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MultiStage Recovery Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — MultiStage Recovery

MultiStage Recovery is professional data recovery software for Windows
$49.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 649 90 comments

MultiStage Recovery was available as a giveaway on May 6, 2009!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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MultiStage Recovery is professional data recovery software for Windows. It can recover files from hard disks, floppy disks, flash drives, digital camera cards, and other digital storage devices.

With comprehensive detection, the software finds EVERYTHING that can be restored and it is ableto salvage files even in the most difficult cases when you re-formatted a FAT drive with NTFS or vice versa.The application is extremely easy-to-use, and no special skills are required. It supports ALL Windows file systems including NTFS/NTFS5, FAT12/16/32.

System Requirements:

Microsoft NT 4.0 (with SP4)/2000/XP/2003/Vista


Enplase Research



File Size:

2.51 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by IObit
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries
Developed by Disc Soft Ltd.

Comments on MultiStage Recovery

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Just tried this now and recovered a file that I accidently deleted. Seems to work ok, though admittidly the task I performed wasn't particularly difficult and the array of free cleaners out there would have done the same.

Reply   |   Comment by The Messiah / A Very Naughty Boy!  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I didn't download this one as I have a very good recovery program already.

For those asking can this program recover a file that has been overwritten - ermm NO. When a file is deleted, windows removes the pointer to the file location from the file allocation table but the data is still there UNTIL the space on the disk is overwritten. Once new data is written to that disk location the previous data is gone.

As for how good recovery utilities are, I have tried several when I accidentally recovered my PC from the recovery DVD and installed Vista onto an external HDD which contained about 60GB of photos. @ctive undelete managed to recover over 43GB of photos after Vista was installed then I formatted the drive but still got 43GB+ of files back. Most other recovery programs found a few files and some found nothing. This recovery took best part of a week including all the sorting out and directory renaming but when you have no other way to recover lost files it is worth the time and effort.

Not having tried this application out I cannot comment on it's effectiveness but it is not unusual for a recovered file to be corrupt. The 43gb worth of files I saved was out of around 49GB worth of recovered files - the other 6GB were corrupt files.

A 50$ program is only going to be partially successful - that is why professional data recovery is very very expensive. By the questions some people are asking, they want a 50 dollar program to perform as well as data recovery costing several thousands of dollars and several weeks of painstaking reconstruction in 10 minutes. Get real and accept that this application has limitations. As for the price - well $0 is a very fair price for recovering just one file.

Reply   |   Comment by Storeman  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Tip: Install it on a different drive than the one you want to recover from. less overwriting.

For #75, I think ImgBurn can view the sectors of a disc.

Reply   |   Comment by Aimee M.  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

# 5 and #7 - obviously the same person. Why are you claiming these are your reviews? As a commenter on this site mentioned yesterday, you had directly lifted your review from the Softonic review. And again today: http://www.softpedia.com/reviews/windows/MultiStage-Recovery-Review-36112.shtml

You do realize that plagiarism is serious, don’t you?

...yeah right, the FBI and Interpol will send their top detectives to root him out. Meanwhile...murderers are allowed to go free every day.

Reply   |   Comment by dog  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Well...here was a program I really could have used! But did not receive offer till day after, hummm?
Well I hope this or simular programs comes again soon

Thank you Giveaway of the Day, for all you do, and all you offer.

Reply   |   Comment by macro  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Looks good until you find that the largest file that can be recovered is less than 40kb without buying the upgrade. What a waste of time on a site that was improving the quality of its downloads over recent times.

Reply   |   Comment by davidj  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Why ? for the last few days, have I been receiving my free downloads from GiveAwayOfTheDay AFTER they have expired ?
Out of the last four offers, I wanted to utilize three of them, but could not, because they were not delivered to me in a timely fashion.
Nothing has changed on my end. I have the same address, same computer, same user, etc.
Please help & get this straightened out so I can resume enjoying your great services.

Reply   |   Comment by Rick  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

works great on XP

Reply   |   Comment by Jim Gregory  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Giovanni ...

I've had excellent success with GetDataBack NTFS from Runtime.org, the same people that have the excellent and free DriveImage XML imaging software that runs within Windows. The most difficult job was on a raid system, and neither drive was recognized by Windows or any other free recovery software. This software recovered it all (but it's not free).

Reply   |   Comment by Richard  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

@ Giovanni (#69)

I have to second #80 Bobbo's suggestion for Spinrite from grc.com.
Not free, but well worth the money.

Reply   |   Comment by G S M  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Program will not launch in Vista Home Premium. Windows offered no reason why or what to do to make it run. Any suggestions?

Reply   |   Comment by Larry Curleanmo  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

#22 You must have learned a lesson after the first to prevent the loss of a $100 software. Maybe you can try this software from GOTD to recover your failed hard disk to see if it is possible to recover this $100 software. And let us know it.

Reply   |   Comment by Andrew  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

In order to get rid of this problem and find a suitable way to discover the appropriate program for an unknown file type, you can check out the OpenWith.org Desktop Tool.


Reply   |   Comment by Abhimanyu  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)


I have used a commercial software for reovery of data on HDD's. It is at GRC.com Spinrite is currently on version 6. Read about it and decide. I have had success with this product since version 1. It seems Steve Gibson is not doing too much on updates these days but it does work.

Reply   |   Comment by Bobbo G  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded, and installed with no problem. I plan to use this weekend, to check it out.

Nothing will beat the price (free). So.. pls get it today, before this offer expired! You can delete it later if you don't want it.

In the past, I had one course in computer security (it was upper division, and the prerequisites are courses in C++/Java/UML/VB), and we used different tools (traditional Windows/Linux sw for investigator and law enforcement). The software used were: Encase, FTK, and one more (I just forget). A hex editor would be necessary.

The process of recovering lost files is always time-consuming, so pls don't think that 2 hrs is too long. It may take days.

Thank GAOTD for the free sw. I have just got to know this site since 2 mo's ago.

Reply   |   Comment by AlfredScientist  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

#5 #7 : Just an observation: A couple of days ago you wrote another review for Advanced System Protector claiming "Here is my own review". It was however picked up word by word from here: http://www.filecluster.com/reviews/122008/advanced-system-protector-clean-your-computer-for-free/
You can just point us to the original site instead. That will be more useful.

Reply   |   Comment by samg  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)


I'm not installing today's giveaway, but I recommend a free forensic tool call FTK Imager.

It can recover files that awere deleted, in slace space, unallocated space, and even bad clusters.

You can download it here:

Scroll down untill you se the Utilities section

Reply   |   Comment by reghacker  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Installs fine on XP SP2. This seems straight forward enough and I am basically getting it in case I need it in the future (this is a fairly new computer so I din't really need to use it at the moment). Wish it worked on Windows ME as I have an old computer that I would LOVE to recover some deleted files from. Ah well, can't expect stuff to work on outdated an OS.

Like others I got a 502 Gateway error from the mirror site but no problem from the main download. I tried for 2 houts to downloan the SoThink software last night but got 502's from both download locations.

Reply   |   Comment by LonniH  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Not bad.
But doesn't support CD/DVD recovery. As per '65' I have a DVD that says its empty, and is not recognised by any DVD-rom, but clearly has data on the disc. Anyone recommend software for recovering CD/DVD that cannot be mounted?
Many Thanks!

Reply   |   Comment by Rosco P Coltrane  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

@68 Giovanni, try the CD recovery tool IsoBuster, available at www.isbuster.com. The free version is all you will need to access your files (the full version is $29.95), just browse to the top p D:\ folder, and you should be able to access your files to copy ('Extract') to your functional drives.

Reply   |   Comment by nmanx62  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I accident format my hard driver, and I can still recover most of my photo with this software. I try many other freeware on the net, but this one is the best of all the one I tried.
Good lay out for the files, easy to use.For the amount of data process, it is pretty fast software too.

Thanks Giveaway

Reply   |   Comment by Matt K  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

My Documents = more/less~ 10 GB

DriveImageXML every time you feel like it to an external disk. Takes about ten minutes.

This has happend to a friens of mine whilst repartitioning a disk.

Yes, we got the "$mportent.doc" files back.

USE BACKUP instead! Recovery is for ... the lazy perhaps?

Reply   |   Comment by Otto  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Although I have such a tool installed on my slave, external & an 8 GB travel drive. I find that regular scheduled (run often) backups is a much better solution that scrambling to recover an accidentally or otherwise deleted file/folder. I have a backup software & it runs every 60 minutes while the PC is running thus, after more then a year, I have never once needed to use my file recovery application. Imagine that!
This is a plane, simple, nothing at all fancy file recovery tool that leaves a lot to be desired when compared to similar freeware like Recuva!

Reply   |   Comment by Charles K  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#67 - Irina Malinowsky

there is no registration number included in the text.

But in the text file are instructions on how to register the software (the bit about the activation program Activate.exe).

Reply   |   Comment by BuBBy  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Hi all!!

since I'm currently not at home and can't take a look at this TOOL till tonight I can't give any feedback about it even though it looks like a good application (75% THUMBS UP is not bad at all, is it?).

However I profit by occasion to ask you guys a question.

In short I lost a drive for some reason a few months ago losing all the data and files stored there and since then drive D only showed up as a RAW drive.

So the question is: can this program recognize that this drive was installed in my PC so that I can recover and restore all my missing files previously stored there??

If not, what TOOL do you suggest I should use to sort out this bloody issue once and for all??

I look forward to your kind reply!!!

Cheers from Italy!!


Reply   |   Comment by giovanni  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Hi all!!

since I'm currently not at home and can't take a look at this TOOL till tonight I can't give any feedback about it even though it looks like a good application (75% THUMBS UP is not bad at all, is it?).

However I profit by occasion to ask you guys a question.

In short I lost a drive for some reason a few months ago losing all the data and files stored there and since then drive D only showed up as a RAW drive.

So the question is: can this program recognize that this drive was installed in my PC so that I can recover and restore all my missing files previously stored there??

If not, what TOOL do you suggest I should use to sort out this bloody issue once and for all??

I look forward to your kindly reply!!!

Cheers from Italy!!


Reply   |   Comment by giovanni  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

After downloading and unzipping this program verified that there is no registration number included in the text. Upon launching, there appeared a header 'evaluation copy". It means that after 30 days I shall say bye-bye, it was nice having you on my computer?

Reply   |   Comment by Irina Malinowsky  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

DOES NOT WORK => This is another piece of SW that did not install or activate correctly. Mine did install, it seems, but crasshed right after activation and now crashes on start up!!

NOVA PDF last week also did not activate correctly and has no license!!

wRight after Nova PDF, we seemed to go back to have the license key in the readme file so I thought the site was having problems. Maybe??

For the proper context:

I have a Gateway laptop with a dual core AMD-64 processor, 2 GB of RAM and I'm running Viata Premium. I also have Norton ISS, which does allow activate to run.

Reply   |   Comment by Howard-d  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

oh are'nt we catty today 1st time poster after 2 yrs, LOVE this site, x-mas almost evey day thanks GOTD Team for many great offerings!!!
on a different note anybody know something to recover photo's from a cd done with "power to go",was originally verified good but upon trying said it was not formatted even though it was (photo's of friend recently passed} , vista basic system crash shortly after, PLEASE any help, THANKS.

Reply   |   Comment by deni  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

this is just a rerun of nothin great.

Reply   |   Comment by hernon  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Hey guys....on the plagiarism people.....these are not really people trying to post anything. This is someone from another free site trying to get some traffic by redirecting GAOTD's customer's. Just ignore them, all they are is annoying. Also don't go to their site since they aren't handling themselves very well. If they were intelligent, business-minded individuals they would post an honest post and then advertise their site at the bottom like everyone else does.

Reply   |   Comment by PJ  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

installed and works great on win xp sp 3

Reply   |   Comment by winracer  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

So far so good installed fine (win xp pro sp3) it's found files on my reformated drive but I've gotta go to the doctor so don't know if worked until after the giveaways over.

Reply   |   Comment by Stephen a.k.a. SkyWarpTFB  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)



pla·gia·rism [ pláyjə rìzzəm ] (plural pla·gia·risms)



1. stealing somebody's work or idea: the process of copying another person's idea or written work and claiming it as original"

msn encarta dictionary

Reply   |   Comment by Sue  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Hi all!!

since I'm currently not at home and can't take a look at this TOOL till tonight I can't give any feedback about it even though it looks like a good application (75% THUMBS UP is not bad at all, is it?).

However I profit by occasion to ask you guys a question.

In short I lost a drive for some reason a few months ago losing all the data and files stored there and since then drive D only showed up as a RAW drive.

So the question is: can this program recognize that this drive was installed in my PC so that I can recover and restore all my missing files previously stored there??

If not, what TOOL do you suggest I should use to sort out this bloody issue once and for all??

I look forward to your kind reply!!!

Cheers from Italy!!


Reply   |   Comment by giovanni  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Multistage Recovery is a relatively small program @ ~5.5MB, without all the bells & whistles of much more expensive software like Easy Recovery Pro, which carries a MSRP of over $400 US. How it stacks up against the competition (<=$50) is hard to say until you have a real disaster on your hands, trying to recover a disk full of fragmented files. In my experience when you're faced with that sort of thing, you're restoring the files to another disc &/or partition, so no harm in trying more than one recovery program, especially since like A/V software, one may pick up something another doesn't. Based on that, I installed today's GOTD, hoping that today is the last time I ever run it. ;-)

How this stuff works:
Data (files) on a hard drive (or most storage devices) uses a sort of Table Of Contents that keeps track of where everything is. When you delete files they're removed from the TOC, but the actual data is still there, for a while anyway -- once you write something new to the space where that data's stored, consider it gone. When/if that TOC gets damaged, or when you try to reclaim a just deleted file, it may not be that big of a deal -- you can use a recovery program like today's GOTD for a file or three, or try one of the disk utilities that will re-write the partition tables (TOC), but if it's been a while or you've suffered a disc problem, it can be like trying to paste together a crate of documents that's been run through a shredder. That's when apps like Multistage Recovery get a chance to really prove their worth.
Since writing over data you want back is a very bad thing, as soon as you realize you need to recover a file, you want to stop writing to that storage device immediately... if it's your Windows or system disc (the one Windows is installed on), & if it's a really important file you have to have, flick the power switch to off. Same thing if your System drive starts going. If you suspect a drive is going, make a disc image copy of it on another drive & try recovering files from that. Since you don't want to run Windows off of the same drive you're trying to recover files from, bootable discs, USB sticks etc that can run your recovery software is very cool. It's more of a PITA [Pain in...], but you can also plug the drive into another PC & run Windows & your recovery software off it's system disc, so if you install Multistage Recovery today, you'll want to add it to any other PCs you have as well. And of course if you do download & install Multistage Recovery, I really, sincerely hope that it's a total waste of time -- I mean that in a nice way. ;-)

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

# 5 and #7
Who told you to write that there is no wizard?!
There is a wizard. There was also in the previous version offered here!

Probably u have copied an old review and not even tested it yourself :-)

Reply   |   Comment by jumbi  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

#45 Thank you for such sweet and kind words. So you're saying this program is only good for those who don't maintain their systems? I think you underestimate the abilities of most computer users and their understanding of what is needed to maintain their systems. Crash me once shame on no manufacturers advice on how to maintain a system, crash me twice shame on me for not educating myself and listening to others who are qualified.
I went to school to know why NTFS to NTFS or vicey versy is harder to accomplish while recovering than a FAT32 to NTFS. Maybe you missed that class? I try things before I comment instead of judging the words of others, thus my final conclusion is this program like all others of its nature has its limits.

Reply   |   Comment by Phil  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-9)

Not good at all. Running Vista ultimate and as so as I try to run the program it gives me a vista dialog box to close the program. Junk in my book.

Reply   |   Comment by jes2389  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

FWIW, you seem to be getting a lot of duplicate comments today. Is there some sort of time warp or glitch in the server or something? I have been getting "502 Bad Gateway" from your download server for over twelve hours now, both main one and mirror, so maybe that's a clue.

Reply   |   Comment by windowsexplorer  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Has anyone herd of "Recuva", or have used it at all? The software is also free. Want to know the difference of the two. I do have the Recuva, and it does update, works good, first time I used it was in a SD card and recovered about 80% of the pictures.

Reply   |   Comment by Sark  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Thanks GAOTD. All comments offering free alternatives appreciated too!!

Reply   |   Comment by Peter  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

In my view it's always good to have a collection of data recovery tools. I see NTFS file recovery was mentioned earlier (which I purchased a while back - along with FAT recovery).

The nature of an in depth file recovery will take some time (at least 2 hours). Having recovered data from two low-level formats with an OS then installed on both I know this too well. (If you're thinking it's impossible to recover data from two low-level formats it did surprise me too).

GAOTD is a great site - along with the comments offering free alternatives which can sometimes be better.

Reply   |   Comment by Glynne  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Would anybody tell me if this program can restore files that have been overwritten?

Reply   |   Comment by pi  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-8)

It doesn't work on drives where the Master File Table or File Allocation Table has been accidentally deleted/erased. Keeps prompting me to "please insert a disk" or words to that effect for the drive in question.

So what good is it?

Does anyone know of a data recovery app that will do this? I need these files badly!

Reply   |   Comment by Just a guy  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

#5 and #7: You said there is no wizard? Well I am seeing one here unless your version is not the same as mine.

Very easy to use, nice interface, and speedy also. I have tried several freewares before, and not one of them is better than this. Tried to see what it can do by searching a disk where I have deleted many files yesterday, and surely, all the files were listed for recovery.

People will not be frequently using such softwares, but when the need suddenly comes, this is a software that I will want to have. So, I am keeping one in case of emergency.

Reply   |   Comment by Andrew  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Comments #5 and #7 don't just "seem the same," they are the same comments, excepting for the last line in the post. And they're obviously from the same poster since, while they have different names, they both point to the same site, which each comment claims as belonging to the poster.

As for plagiarism, comment #10 already linked to the nearly 3-year-old Softpedia review, which comments #5 and #7 quote verbatim. And comment #5 has at the end "if you like my reviews, visit my site, meaning that the poster is claiming ownership of the review they posted, giving no credit to the original author.

There's a difference between writing something similar to what others have written in the past and copying two paragraphs someone else wrote, word for word, presenting it as your own. The latter is called plagiarism, and it's wrong.

Reply   |   Comment by Jay G.  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+34)

#33 "#10 Do you actually know what plagiarism is? Though #5 and #7 seem the same they may just be someone’s attempt to cast a shadow of intelligence from a not so bright and self pretentious light. No where do they make claims or insinuate that the words they are using are their own. I’ve seen your question with the exact use of wording written by others for ages. Now if you write what they have written don’t you fall into the same catagory as #5 and #7? I mean after all you’re just using the same words as others to get a message across"
Well clearly YOU don't know what plagiarism is. Or grammar or syntax, judging by your post. Come to that, you have a very limited grasp of the realities of data recovery. Most people do not use disk cleaning tools to erase files, but merely the recycle bin. On the average HD with the recommended amount of free space to enable your system to operate effectively, it will be quite a while before your deleted data gets overwritten. This means that there is usually a very good chance of recovery of most of the stuff you have deleted. (This is as true now as when I was using Windows 3.1 with a 100mb HD and 5mb free space - even then most of it was recoverable). Finally, why don't you read the description properly? They say "even in the most difficult cases when you re-formatted a FAT drive with NTFS or vice versa" (note the spelling of "vice"!) In case you haven't figured it out, this is because NTFS to NTFS and FAT to FAT is comparitively easy to recover. Maybe you should ease up on the multitasking and take the time to read things thoroughly and reply carefully. That way you look less like a conceited adolescent fool.

Reply   |   Comment by earthbound  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-10)

Installed and ran fine on Vista Home Premium on Gateway laptop.
Thanks GAOTD

Reply   |   Comment by ikeup  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-12)

Thanks, GAOTD.

But this one here seems much, much better: http://ntfs-recovery.com/. Please, list it one these days.


Reply   |   Comment by Kamikuy  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-12)
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