Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
FilterFTP Pro was available as a giveaway on March 25, 2012!
FilterFTP pro offers completly new possibilities in dealing with your FTP servers. Transfer with filter criteria only what you really need, or search and replace in files directly on your server!
FilterFTP pro provides great features, you have always been missing in handling with FTP servers. Edit, search in files, search and replace directly on your FTP server.
Save time and nerves in dealing with your files. Work faster, easier and more efficient with your FTP servers with FilterFTP pro!
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7
3.83 MB
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If you use Firefox as your browser just go to the addons and install FireFTP. I've used it for years and it is a very good FTP program.
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I've only installed it, and am just setting up the FTP settings to give it a go. But I have to express irritation at programs that ask "are you sure you want to exit" when trying to terminate the program.
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I too am unable to import settings from FileZilla - the program asks me to specify a host, then gives me a German warning...
Datei kann nicht geoffnet werden.
along with
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
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If you want free FTP transfers that are easy to do, I suggest either CoreFTP or FileZilla, both of which are free. $65 is astonishingly expensive when there are free alternatives such as FTP Rush to do more complicated FTP tasks.
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you need to register on their website for key.
throwaway email works fine. key received immediately.
intial thought on reading the description was,
ai solution for a problem not asked
W7 x64
very basic HTML help
seems they have a Free (lessor featured) version
of this program too? (not sure of differences?)
installs into directory of your choice, 10 MB
seemingly it would install a font, if necessary?
registers simply with the emailed key
window & most frames are resizeable & or
selectable (to be shown or not)
anon is not the default un/pw, so for an anon
system you need to enter it specifically
oddly you can rearrange lines within the
Protocol (status) window, but you cannot
copy from there?
you cannot view the input password, at all.
suppose Nirsoft utilities would see it but didn't try?
tried to connect to mozilla, & they said they only
accept anonymous connections, & that is as far as i could get
tried to connect to microsoft, & *at that point*,
Windows Firewall said, "do you want to allow filterftp,
& i said yes, & with that filterftp decided to hang.
(now WHY did Windows Firewall not prompt initially
with mozilla, but did with microsoft, i'll never know?!)
tried to connect to adobe, & they said they only
accept anonymous connections, & that is as far as i could get
something strange with the menu options, in that they do
not want to display (for me). like if i click Help, it
initially displays blank, then i have to move the mouse
to View, then back to Help for it to display Help's items?
layout looks OK, doesn't thrill me, but OK
at this point i'm stymied. the only FTP sites i have to
try to connect to are public, but i cannot seem to get
this to connect to any?
as far as the programs features, remote editing, i'm like
why would you want to do that? wouldn't you want to make
the changes local, then upload? i don't understand the
purpose? even if you made the changes on the server,
wouldn't you want to have a local copy too, in which case
you're going to copy back down to yourself? so if you
start on the server & copy down, or you start local &
copy up, where is the benefit?
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Although I haven't yet had a chance to use it, I have downloaded FireFTP, a Firefox Add-on. It's is getting very high reviews (e.g., a couple compared it favorably to Filezilla) ...with caveat that it meets most needs and accomplishes it easily but might not satisfy the heaviest power users... see Giovanni's recommendations...
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Giovanni, Welcome back! You were sorely missed.
I have no idea what this software does. I guess if I don't know what a FTP is, I probably don;t need it. However, I hear some of you talking about using it when setting up a website. I intend to do that this summer. Should I download this today and just put it in my toolbox? How about some of the other free offers - might I need those? I am dreading having to learn all this stuff - but if I want to sell my jewelry I guess I'll have to.
OMG - I just thought of something. If I do build a website, WOT will probably send it to never-never land as soon as I open it. What a world we live in today . . .
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FilterFTP Pro works smoothly and quickly. I especially like its Find and Replace within files. Saves time if you have, for instance, to make a change in over a hundred files, as I recently did. (I had to download them then run the F&R of a commercial HTML editor then upload them.) You can also quickly edit a file without having download it first then upload it after editing or edit it locally then upload it.
No trouble with setup or registration on Win7 64.
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Egad! $65 ?? Oh, well, today it is free, right. Waiting until tomorrow. Tks anyway.
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I don't have my own website yet, but used to work for a company editing web pages when the webmaster was out.
The search feature sounds great, although I'm wondering if you can search and replace multiple files at the same time. I used to use Textpad for this and it would save some time.
BTW, check your system directory for gdiplus.dll. If found, rename the file and fire up the program. If it runs OK, you can delete the ghdiplus.dll.
If you're using the English language, you can also delete the help_GR and recom_GR folders. You can also delete the Update_Execute.exe file as we all allowed no updates
One problem I found was while trying to exit the program, the Do you want to exit the program box popped up and immediately disappeared. Te program closed and I had to use Windows Task Manager to kill the process. Tis occurred even before deleting the the files above.
To the developer, please remove the box to exit the program, a great annoyance.
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#17. Are you going from a windows machine to a linux server? Windows can round up the file size to kb and the linux servers state the actual bytes.
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I tend a few hobby websites using Firefox/Linux so the plugin FireFTP works just fine for that.
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Filezilla is o.k. but for me, it always misreports file sizes. I have never figured out why. I can upload or download a file, and the file sizes will be different on the server and on the local machine.
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As a webmaster, I was pretty excited to see this on GOTD. But, after trying, I could not see many advantages over some freeware like FileZilla, ACEFTP, CuteFTP, CoreFTP, or CoffeeFTP. Put into this the $65 cost, for me, I will continue to work with the freebies. But, appreciate GOTD and IN MEDIA KG offering it free here today, very generous. If you decide to use Filter FTP Pro, it will get the job done.
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Not receiving a key, not in the spam filter. The "search in file" feature has great potential for web developers, would love to give it road test. Key me! Thanks.
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@ekiz post number 5.......Thanks for the WEALTH of information there. You tested it? What were the issues? Why did you uninstall? A bit more information would be helpful to those of us that actually READ the comments before downloading......
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@mkgdeveloper : how does your product compare with FlashFXP which also offer filtered transfers and more for a much cheaper price tag?
(65$ is not a serious price, seriously!)
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This giveaway is nothing special and for sure it's not worth its price, in my opinion!!
Free and far better FTP client alternative (more powerful than Filezilla, in my view):
* FTP Rush (portable version also available)
Key features:
· Tabbed Interface for smooth control over multiple active connections
· GUI Runtime Customization and Integrated Docking; spice up the look of it all with your own style or favorites such as MS Office 2000/XP/2003
· Drag-And-Drop files via Explorer-like interface
· Easiest way to FXP files from one server to another
· Lightning speed than other FTP clients to download or upload files
· Built-in Task Manager for you to easily schedule all kinds of jobs.
· Allows to setting listing/downloading/uploading FTP account individually into One site and switch them automatically
· On-The-Fly Compression saves your bandwidth
· Offers FTP MLSD to gives more accurate directory listing and synchronize folders
· UPnP Port-Mapping enabled FTP client to accepts incoming connections from server
· Multi-Language support makes the FTP Client easily translatable to your native language if it's not already done
· HTTP Proxy, FTP Proxy, Socks 4 & 5 support; create different proxies and switch between them with a simple mouse click
· Automatically get notified when new files is found in FTP server
· High performance Disk Buffer to decrease disk fragmentation
· Secure FTP transfer protects your data and information through SSL/TLS encryption
· Use SSL FXP to secure transfers between servers via CPSV and SSCN commands
· Access your shell via the FTP client SFTP (SFTP) functionalities
· TFTP client (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) allows you transfer files to your network connected devices
· Use FTP client to Synchronize your files daily
· Built-in Script Engine for you to reap maximum benefits from each one of your transfers; either write your own scripts or choose from an always growing collection
· Automatic SFV Checking and Reporting functionalities
· Multiple-Files Renaming tool saves you time
· Built-in Command Designer for Serv-U/RaidenFTPD/ioFTPD/glftpd; your always one click away from all the basic ftp commands but you can also personnalize them to make everything quicker for you
· FTP Folders Caching speeds your browsing without refresh directory again
· Sends Raw FTP Commands to single site or all servers in seconds
· Wildcards, Regular Expressions and Skip & Allow Lists tools make sure that you transfer wanted data only
· Search for a file on a server as easily as you would on your own machine with our Advanced FTP File Finder tool
· Stable Ident Server with global and single site settings
· Auto detect Unicode/UTF-8 Charset is supported on the server
· Keep Alive to avoid being disconnected by FTP servers
· Enforce Active-Mode Transfers (PORT) if you can maximize speed through a specified local port
· Test the availability of your FTP servers with one mouse click
· Export recursive directory tree of FTP servers to a text file
· Limit upload/download speeds and save some more of your bandwidth
· Add multiple hosts/ports to one of your FTP server and they will be cycled through on-the-fly
· Setup Max Total/Upload/Download logins for each FTP server
· Can kill ghost logins using the SHIFT key pressed!
· Can clear a directory with too many files and folders through Mark as Bold, Odd/Even Row Background Color and Custom File/Directory Color Highlighting built-in tools
· Check your FTP client statistics for upload, download and FXP individually
And if you don’t like, like me, FTP clients requiring lengthy settings to be configured in order to establish a connection with your FTP server, then I think you'll love this nice gem (supports multiple FTP accounts):
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Frankly, I don't see more functionality than what I already have in Total Commander. And, this is just one of the many features of Total Commander.
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I'm kind of picky about FTP clients, most don't work the way I want them to. In the past I've used Cute, Smart, etc., and not been happy with them. Also never really cared for FileZilla, for a freebie I prefer CoreFTP.
That being said, I've just tried out this program out and I think I like it. I'm not sure I'd pay $65.00 for it, but I like the way it works and the functionality. It 'thinks' the way I work. When you use an FTP client many times a day that's important.
If this were priced a little better, and a single license could be used on multiple machines (i.e. desktop and laptop), I'd definitely pay for it. The freebies can't compare.
Thanks for the trial run, IN MEDIA KG and GOTD. Oh, and no problems at all registering...
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Does this support secure FTP?
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I use FileZilla
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Compared to free FileZilla, the small amount of extra functionality in search operations are not worth of $65.00 price tag. Other FileZilla functions more than cover the difference.
So thanks, but no thanks.
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AppName: filterftp.exe AppVer: ModName: kernel32.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.5781 Offset: 00012afb
wrong name
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Downloaded, Installed, Testing, Uninstalled. I am out! Thank for the free offer.
Best free FTP Client ever for me is FileZilla. Great community support and active development.
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@lisa i have tried the setup and registration key and registered without problems, please restart your pc reinstall the setup once again, and close all other running programs, then try register again. If this dont helps please write at support@mediakg.de for further help
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when I started the program, it gave me FilterFTP has stop working message immediately.
I run it on Win7 x64 plateform.
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Sounds like an interesting concept... only problem is I cannot register the program: I got the key, but the program closes as soon as I try to access the Help/Register menu item.
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if you dont get a registration key, please check your email SPAM folder
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