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FileWhopper was available as a giveaway on February 2, 2022!
FileWhopper is a service specially designed to transfer large files and folders online in a smart way. What’s the smart way?
Up to 30 GB free transfer individual coupons for GOTD users! All the coupons are valid until 02 March 2022 (for 1 month since giveaway starts). This is an online service, so no program needs to be installed. Zip archive includes only the text file with the instructions!
Windows versions XP and higher; Macintosh versions Mojave and higher
4 KB
On a slow network or internet, I would like to see anyone transfer 10TB file, it will take a week to do it without any interruptions otherwise you have to re-transmit over and over again. Not a very efficient way to deal with it especially when such files are encrypted, they become larger and unmanageable. I think this service is not for home use, some businesses may have a need for it.
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Why not just use OneDrive for free?
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Well to start with, You only get 5GB of FREE stroage space with OneDrive... so not quite suficient to get a 10TB or larger file to someone else unfortunately.
So you can't do it by using OneDrive for free!
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I don't quite understand what this program does. Is it peer to peer file transfer? Cloud storage? Some kind of backup service? I'm not sure how I'm meant to use it.
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Ok, but... transfer them WHERE? Am I sending them to an individual person? To a cloud storage that other people can access? For myself for backup? Among my own devices on a network?
Saying 'to transfer large files' only tells me half of the story.
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J, Check out the product page, linked in the blue box at the upper right. It includes a product comparison at the bottom of the page. FileWhopper is very basically a pay-as-you-go cloud storage service with a maximum retention of 3 months, encryption, & no limits on file size. Like OneDrive, you can send someone a link to download.
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Laura, you just admitted that you have to compare the password from the sender and the receiver and that is done only when you already know the password, otherwise you will not let it be download by anyone else.
Even if the password does not have a direct access by the employees, it must be stored on your servers, so a hacker or a rogue employee can still get to the password.
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So I wonder what happens if the file is so large that it takes the other person (if they have a slow internet speed) more than three months to download the huge sized file?
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I use from Smash.com. No limit on size and totally free.
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Paul Paxo, wetransfer is yet another one to consider.
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Hott, We Transfer is only free for up to 2GB
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Paul Paxo, Actually at fromsmash.com
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