I had problem with pingotron registration, every time I enter the registration key, it seem not recognized by pingotron ... nothing happened. What should I do?
Problem with pingotron registration
(8 posts) (6 voices)-
Posted 17 years ago #
hi budi-
check out the comments section. particularly #5,#17 and #28.
hope this helps.welcome to the forums,
funkymomPosted 17 years ago # -
Hi, budi Safest is, you copy and past the code, otherwise it's possible, that you take the number 0 for the letter O. And check your firewall settings. The registration has to "call home" you know.
I hope this will help you, otherwise come back, hopefully there are some wisemen and-women that can help you better than I.Posted 17 years ago # -
funky, we must have posted at the same time..lol
Posted 17 years ago # -
Posted 17 years ago # -
be thankful it isn't a windows 98 code!
Posted 17 years ago # -
Mijn computer is gecrasht en toen ik Pingotron Radio Internetfan erop wilde zetten uit de backup ging het niet terwijl ik hem al maanden had en het prima deed, mis hem wel! Ook gewoon de map overzetten helpt niet is er een mogelijkheid om hem nogmaals aan te bieden?
Posted 15 years ago # -
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Indien je het enkel gebruikte voor muziek zijn er veel gratis alternatieven,zoals Screamer Radio en deze Radio Sure(my favorite).Thanks G.
Posted 15 years ago #
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