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Florencesoft TextDiff was available as a giveaway on March 18, 2021!
Florencesoft TextDiff compares two text or source code files and reports their differences. It has a choice of comparing at the level of whole lines, words or characters. Unlike most other diff tools, it will correctly report text moved up and down in a document with the default colors of blue and gray.
It can omit unchanged text from its difference reports. It also compares two folders (directories) and reports modified, new and deleted files.
Florencesoft TextDiff reports the differences, but does not allow changes to be edited or merged.
Windows 7 SP1/ 8/ 8.1/ 10
2.52 MB
Lifetime with no free updates and support
Florencesoft DiffEngineX compares and reports the differences between Excel spreadsheet workbook worksheet xlsx files on Windows.
One machine installed fine, but the other machine insisted there was another installation happening at the same time when there was not. Seems like a good program.
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TextDiff may have new features, but diff was part of original Unix and Linux. Vim also has a diff mode for text.
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A nice Open Source alternative is https://winmerge.org/
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Their website looks very informative and useful. Thanks.
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Unfortutelly, it doesn' recognize Unicode characters.
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This GiveAwayOfTheDay came along at the right time. Comparing two long text files didn't help me so much. But you can PASTE TEXT into each of the text windows. Very useful, as I can compare a function/subroutine that worked in an old version, but not in code I'm updating today. (Always backup your good code before changing it). There's also a "Compare Directories" function in this program. Nice Interface. It has a toolbar, menus, keyboard shortcuts. Thumbs up!
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Steve Remenda,
You can select "Show only identical paragraphs near differences" or "Don't show identical..." on the main part of the user interface. This will only show the differences or just the unchanged parts near differences.
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Thanks for offering your latest version.
Although some of the basic-result displays appear to be patterned after the ancient and simple utility I've been using for decades to compare files and folders, Microsoft's own "WinDiff" (which still works in Windows 10):
...TextDiff goes further with many additional means of comparison and displays of differences.
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Doesn't give user option to choose installation location - makes it a non-starter for me.
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Tal Leyhoe,
Why is this so important?
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Primarily because C: Drove is SSID and app get installed to D: Drive
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Bob I, Exactly.. What do software developers care where you store your software? Like engineers.. they are ridged and not original at all.
It has caused me to have to buy a larger SSDI Drive now. So I avoid software that demands it is installed to the C: drive.
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Tal Leyhoe,
Go to the web page
and look for the text "Download Individual TextDiff files without an installer".
You then have the individual .exe files which you can place anywhere you want.
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Bob I, ditto for me too. It's like the devs are stuck in the 1980s when the C drive ruled supreme. I too will not install apps that do not allow me to choose what drive they are installed on. My C drive is an SSD and is reserved for the OS and a handful of frequently used apps, period.
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D J,
Go to the web page
and select the download called
"Download Individual TextFiles Without Installer"
Unzip the zip file and you can place the files whereever you want.
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D J,
Go to the web page
and look for the text "Download Individual TextDiff files without an installer".
You then have the individual .exe files which you can place anywhere you want.
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How does it compare to winmerge?
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I use beyond compare but I will give this a look
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ExamDiff - freeware (for personal use). I used it a lot and found it superb
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DiffMerge is free and do the same thing.
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Nop, no longer free. $19 US.
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This is a sort of program I often wanted but never bothered to seek out. I didn't think they existed.
I wont need it often, but when I do it will be invaluable!
Thanks for a useful tool with a lifetime license.
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