Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Equation Wizard 1.2 was available as a giveaway on September 1, 2007!
The program allows you to solve algebraic equations in the automatic mode. You just enter an equation in any form without any preparatory operations. Step by step Equation Wizard reduces it to a canonical form performing all necessary operations. After that it determines the order of the equation, which can be any - linear, square, cubic or, for instance, of the 7-th power. The program finds the roots of the equation - both real and imaginary.
You just enter an equation you see in your textbook or notebook and click one button! In an instant, you get the step-by-step solution of the equation with the found roots and the description of each step. The solution is completely automatic and does not require any math knowledge from you. Then just print the result or save it to a file.
Besides, the program allows you to simplify math expressions with one variable. Use this feature to speed up your calculations. Equation Wizard is an indispensable assistant for students at university and at school allowing them to save their time and make their learning easier.
Windows 2000/2003 Server/XP/Vista
1.26 MB
great software. i think its useful for working people. i dont recomend this to students
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Great, great software!
No more hard homework!
Kind regards,
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Well its ok software i mean no more math equations but the activate.exe doesn't work as it its supposed to and that has happened a lot lately i had to run it 20+ times before it worked
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Cheyenne (#84) - This is not a trial. Don't forget to run the activation - that will give you the full version.
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I can't believe it. The ONE day I lose Internet access on vacation and GOTD has something I'd actually like to look at! Thanks #92 to the pointer to Maxima.
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Hii Pls Help me ,
When I am trying to activate it says
"Activation module failed to connect to giveawayoftheday.com
software activation not possible at the moment,pls try later."
It is always telling like this.Pls help me
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woulda been usefull last year for meh :P lol
*is done school now :D*, oh well ^^ still a good download
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I always hated the people who just cheated on homework, which is obviously the only point of this program, as it pales in comparison to superior math programs such as Matlab, and it provides the work for solving. Anyway, I hope all of the people who cheat with this fail.
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Thanks GOTD!!
I'd like to meet the programmers of Equation Wizard. I bet they didn't cheat on math homework.
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this is an excellent software and wishing everyone happy using
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This software is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever seen. At no point is it even close to anything that could be considered a useful utility. Everyone on this site is now dumber for having downloaded it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
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Where was this 30 years ago, when I could have really used it? Great little app. though. Does what it's suppose to do. I like that it shows each step. So yes you can learn while using it. Unless youre just plain out lazy!!!
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Try Maxima. It is better.
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I've posted today's review - I hope you all enjoy it - thank you!
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"The day will come when machines and software will tell us whom to know; what to eat; what to wear; when to go to work and what profession to pursue; when to sleep; what entertainments to enjoy and with whom to have any kind of relationship. It can't be avoided and you will succumb."
~ Swan
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Not to be a spoil sport, but aside from the graphical user interface, this could be programmed by a novice C++ programmer in a matter of hours and the final program would only suffer slightly from ease of use and readability. To charge money for a program like this seems on the verge of being unethical.
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re: #10- game giveaway of the day is a different site... game.giveawayoftheday.com or something like that
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hope this helps
sorry for the caps hehe
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hmm dosent require math knownledge from you? uhh dont you anyone is gonna learn anything from this software. I'd think I would only use this software when i dont know the steps of doing the math problem and not for the ENTIRE HOMEWORK!!! but Great program thanks!!
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To everyone saying things like, "Freakin kewl! this will hepl my kidz n me wit teh scool work!":
It isn't tragic enough that most of the people who post here can't read or spell or put a sentence together. Now they have something to do their math homework for them. And the best part is you don't have to lift a finger to earn it.
You'd have learned a lot more from that solar system screensaver you made fun of a few months ago.
P.S. The people who want this for their advanced courses but can't figure out how to download it properly really add to the sad irony.
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I can't comment about this program. I came here today looking for the weekend game giveaway. No game no download for me. I will look back again.
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Am disappointed that it is a "trial". In other words, one can only solve 30 equations. I found this after the download and read the agreement.
So sad as I was going to tell my grandchildren about it.
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I am glad to see so many of you have downloaded this software, according to your comments you really need it.
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Great way to cheat on math homework! lol, jk But I'm sure I'll find some use for it.....
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if your using vista do run as administrator and it will activate (do run as admin for both activation and installer)
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Well, for those who keep insinuating that kids'll use this to cheat..that's undoubtedly true, but as a usual result of cheating, when test time comes around... And, no teacher would accept homework with only an answer on it and no work.
I personally would only use this when having trouble with an equation and I need to find out how to solve it, because everyone knows cheating will get you nowhere.
On to comments about the software:
I plugged two fairly simple equations: x^7 + 56 = 0, and x+8 = 9. The first one didn't have a good enough explanation--it went from x^7 = -56 straight to the answer. I thought it could've at least stated somewhere that you were supposed to take the seventh root of -56. The second one had too many steps..it said to move the 9, combine the -9 and 8, and then move the -1 over. You could easily just subtract 8 from both sides..
But, since this is generally helpful, I think I'll keep this. It would definitely help in my math homework, though how much is still to be determined. I give this software an 8/10.
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Excellent, this should help me put that extremely menial and boring Trig homework to rest.
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I finished school last year......, a bit too late...,still downloaded, appears quite good.Will try testing this with all sorts of equations from my maths texts of previous years.
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I was really excited when I read what the program can do. I'm currently taking collega algebra and I would love to be able to check my answer. Not only that it shows the steps it takes to get the answer. Unfortunatly it only works with one "unknown" and 90% of the problems I do have more than one unknown.
Other people have mentioned it only works up to 30 problems. I have yet to do that many problems with it but I really hope it works with an unlimited amount of problems. If not I have my trusty scientific calculator I bought at Walmart for $12.97 which can handle more than one unknown. (downside of it, is its very complicated whereas this program is very simple & you just input the problem.)
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sorry im gonna pass on this i thought it was suppose to be a game during weekends i graduated highschool so i dont think ill download this
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Bravo, thanks for Equation Wizard 1.2...
At your attention ( in french ) :
BYE & thanks.
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How do you get the full version. I only have 30 tries. I read someone downloaded activate.exe where do you get that? I didn't have an option to download it or read the readme file? I think I will ike this program but only if I can get the full version?!
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If you can't even install this software maybe you shouldn't be taking an algebra class anyway.
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After reading a certain person's comment (I think it was Belgian Dude?)
just the day before about making a calculator and offering it on here, this Giveaway is just hilarious.
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#49: I agree with you totally. Tools like this should be used as aids, not substitutes for learning. I teach high school algebra and fear tools like this will lower our competitive standing in technology even more.
Thanks to software like this China will dominate technology by 2012.
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SORRY, BUT another useless app...
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#5 close the program rerun the activation program and open it again it worked for me :)
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for those having the 30 problems problem (hehe) you are probably running vista. what you have to do is reinstall it but run both the activation and setup as an administrator (right click and click run as administrator) then it should work
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you have to activate first and then setup. works great though. Except for the fact it cant factorial anything over 20, looks fine to me
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The greatest Russian poet Aleksandr Pushkin (1799-1837) has said: "The mathematics is a poetry.". Today I see it could be a truth. Maybe...
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number5) you have to activate it before you install the program then it will work fine.
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I've just started A-Level maths and Further Maths... this is brilliant
Last year I searched the internet for hours for help on certain equations, now, If I'm stuck, I can use this, and it shows working, so I can learn from it.
Thank you GOTD / Elastic Logic
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this is brilliant... wish i had this when i went to school...
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well.....im not really a guy of algebraic, but this sofware comes in very handy for wanyone who have problem with algebraic.
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Hello all! Today's 15-Minute Review is up! Check it out!
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Brilliant!! It just found the answer to "Life,The Universe And Everything"
Bloody brilliant!!!!!
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I had to activate twice, then the 30 day eval went away.
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Very nice giveaway! Thank you.
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I downloaded the software but it will allow only 30 equations and then you must buy the software.
Was this not free software for unlimited use??
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as usual not activating. cant you guys do anything right?
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