New Zealand R/C model flight simulator (1.97Mb)
This is a really cool radio controlled model flight simulation set in a New Zealand style rural area. rO added a similar game called FMS a few months ago (week 37), which I’ve repeated below (I didn’t check the games synopsis first, lol. I’ve decided to repost it simply because I’ve added more info and images to the post (plus a link to rO’s original post.

The game is a flight simulation (of radio controlled model aircraft), set in a New Zealand style rural area. You can fly in the aircraft , fire missiles, drop bombs and top-dress, but to be honest, the program probably doesn't have wide appeal. I just hope the odd flight enthusiast or perhaps DB programmer will find it as intriguing as I do.
There are various model types, from gliders to jets, to aerobatic to electric powered. They fly pretty much like the real thing, ( though a bit too 'well behaved' and predictable ) complete with gliding/speed pitching and stalling, and use parameters for wing loading, centre of gravity position , power , drag, control reaction, etc.

They can take off and land properly, with wheels touching down -- 'cartwheeling' or damage may be added later for fun.
Cursor flight control has been added, but a joystick is vital for the full range of control. When flying ' in the model' you will notice how the smaller ones are quite (realistically) sharp in response to controls. There is a 'real size' light aircraft to give a comparison.
This program does have flaws, but the author spent so long on some things that he used up all his enthusiasm for improvement for the time being.

• M = choose a model
• L = launch
• Joystick or arrows = move
• T or Y = smoke on/off (some models only)
• Space = fire
• P or O = pause on/off
• F1 = Standard view
• F2 = Cockpit view
• F3 = light view
N.B. Check the intro/title screen for more keys.
To download the game, click on the little red button a couple of paragraphs below the image on the home page, which you can find HERE. If you have problems (shouldn’t though), you can also download the simulator from HERE
Flying-Model-Simulator FMS (5.77Mb)
rO has already posted this a few months ago, but I didn’t think to check the games synopsis until I’d already written it up and uploaded all the images, so here it is again. You can find rO’s post HERE. It’s well worth checking out because he’s also included a wiki link, so you should find lots more information about the game there. This particular flight sim is likely to see newer updates eventually.
Images showing the difference between earlier versions of FMS and the latest version:
Old Version:

New Version:

You can read the information below in several languages (Danish, Swedish, Russian, French, German and Italian by clicking HERE
This software and accompanying written materials are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. Further, the authors do not warrant, guarantee, or take any representations regarding the use, or the results of use, of the software or written materials in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the software and hardware is assumed by you. Neither the authors, nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of this product, shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and/or other data, damaged hardware, etc.) arising out of the use or inability to use the product even if the authors have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
The copyright remains with the authors Roman and Michael Möller.

You can make as many copies as you wish and distribute it to anyone, provided that all files are left intact and you do not charge any money for it. You may not sell it or make any other commercial profit with the FMS. One exception could be made if the FMS is been shipped with some other product; this may be allowed, if you have the written permission of the authors first. The condition remains that it is evident to the authors, that you do not make any profit from it, and it has to be obvious to the customers as well that the FMS is freely available.
Modifications of the software and/or the redistribution of modified or incomplete packages is prohibited.

The following changes have been made in the version FMS 2.0 Beta 7, though there is an even newer alpha release (2.0 Alpha 8.5)
- Full 3D collision detections with all objects on the landscape- Many new models
- Many new landscapes
- New installation routine (in three languages)
- Translated user interface with 18 languages
- "Hidden dialog windows" error removed
- Models can't rotate into the ground anymore
- Thermal with adjustable strength
- Vario display for soaring
- Winch strength is adapted to every model
- More stable flight calculation (more independent from cpu clock frequency
- Reload of models during flight (without initialisation)- Improved camera settings for "Chase camera" mode
- Reload function for landscapes
- Seperate channel- and keyboardmapping for helis and airplanes
- New driver (32-Bit-VXD) for ppm serial- and parallelport interfaces
- Serial PIC interface (Windows 2000 compatible !!!)
- New calibration routine for radios
- Calibration routine for joysticks, with center-trim
- Visible menu in fullscreen-mode (hideable with key F12)
- Selectable colordepth (16-bit or 32-bit) in fullscreen-mode
- Automatic saving and loading of all settings
- Check on the DirectX version
- Sound-volume changeable
- Small delay before "Auto-initialization"
- Mipmapping of the textures (no nervous pixels on the horizon)
- English manual
- Improved controlls for the pilot position
- Preview for the models and landscapes
- Texture-mirror problem with DirectX RM files (.x) corrected
- Many smaller or internal errrors and problems solved.

The home page of FMS is HERE and you can visit the FMS forums HERE. There’s more screenshots of the model airplanes that you’ll find in the latest version, though many of the screenshots are actually from the previous beta version (FMS 2.0 Beta 7) HERE and you can download several earlier versions of FMS HERE, though the latest version is much more visually pleasing than earlier versions.
Freehunter (52.7Mb)

This is an action game, incorporating a 3D flight simulator and First Person Shooter (FPS) The game is based on missions, though you have complete freedom of movement across the whole game world.
You are placed in the role of a lone bounty hunter in a scenario that represents a large island on a remote planet coexisting with the remains of an ancient civilization, who millennia ago, lived on site but now have abandoned some of their facilities and homes. The human colonists wanted to settle there; however, in this hostile world, pirates and other bounty hunters are also rampant, as well as any settlers.

The game consists of 24 flight and ground missions, ranging from escort an aircraft or face air squadrons of pirates to get some valuable artifacts in an old wreck or capture the leader of a gang of pirates who hides inside an ancient temple. When completing each of these missions successfully you obtain credits, which enable you to buy ammo, fuel for your aircraft and other items.

The author said that he admits that this game, in terms of structure and game play, is inspired by the current fashion of games such as Grand Theft Auto, which have a broad stage on which to move your character; i.e. (Sandbox style games, where you are not constrained by a linear corridor) although in this case he’s simplified the game play a lot and added no real plot or story that develops during the game. He’s also included ultra modern aircraft with high maneuverability so that you can have great dog fighting sessions (one of his favorite aspects to this game.

The game plays in both XP and Vista. There are 24 missions, some of which you’ll find quite hard to complete.
I translated the above from the authors description, which was in Spanish; with adjustments for grammar and spelling, (using Google translator and a little poetic licence). You can see the original Spanish text HERE

• 24 Missions
• Seamless game scenery, outdoor and indoor
• Totally free movement in the game world
• Fly, run and drive a buggy
• Advanced graphic effects like bloom light, motion blur, true reflecting water and so on
• Physics based game
If your CPU speed is lower than 2 GHz you should set your screen resolution to 640x480x16 (or lower), otherwise you make get poor framerates with this game, which will spoil the overall game play experience.
M = Missions menu
Esc = Ingame menu (exit/continue)
Into the air:
Arrows = Steering
A / Z = Throttle
Left Shift = Afterburner
Left Ctrl = Fire laser
Space = Weapon 2
(you can use the mouse as well)
F1... F5 = Camera views
R = Rear view
L = Camera light (important for night missions)
On land (FPS):
W,A,S,D = Move
Space = Jump
Mouse = Aim
Left mouse = Fire weapon 1
Right mouse = Fire weapon 2
G = Grenade
Left Shift = Run on/off
C = Crouch
Enter = Action
Car driving:
Arrows = Steering, accelerate, brakes
Left Ctrl = Fire
Space = Reset car
1,2 = Change weapon

Minimum System Requirements:
• 2 GHz CPU
• 512 MB RAM
• ATI RADEON 9600 or NVIDIA GEFORCE 5500 – Graphics cards
• 100 MB Hard Drive space
• DIRECT X 7 or higher
You can find the download link at the bottom of the home page">[b]HERE
---EDIT--- :)