewhere else east of you.
It's the thieving bots. They are fast and merciless.
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I am on the West Coast of the US so I am one of the last people to receive anything. Even if I checked at Midnight, everything would have been gone anyway. 10,000 keys??? That isn't enough offered so that some would be available for all the timezones.
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10,000 codes, 69 votes and 10 comments? I'm no mathematics major but something doesn't add up.
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Sad that you are out of 10K keys; I'd like to try this.
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to sad allready ended no codes....
ill bet all the codes are taken by bots
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So if no keys are available maybe remove the download now link so that I don't have to then enter my name and email to be told that 'Activation codes ended'
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Duplicate Product Code
The product code you've entered has already bee activated by a
different Steam account. This code cannot be used again. Please
contact the retailer or online seller where the code was purchased for
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signed up for a Steam account, was accepted, went to the games menu - no such selection of "Activate a Product on Steam".
Are all 968 keys already taken?
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I get this message after entering my name and email to get the personal key:
"Activation codes ended"
So I guess this was a limited number of keys?
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Activation Code Ended!
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??? Activation codes ended.
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Installed, started reading the Help guide.
Next, tried the suggested demo game. After loading the suggested game, the screen was a blank dark gray. There was no clue what to do next.
Next, I opened the File menu, chose legacymaps, then selected default, which seemed like it might be a good place to start, but then a small dialog popped up with an error message:
Runtime Error: 0: BT Error: Heightmap doesnt exist
Function: BT Build Terrain ()
I had to use Task Manager to get out of a black screen (escape did not work)
I am not sure what resources is necessary to use the product, but if 16 Gig isn't enough, I will be out of the game Guru business before I ever got started.
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Anyone else getting a duplicate product code error? I get that there are only a few numbers but I would think that they would stop giving them rather than give the same ones over if they ran out.
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Hello! The given key is already activated on other steam account!
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Steam: "Duplicate product code
The product code you've entered has already been activated by a different Steam account..."
Next step?
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I'm still waiting for my activation code .....nothing in my inbox or my spam folder....
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Dainichi, You get the Steam activation code in the zip file, that's all you need, then just activate it on Steam. If you haven't got a Steam account you'll need to create one to use it.
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Dainichi, did you open the zip file, it only had the readme file, no actual program file ?
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The Murphy, the same situation with me. Only readme file.
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Dainichi, My bad, so used to their being the program file in the zip that when i didnt see it i didnt bother to open the readme file. thanks
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Dainichi, try making a gmail account, i got my key within seconds of submitting my info.
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I'm not sure how useful this will be to me, though I've dabbeld in game design in the past, but this is the first GOATD for a long while that appears to be of any use or interest.
For those confused by the text only mail, it's a Steam key - one of a limited number of pre-allocated keys I guess - that simply needs the Steam client installed on your PC (cue the naysayers!) and as such it's been a doddle to install - for a change - no hoops to jump through and as it's via Steam it's a pretty good chance it's not bloatware etc
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Great, the first thing in ages worth trying and it's limited to a certain number of people. By the time I get home from work it will be all gone. Shafted again.
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Monty Burns, I'd guess that once you get the e-mail sent to you with your unique key (to be activated in Steam) then you've secured a key
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Pee Tee, Certainly doesn't work that way at all. :(
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Plank, Consider this: Keys are unique - that's a given. You get a key when you respond to the first mail. That key will not be re-assigned (otherwise there'd be total chaos), ergo the key sent in the mail is yours. Can't see why iyou would think that it doesn't work that way.
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Keys are not unique. That's a given. Keys can be used X number of times - usually 1, but can be any number. I've had keys before which allow 5 uses. This one allowed 10,000 uses.
That's why I know (and not just think) it doesn't work the way you think.
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Plank, my friends has just got a key and I have checked with him - his is different, that's the way it is with Steam, they are unique - it's called DRM - you clearly haven't a clue
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Pee Tee,
they are NOT unique... they are supposed to be, but look at the Comments, people are getting "Key already used in Steam"... go read ffs
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Senator G., Steam keys can only be unique in the sense that they can only be used once. What seems to have happened here is that a significantly less number of keys than was suggested in the GOATD has been issued. Perhaps the last unique key has been repeatedly issued.
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