Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
DVDFab Video Enhancer AI was available as a giveaway on February 2, 2022!
DVDFab Video Enhancer AI is an AI-based tool for video quality enhancement and resolution enlargement. With AI models that are trained by a neural network plus super-resolution technology, automatically enhance videos or movies with poor image quality and low resolution. Enjoy an improved viewing experience of these videos when played on a large screen.
The user with the best improvement idea will be rewarded with a 1-year license for DVDFab Player 6 Ultra. Please use IdeaInformer Widget.
Windows 10/ 11; RAM: Minimum 8GB
1.73 GB
1 year license
DVDFab Photo Enhancer AI is the ultimate tool for making photos look better. Utilizing deep neural networks that are trained with millions of professionally enhanced samples, Photo Enhancer AI can upscale pixelated photos without losing quality. It can also apply cartoon effects to photos, reduce noise in photos without losing detail, sharpen photos that are blurry, as well as colorize black and white photos.
AI-Powered interpolation boosts frame rate up to 60 FPS and makes videos smoother. DVDFab Smoother AI works by distinguishing between foreground and background elements, and then generating new frames and slotting them between the original frames, increasing the video's frame rate up to 60 fps for smoother viewing.
Using the Super-Resolution technology, DVDFab Enlarger AI, the world's 1st complete, deep learning capable video upscaling solution, can enhance video from 480p (SD) to 1080p (Full HD), or from 1080p to 4K. It enlarges the video images by 300%, and in the meantime, add in great details to improve video quality exponentially.
A versatile DVD Ripper software that can rip any DVD to any mainstream video & audio format or device in support of video playback with a sea of profiles provided.
Different from other Blu-ray ripping software, DVDFab Blu-ray Ripper can rip Blu-rays to lossless video (MP4/MKV/M2TS.Passthrough) and audio (DTS-HD, TrueHD, TrueHD Atmos, DTS:X), leading to quality playback for home theater.
Dear GOTD users,
the registration is fixed now and you should have no problems registering the program.
Please try to register your copy again!
Sorry for the inconvenience!
GOTD team
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Helen, I uninstalled the GOTD version and downloaded directly using the link in the eMail. Installed again and it registered OK. Trying it out at the moment. Hope this helps, Frank.
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Sorry, thought I had it but it stopped working after 10 minutes, tried again and it's back to the trial version. Frank.
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Dear Helen,
Registered again after seen your message. Successfully registered on this time and thank you
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I tried numerous times in the first few days but never received the email or license. Sad because I wasted a lot of time trying.
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I tried to install the day the program was offered and never received an email with the license. I just tried again using the web address in the readme and it said I am already registered. I went to the main website to register, it let me and said the next step was that I was supposed to receive an email. I have received no email. What can I do?
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I downloaded yesterday and tried several times to register/authorized it several times and each time the program stated user name or Password is incorrect.
I followed the directions carefully.
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I tried at least 10 times yesterday and it would not work. I can't believe I wasted all that timeNow I'm reading other people were unable to authorize it as well. Of course this is the next day I'm making this comment this comment and the deal has passed and I am so disappointed. I have been using the voice of the day for approximately 10 years and this is the 1st time I have not been able to get a downloaded app authorized.
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Radiospotz ,
the registration is working now, which is noted in the first comment!
GOTD team
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I tried last night around midnight (EST) and it still was not working. Will it still work today (Thursday 02/03)?
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the registration is fixed now and you should have no problems registering the program.
Please try to register your copy again!
GOTD team
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The registration process worked like a charm now.
Thank you for your help.
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Pretty disappointing last night with repeated installs and attempts to register in time. At least this morning it registers correctly. No idea how well it actually works yet. Hopefully MUCH better than the registration!
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the registration was fixed as soon as possible and we did everything what we could do!
Things sometimes doesn't work out the way those were planned, no matter how well you prepared your part - there is also developers side that we can't control.
Our project always tries to stand to its words and I always thought that we deserve our users to be a little more loyal and understanding, but seeing how aggressive, blaming and negative people are here, looks like appreciation is not what we can expect. And we see all this every day for something we offer for free! Pretty disappointing for people standing behind the project too!
GOTD team
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Dennis, Yeah I figured out gmail wouldn't get a link sent to it, so I had to use ProtonVPN to enter another email on their website (they IP block after first try) and after sending them a hotmail link (their customer support wouldn't respond because they're all on vacation in Hong Kong, China for Lunar Holidays) I finally received the email from their automated system, not sure if gmail is just blocked or what I waited over 12 hours on my gmail account and never received a thing from them.
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Hopefully this will get a re-run in working order.
I shall save my download in the hope of this happening.
Fingers Crossed
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Terry I,
the registration is working now, which is noted in the first comment!
GOTD team
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I was having trouble get authorization until I googled and saw program needed to be installed as admin. Nothing in setup advised the need to install as administrator. After I installed as admin the program authorization was successful. "Right-click on the installer file and select “Run As Administrator”. In the first window, click on “Click to Install” to start the process."
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the program doesn't require this, the registration was just fixed at that time already!
GOTD team
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After I finished downloading this big, zipped file, a window popped up entitled Compressed (Zipped) Folders Error. The window contained the following message, "Windows cannot complete the extraction. The destination file could not be created." This is the first time I have ever seen this message in over 20 years of internet use. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
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Nemo437183, I saw this message also.
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I am afraid I will have to miss out. I live in the country. My download speed is too slow. I normally get 1mbs but I am getting around 100K. Reckons 7 more hours so going to be out of time. Shame. I need a system of registration after installing a temp program, and after registration, then I get the download.
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Biker 48,
I'm not nearly as limited as you, however I've been having problems with slow internet speeds as well. Just managed to get online to check out the giveaway, and there was only a few hours left to it. With my speed troubles it looks like a 2-1/2-hour download. While that would still fall within the window, I work in the morning, and can't stay up that late so that I can go through the whole process of install and activation once it were to finally download. Loosing out here as well, unfortunately.
Then again, with all the activation problems everyone seems to be having (typical for DVDFab), I probably would have stayed up for nothing anyway...
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Repeatedly tried to download via a fast fiber connection. Keeps getting stuck at 73 MB, a tiny fraction of the download.
I will try throughout the day but am not hopeful.
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With conventional software anything you do with video [or photos] is going to reduce the quality, if sometimes only slightly -- that's why pros shoot at a higher quality / resolution that what they'll use for final delivery. The original has a finite amount of data, and you'll lose some of that data editing. Using AI however you can add data, and not just through interpolation [software guessing] -- AI learns through processing vast amounts of images &/or video what stuff is supposed to look like, so it can basically add to the original data you feed it. The more data AI is fed, the better it gets, so things like DVDFab Video Enhancer work better the more they're used, e.g. some of Photoshop/s AI filters show dramatic improvement a year after introduction. A downside is that using AI isn't always fast -- DVDFab says: "... the time needed for the conversion differs a lot due to different PC hardware configurations and users’ output demands, ranging from 8 to 30 hours."
Because it takes so long you're probably not going to see reports of how well a newly installed copy of DVDFab Video Enhancer works. I am optimistic however after using the Denoise portion of DVDFab Photo Enhance AI, though there are 2 things concerning that earlier GOTD I want to warn about. One is relatively minor -- the software stores temp files in [My] Documents, and very frequent changes in those temp files can be a PITA if that's synced with OneDrive, so turn off syncing for the DVDFab folders. The 2nd problem is that on *some* photos / images there are small areas where the process actually distorts the original.
That said, I'm excited at the possibility of converting some of the Many DVDs we have to a higher resolution that's watchable on our 4k TV.
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mike, so what you are saying is that the original is modified and will never look like the picture of that moment and time. The exif will be changed and the original becomes artificial or as you call it AI picture. No thanks, I like the shadows and imperfections as well, they tell a story of the moment when the picture was taken and having artificial sun or shadows added makes it unappealing to me.
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Moriss, and what would be the problem to copy the original exif to the resulting file, corrected by AI? you wouldn't even realize that there was some manipulation in the image.
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mike, I tried it on an old TV show video (501x384, 99MB) and selected "For Home Video" and scaled to 480p (628x480), and the estimate, with GPU acceleration, was over 20 hours! I let it run for about 4 hours (sometimes the initial estimate will quickly go down with some programs) and it still had 16 hours to go.
I just tried again, and this time it's 30 hours.
I can't see myself ever using this program, except for one-offs in exceptional circumstances. Unless, of course, I could tap into NASA servers to help with the processing load.
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The authorization process (using the info provided from the 'how to authorize...' email) fails with "User name or Password is incorrect, please check it"
I am an existing customer with a StreamFab lifetime license. Maybe that's the problem?
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Jeremy Tarrier,
you need to enter the information from the email you have received,
not your name or email!
GOTD team
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Helen, I have tried that myself several times as well but have no joy. I keep getting the "User name or Password is incorrect, please check it" message. I've copied the info to load it exactly and tried entering it manually, but it makes no difference.
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I'm using information from that email and getting "User name or Password is incorrect, please check it."
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I did use the information provided in the email. It failed with the error message "User name or Password is incorrect, please check it". I checked it and confirmed that I had entered the correct information.
I am still unable to complete the authorization process.
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Helen, I also just tried to activate copying the acct email and pwd in the email you sent and I'm also getting the same error message
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maybe there is some problem on the developers end - we have contacted
the company already, but it is late night over there and I'm not sure we'll get reply today.
But the problem will be solved anyway, please don't worry!
Maybe we'll launch the re-run if needed.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
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maybe there is some problem on the developers end - we have contacted
the company already, but it is late night over there and I'm not sure we'll get reply today.
But the problem will be solved anyway, please don't worry!
Maybe we'll launch the re-run if needed.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
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Jeremy Tarrier,
maybe there is some problem on the developers end - we have contacted
the company already, but it is late night over there and I'm not sure we'll get reply today.
But the problem will be solved anyway, please don't worry!
Maybe we'll launch the re-run if needed.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
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maybe there is some problem on the developers end - we have contacted
the company already, but it is late night over there and I'm not sure we'll get reply today.
But the problem will be solved anyway, please don't worry!
Maybe we'll launch the re-run if needed.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
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I am also unable to register after getting the email from DVDFab with the license info they say I am supposed to use. Doesn't work. Hopefully they will get this fixed since I'd love to try out this software. DVDFab usually has good software, so it's disappointing that I cannot register.
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How do you activate? Program installs as a demo, and only allows for the conversion of 5 videos.....
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The registration process is always described in the readme file.
Please refer there every time you install any GOTD program.
GOTD team
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You're absolutely correct. I went back to the readme file, and the sign-up instructions WERE there. My apologies! Thanks.
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1.73GB Size?
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tnp, 1.73 GB Size. Are you in shock ? Yes, so I am
What about normal prise 110$ ? ~ 1 $ for 100 MB of this software, shocks me too
If only it workes how it shoud work
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