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Eassos Recovery 4.0.1 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Eassos Recovery 4.0.1

Recover lost files caused by deletion, formatting, virus attack etc.
$69.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 176 36 comments

Eassos Recovery 4.0.1 was available as a giveaway on March 4, 2016!

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Eassos Recovery is an effective and easy-to-use data recovery software, which can recover lost files caused by deletion, formatting, virus attack, partition corruption, etc. It recovers lost photos, documents, videos, music, apps, emails and other file types from all kinds of storage devices, such as damaged hard drive, memory card, USB flash drive, external hard drive etc. Eassos Recovery displays lost data while scanning is ongoing, and allows you to preview recoverable before recovery.

System Requirements:

Windows 2003/ 2012/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10


Eassos Ltd.



File Size:

32.4 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by Disc Soft Ltd.
Developed by 3DP
Developed by Baidu, Inc.

Comments on Eassos Recovery 4.0.1

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Downloaded, installed, ran the program, and the files on my external
hard drive were identified. then found I could not recover large files
unless I paid for the program. Was told I had the trial version.

Reply   |   Comment by Glen J  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I will be testing it this afternoon. By chance, a friend is bringing me her external hard drive that has had some sort of problem. Sometimes her PC recognizes it, other times not. The MFT (table of files) is definitely messed up. Win 7 recognizes folders ( when it recognizes the drive, but can't locate the files themselves. I'll try to recover the files first, before recovering the partition structure, if I can. That will be a good test for me.

Reply   |   Comment by Rick Siegert  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Regardless of customer testimonials or company name or what is similar, has any more than just one person actually use this program?

Reply   |   Comment by Leland  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I just used it and in the middle of a crucile recovery was forced to pay $40.00 or lose the info recovered. Neat trick, they recover lost files for you, then tell you to pay up to actually get them. Trish

Reply   |   Comment by Trish  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I first became familiar with Eassos software with their Partition Guru. It's frankly not my 1st choice for partitioning software, but it is something I keep handy because it's the only partitioning app I have that's fully portable. It usually works & it's never caused a problem, though I have had it fail to do stuff. If/when I need to do something with a partitioning app & don't have one installed, and I don't want to install one, it's the tool I reach for.

So I was naturally interested in taking a look at Eassos Recovery. I've already got the free Recuva portable, & I rarely run recovery apps, but I thought it was hopefully something painless that I might add to my toolkit for an optional 2nd try, for when/if I ran Recuva & it didn't get me what I was after.

Then I got annoyed... When I went to monitor the app in a VM, Eassos Recovery pops up a message to please not run it in a VM, though the program did *seem* to run there fine. I got the same result when I tried to activate Eassos Recovery, but then it wouldn't show the activation dialog. I thought it might be caused by my using win7's VPC, but it did the same in VBox. So I activated the software in a regular copy of win7, & tried to run it in a VBox VM -- it starts up fine, but when I click on one of the 4 recovery options, I get the same pop-up, & won't go past that initial menu. Not working in VMs won't bother most people, but that's often exactly where I want/need portable apps, to keep the VM's size on disk as small as possible.

[Their web site does show a different Eassos Recovery menu, one that includes recovery from a VHD (Virtual Hard Disk), so maybe this is something that's coming in the future but is problematic today, or something that they had problems with & removed.]

That out of the way, Eassos Recovery does seem to work -- I say "seems to", because after doing a deleted file scan I didn't test every one of the thousands of files it offered to recover. And I say "seems to" because the partition I scanned hasn't seen a lot of use, so there are much fewer partially overwritten files/folders. Which is fine for *me*, because for me it's an option after running Recuva. And it is portable, doesn't take a lot of horsepower, is reasonably fast [at least with the deleted file scan], taking up ~20MB. It's also easy to use, meaning I didn't see anything that would or should cause any confusion [Recuva's options might].

After selecting the deleted file scan you select the drive partition you want to scan, then have the option of adding file types to Pay Special Attention to -- what that means is that you'll have a 2nd tab with the scan results, with that 2nd tab showing found files/folders sorted into the types of files you chose.

Otherwise I didn't see anything misleading on the vendor's site, & have not received an email from them after activating & using Partition Guru since July, 2015. [That's not to say that some of the spam I get hasn't come from them selling their address list, but I'm probably too lax about that, almost never trying to track that sort of thing down.] Thanks Eassos & GOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

If you're looking to recover .flac (lossless audio) files, then this is not for you. It has a lot of file types listed, but .flac, which 90% of my music files are, is not listed anywhere. Neither are epub or mosi's (e-book files). I am uninstalling and sticking with Recuva, which is freeware, and finds pretty much EVERYTHING!

Reply   |   Comment by Mike OD  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Mike OD
Work in "Do Your Data Recovery"

Reply   |   Comment by Ivan  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Another update regarding Eassos, for you folks who want to be entertained!

Well, in an earlier post I stated how one of the customer testimonials on their website had a photo of a woman claiming to be 'Adrian', the writer of the testimonial. That picture is in fact of Monica Belucci, an Italian movie star.
Another GOTD-er responded to my post, saying that perhaps it's not intentional deception by Eassos; perhaps whoever sent the testimonial likes to masquerade as Monica Belluci. Well, ok...

But let's take a look at one of their other customer testimonials, from someone named "Kelvin" (Kelvin? Is this the guy who invented the temperature scale?) So Kelvin says,

"The software is awesome! It recovered all my deleted files from empty Recycle Bin just like magic. Very quick and useful. Thanks so much."

That's really wonderful. Kelvin also has a picture. Except, like "Adrian's" pic, it's not really "Kelvin." It appears to be a photo of an individual named Wang Kaijie (aka Yamur Kursat Ersagun), a Turkish man charged and convicted of several counts of rape in Taiwan a few years back. I'm glad he's having a good experience with this data recovery program in between his stints in a Turkish prison. Here is a link to the news story, which includes the photo they are using for their "testimonial." The story appears originally in Chinese but is fed through Google Translate (it's not such a good translation, but the gist of the article is quite clear): bit.ly/1TvAL6u

Boy, these Eassos guys really have an uncanny ability to choose their testimonial pics! (and I don't think I've ever been so entertained by a GOTD...)

Reply   |   Comment by Robert Garofalo  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+49)

Robert Garofalo There is a need for less of the silliness amongst smaller 'developers', many of whom pay for the equivalent of what's called an 'OEM Partner License' to pump out software that isn't from them but from a major player. The majors don't need to resort to the kind of daftness witnessed in last Tuesday's GOTD 'Adoreshare' giveaway nor the pictorial felicities of this 'Eassos' offering today, both of which ring alarm bells loud enough for even the most careless computer user to run for the hills.

It has seemed to me, on my various travels, that a fluent English speaker with a facility for penning, er, 'endorsements', could do well to drop in on some of the smaller outfits operating from here:


Sadly, most software users haven't a clue how the global software industry works or how, in the case of the above location, the many dozens of developers (some large, many not) gathered there in that one place are estimated to be responsible for around 75% of China's staggering volume of software output. In truth, most computer users have no idea there's any such place as Chengdu anyway, or that -- going back to the topic of today's giveaway -- the Chengdu Wiyo Tech Development Company is the brains behind EaseUS and that it licenses its stuff for re-sale as re-branded product:


Whether or not Chengdu Wiyo is wincing at the painful 'Eassos' v 'EaseUS' I've no idea, because it has to be acknowledged that the the two product lines are superficially similar. I'm inclined, however, to the view that today's giveaway offer isn't EaseUS re-badged: Chendu Wiyo is a leading player, via its long-established EaseUS brand, and with sufficient corporate wits to realize that flogging software on the back of pictures of wrong-gender users (including, it seems, rapists) ain't A Good Idea.

Which brings me to today's offer, and GOTD's important role -- because it is important -- in not only providing a service to computer users but to software publishers and developers as well, thanks to the genuine market research value of the GOTD comments thread.

I won't be alone in saying thanks but no thanks for today's offer on the straightforward basis that I'll no more allow into my home an individual of dubious provenance than I'll allow software of dubious provenance onto my computer. And if that message, via GOTD, gets across to outfits like 'Eassos' -- the message that consumers aren't stupid; that they value transparency above mendacity and honesty above deceit -- then maybe, just maybe, the era of the moronic 'testimonial' will come to a close and we'll have a marketplace far less opaque than is currently the case.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

I always read the GotD comments before trying the software. Sometimes I learn amazing things, like I did here.

I noticed the name similarity and now I know more about this whole deceptive rebranding practice.

I know the gas I buy at one station can be the same as sold by a different station with a different name and price.

I know the medicine I take could have been made in another country and sold in yet another coutry for far less than I pay here, maybe even with the same brand name.

I know this particular "OEM Partner" arrangement is legal too, but ...
Fake testimonials? Insulting.
Name similarity? Isn't that like domain parking, waiting for that typo to begin phishing? Unsavory.

Good job GotD commenters!

Reply   |   Comment by Ed Ecklund  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

I appreciated your comments, MikeR, and found them interesting. It seems we share some of the same opinions. Thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by Robert Garofalo  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Ed Ecklund
Yes, it reeks highly of typosquatting or brandjacking, both of which are described in this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typosquatting.

Reply   |   Comment by Robert Garofalo  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I downloaded ER 4.0.1 and opened file, then to register, but can't since I don't have licence code. Did I miss something?

Reply   |   Comment by rich pelcher  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

Refuses run on a virtual machine !
Why not ?

Reply   |   Comment by bjon867  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

With this type of program its sorting out the results that I have difficulty with. I gave this one a try and for me it is not at all intuitive and although I have only glanced at the online help which I found very minimal and have no more time I realise that to use it I will need lots of experimental trial and error. For example before I started a scan I clicked on select file types and blanked all but photo files. When the results began to appear I expected to get a list of only photo files, and some sort of sorting like "deleted files" "corrupt files" hidden files" etc but what appeared to appear was a complete directory of my disk with every file on it. even ones that did not need recovering and no color coding I could see. It had a filter file button that I tried to use but found hard going / mystifiing then looked at the help - no help within the time I have. Enough said except to the developers. People wanting to recover files dont want to spend days trying to work out what the results mean.

Reply   |   Comment by David Murphy  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+27)

David Murphy
I'm not a big or frequent user of recovery apps, so I can't recommend an alternative that does a much better job sorting potentially found files/folders for you, but they do exist -- I was sort of hoping someone might reply to your post with those alternatives. I know the free Recuva portable I use does color coding, showing you the likelihood of a file being recoverable.

"... before I started a scan I clicked on select file types and blanked all but photo files.

Then you should see just photo files on the 2nd tab of the results, or at least that's how it worked for me.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

To be sure, after looking at their website, the Lifetime License version, 30-day License version, and Free version have the exact same features.

A company that has three different product names in this manner, and without a webpage dedicated to 'comparing editions' seems to be dishonest to me.

Reply   |   Comment by arttronics  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+30)

To be fair, they DO have a table comparing the different editions. I found it here: http://www.eassos.com/data-recovery-software.php

And they do essentially have the same features; the substantive difference between them is in the amount of data they allow you to recover. For example, the free edition limits you to less than 1GB.

Reply   |   Comment by Robert Garofalo  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+41)

I just wanted to add (what the hell happened to the "Edit" button?) that I don't think having multiple versions of the program is dishonest, and the chart more or less spells everything out.

But having fake customer testimonials on the homepage certainly isn't honest.

Reply   |   Comment by Robert Garofalo  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+42)

Robert Garofalo
Thank you Robert for posting a link to the comparison page, and my manual web-page spidering skills were not at 100% yesterday. I always aim for fairness.

Besides an Edit Button, a Delete Button would be good, so that I can delete my original comment.

Thank you Eassos for providing a clear product comparison page after all.

Robert, as for me, product testimonials will always be a fake thing, unless it's on Facebook or Twitter from friends that I actually communicate with (vs campaigns that Like or Tweet something artificially.) I suppose it goes back to the days of TV, where the person promoting Tylenol or Bayer Aspirin states "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV". Well, at least that's a form of disclosure. Anyhow you made valid points in your comments about those endorsements, +1 from me too.

Reply   |   Comment by arttronics  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Could this company "Eassos" be engaging in a little 'name-trading' (e.g., when you designate a company or product name very close to another, preexisting name, in order to glom unsuspecting customers)? Because their company appellation sounds like the moderately well-known 'EaseUs", whose website, at least, predates theirs by around six years.

Of course, this could just be a complete coincidence, but their entire product lineup is very similar to that of Easeus's (for example, Easeus has Partition Master, Eassos has Partition Guru, and they both sell similar data recovery programs), and their respective websites seem remarkably similar, so... it does seem highly suspicious.

I only mention this because, even if I give Eassos the benefit of the doubt that their software, including today's free offering, is any good, the name-trading practice leaves a bad taste in my mouth. You see it all the time, particularly with apps, software, services, etc., where a newer company will try to get in front of something that's popular and trade on customer confusion in order to take a competitive shortcut. And while there perhaps is nothing illegal in naming your game "Flippy Bird" after "Flappy Bird" becomes a big hit, it just casts a certain pall of dishonesty over the enterprise, as well as implying a certain creative bankruptcy. Personally, it gives me a negative vibe. Like I said though, the similarity in names could just be a coincidence yeah right.

P.S.: I'm certainly not trying to dissuade anyone from trying out the GOTD; it's just my (humble) two cents.

Reply   |   Comment by Robert Garofalo  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+82)

Oh, I'd like to add one more thing...
On Eassos's home page, in the "Awards and Reviews" section about halfway down the page, they have some customer testimonials consisting of short blurbs with photos. One of them purports to be from "Adrian:"
Thank you for the great software which helped me recovered photos from my SD card after it got formatted by accident. Thanks again.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with that, right? Except for "Adrian's" thumbnail pic, they have a lovely photo of Monica Belluci, the famous Italian movie actress.

I almost spit my coffee all over my laptop. Anyway, my confidence in Eassos just went way up! I mean, Monica Belluci is a fan! I wonder why she didn't use her real name though...?


Reply   |   Comment by Robert Garofalo  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+50)

Robert Garofalo

Good for a smile but the Adrian may have used that photo for his own as his joke. Doesn't have to be a deception on the part of the company. I am sure I'd not recognize that Monica if she ran up and bit me. Others are the same, no doubt.

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-14)

Although what you say is remotely plausible, since they don't state how and from where they are obtaining the testimonials, it would be difficult to say for sure.

It's curious though, if someone sends them an unsolicited testimonial, are they sending a photograph along with it? Not likely. If Easos receives a testimonial, are they reaching out to the sender to ask for a photo to use on their website? Could be, but that sure doesn't sound likely either. And I don't see any user forum on the website, where they could potentially grab profile pics or an avatar, so where exactly do they get those pictures from?

The most likely explanation, IMHO, is that they themselves are concocting the testimonials (the bad grammar is an additional clue) and then slapping photos that they grab randomly around the web on there.

Reply   |   Comment by Robert Garofalo  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

Robert Garofalo
Purely, Totally FWIW, maybe I've gotten cynical over the years, but I can count on one hand the number of companies I've encountered that have *consistently* been honest in their claims & marketing.

I'm NOT saying you shouldn't feel that way Robert, or have & share a decent cause for a laugh or three.

I am very mildly suggesting that if someone were to completely avoid all dishonesty in marketing, they wouldn't use a car or truck, would have a hard time stocking the pantry, would almost never watch TV etc. ;)

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Robert Garofalo
As soon as I saw the company name, I thought of them as knocking off EaseUS' software, so I am not even going to download anything from Eassos. Ever. EaseUS is a good company with good products. Can not say the same for a company (Eassos) that gives itself a similar name to confuse people, and I won't even venture to go to where they could possibly steal from another company.

Reply   |   Comment by mahaal  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Yeah, I agree with you mike; I think, unfortunately, that many --or most--companies lie in their advertising.
Which is why it feels good to attack and expose the ones who are particularly inept at it!

Reply   |   Comment by Robert Garofalo  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

When register, asking for License E-mail, can you submit your email? Ty

Reply   |   Comment by Vic  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-17)

all good I think was just blocked to prevent loss of data as this really needs it's own usb to be installed on

Reply   |   Comment by shadow seeker  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-15)

shadow seeker
Actually, it doesn't need a usb device to be installed on. Another partition at the pc will do.

Thanks a lot for today's generous offer. However, I'm covered by an almost simular program, EaseUs Data Recovery Wizard - perhaps a remote long lost cousin to, Eassos ;o)

Reply   |   Comment by Allan  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)


Can you put this program on a usb stick and use it from that

Reply   |   Comment by jim  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

"Can you put this program on a usb stick and use it from that"

Eassos Recovery is portable so yes.

I think it might be helpful to point out that if/when you only have one OS installed on a system or device, what you might be after with a recovery app [or apps] is a bootable solution, that will run an independent OS where you can run that recovery software. That's because if you want to recover files/folders on the same disk partition as Windows, running that copy of Windows might destroy some of the files you're hoping to recover.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Everything is possible, if you have the software to make programs portable. Otherwise, there's lot's of portable stuff out there. Take a look here : http://www.softpedia.com/get/PORTABLE-SOFTWARE/System/Backup-and-Recovery/Portable-Wise-Data-Recovery.shtml

Reply   |   Comment by Allan  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

what email to use when registering

Reply   |   Comment by keith  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-19)

I just made up a mail-adres:

Reply   |   Comment by Ashamp  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"I just made up a mail-adres:"

Yeah, I think if there is someone actually using the email address: mike@aol.com, they must truly hate me for all the spam I've sent their way over the years.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)
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