Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
FaceSwapper 1.2 was available as a giveaway on August 7, 2018!
FaceSwapper makes it easy to cut and paste faces from one picture into another without precision selections or manual color adjustments. The cutting and pasting occurs in 3D space, allowing you to easily match the angle and direction of the target face. No need to use complicated 3D modeling applications or costly graphical packages. Create high-quality collages in minutes!
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
8.87 MB
Ever considered growing a beard but cannot decide on the style? Augmented reality to the rescue: youmask Beards will be your magic mirror, augmenting a virtual beard to your real face. With several dozen beards of different style and length, youmask Beards is your perfect beard-growing companion!
How old are you, really? Or should we ask, how young? Age-o-meter will do just that: look at you through the phone's camera and tell your age. As an added bonus, age-o-meter will try to guess your gender. In fact, age-o-meter will tell everyone's age and gender – and we mean, everyone who's looking at the camera!
FaceSDK is a multi-platform library that enables Microsoft Visual C++, C#, Objective C, VB, Java and Delphi developers to build a variety of applications requiring fast and precise face recognition and identification.
The science of fortune telling is brought to perfection with BabyMaker. Just put pictures of you two into BabyMaker, and see what your baby will look like in just a moment.
Create animated transitions of one face into another in just minutes with this fully automated face morphing program. It guesses basic spots automatically and makes realistic animations saving you time and effort.
Whats going on here?
Expired on the 7th & received on the 8th of August. And it looks like a good Program to use.
Suggest you do the right thing and extend the Giveaway, by another 24 hours!
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Same complaint as #31. The offer expired on 8/7, the day before the e-mail offering it, 8/8!
What is going on GOTD team? Please resolve this debacle!
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8 August 2018: Tried to download Face Swapper only to be told the offer had expired! I then saw that FaceSwapper was posted 7 August - but the link was in the email was dated 8 August!
Can anyone help?
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Would not install. I tried it 6 times so don't know where it has gone.
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I had no trouble at all downloading and installing FaceSwapper, then registering (after waiting roughly 10 minutes for the registration e-mail to arrive).
But every time it runs (Windows 10 Pro X54, with all latest updates) FaceSwapper freezes completely. Every time, it is unresponsive to all actions and has to be killed via Task Manager. This is unusual behaviour, I have rarely seen this in some 26 years of using Windows apps. What might be going wrong?
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Thank you.
Installed and works great without any issue on Windows 10 Pro x64.
One question though. Does anyone know how to re-install the program if and when I need to reformat my computer or will the Giveaway of the Day wrapper still allow the installation?
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Erica, none of GOTD programs can be reinstalled after the day they are available here. If you have to reformat your computer you are out of luck unless you have purchased the programs that you have. I have lost many programs, but many programs do get offered through GOTD again so you might have a chance to get it back another time.
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Velvet, thanks for your reply and I thought that was the case but thought I would ask as well.
I did try unpacking the package with a program I have but that didn't work LOL.
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I've now tried three times using different e-mail addresses and Usernames. I received the SAME License Key each time but still get error message "Wring Username or Key". Is it the same key everyone else received ?
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I've received the same exact key , the same numbers , the same alphabets , and it doesn't work either lol .
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Marcelo Lechinski, Thank you. I removed a space from before License Key and entered "Giveawayoftheday" and it worked !
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I received a key. However, when I arrived at the request page it informed me that I was requesting a key for Glamorizer. The key I received resulted in "Wrong Username or Key".
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I have turned off (disabled) all modes of AVG and exited any firewalls and anti-spyware etc. and tried to install many times without success, on my Windows 7 32 bit machine. It installed fine on Windows 10.
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Installed it somewhere, got the registration email, have installed this thing 3 times and it shows up no where. Where is it going?
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Turn of virus control (Avira Norton, AVG or whatever you are using) then try again
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If it helps: it installed in Program Files (x86) on my win 10 64 bit machine.
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Decent program. Downloaded, installed and registration email in under 10 minutes. Guess that comes with
knowing how to read. Could use some more ways to fine tune and as others have mentioned, the ability to
save your work and export it...but seems like something to have a bit of fun with. Thanks to the vendor and
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This is a nice little program that could benefit from additional editing features built into it. One right off the top of my head would be one where you can easily save the face you wish to place as a separate png file (or file type of your choice) that could at least be loaded into a more advanced editing program, touched up, and then reentered into this program itself and adjusted into the background. Or better yet, provide a plugin version for something like Photoshop or one of the other leading graphics editors. Integration with these would dramatically improve usability.
I would not pay the asking price for this program as it is, however. Maybe $9.99, maybe, but definitely not 29.99. There is just not enough editing capabilities to warrant such a high price.
For free however, I like the basics of the program enough to keep it for now.
Speaking to others experiences, based on my own, I had no problems downloading, installing, getting a registration key within 30 minutes, or actually running the program itself. I am using Win 10 Pro with an Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti Graphics card. 16 GB ram. Win 10 is the April Update.
So thank to the Vendor and GotD for offering this one today.
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Registration key does not work.
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kokobin, Check VERY carefully the number of digits and exclude ALL spaces esp the one at the start
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Nice program, but very simple. I need better face editing, like smooth on edges, contrast, transparency, and other editing tools for best results.
Basic tools, but need fixes/corrections after swap...
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Been waiting over 5 hour for key email.
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I put zip files into a new folder, clicked the set up file and nothing happens but FaceSwapper has stopped working.
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Fantastic offer and works great hit submit and got code in seconds.
And what a great program, will have years of fun.
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the user's name and key-code is not accepted, did paste, plse help
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alexandre verbergt, Check VERY carefully the number of digits and exclude ALL spaces esp the one at the start
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Here we go.
Waiting for 2 hours now and no sign of a registration code.
Checked Junk and nothing there.
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Tam, I agree. I've been waiting 5 hours and no key.
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Here are two Free possible alternatives for face swapping in photos.
FaceinHole - under create your own
FREE SOFTWARE - download
Fotomix - freeware - Windows (All Versions) :
Fotomix - tutorial with pictures on how it works.
For people with no photoshop experience one of the above 2 options are as easy as it gets; with the option to further edit their creations in other photo editors if they wish. enjoy. ツ
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I downloaded FaceSwaper 1.2, unzipped it/ read the Readme.txt document with the activation code, installed it, found the activation code but the Giveaway auto activation app launched and informed me and got a confirmation mail message that it had been activated but when I wanted to start it I could not find it in my Programmes folder! Where did it go?
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Simon Sagala-Mulindwa,
Did you had the same Setup:
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Simon Sagala-Mulindwa, having the same issue, can't find it anywhere
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Ik heb 2x het e-mail formulier ingevuld voor de code. Nu 2 uur verder, heb ik nog steeds niets ontvangen. Er zit niets in mijn spambox.
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Pia de Boden, Het duurde bij mij ook een behoorlijke tijd voordat er een mail kwam; wel meer dan een half uur.
It did take more than a half hour, before I received a mail with the code.
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Ootje, Voor de 3e x het e-mail formulier ingevuld maar dit keer met een ander e-mailadres en nu is het wel gelukt. Hij is nu geregistreerd! :-)
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It says- the version is 1.2.
The setup shows it is installing version 1.2 also.
Checked the “About” section of the installed program- the version is 1.1.
Didn’t find any info about the program on the developer’s page, except option to buy it.
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[ Iaj Mi Huia ],
From [ https :// www . luxand . com/faceswapper/ ]
Create perfect-looking collages and win photoshopping contests with FaceSwapper! The innovative tool makes it easy to swap faces between images. FaceSwapper takes care of everything from detecting and selecting faces in both the original and target images to adjusting colors, gamma, and angle of the face to make it blend seamlessly with the destination background.
View our EULA, Privacy Policy and Uninstallation Instructions.
Automatic Face Selection
No lengthy manual selections and no complicated color adjustments are required – just click the two faces with a mouse, and FaceSwapper will create a smooth, natural-looking collage right away!
Jagged-free Edges
The automatic face detection and selection tool ensures jagged-free selection of the original face, which makes the source and target faces blend seamlessly to produce smooth, natural images.
Automatic Color Adjustment
No two pictures are exactly alike. Variations in background and lighting conditions produce images that differ significantly in their gamma and colors. FaceSwapper recognizes the difference and adjusts the face being transplanted to match the exact color and gamma of the destination image to produce photo collages that are as natural as the original.
3D Operation
FaceSwapper operates in all three dimensions, allowing you to adjust the exact angle and rotation of the original face. Full 3D operation produces smooth, natural-looking faces that look blended into the environment as opposed to being cut and pasted.
Have Fun!
Create a dollar or a $100 bill with your own face. Make a classic Greek sculpture with your spouse’s face. Enhance famous paintings with your face or your friends’ faces. Swap faces on a group photo. Participate and win in photoshopping contests. Do all that and much more with the new FaceSwapper!
Protected by U.S. Patent 8,879,804.
( Note: it's $39.94US digital delivery with repeatable downloads. )
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Some results, (all used images were downloaded from the internet):
And in this serie the steps:
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Ootje, Thanks for posting. Uncle Sam turned out pretty good :)
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Here is one I did earlier BTW
(Perhaps this could be added to my previous comment?
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See post No8.
The last post I made.
I have asked 2 hrs ago for the non working links to be removed.
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Is there a better software than this? I do not see paying for this program when it's not what it claims it does. Just glad this was a freebie for today....
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Terry, right now anything has to be better than this, I been waiting over 13 hours and haven't received an email and contacting customer support is pointless, they don't respond.
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Robert, I received the serial in minutes after installing, GAOTD should contact the developer to correct this before the giveaway ends or extend it through tomorrow till it is fixed. I reinstalled this software and played around with it, and amazingly, I have gotten good results. It's a keeper for now. I hope you receive your key soon. Many wishes.
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Sometimes with email from these offers I may receive no reply to my Hotmail and an instant reply to my Yahoo. And vice versa. So if you don't receive a reply to one email, try another one. Here is a suggestion....
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Fairly good but limited offering here today. It appears to be an unfinished product.
Needed Antivirus turned off on my W7 Pro 64bit.
Using a disposable email I received code within 25 mins and now have a registered copy.
You first are asked to load in a background, which can, of course be a face of an animal, human or a shop window if you prefer, and then a photo of a face from which the program extracts the main features (You can adjust the points of the parts but you cannot exclude any) and THEN you can lay the facial features over the background.
It is possible (Nay essential) to turn the 'face' in many ways to match the background as required and THAT is where this program shines.
Where it DOESN'T shine at all is that it lacks any Undo feature. Also no Blend or Blur to meld the two pictures and a brightness control that appears to do nothing at all.
Many of the usual villains are here like crop, rotate (90' Only) Etc. BUT I expect everyone will want to save the result to then open it in another Art/Photo program to finish the job - which is NOT good.
Worth keeping as a freebie for the clever face manipulation unless you already have something that does this already.
Thanks LUXAND and GAOTD.
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License was sent. The company sent unlicensed as long as it gave.
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It takes up to 1 hour to receive the key. Just be patient!
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Wolf Brosch, 5 hours. No response.
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this software good make ghost face appear on a picture make people think the picture is hunted ..
look at this example i made
this software dose not allow you to undo ..
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[ omar ],
In Luxand Face Swapper, click [ Edit ], and there's [ Undo ].
Also, click [ Picture ], and you can re-try with a different background, and re-try with a different face, and [ Edit Model ] let's you re-define the existing face.
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omar, oooh, that's creepy! Thanks.
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The email never came. Yahoo is my provider. Yes I checked my spam.
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Email sent wrongly claims username as the name entered on their page.
use EMAIL instead.
GAOTD team, thanks for all you do; and yet, those recaptcha's are super time consuming :(
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AR, been waiting for over an hour and still no email. Luxand support haven't replied either.
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