Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Flash Video MX Std was available as a giveaway on July 30, 2008!
Flash Video MX Std makes it easier to publish videos on your personal web pages, eBay auctions, company websites and blogs! With it, you can convert videos to Flash (SWF), Flash video (FLV) for easier online sharing. This is a user-friendly program which provides other functions like video compression, audio replacement, Flash Player with various player skins and special effects, and so on. It also supports H.264 video encoding and Flash 8 encoding.
Windows NT4.0 + SP6/2000/XP or above; 64MB Memory (128MB recommended); 512MB hard disc space or above; Microsoft DirectX 8.1 or above
13 MB
Flash Video MX Pro is to convert video to Flash (SWF) and Flash video (FLV) for easier online delivery. In addition to Flash 8 video encoding and H.264 video encoding, it also supports DVD import, Flash 8 with alpha video encoding.
ditto's #98. I was getting the page not found error with a little over 2 1/2 hours to go. Finally gave up and went to bed.
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I tried for several hours last night to download this program but could not reach the download page or the mirror.
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While I was preparing some screen captures to answer some questions, it seems that others and the developers have already answered most questions.
I didn't say anything about running Activate as an Administrator under Vista, because #12, Bongo, mentioned that way back near the top of the comments (with UAC, Vista doesn't like for some registry entries to be modified). As usual, many later posters don't read the earlier comments. I also didn't mention that Flash Video MX Std (or more correctly, an update routine) accesses the Internet to check for updates.
The menus are non-standard. As others have mentioned and posted screenshots, here's the System Menu (upper-left).
Here's the file-open dialog (folder icon to the right of the Import Video textbox). Note that there's an error in the interface description. The hint says that this is for the output, which is true for later screens, but not for the input screen.
Here's the editing and effects options (I'm not going to go through the tabs). Note that information about the input media scrolls above the file as it plays.
The big "Back" and "Next" buttons at the bottom are how you move through the various stages of setting up to convert and export. Here's where you set the export format and options. Notice that you can change where to export to with the folder icon to the right of the Export To textbox (I assume that the textbox is also active, but I haven't checked it; the folder icon works).
Here's where you can select skins. Again, I'm not going to go through the tabs.
The final screen shows the options that will be applied when you convert by pressing the Start button.
Vista screen captures via NTWind WinSnap. User name removed/modified via Paint.NET (it supports WinSnap's PNG transparency).
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@#83 Elaine
Thanks for your reply. Ok, without feeling too foolish I clicked all over that interface border except for that one spot LOL. It is agood program I still have some playing around with it but I like the result so far from one home made flash.
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The program installed and opened without problem on both my XP and Vista machines, and as far as I could tell, it must have registered on my Vista machine since there was nothing in its interface that indicated otherwise that I could see.
I thought it was a nice touch that after installing and starting the program, it opens up a helpful page to get you started, on the software website. I am always more favorably impressed when a program's home page has good information on getting started, program features, usage instructions or tips, faqs etc. Everytime I dl a GAOTD program, I visit its homepage and in the doc I save for the program, I include the homepage link and info from the homepage so I can easily pull up my doc and go back to the homepage at a later time if I need to.
Thanks for what looks like a nice useful program! Even though I am not working on videos right now, I know I will be in the near future and then this will get plenty of use!
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To #84 David,
You still have the time to register when you posted. However, I think it will be expired when this post is available to review.
Just follow the steps in #74. Good luck.
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@ #78 Elaine
Thank you sooo much, I really appreciate it thank you, I was thinking that i was not going to be able to use/get this one. Thank you!
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I have tried many video to flash video converters. What makes this product stand out is the templates you can choose for your final flash video. You can customize the player and even the loading bar. the program also includes flash animations to overlay on your videos. The easy 1,2,3 steps through the program make it easy to use. Some week points in the software, is the lack of ability to Choose your final destination folder. You can type in the path directly though. For a program offered for free it is a wonderful choice.
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#45 thanks for your support. I am through now.
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To #36 – elfmans,
Thank you for your review. We'd like to get your feedback and the questions/suggestion you have when using our software.
There are options to embed video to SWF, as you may notice by clicking the "Next" button after loading video.
Flash Player 9 is required, as we include H.264 as the output video codec.
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@ #24 about changing output directory
The button is on the right of the interface, not the left.
Please note that you can type the output directory with the output file name (without extension).
Hope this helps.
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Giveaway period for this software is over... but I just downloaded it, and you still have it up?? Is there a time of day that the offer expires?
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Sorry I didn't catch this earlier, but I just installed the program. For those who wanted help and/or about, go to the top left hand corner of the program and click on the blue and white icon that looks like an F (for Flash I guess). There is a menu with many options, including help and about.
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To #67 - Ryan,
Thank you for your screenshots. I don't know other settings you used.
Please load the video, click the "Next" button on the bottom-right corner. Find "Include video" on the right part of the interface, and lower the video bit rate. You may also select H.264 as the output video codec, which generate great quality even if with lower bit rate than others.
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Great software. This is perfect for my intranet. I will be getting a lot of use out of this.
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#67 @ryan, can you give me the following setting?
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To #62,
The program does have About and Help. Please click on the top-left corner, which is to the left of the software name on the interface.
Hope that you find the Help useful.
In terms of the About dialog box, it does not show if the software is register. However, the registration box would pop up once, if the software is successfully registered. If it is not registered, it will pop up every time you run the software.
I would submit your suggestion to the R&D. I think we will add such information, if it is heavily demanded.
Thank you for your suggestion and feedback.
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#67 @ryan, Sorry to heat that, but pardon, i don't see any your video settings likes as bitrate and framerate, or which codec your choose, H.263 , flash 8 ,flash 8 alpha ,H.264?
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Clarification for my previous message:
Sorry for the mistake about instruction to find the "Export to...".
The “Next” button is on the bottom-right corner, not the bottom-left corner.
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To #55 - Tom,
If you are running Vista, please notice my tips above for Vista users. If it still does not work, please send email to support@video-to-flash.com.
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Hi,all, i have just test on my vista home basic ,acer 4620 .it works well, if you are a admin, you will notice “UAC”,Okey, just allow it.
Good luck:)
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If you couldn't register with Vista, please install the software in your Administrator account.
Pleasea follow the steps below:
1. Go to Administrator account.
2. Unzip the path.
3. Double click on the Activate.exe.
4. Double click on the Setup.exe.
Then, you can use the full version.
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To #39 - warm:
You can find export to in two ways:
Single Mode: Run Moyea Flash Video MX Std, load video, and click the "Next" button on the bottom-left corner, and you can find "Export to..."
Batch Encoder: Run Moyea Flash Video MX Std Batch Encoder, load video, and click "Customize", and then click the "Next" button on the bottom-left corner, and you can find "Export to..."
If you still need help finding the option, please send email to support@video-to-flash.com. :-)
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The program does have "Help" and "About" accessed via the logo in the top left corner of the program as you would expect. It includes answers to some of the questions relating to "cue points" etc. etc.
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This program is great so far. I converted a 770mb quicktime file down to
a 28mb flv at a 720 x 480 pixel size.
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Flash Video MX Std from Moyea installs and does its thing well. However, if you go to flvsoft.com, the Moyea site, a free flv player is offered (flvsoft.com/flv_player/).
FLVPlayer_install.exe, 3743 KB, is a bit large for an flv player, but I thought I'd check it out. On download, Avast 4 showed Win32:AdMoke-H [Trj] in this install file.
Interestingly, a few days ago I opened FLV Downloader, also from Moyea via GAOTD, and avast 4 showed Win32:Trojan-gen {Other} in the TakeRaw.dll from the FLV Downloader program folder.
Has anyone else tried the FLVsoft (Moyea) FLV player today/ever? If so, did you get a virus alert on download? And does/has FLV Downloader given a virus alert when you open it?
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To #66
You hit the nail on the head, Fred, ole buddy! ken kelly is a serial poster who has a vocabulary of maybe 50 words and obviously finds it difficult to place them in a different order. Just likes his name in print, I guess... but three things you can be sure of... 1) he NEVER downloads 2)he ALWAYS has absolutely nothing to contribute and 3) he ALWAYS posts early to see if he can match his IQ.
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Installed ok on Windows 2000 :). After I play with it for about 10 minutes I decided to keep this program. When I used Flash 8 as video codec the progam asked me to install VP6 Video for Windows Codec from a chinese site. None the less it worked fine.
I tested the program with a 2 second divx 600 x 264 movie :). Although the program offers a lot of choices for player skin and preloader and even some cool effects, i wanted a simple file. In the 5th try I managed to do that (getting rid of the play button was the trickiest). Doing all these tries were fun because after a conversion is done, the program goes to the first screen and remembers your previous settings.
Original filesize was 80,150 bytes, the resulting file 89,764 bytes (for Flash 8 Codec). The difference is more than ok to me because I wished a very high quality (512 kbps bit rate). The big difference between Flash 8 Codec and H.264 is that when using the Flash 8 Codec you can embed the video in the SWF file, while when using H.264 the SWF file actually plays the FLV resulted file (observed when moved the flv file to other location).
Many thanks to Moyea and Giveawayoftheday!
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Worked great for converting uncompressed avi files to smaller flv files, with options to adjust the size/quality.
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vista here also, 3 times and it installed, ran both as admin thanks
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wow, it works great on Windows Vista Businessis, Evaluation Copy of this program is, registered version or downloaded from the link provided here for this giveaway of the day is
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I have several video to Flash programs (one I have purchased) and this is by far the best I have used and seen. Great interface and an exceptional variety of player skins. I would give this one 5 out of 5 stars and highly recommend!! Thanks GOTD. You've done it again!
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Poster #17-Elaine:
I took some screenshots and posted them at http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f165/giveawayoftheday/Moyea%20Flash%20Video%20MX%20Std/. Thanks for your help! I think this would be one of my favorite programs if it werent for the large file output.
Note to all: If you want to play these flash videos, you can download Moyea FLV Player for free, or you can download Moyea FLV Downlader, which comes with Moyea FLV Player. Both programs are free.
Thanks again GAOTD and Moyea Software!
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I've recently gotten back to the site and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what #32 - kelly is all about?
I went back over the offerings for a few days and every single day he makes some overly general comment on whatever software is offered? Not one of his posts have been informative whatsoever.
It comes down to a 'it's not bad, it's not good, so try it or not' comment each and every single day. Of what relevance is this? Anyone could type that. You could make a comment like that and not even have looked at what was being posted.
Yes, I realize I am not commenting on the software today myself, but I thought perhaps some of the regulars here could shed some light on this?
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This is an okay program. I think the feature I enjoy most is the watermark.
If your having diffuculty activiating it and are using vista right click and run as administrator.
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The feature comparison with their "Pro" version can be seen here:
Apparently this "Std." version does everything as the "Pro" except for "Import DVD files" and "Flash 8 alpha video encoding". I suspect most GAOTD users won't miss them.
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#59 Susanna I haven't download this myself but have you tried running the activate.exe (or installer) as administrator?
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@#53 D
and others
This version is
It did strike me funny that the two program's interfaces don't have an "About" or "Help" tab to get more info on this program. You would think that software you're paying $59.95 for they could at least have taken a day's worth of time to create a help file into the program. Though there is a link to their forums on their website, but like a lot forums you have to take time looking through all the postings and questions and hope you find the info you need. Adding a quick walk through help file would've been nice to have.
Also an "About" tab showing if this software is registered. I hate having to guess if it's registered not knowing if it will be gone within a month.
Also having to hunt down what version this is shouldn't be the case. I had to go into the program folder and check the properties on both program's exe files and look into the version tab to find out. Not a big problem but there should be no reason (unless modifying files or cleaning leftover uninstalled program files) a not so savvy operator should have to go into the program file folder directory for this info.
Lack of time at the moment to give this software a real trial but will later tonight when I get the chance and if time permits give my comment on it.
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#36 Elfmans- Great review & are you ok, buddy? You need to see a Dr. right away if you haven't already! You have a bleeding ulcer or your liver/ gallbladder are in BAD shape! Seek help, pls! We care!
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Developers- Thanks so much for your comments & for being here! That feels great! Wish all the places we get progs from would do this! :)
Wonderful program! Just what I needed & didn't know it! :) Read all the comments above & try this out, it does lots more than I expected it to! :) Very happy here! Thank you GOTD & Moyea!
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Still can't get past the Reg Code or Purchase screen...
(Vista Home OS)
Can we have a Reg code for Vista users please?
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# 9, 33, 34, 38 All those Vista OS users...
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The version I downloaded from the link provided here for this give a way is
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I can not get this to install. When I run the Activate.exe program, I get "Fatal error: key is invalid." What am I doing wrong?
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nice.. thanks!
no problems here with vista.. just unzipped, ran the activation as admin, then ran setup as admin ( just right click on it and choose run as admin.)
again thanks !
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Is the Giveaway download of 'Flash Video MX Std' version or ??? What version is this ???
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I am going to try this program. I have several editing programs that I have purchased such as Xilisoft video converter which works great and magic converter. Magic converter converts flv to any video format that you desire. As afr as as authoring creating dvd's, I use TMPGENC's Dvd Author Pro (I think that's the name of it. I have used that program for almost three years now. Thanks GAOTD for all of the software that you have given us!
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#35BloughMee... umm thats a bit rude and mean... there are people that just got vista or who are still learning .. it's MORONS like you that make it harder for people to learn.. you cannot just expect everyone to already know what to do.
and why dont you PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH... WE dont care what you think either.. you comment doesnt have a dang thing to do with what's being given away..
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I have extracted the zip files, ran activation.exe, and then run the setup program at least 5 times. Each time when the program starts it wants a registration code. I've tried uninstalling it, restarting the computer, but no matter what I've tried it keeps asking for the registration code. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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nice little proggie, I had trouble registering it also till I found the tip to run the activate proggie as admin (vista user, lol should have known better) Thanks GAOTD!
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