Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Elprime Media Recovery was available as a giveaway on May 14, 2007!
Elprime Media Recovery is the professional data recovery software for scratched, damaged or defective CD and DVD disks, USB flash drives, memory cards, floppy disks and other storage media.
It uses an advanced data recovery technology to access and recover inaccessible files in Windows operating system. Elprime Media Recovery can recover all known file types and allows preview of recovered files too.
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
0.5 MB
Advanced Biorhythms is a program that forecasts your emotional, physical, intellectual, and intuitional activity cycles, also known as biorhythms. Advanced Biorhythms has unique user-friendly interface: handy calendar of cycles and extended info panel gives you all the information you might need (including comprehensive prognosis and advice of the day).
Skinnable analog clock, transparent in Windows Vista/2000/XP/95/98/Me. It can automatically disappear when the mouse cursor moves over it. Elprime Clock Pro can synchronize time with atomic clock/LAN and has advanced alarm scheduler and handy calendar.
august 15th again available at GOTD!
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#92, PCInspector's tools are cumbersome and useless! Elprime Media Recovery is 100x times better.
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Belgian Dude mentioned File Recovery from PCInspector... I have also used this for years.... completely free..http://www.pcinspector.de/file_recovery/UK/welcome.htm
But, PCInspector has another truly free prog named Smart Recovery that restores lost, deleted and really "messed up" FAT's...multiple types.
I had a USB stick that had FAT or MBR issues and I had a very important file I needed. After trying many file rescue apps including 2 above $100, I could not get the file......
Ran Smart Recovery with different FAT settings and this app retrieved my file.
File Recovery and Smart Recovery are always in my toolbox !
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i am late, did GOTD or any one give the third chance :(
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I had a DVD with a similar problem to #74 (Dailyvault), it was data backed up from a previous computer (same O/S), unfortunately, it didn't work for me so the disc must be OK and the files themselves must be corrupt.
Haven't tried it on a physically damaged disc, I look after mine too well, lol.
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#88, if you missed your chance at GOTD, you can still get your copy of Elprime Media Recovery at 50% of its price. Just follow this link:
and use SECOND-CHANCE as a coupon code. This offer will expire very soon, so don't miss your second chance!
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Great piece of software .. nice compact lil program .. i shall be using this one .. thanks GAOTD :)
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great great great BUT alas i am not at home to download and install
please give us a second chance
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I have and love Elprime's Clock Pro, and downloaded Elprime Media Recovery just now. I just wish that Elprime's products page at http://www.elprime.com/ provided more of an in-depth description of what they have available for sale. I personally find software with little explanation to be offputting, because I like to have a decent idea of what I'm getting. In fact, that's why I read all the Giveway of the Day user Comments made about a Giveaway before I download it.
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I am interested in checking this s/w out, but both the primary & mirrored sites are providing a download that is not useable. The file unzips to an unrecognized format, and no readme file. Certainly there is no executable file in the present download zipped file. Please repair asap, so that we can proceed.
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Re: Elprime Media Recovery
I tried Elprime Media Recovery on a badly encoded DivX 5 .AVI video CD(i.e. probably burned to fast--48X on Pentium 3 class computer). Unfortunately, the badly encoded files could not be played back even after running them with this app. I'm sorry; I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, but it just didn't work in this case. (I'd really hoped it would do a miracle.) Thank you for letting me try it!
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I needed a recovery for a floppy and some damaged CDs. I really like the automatic activation.
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Great little app to add to my toolkit, thanks! Maybe some of my CD's from the Eighties will be getting attention this weekend, think it will work on my laserdiscs?? ;)
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#60, we are watching you, and we are ready to answer your questions as quickly as possible.
Elprime Media Recovery Customer Support Team
Boy do I feel paranoid now!
Seriously though, thank you for this kind of attention - it certainly engenders more trust in your company and its business practices. I'll definitely be spreading the word about Elprime!
~ Swan
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Hello again everyone,
A few of you have asked me questions about the Glarysoft product. I've answered them over here in the forums.
Thanks guys,
~ Swan
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This software blows!!!. It is pure crap
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I opened Glary's utilities, click on "Check for updates" and it upgraded it to The program runs as an activated program ( I know becayse I ran it using the wrong account and it told me I had 30 days left).
I was lucky the I never used it, I downloaded activated it, run it and check tha it was indeed not a trial closed it and moved on to the next thing to do (I got so many..). I wasn't even aware that the aforementioned utilities were so destructive. Thanks for the heads up. Anybody knows if it is safe to use now?
No to the next task, download Elprime Media Recovery, install and activate it and run it once to make sure it is not trial :).
I'll post later if anything interesting pops up.
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I do not know about this program, but with other programs that I have downloaded from this site; after downloading, extracting, activating and installing under the current user, I would then have to log out and log in to each other user on this computer and click on the activate icon to make sure that the full-features of the program are available for each user.
Is there anything that I can do so that I can just activate once and all users for this computer can use the complete program?? Please let me know anyone. Thank you...And, of course, Thank You GOTD!
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Thanks GAoTD. This looks like something I can certainly use. I was wondering though for any of you out there, if you might know if this would be able to recover an older system's HD information... The computer that I am looking to bring back from the dead crashed on me back in 2002, and I haven't been able to get access to that hard drive since then... Will this software be able to get me access?
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Soon or later, this program might be very helpfull.
Thanks GAOTD.
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At first, I thought this program was going to be the answer to everyone's dreams. I have a DVD which has some files I had backed up from my hard drive, and it got damaged to the point that a few of the files are unreadable anymore. I tried resurfacing the disc with SkipDr, but it failed to do the trick.
Enter this program, and my attempt to repair and retrieve about a 168 MB audio file (.mp3, legally recorded). The program takes an incredibly long time to run - understandable, I guess, when you're working with damaged media - but after over 30 minutes, the log in the "recovered" file said it was able to only recover 1 percent of the file. Have to admit, I'm disappointed.
A very nice effort, GOTD, and perhaps I'm just one of the unlucky ones who has data that is irretrievable. But this program built up my hopes for a miracle, and it wasn't able to deliver.
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Swan what system are you running? I run xp and Glary seems to run great.
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One of the better Audio CD rippers is Easy CD-DA Extractor. It will try reading the music over and over again, then it will assemble the best of those reads. It is Shareware.
Remember that sometimes it might be the actual optical drive that has a flaw, and not the CD itself (in some cases).
After reading all the comments here in this thread, I feel a bit discouraged about this software, but maybe I will give it a try anyway.
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For all those twittering on about not having any scratched cds/dvds, please note this program works with USB keys too. Given that these can now carry in excess of 4GB of data, that makes this program a very good "filed in case I need it next week" kind of program.
As for the price, I paid £25 3 months ago for another recovery program to rescue my wife's data (college exam marks) from her USB key that had somehow become corrupted - PC Inspector was useless then, but the paid for product rescued almost all of the data in just a few minutes. The peace of mind of having the data back was well worth the price.
This software will attract the same kind of person who actually DOES something about backing up their hard drive data, so I WILL download it and keep it handy for the inevitable time when one of my USB keys goes cuckoo. Cheers GOTD.
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Floppy disk, sniff, the memories. lol
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I had some damaged data CD's. I always double-backup sensitive data for the same problem this software exists. I tried to recover five different files, including two zip files containing all sort of files types (exe, png, doc) and the application worked fine.
Cons: Only recovers one file at a time
Pros: It does what it claims to.
Creates a text file indicating, among other things, the percent of the file that was recovered.
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Very, VERY good software. Thanks!
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thank you BladedThoth for trying to connect gary untils.
Anyway, system restore worked
and to ~ Swan, this program does not recover files, it "fixes" them, so you won't be able to get back the shortcuts and folders you lost. (do microsoft system restore)
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To #53, Swan and #60, BladedThoth: please note the last comment on the Glary Utilities Giveaway of the Day page:
"236. Thank you all! The shortcuts bug fixed, please update it to version, the activation is still work.
Comment by Glarysoft — May 13th, 2007 at 10:44 pm"
I'm not sure the software can updated to the new version four days later . . .
By the way, perhaps it would be more helpful to make all comments for any GoTD offering on THAT page's comments, even after that day? When a comment about a past offering is made on another offering's page, it's out of context. It's much easier to follow when the topics are all related :)
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Re: today's program. I've no current problem but I've downloaded in case a problem should arise. A thank you to all concerned.
Re Glary Utilities I emailed as below and had a prompt and helpful respose, so I can only speak as I find.
Dear Team,
I'm aware that the above gift does not qualify for support; but, as this is day of the gift I wondered if you might help me?
I use W98SE and my Hard Drive has C, D and E partitions:
Your "Empty Folder Scan" works with E:\ but does not work with my C:\
Your "Process Manager" fails with an NTDLL.DLL message. The file resides at my C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.
Best wishes.
UK Mike
If you see my GoTD comments #43 and #51 you will see that I rate this product very highly. I thank you, and I wish you much success.
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#60, we are watching you, and we are ready to answer your questions as quickly as possible.
Elprime Media Recovery Customer Support Team
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Well, I tried the program with one of my son's very scratched mix CDs, and the program fixed it to a playable condition, and the process went very quickly, too. I was pretty impressed, and my son is going to be very happy.
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It is a keeper.
BUT, here is a head scratcher:
Would someone explain why it will open with the desktop shortcut icon, but the actual exe. file does nothing when double clicked.
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this piece of software has rx the highest rating to ate guys...the thing is that i fear is that many of the + raters have not tested the app yet...rather expectations on what the software can achive....take note GAOTD
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As an addition to #53 (Swan): I attempted contact, not to have recieved reply on it at all yet. I hope this isn't a sign of their support channel when it comes to issues of serious nature.
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@ #54 : I didn't try, but I seem #27 gave you the answer ! :)
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I'm asked to recover files daily, if it does only 5% of what it claims, it will be useful. Always happy to find new utilities to play with.
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Just tried the program with a scratched audio CD. Nothing is fixed. Instead the program breaks down. Not impressed.
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Fantastic piece of software. Will be VERY VERY handy
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This is the BEST giveaway so far this year, it works perfect and so easy to use. It's well worth $55 bucks, thanks GOTD!
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May anybody help me? If I reinstall my computer I lost a registration of the programs's GiveAway ? If it is... what I have to do?
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Good morning everyone! ;)
I have downloaded this product, but especially for my husband who takes care of this kind of maintenance. If he has time before work, I'll have a review in about an hour, if not, c'est la vie.
I was very excited at first, thinking perhaps it just might be the answer to all the files I lost with Glary Utilities (still trying to fix that mess!)
I can't believe just how many problems people had with that software. However, Andrew (BladedThoth) has contacted them directly on my behalf - one wonders why GOTD can't/won't be more pro-active in helping us when many of us had files destroyed en masse by their software.
I'd like to thank Elprime Software for today's free application in appreciation for our product review. It certainly does look like a useful product. :)
Thank you always to GOTD who search out software houses looking for those who would appreciate their software reviewed here. It would definitely not be an easy job to accomplish, especially with the software houses knowing that they're going to be giving out hundreds of product for nothing - well ok, for advertising and review. ;)
On another note, I'd like to thank those that have changed their inane comments here to giving decent software reviews - kudos to you! :)
~ Swan
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I put in my scratched CD, ran the software. Seemed to work. Took out my CD but it was still scratched, wtf!!
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Didn't even know I could get one of these programs anywhere, this is awesome.
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Doesn't ISOPuzzle do basically the same thing? I'll still try it though.
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Nice software, GOTD!
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#36 I have converted the cda files to mp3, using Windows Media Player. Also can covert to wav. Couldn't you do the same with the files recovered from the program? Of course I converted the cda file from the disk to my computer, so I don't know if that would be the difference. Might give this a try and find out.
But this looks to be a useful program. I know I missed out on one program here before because I thought at the time I wouldn't use anything like that, but only to regret later not getting it.
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This is super good. Thanks GAOTD.
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Hey #38 (Ballpeen): No prob. Fundamentally, requires rhe tables to mount the directory structure just so you can browse to the file to recover. Without it, not gonna do much good if the tables are corrupt or destroyed.
Hey #40 (Yaron): I have used similar audio applications to recover those CDs before. It was just a good way to test if it did recover audio CDs (Since it is not stipulated data media only and it says it covers all known file types, I wanted to give it a try.) That, and it is the only physically-damaged disc I have; The other disc I tested does not have any visible imperfestions, just a small block of data that for some reason doesn't read properly.
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